Carter Brothers: One Shots

By cherrypop12

865K 18.8K 1.5K

For those unwilling to let the Carters go, this is future/past/present one-shot chapters of the characters fr... More

Zac & Rachel: Blast from the past
Dane and Emery: 3 Years On
James and Tory [From CB1: Dane]
Mason & Katy: When You're Ready
Eli & Ivy: Secrets Unveiled
Adrian & Sam: Happy Birth(conception)day
Family Affairs: 1
A Study of Charlotte
Rachel & Zach: The Start of A Grand Adventure
Dane & Emery: Breakup?
Eli and Ivy: Paving the way
Adrian & Sam: Location Relocation
Zach & Rachel: Vegas Bliss
Family Affairs: 2
Dane And Emery: Passing Storms
Mason & Katy: Tragic Irony
Ade & Sam: For the Fans :)
Dane and Emery: A Truth Universally Acknowledged
Eli and Ivy: 3's a crowd
Ade and Sam: Pregnancy tales
Mason and Katy: Pain and patience
Family Affairs 3
Dane & Emery: A Thousand Years
Ade & Sam: Reset
Zach & Rachel: Humble beginnings
All Four: Kids and Chaos

Mason & Katy: Celebrations

30.7K 782 42
By cherrypop12

Mason & Katy: Celebrations

He saddles up behind her as she sips her morning coffee.

Once again he's reminded how much he loves that her job as a teacher means she gets these nice long term breaks. Since he'd switched his own working schedule things between them have settled down nicely.

Before they would barely see each other. His working night shifts and her regular day ones, paired with both of them being dog-tired when the other one wasn't, really started wrecking the previously awesome sex. And no sex was making them both cranky as hell. Frankly he's not too far gone liberal to admit that was the tipping point. No way in hell would he ever suggest for Katy to give up her job even though she probably would with slight hesitation for him. Instead with the extension on the club house raking in extra cash from the extra members, he'd decided to invest in an assistant. That way he would only have to go in a few nights a week and be able to manage paperwork whenever he wanted. In theory it sounded like a solid plan and the visible relief on Katy's face when he'd proposed it too had made him all the more determined to get it to work.

Execution of that plan however was far harder. Internal promotion turned to be a waste of time as when the whole 2 people who put their name forward quickly withdrew it when they realized it would be less time spent 'playing'. So he'd had no choice but to hire externally and with the knowledge of it being a 'sex' club that obviously had some strange, weird people wasting his time. Finally, finally, he'd managed to find someone with a clean record, enthusiasm and actual management experience for the role. Honestly all 6'5'' of Kola Williams strode into his office, he was not expecting the Native American man to be serious about his application. Shockingly he turned out to be perfect. The right amount of intimidating, compassionate and confident in a quite sort of way Mason could relate to.
It's only been 2 weeks so far but Mason's sure Kola's going to work out fine.

With that now settled his mind can focus properly on his other job. A job he takes far far more seriously. Hearing Katy's sharp inhale he smiles against her shoulder as he decides to aim for a stellar review.


"Mase? Baby?"
"Yeah Little Doe."
"I...I kind of need you out of the house for a while," she rushes out with cheeks that immediately pinken.
He lifts himself from the ground where he was laid under the old Harley he recently decided to acquire and uses an old rag to wipe the grease from his fingers.
"And why would you need me to do that?" he asks.

They're certainly at the stage where they don't have to be with each other 24/7. In fact, most weekends Mason's tinkering in his beloved garden while Katy usually curls up with her latest steamy little romances (a new genre she can thank Emery for having introduced to her). And while they do occasionally have the spontaneous date or exchange surprises, things in their life are routine. It's surprisingly nice.
For Katy the sense of regularity and dependence is comforting and for Mason he likes the easy life with a good woman by his side. He certainly doesn't mind the picket fence and flowers around the house even if it doesn't fit his 'image'. Although he draws a line when it comes to routine sex. Though their sex has tamed in comparison to their first encounters, it's none the less electric. He's come to discover all the BDSM stuff was needed with other women to get him off but with Katy all it takes is her sweet, tight body and utter submission. And while she asks to add the other restraint in there, Mason's woman has nothing to complain about.
He makes sure of that.

"Because...I asked you to...please," she sassily responds back but she can't pull of the attitude and the words are ended with a sugary smile.

Another reason he loves her. She can stand up for herself, for what she wants without having to get bitchy.

He shakes his head, leaning in to plant a short hard kiss on her before stating, "sure thing baby. How long's a while?"

"Um..." she pauses to think, "about 2 hours? No wait...better make it 2 and a half."

Christ, what's he going to do for 2 and a half hours? He already took his run later in the morning after a more satisfying form of exercise.
He exhales shortly before stating, "better like this surprise, Little Doe."
She bites her lip.
"Oh, you will."


Katy lights the last candle just in time to hear the rumble of tires on the ground outside. With one last tug to her ponytail she rushes out to greet him like he likes.

Mason's shocked to say the least when he sees there engulfed in his old football jersey and a pair of her boxers. God, he hadn't seen that thing since...since forever. Of course his sentimental mother would have kept it, however he has no idea when his woman took it into her possession, not that he's complaining. In fact, if this is the surprise then he's willing to over look those 2 and a half hours, as long as those boxers come off now and he gets her against the wall right now.
"Woah, sweetheart, you," he breathes.

Her fingers splay against his stomach as she rises to her tiptoes for their standard greeting kiss.

And as usual when she goes to pull back, his hand squeezes, pressing her closer as he gives her one of his kisses. Definitely swoon worthy, so much so, that he doesn't need to press her hard against him because she needs to lean on him anyway to get her bearings.

"Stop," giggles Katy as his kisses migrate to his jaw, "Mason, I mean it. Baby stop, the food."
"So? We've got a microwave haven't we?"
"No," protests Katy finding her ground, "it won't taste as good. Baby, please."

With a sound that's between a groan and a sigh, Mason releases her.

She rewards him with another of her sweet smiles before taking his hand and leading him to the dining room.
Katy can feel the exact moment he takes it all in because his hand suddenly drops like lead. 

"Katy..." he breathes

Their quint dining room is stringed with fairy lights, taped it seemed at the the edges to allow the rest to drape over the sides. Along with the dim lighting, candles illuminate the place, also causing a faint scent of Ocean Breeze to drift through. At opposite ends are 2 plates of food, brimming with what he can faintly make out as noodles.

Mason's heart clenches as he realizes that this is her non-verbal form of communication to say that she hasn't forgotten him, his wishes and his ring. Not wanting to be pushy, he hadn't mentioned it for months now and was thinking he should mention it soon but it seems she's beat him to it.
"Come on, let's eat before it goes cold," she beams in excitement, bounding over to the table.
She waits for him to take a seat, to take a sip of wine and the first taste of the noodles.

"So what do you think? It's the first time I've gotten to try the noodles recipe. It's no take-away but-"

"It's great. All of this...babe, it's amazing. Thank you."
His hands grasp hers and gives a soft squeeze before digging in.


Katy watches as Mason drains the last of his wine. The leftovers on the plates cold with time. They'd both finished their meal long ago. It feels like an eternity for Katy but that's only because she knows what's about to come and she can't wait. But that's only because the anticipation gives her excitement momentum. Mason on the other hand, oblivious takes his time, knowing they have a whole night ahead of them. So, once the food was eaten, they'd talked.

Mason shared his musings on the classic bike he was trying to fix up while Katy listened more to the delight of his tone rather than the actual words themselves. She loves him. She really does. But bikes and mechanical parts go straight over her head and bore her to death. The same way really, he gets when she talks about mathematical conundrums. Though, he does enjoy the stories about her students.

Now with Mason planting his glass back onto the table, Katy playfully smirks at him.

"Little Doe?" he asks cautiously noticing it.

She tips her chair back.
"Catch me if you can," she taunts, racing towards the stairs.

Giving her a head start, he dashes after her, no doubt knowing exactly which room of the house she's headed towards. It's at the top of the stairs he catches her with a growl. Her body curls as the feminine cry dissolves into laughter. If she wants roguish brute then Mason must surely comply and with that in mind, he tosses her over his shoulder.

She's still giggling through midair as she lands on the bed.

"Caught my Bambi, now what to do with her?"

Oh God. That tone, those words, Mason; Katy almost melts right then and there. Though as easy and gratifying as it may be to simply concede now, Katy's not done playing yet. Plus since he hasn't noticed, she's still got her surprise.

She slides back on the sheets as he crawls forwards slowly.
"Wait a sec, honey," she whispers, glad he freezes as she asks.
Big brown eyes trained on him, she pulls her fingers under the oversized jersey and wiggles out of her boxers.

That little move is all Katy has before Mason loses his restraint. In one swift move she finds herself staring up at the dark handsome face of Mason Carter.
"You forgot dessert, baby. But that's okay," he whispers, fingers gliding up the smooth skin of her generous thighs, inch by inch, "because you can give it to me now."
With that his lips descend onto hers, transcending her to a most spectacular place.

She gasps those talented lips travel to her jaw line before lower onto her neck. Fingers keep crawling creating a wake of goosebumps along its path before finally reaching the luscious cushioning of her ass. He grasps her forwards, nestling himself deeper against the apex of her thighs and making her instinctively raise her knees to deepen that connection. And just as he's distracted, she uses that to flip him onto his back, something she would not have been able to do without catching him off-guard.

Mason blinks up at her in surprise, a small smile forming as he reminds himself to give it to her more often. Clearly, his feisty kitten is feeling restless and now that he has more time on his hands, he'll definitely be getting on that problem, stat.

Her lips nip at his collarbone before she bolts upright and tosses off his jersey. Instantly his hands grasp onto one of her many luscious curves. This one, sitting just right in his hands. Whenever she's around it really is as if his hands are possessed. And as she is so beautifully thick, no one would blame him. His only just a male after all.

Katy tosses her head back, moaning as she strips him off his own t-shirt. Even early on in their relationship, her man had established that his hands and mouth could wreck wonderful havoc on her self-control. That hadn't changed over time, so with his hands on her breasts she really is going half-out of her mind and the only thing that can soothe that ache is him.

He could live to a 100 and he'd never tire of the sight of Katy buck-naked, half-crazed with lust for him, writhing in desperation on his lap for his cóck. Christ.

"Mason," she gasps as he pinches one straining nípple.

Since she was in such a playful mood earlier, he wouldn't have minded another few minutes of the show, but Katy's done with that. She wants him inside her now and it's an intent she makes very clear with her action.

Shoving his jeans and boxers down just enough to reach his cóck, Katy wastes no time with the bullshit before scratching the itch that has been building up in her for a long while.
They both groan at the connection, sparked to life by it. Katy's hands plant on the broad plains of his muscular stomach as she starts to find her rhythm.
It's good, it's sweet but it's also too slow. Mason can feel his build up growing slowly and although if he had the patience to wait a while longer, she'd get him there, it's too long. He doesn't have that kind of patience and the beast in him is roaring to take back control. Hand blindly reaching to the connection of their bodies, he rubs that sweet spot for her and it's within moments she's unravelling.

With hearty sighs and cries of his name along with other nonsensical mumblings, Katy's thrown off kilter in her rhythm and it's that moment where she almost collapses ontop of him, he ceases.

She's compliant as always in him flipping her over and crossing her wrists above her head. Faces just centimeters apart, he can feel that love in her eyes for him that he's been feeling for months and months now. The best days of his life. Every single one of them. With her.

"Give it to me, baby," she breathes sensing his restraint.

He emits an instinctive growl from his throat at that, mouth crashing down onto her viciously. His tongue clashes with hers as he hijacks her mouth, in synchronicity with his cóck hijacking the rest of her.

All she can feel are his short, rough thrusts hammering his mark into her. Her legs tighten around his waist, gripping onto dear life for a ride that sends her into oblivion once more.

Katy surfs those waves back to him, flexing her inner muscles to help him get his too.
His hand grips the expanse of her ass, the other planting itself on the mattress next to her head and hanging on tight as he freefalls into ecstasy.

"Love you Katy," he mutters into the side of her neck, body weight falling onto her.

She runs her hand through his sweaty hair, enjoying the feel of his hard mass cushioned into her softer one. It won't be long before it's uncomfortable but for a few seconds she can bear it to allow that sense of safety to wash over her.

Mason knowing this, rolls to the side, pressing her against his side and hitching one of her legs between his. Still facing the ceiling they both regain their breath as he contemplates something else.
"This is what I want, Little Doe. You by my side, in our home, in our bed. I don't...I don't care about some stupid certificate as long as I can keep this.-"

"Mason," softly calls Katy, head tilting down as she burrows into his chest.
"I mean it baby. We don't need to get married. I am happy with what we have now.-"

He goes to say more but cuts himself off when he feels vibrations against his chest and below his fingertips on her back. Confused he calls her name, only to have her tilt her head back and laugh.

"Look down, baby," she commands through her giggles.
"Look down."
Unsure at what she's playing at this time, he gazes down his body, catching sight of her hand resting against his stomach. That's not all though, because on that hand is very familiar sparkling stone. His.

In a flash, Katy finds herself back on her back again, with him looming over her. This time, he has one forearm above her head, propping him up along with his knees while the other has her hand enclosed in its grasp. Deep blue eyes are dancing with astonishment at the sight of the engagement ring on her finger.

"God, I'm a lucky bastard. Holy shit, Katy. Holy shit," he mutters to himself bringing her hand up to his mouth to kiss her fingers lightly.

"Hate to ask this but I've got to; sweetheart are you sure? You don't have to do this. I don't need you to do this," he reassures her.

Katy's hand curves against his smooth cheek as she memorizes the joy in his features.

"Yes, yes I'm absolutely sure. I finally got it right this time. Finally got a good man, I trust with my whole world and he cherishes it, he protects it, he nurtures it. And I don't need a marriage to remind me or state to everyone else that I'm his and he's mine, but I do want it. I'd just forgotten what a wedding meant to me, what my...10 year old self would have wanted," she truthfully answers.

She was a girly-girl in and out. When she'd been 10 she'd dreamed of a big wedding, wearing a puffy dress and a tiara. Of course those dreams also consisted of the wedding dress being pink, the decoration being pink, the cake being pink and an actual prince to an actual kingdom waiting at the end of the aisle. Thank God, her tastes have changed since then.

Mason smiles at that replying, "okay, okay Little Doe."
"Great, we have a lot of work to do though. And I can't do it alone so-"

"I will be right there with you. Whatever you need me to do, promise," he states before adding, "though I can't promise I won't moan a little at some of the stuff."
That's good enough for her. Although she respects his status as badass alpha male, there is no way she can plan a whole wedding by herself so it's a good thing he's already recognized that he's going to be inputting into the process.

"Okay," she whispers before suddenly realizing something, "we'll have to talk to Eli and Ivy first."
Mason's eyebrows furrow, "er...why?"
" know they just got engaged too and it wouldn't be exactly fair to have the wedding before theirs and ruin their big moment. I just want to ask if they'd like us to keep it quite until-"

"No," states Mason, "we're not doing that. If you want to wait to have the wedding until theirs is over then that's fine. But no way am I keeping this quiet, no way are you not wearing my ring now that you've said yes. So you can talk to them about this, and knowing them they won't mind at all, but I'm not keeping this from anyone."

Katy considers his words for a minute, figuring out whether this is one battle she wants to have. He's not a pushover but he does relent to her wishes over the simple issues, only taking a stand when he firmly believes in something. They've had their tiffs though and with each one, Katy's grown less aware of her insecurity of it affecting their relationship. She goes in knowing that after it all, they'll still be solid and no matter the outcome, he'll still be there at the end.

Nonetheless, she doesn't like creating arguments for the sake of it and right now, is one of the times where there doesn't need to be an argument.

"Okay Mason."
He nods, "good. Now...soon-to-be Mrs. Mason Carter, let's start the celebrations."

A/n next one-shot when I get around to it, will be an Eli & Ivy one. 

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