I Can Be Your Savior

بواسطة stylesclash

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Like just every cliche romance movie, Jay (and Adam) is (well, are, if we're getting grammatically correct) t... المزيد

I Can Be Your Savior: Chapter Two
I Can Be Your Savior: Chapter Three

I Can Be Your Savior: Chapter One

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بواسطة stylesclash

Disclaimer: All characters used are not mine and belong to their own company. Any songs or song lyrics used belong to the artist and will be credited as so.

Warnings: the following contains bullying, physical and emotional abuse, homophobia and homophobic language/slurs, underage drinking, drug abuse, suicidal thoughts, sexual relations between a seventeen and eighteen year old

A/N: So, this is happening. I got a request before to do a Chris/AJ high school fic, and I was going to.. but my wonderful friend (I do mean that seriously, she truly is amazing) got me readdicted to Christyles, so here we are instead. I hope you all enjoy. Everyone used in the story will go by their stage name unless they have something weird, like Edge or Christian, and will then be referred to by their real names.

All feedback is greatly appreciated, and I'd love some comments.

Chapter One:

Usually when people moved from place to place, from school to school, their biggest fear is being alone in an unfamiliar territory. No one to talk to when you get "free" time in class, no friends to hang out with after school, and no definite project partner whenever your teacher lets you pick one. Sure, you have your family when you get home, but it's just.. different.

This was something Jason Reso didn't have to worry about.

The last time Jason had to worry about not having friends was for an hour before he officially started sixth grade. He walked into first period, awkward and shy as ever, and was seated next to a half-awake Adam Copeland who tried to bite his head off when Jay tried to shake his hand as a greeting.

They've been attached at the hip ever since.

They bonded over their love for wrestling and mutual dream of finding a career in the sport. Together, they came up with nicknames, characters, and movesets. When they were smaller, they used to go in Adam's backyard and pretend wrestle.

Then they got older and stronger, and Adam's mom decided to take them to actual wrestling practice instead.

When Jay's parents kicked him out last year - of course, when you're an open homosexual living in a house with two homophobes, that result was expected to happen - he moved in with Adam and his parents without even hesitating. He's been calling them Mom and Dad for years, so it was an easy adjustment.

Both Jay and Adam are entering their senior years of high school, but their dad's work has caused them to move into a little town called Gainesville in good ol' Georgia. Despite them both being eighteen, they all decided it was best that they stick together for this final year.

So, today is the first day of school for them, and the first day back from Thanksgiving break (though the holiday hasn't even happened yet. Americans are so weird.) for everyone else.

Walking down the halls, it doesn't seem too shabby. The school is a run down shit hole like you'd see on television (and what Jay was secretly expecting), so it could be worse. Adam seems to be enjoying himself already, checking out whatever girl sparks his interest at face value. A couple of them wave, but even more check them back out.

Jay throws up in his mouth a little.

"Dude, this place is kickass," Adam says, stopping in front of their lockers. They're side by side, of course.

Jay shakes his head, "You just got here, man, chill out. Just because you see a couple hot girls here doesn't mean this place is, like, Heaen on Earth or whatever."

"You jealous because you haven't seen any cute boys yet?" Adam lowers his voice, smirking as he loses his question. Jay just rolls his eyes and elbows his best friend.

"No, I'm not jealous at all," Jay replies, "Besides, even if I did, it wouldn't amount to anything. This place is coated in more homophobia than my previous parent's home."

There lies his one and only problem with this move. He knows it's not their dad's fault that this is where his job relocated them, but he's spent the last year in hate free bliss. Now they're going right into a town filled with the type of people he's grown to resent.

Jay hasn't really been looking for a relationship anyhow. The last couple he's had were total flops and ended way more dramatically than it really needed to. He's certainly not going to find one here, so maybe that's for the best.

"If anyone gives you any trouble whatsoever, I'll beat the shit out of them," Adam says, his tone serious. Jay smiles. This is one of the many, many reasons he loves his Canadian counterpart to pieces. They'll protect each -

"You miss me, faggot?"

Jay's head snaps to the side at the sound, all to familiar knots twisting in his stomach, just in time to see a short brunette wearing a leather jacket get pushed into the ground by a guy much larger than him. The people surrounding him laugh, and an extremely preppy (and slutty) looking female puts her arm around the bigger guy.

"Come on, let's get sweat from this queer before he gets a boner like the bitch that he is," the girl suggests, using her hand to make an L shape on her forehead. More laughing ensues as they walk away.

Then the bell rings.

Jay pays off no mind, though. He quickly makes his way over to the fallen kid.

"Hey, are-are you okay?" Jay asks, crouching down so they'll be at eye level.

The kid pushes his hair out of his face and - oh. Oh.

He's the most gorgeous person Jay has ever met. Oh.

This gorgeous specimen uses the wall to help him stand up, and Just follows him, unable to tear his eyes from his absolutely beautiful features.

"Stay away from me," The brunette snarls and briskly walks away from him.


"Uh, let's go. The bell did ring.." Adam says, putting a hand on his friend's shoulder.

Jay clears his throat, "Yeah, we got the same class, right?"

"Yup," Adam gives him a look, meaning they'll talk about it later.

Whatever 'it' maybe.

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