He's a Senior and I'm the Fre...

By writergurl95

570K 8.8K 1.2K


He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 1
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 2
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 3
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 4
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 5
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 6
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 7
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 7
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 9
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 10
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 11
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 12
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 13
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 14
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 15
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 16
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 17
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 18
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 19
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 20
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 21
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 22
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 23
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 24
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 25
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 26
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 27
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 28
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 29
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 31
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 32
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 33
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 34
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 35
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 36
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 37
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 38
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 39
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 40
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 41
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 42
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 43
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 44
He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 45 (Epilogue)

He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 30

10.6K 176 25
By writergurl95

Tyler stared at me for a moment before looking at the floor. He ran his hand threw his hair and sighed.

“More than I should,” he said looking me in the eyes.

“You have a funny way of showing it,” I said before glancing at the time.

“You said yourself; love makes a person do crazy things,” Tyler said slowly backing out of my room.

“What?” I muttered as he closed the door.

What did he mean by that? Tyler doesn’t…he couldn’t…could he?

“Hey sexy,” Leo said crawling through my window, interrupting my thoughts. “Miss me?” he asked kissing my lips quickly.

“Of course,” I said closing my text book.

Leo joined me on my bed, lying down next to me.

“So, what’s up?” he asked.

“Nothing,” I said lying down so I was facing him. “My dad took us out to dinner”.

“Fun,” he smiled. “I waited for you to come home. You took forever”.

“I’m sorry,” I said chuckling.

“I know a way you can make it up to me…” Leo said trailing off.

“How is that?” I asked raising my eyebrow at him.

“I think you know...”

I smirked at him before leaning over to kiss him.

Leo wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me on top of him. I placed my hands on his chest as his found my back pockets.

Leo nibbled on my lower lip and I slowly parted them for him. I played with his hair as our kiss picked up. I pulled away and kissed down his neck, nibbling his skin gently. Leo’s hands found the hem of my shirt and his hands roamed my belly, slowly working his way up.

I pulled away from his neck and sat up.

I slowly took off my shirt and tossed it away.

Leo grinned at me, waiting for me to kiss him again.

I bit my lip and sighed. “Do you really love me?” I asked.

“Of course,” he said shocked that I asked.

“So you’re not just using me or seeing someone behind my back?”

“No! Babe, what’s this about? I know I messed up but we’re starting over again. You can trust me”.

“I know, I was just thinking…” I said trailing off not really sure how to continue.


“Nothing,” I said lying on top of him. “Where were we?”

Leo smiled and kissed me.

We were down to our underwear in no time. Leo started to tug at my underwear line and I could feel his erection pressing against me.

I slowly moved my hips against it making Leo groan in slight frustration.

Leo unhooked my bra and I let the straps fall off my shoulders.

We rolled over so Leo was now on top of me. He rested in-between my legs slowly grinding me. Leo slowly began to pull down my underwear.

I pulled away and grabbed his hand. “No,” I breathed.

“Why not?” he asked looking me in the eyes.

“I want to wait,”

“For what?”

“The right moment, time, love, marriage,”

“Come on, Ryan,”

“No, Leo, I’m not Anna. I have self respect. No further,”

“I never said you were. I thought you said you loved me,”

“This isn’t love Leo; it’s lust,”

“Come on Ryan,”

“If this is all you want then, maybe you should just leave,”


“I’m serious, Leo”.

Leo sighed and got off of me.

He ran his hand threw his hair and pulled on his jeans and shirt.

I watched him get dressed and walk over to the window.

“Really Leo? Really?” I said looking at the wall.

He just looked at me before climbing out the window.

The next couple of weeks have been different.

Leo wasn’t around as much.

I’ve tried talking to him about that night and all he did was walk away.

The most time we’ve spent together was on our double date with Mitch and Blake.

Leo was being ridiculous about this whole thing. Just because I won’t put out doesn’t mean he has to shut me out.

Today was picture day and my mom wanted me to look my best.

So I wore a nice long sleeve shirt and jeans.

I took my time with my hair and make up before heading down stairs. The boys were already down there waiting for me.

“What do you think mom?” I asked sitting at the table.

“I told you to wear the pink shirt,” she said handing me my food.

“I told you I hate pink,”

“Why don’t you listen to me?”

I rolled my eyes and started to eat.

“Hurry up,” Marcus said pulling out his phone to text someone.

“Chill, we got time,”


“Chelsea you look fine,” Tyler said walking down stairs.

“Why do girls take forever?”

“It is your senior picture,” my mom said smiling.

“Touché,” Tyler muttered before looking at me. “You look beautiful,” he said.

“Thanks,” I muttered before handing my mom my dirty plate. “I’ll see you later,”

“I won’t be home; I have a meeting in New York. There is money for dinner on the table, if you need it,”

“Thanks mom,” I said giving her a hug and kiss before leaving.

We got into Marcus’ car and he pulled out the drive way and headed to school.

“So, how’s Leo? Still being a bitch?” Blake asked.

“Yes, I’ve given up on trying to talk to him,”

“Why don’t you just end it?” Marcus asked.

“I don’t know…I really care about him,”

“More than you should,” Blake said talking out his phone.

“I know, I know,” I sighed.

Marcus laughed. “Leo turned into an ass, Ry, it’s time to let him go”.

I looked out the window and sighed, once again. Marcus was right weather I liked it or not. Leo has changed for the worst.

Once we pulled up to the school Blake and I got out of the car and headed to the freshman wing.

I let Blake talk about how amazing Mitch is and how their dates have been going.

I haven’t seen Blake this happy before.

Leo was leaning against my locker when we got there.

“Hey,” I said smiling. This was unexpected.

He smiled at me and walked over. Leo gave me a hug and kissed my forehead. “What’s up?” he asked once we pulled away.

“Blake’s in love,” I teased opening my locker.

“I am not,” he said blushing. “I’m just really happy,”

“Am I the cause of that?” Mitch said wrapping his arms around him.

Blake grinned at him. “Maybe,”

Mitch gave Blake a quick peak on the lips.

I smiled at them and organized my book bag.

We stayed by my locker until the bell rang.

Since today was picture day the bell schedule wasn’t the same. It was as if there was a two hour delay. Homeroom was longer which game me enough time to finish my homework.

My homeroom had our pictures taken our pictures first then we waited for everyone else in our grade, then the tenth graders and so on and so on.

School went by quickly and I took the bus home.

I no longer had detention.

Once I was home I changed into warm comfy clothes. I don’t know when it started to get colder.

It was Friday and I had nothing to do. My teachers were nice enough not to give any short term homework.

Chelsea came home moments later.

“Hey,” she said. “Want to go to the football game tonight?”

“Not really,”

“Aw come on,” she said. “This game is really important,”

“I don’t care,” I said flipping through the channels.

“Can’t say I didn’t try,” she said walking into the living room.

“I say pizza for dinner,” I said.

“Whatever you want,” she said walking out with a banana.

“I’ve got to go soon, so order it now,”

I picked up the house phone and called the Papa John’s.

By the time Chelsea was ready to leave the pizza guy was here.

I gave him the money and took the pizza.

“I’ll be home late. Don’t wait up,”

“I won’t,” I said taking a bit of my pizza.


“Later,” I said sitting on the couch.

I spent my Friday night watching movies and eating junk food.

My phone buzzed around ten o’clock.

It was text from Leo.

‘I’m outside’

I smiled and paused the movie. I slipped on my flip flops and hurried outside.

The cold October winds made it ten degrees colder.

Leo was standing by the sidewalk with his hands in his pockets. I hurried over to him and pulled my hood over my head.

“Do you want to come inside?” I asked bouncing on the balls of my feet trying to stay warm.

“No, I’m not staying long…” he said looking at the night sky.

“What’s up?” I asked.

“I’m sorry, Ryan, but I think we should break up…for good,” he said looking at me.

I stopped bouncing and stared at him in shock. “Excuse me?” I asked not believing what I was hearing.

“We’ve grown apart and we both want different things,”

“What do you Leo? A person who loves you or a vagina?”

He looked at me, almost shocked. “That’s not fair,”

“Neither is this,”

“I knew you’ll act like this,”

“Like what? Hurt? Confused? Pissed?”

“Ryan, stop it,”

“You’re so full of it!”

“And you’re so selfish,”

“Tell Anna I said hello,” I said flipping him off as I walked inside.

I couldn’t believe it. He left me for her, that slut.

I went up stairs and flopped on my bed.

Tears slowly escaped my eyes and wiped them away.

They weren’t going to bring him back.

Nothing was.

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