I Can Be Your Savior

By stylesclash

269 9 2

Like just every cliche romance movie, Jay (and Adam) is (well, are, if we're getting grammatically correct) t... More

I Can Be Your Savior: Chapter One
I Can Be Your Savior: Chapter Three

I Can Be Your Savior: Chapter Two

69 2 0
By stylesclash

Disclaimer: All characters used are not mine and belong to their own company. Any songs or song lyrics used belong to the artist and will be credited as so.

Warnings: the following contains bullying, physical and emotional abuse, homophobia and homophobic language/slurs, underage drinking, drug abuse, suicidal thoughts, sexual relations between a seventeen and eighteen year old

Chapter Two:

The first three periods of his day are alright. He's always been a huge nerd, even though he took classes below his level so he and Adam could have the same schedule. He supposes he doesn't mind it. It means less work, less brain power used on a daily basis, and he gets to spend a lot of his time with his best friend.

Besides, he's not going to college. He's going to become a professional wrestler, and he doesn't have to have perfect grades and a high school career decorated with AP and Duel Enrollment courses.

He could definitely handle them, but he chooses not to.

Except for when it comes to English. He's always excelled in that class, probably because he was blessed with excellent teachers every year who he genuinely bonded with, and it's by far his favorite subject. This year, he's taking AP Literature, which was pleasant for him in his old school. He can't imagine it being any different.

It's taught by some guy named Mr. Heyman, and he seems to be well liked amongst the kids who have him.

But Jay pushes all of that out of his mind as he realizes a travesty has occurred. He quickly rushes over to where Adam is sitting at one of the lunch tables - fourth period lunch, woo-hoo - and he's practicing bursting with anger.

"What crawled up your ass and died?" Adam asks, raising his eyebrows in genuine concern.

"They don't have a hockey team here," Jay replies, shaking his head, "What kind of school doesn't have a hockey team?"

"Dude, we're in a city full of country people. I'd be surprised if they even knew what hockey is," Adam points, "Besides, the only NHL team here is the Thrashers, but they're complete shit anyways, so nobody except die hard fans are gonna root for them."

Jay knows that Adam is right, but that doesn't make this wrong. If anything, it only shows how much more messed up this school really is.

"So, about what happened this morning," Adam begins, his voice trailing off. He gives Jay an expecting look.

"With the kid?"

"Yeah, his name is Allen," Adam says, "But yeah, that's the only morning we've had here, sooo.."

"There's nothing to tell," Jay replies, shrugging, "I felt bad for the kid, reminded me of what I had to go through.. but he wanted nothing to do with me."

Allen, huh? It sounds so common, so normal, yet it's the most exciting thing he's heard all day.

"You looked pretty into him, though," Adam points out. Fair enough. "I know our peers normally say stupid shit for no reason, but this morning that one guy did call him a homophobic slur, which could be that he's.."

Adam once again lets his voice trail off, eyes raised. Jay knows what he means.

There's a chance this Allen character could really be a homosexual, and Jay should go for him if that was the case.

Normally, he'd have no problem agreeing to this. Allen is the most attractive thing Jay has ever laid eyes on, and it seems they have faced some similar obstacles in their life.

But Jay has a feeling that Allen isn't the kind of guy who lets people in just because. Hell, it seems to be that Allen doesn't let anyone in at all, if this morning's actions were anything to go by.

Jay opens his mouth to repeat his inner thoughts when some tattoo covered brunette sits down next to Adam, flashing the dirty blonde a flirty smile.

"Hey, Adam. Looks like I found you after all," she says, her eyes twinkling.

"I told you I'm never too hard to find," Adam says, smiling. Jay clears his throat, giving his best friend a look. "Oh, right. Jay, this is Amy, my first second partner. Amy, this is Jay, my best friend."

"It's wonderful to meet you. Any friend of Adam's is a friend of mine," Amy says, smiling. Well, Jay likes her already! "Wait, aren't you the guy who helped AJ this morning?"

Jay blinks. The only person he talked to this morning was Adam and.. Allen. Is he the same person as AJ?

"Yeah, I think so," Jay replies, "Do you know him?

Amy's smile turns into a sad one, "I don't know him all too well, but I'm probably the closest thing he has to a friend... There's two types of people here. Ones who had everything handed to them, and ones who had it rough growing up. Both AJ and I fit into the latter category, so we just kinda.. end up floating together, you know?"

"Yeah, I get what you mean," While Jay didn't exactly have a group of poorly treated misfits to hang out with - Adam has always been popular and was loved by his parents, after all - but he knew people that didn't have a best friend like he did tended to stick together. When Adam went off to do his own thing once in a blue moon, Jay drifted to them.

"So, what's Canada like?" Amy asks, turning her gaze to Adam.

"Oh my God, it's amazing," Adam begins going into a description of the place.

Jay watches the exchange with a soft smile on his face, and he adds a comment every now and then, but his mind is else where.

On someone else.


Once lunch ends, Amy and Adam go their separate ways, and Jay goes to his most anticipated class of the day.

Advanced Placement Literature.

Jay takes one step into the class and it's like a breath of fresh air. The walls are a plain white, but they're decorated with posters quoting famous authors and handmade projects made by students.

And the air conditioner is pushing in his face.

Jay spots a man of medium height and his hairline shrinking on his head.

Using much of his confidence, Jay walks up to him, "Sir, are you Mr. Heyman?"

"I am. Glad to see someone people in this Godforsaken state," Mr. Heyman scoffs, "You must be William Reso, I presume."

"Yes, sir, but I prefer Jason if you don't mind," the Canadian says, trying to be as polite as possible.

"Well, Jason, why don't you take a seat right there?" Mr. Heyman points to the desk by the window.

Jay nods his appreciation and sits where he was directed.

All his classmates start to file in, and it's the first time he's seen any of them. Guess there really is a division amongst people here.

Mr. Heyman gets him a textbook from the shelf and signs it out to him. He explains the required materials and standards of the class as he gets his new student a syllabus. Jay listens attentively, finding he quite likes it when his teacher talks. The sound of his voice is like silk - smooth and -

Jay's thoughts are caught off when the door opens and Allen - or is it AJ? - walks in. His eyes looks troubled but still very gorgeous. Why are they so blue? It shouldn't be legal for anyone's eyes to be that shade. Plus when you've got a face like that -

"Are you listening, Jason?" Mr. Heyman's voice snaps him out of his thoughts. Jay blushes, shaking his head sheepishly. His teacher is wearing a smirk like he just knows what he was thinking about, and he's alright with it.

Mr. Heyman turns around to address the person Jay had been staring at, "AJ, how nice to see you again! This is Jason, and he'll be your partner for the rest of the year! You can go over our most recent project while I start class, right?"

The brunette settles his eyes upon Jay, and he quickly recognizes him from this morning. Jay gives a small wave, but AJ just stares at him.

"Right," AJ answers, his voice bland. He takes his seat and starts pulling out his stuff as the bell rings.

"Ladies and gentleman. My name is Paul Heyman, and this is AP Literature," Mr. Heyman says, stretching out his name as if it was a big deal. Most of his students to chuckle. Must've been an inside joke or something, "Now, open your textbooks to page.."

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