Beauty and the Beast - The Be...

By dirtydeedsx

317K 9.2K 6.7K

After The Shield imploded and crumbled to bits. What's going to happen next? Ashley has to come to terms with... More

Table of contents.
|1| - I loved you, brother.
|2| - Sold out? We bought in.
|3| - Haunted past and uncontrollable present.
|4| - You will remember me for centuries.
|5| - Family reconciliation.
|6| - Like father, like daughter.
|7| - Behind those castle walls.
|8| - Money in the Bank.
|9| - She kissed the devil.
|10| - You're gonna self destruct.
|11| - You're playing a dangerous game.
|12| - And so the war rages on.
Side note.
|13| - Playing with fire burns you.
|14| - It's dark in my imagination.
|15| - Save me if I become my demons.
|16| - Battleground.
|17| - The power is changing.
|18| - Old wounds never heal.
|19| - Two simple words.
|20| - I'm the Queen for a reason.
Just a little note...
|21| - Battle for the throne.
|22| - Summerslam.
|23| - The kingdom has fallen.
|24| - Is this where I give it all up?
|25| - Self destruction; the beginning.
A little taster...
|26| - I've found my painkiller.
|27| - The Queen's back for her kingdom.
|28| - Saved by the... hero?
|29| - Revelations and heartbreaks.
|30| - Night of Champions.
|31| - Suffocation at it's finest.
Important little note.
|32| - This is no fairy tale.
|33| - Feelings will be the death of us.
|34| - Ding dong the witch is gone.
|35| - Dangerous love affair.
Quick note.
|36| - Divided.
|37| - Hell in a Cell.
|38| - I'm back, did ya miss me?
|39| - You three, you're bulletproof.
|40| - Aw, we really are crazy.
|41| - Safety pin.
|42| - Kryptonite.
|43| - Win the war, end the battle.
|44| - Hometown boy.
|46| - Raising the ashes.
|47| - Survivor Series.
Important note!
|48| - Victorious.
|49| - Together forever, darling.
|50| - A new era.
|51| - A boss in training.
|52| Power, glory and jealously.
|53| Hated you from hello.
|54| Nothing but a social casualty.
|55| Nothing like a bit of fun.
|56| Tables, Ladders and Chairs.
Quick message; I'm lacking in writing.
|57| Phenomenally annoying.
|58| What? I'm still a gentleman.
|59| This is the beginning.
New story!
Beauty and the Beast - Third book.

|45| - Wedding bells.

5K 156 254
By dirtydeedsx

Ashley's POV

Tomorrow. It was tomorrow. I felt as if my head was going to explode. It had all come around so incredibly fast. These last few weeks felt as if they had just flown by. All the live events, the meet and greets, the run up to Survivor Series. Not to mention the dress fittings, the decorations, the catering and the last minute details. Everything was completely ready for the wedding. Tomorrow. Tomorrow was the day that my life will change, more than ever before. I was going to be a married woman. No longer Ashley Orton. I would be Mrs Ashley Good. I still wasn't over the fact I wasn't going to be an Orton for much longer.  Despite my brain being consumed with wedding shenanigans I could not shake off the run in myself and Dean had, had with his brother Robbie. Processing that one had been a long and hard journey. Dean had refused to tell me anymore of it. It was a secret I was never expecting to be hiding in the past of Dean. Hey, I get that he wanted to keep it a secret and not talk about him. I just don't understand why he didn't tell me. Holding each other in the dark is something we had learned not to do. I wasn't going to let it ruin the fact tomorrow we would become husband and wife. Funny how things turn out isn't it? A year ago I absolutely despised Dean Ambrose. 12 months later and I'm preparing to marry the man. My first encounters with Dean always flash into my head every now and again. We were never the average, happy go lucky couple. Not by a long shot. I don't think we ever will be. That's what makes us the perfect match. Two people who played the cat and mouse game for such a long time ended up surprising everyone by falling in love with each other and now getting married. How about that for a fairytale? I mean, no-one would have expected the most obnoxious man in the entire world to end up with such a... fiery, anti authority woman. God, Dean used to always push my buttons and he wholeheartedly enjoyed it. 


I grabbed a sandwich and a drink and sat down in the corner. I was in my own world, when someone sat down in front of me. I looked up from my sandwich and instantly tensed. Ambrose sat opposite me. He had his arms folded on the table, his head dipped low so he could look me in the eyes.   

'What do you want?' I asked in a low voice. Please, lord. Do not let Phil come and find me.   

 'Is that anyway to thank the person who stopped you from getting your ass kicked?' He asked, smugness written all over his face. I put my sandwich down.   

'I wasn't about to get my ass kicked. She cheap shot me, and Punk would have been down to help me any minute. But, I wouldn't have let him because I know he would have kicked the crap out of you' I told him Dean.   

'Is that so?' He asked, his eyes watching me. It made me uncomfortable the way he was watching me. I was surprised his sidekicks weren't with him.   

'Where are your guard dogs?' I asked changing the subject. 

'Getting ready to go out and make another example of Daniel Bryan after his match' He clucked his tongue and laughed. I stood up.  

'Ah, ah. I wouldn't even bother about going out there to help him darling. We wouldn't that pretty little face of yours getting damaged' He cooed. I stayed standing, gritting my teeth.   

'He'll get his own back, you do know that' I warned Ambrose. He chuckled.   

'We will see. When we are finished with him, he won't be able to stand' He taunted.   

'Dean, you can play with your toy later. We've got business to attend to' A deep voice called from the entrance of the canteen. Roman and Seth were standing there watching me and Dean. He nodded at them and then looked back at me.   

'Justice calls. I'll find you later and you can thank me for saving your ass. See you soon darling' He smirked, blowing me a kiss before heading over to his sidekicks.  

|Flashback ends| 

He was an ass, but it's okay he was my ass now. I let out a sigh as I stood up from the bed, my eyes wandering over all my bags that had been dumped in my room. Dean had gone to get us some food before he was whisked away with Roman. He didn't want to leave me. Dean had been protesting all the way to Cincinnati. He didn't want a bachelor party, he didn't want anything. But, Roman had told him to quit whining and man up. I was looking forward to my night with girls. Nikki had booked us the most expensive and biggest suite here in the hotel. Tonight we were having a huge sleepover with a lot of drinking involved. Although, I was limiting my drinking. I may be officially getting married to Dean tomorrow, but I was not getting accidentally married  to another woman again. Vegas had scarred me for life. The party consisted of myself, Nikki, Brie, Naomi, Natayla, AJ, Bayley, Carmella, Sasha and Becky. Leaving Nikki in charge of this was going to be messy, that's all I could say. Not long later Dean reappeared with sandwiches and a lot of chocolate for us. 

'This is all I could get, I was viciously cornered by Nikki and she told me not to feed you too much because she said you'll be eating a lot tonight' Dean shrugged, placing the food on the bed. I let out a small chuckle, shaking my head. 

'I still haven't processed it properly, Dean. This time tomorrow we are going to be married. We are going to be husband and wife' I let out a breath. 

'You couldn't resist my charm. I was telling you that from the start' He reminded me, a smirk lingering on his lips. 

'You're the one who wouldn't leave me alone, don't forget that' I scoffed, raising my eyebrows. 


I stuffed my attire back into my bag, and unlocked the door. I nearly had a heart attack. I dropped the bag on the floor and stood wide eyed at the person leaning against the closed shower door.   

'Dean, what the hell are you doing in here?' I hissed, completely in shock. Dean was standing in the Diva's shower room. I suddenly felt very aware I was only wearing a towel. But of course Dean was very aware that all I had wrapped around me was a shabby towel.  

'I just wanted to congratulate you on that win, Ashley. I mean using AJ's own submission against her was very... ruthless' He smirked and then it disappeared.   

'You and Punk seemed to celebrate quite tastefully though' Dean's face changed into a bitter expression, as he hinted at mine and Phil's kiss.  

'Jealous?' I blurted out. I had no idea why I had said that. Dean's eyebrows raised as he pushed off the door. I didn't miss his hand flicking over the lock and locking the door. I suddenly felt very nervous. Why had he locked the door? Compose yourself Ash. 

 'Jealous? Am I jealous?' He asked, stepping forward. I took a step back, clearly showing I was uncertain of this whole situation. 

'Am I jealous that Punk beat me to it? Yes' He remarked. Wait, what? Every time I took a step back, he took a step forward.  

'I told you Ashley, you are my new obsession. I don't take to kindly to people putting their hands on something I want' Dean's voice was low and his eyes were narrowed slightly. I'd backed myself up into the small shower cubicle I'd literally just walked out of.   

'I'm not too thrilled about losing that match either. But, don't worry. Because on Raw I'll get my revenge. I'm going to make sure Punk pays for putting his hands on me. I'm going to make sure he pays for stopping me from what I was about to do' He had stepped forward and I'd stepped back. Although, like in the boxing room at the gym I'd backed myself up against the wall. I felt the wet wall connect with my back. My breath hitched in my throat. Dean stood inches from me, our chests were almost touching. He had bent his head down, so our faces were level. I couldn't look away from him. His eyes were dark, full of something I couldn't put my finger on. He dipped his head, his lips coming to my ear.   

'When I want something I get it and I don't care what I have to do. CM Punk is just a simple obstacle. Remember that Ashley, because the next time you see CM Punk in that ring he'll be a broken, beaten mess and then I'll get what I want' His voice was barely a whisper, but I could tell what he was saying wasn't an empty threat.   

 'And what exactly do you want?' I shot at him, a lot more confidence in my voice than I expected there to be. Dean's lips remained at my ear for a few seconds, before he slowly pulled away and came back to eye level with me. My jaw was tensed and I was holding my breath. He didn't answer me, his lips just twitched into a smirk.   

'If you're done trying to scare me, and I use the word trying to because you've clearly failed. I have to get ready because me and Phil have a victory to celebrate' I informed Dean, raising my eyebrows at him. It was clearly the adrenaline of winning the match pumping through me, because that could be the only explanation for this new found confidence I had. I was scared of Dean at this moment in time, and yet I was spewing words out like it was nothing. Dean pressed his lips into a line, but I could tell he was dying to smirk again.   

|Flashback ends| 

Dean rolled his eyes and pulled me into him. 

'Don't deny you loved every single second of it Ashley Orton' He murmured, kissing me. I pushed him back lightly. 

'I wouldn't have it any other way Dean Ambrose' I smiled at him, glancing down at my ring sitting neatly on my finger. Breaking my attention was a knock on the door. Dean's face automatically changed into a grimace. He knew it was Roman. 

'Don't answer it' He dismissed, trying to move me further away from the door. I let out a laugh and slid past him and opened the door. Roman came marching in, his face painted with a serious expression. 

'Come on Ambrose, we are on a tight schedule' He demanded, skipping past the pleasantries. 

'Just ten more minutes man. I want to spend a little time with Ash' Dean almost whined. 

'Not a chance. We are leaving, now' Roman was not messing around. 

'Are you denying me spending time with the woman I love? That's low Ro, that's real low' Dean shook his head, trying to guilt Roman. Didn't work even a little bit. 

'Nice try, but you can't guilt trip me. You will see the woman you love tomorrow, when she's walking down the aisle and she's gonna say yes to marrying your lunatic ass. But, right now you're coming with me' Roman declared, approaching Dean with power. I leaned against the wall, watching the both of them bickering. It was amusing to say the least. 

'How about this, I meet you later on-' Dean started to compromise, but nope. Roman wasn't having it. 

'If I have to grab you by the scruff of your neck like a dirty alley cat, so help me God I will' He threatened Dean, getting more and more close to him. Dean threw his hands up in surrender. 

'Okay, I'll come with you. Just let me at least say goodbye to Ash' He sighed, rubbing his chin. Roman narrowed his eyes but backed off. I scooted over to Dean and shook my head. 

'You can be such a child sometimes' I told him. 

'I just don't want to leave you, is that a crime?

'Of course not. Tomorrow is the day we get married and you will see me in an amazing dress' I promised him, kissing him. Dean gripped me tightly, until he peeled himself off me. Before he could protest again Roman was dragging him out of the room. 

'We will see you tomorrow baby girl. Have fun tonight' Roman smiled at me, half out of the door, clutching onto Dean. 

'I love you-' The door slammed shut, cutting Dean's strangled shout off. I collapsed onto the bed, laughing feeling like I was on cloud nine. 


Dean's POV 

'Roman, do we have to do this? You know how I feel about making a big fuss' I grumbled as Roman drove us down the road. Was it too much to ask to stay with Ashley the night before we get married? Apparently it was. 

'Dude, you know the tradition. Now, will you stop your crying and just enjoy your last night as a free man' I sighed and leaned my head back against the headrest. 

'Where are we even going?' I mumbled out. Out the corner of my eyes I saw Roman's lips stretch into a smile. 

'Oh, you'll see' That was all the information he was giving me. I closed my eyes and went through my head who was coming to this party. Daniel was coming, of course. I couldn't not invite Daniel, next to Roman he was a close friend. Jimmy and Jey were coming, those two had the same sense of humor as Roman. Ashley had insisted that Dolph came along. Which I thought was fucking stupid. He's in love with the woman I'm going to marry. Randal was tagging along, not sure if that's because he wants to make sure I don't fuck up anywhere tonight. Roman had invited Cesaro, Truth and John Cena too. I may have invited a person I knew Ashley wouldn't approve of... 

'How do you think Ash will react when she finds out I asked Shane McMahon to come to my bachelor party?' I asked Roman, opening my eyes and glancing over to him. Roman started chuckling. 

'She's not going to know how to react. She isn't going to understand why you invited him. I'm betting as soon as she finds out she's going to be paranoid to hell' He carried on chuckling at the thought of Ash finding out I had made sure the big bosses son came long to my bachelor party. 

'I may be marrying Ash tomorrow, but I still kinda get off on teasing her' I pursed my lips. Roman shook his head at this. 

'This party is going to be wild' Roman acknowledged. 

'What are the odds of Ashley getting married to a friend again?' Roman then added. 

'I don't think she'll risk getting that wasted again, she knows we haven't let her live down Vegas yet' I pointed out. I was quiet for a little while, my mind racing. No matter how much I focused on the wedding, my asshole of a brother was nailed into the back of my brain. I never wanted Ashley to meet him, hell I'd not mentioned him to Ash. 

'Ro, the other week when myself and Ash came here to Cincinnati... we ran into Robbie' The car nearly did a swerve into the other lane, but Roman managed to bring the car back to safety. 

'You what?!' I gripped onto the edge of the chair as Roman grasped the steering wheel with a lot more force. 

'Give me a second to catch my fucking breath again, you almost killed us then!' I yelled at him, releasing my fingers from the edge of the chair. 

'We were in a bar, he came in and started giving me the big talk... until Ash got in his face and he disappeared' I informed Roman. 

'How did Ash take it? Considering you'd never told her about this asshat of a brother' I shrugged at Roman's question. 

'She wasn't exactly happy I hadn't told her, she's not badgered me about it though' Roman nodded, not speaking. We both sat in silence until Roman pulled into a parking lot of a hotel. 

'We're here. Get your game face on Ambrose. Nosulking. It's time for us to celebrate someone wants to marry your ass' He ruffled my hair before hopping out of the car. This was going to be fucking messy. 


Ashley's POV 

Nikki had found me and was hauling myself and my bags up to the suite room she'd booked. She was gushing about how she and John had started to see each other again. That their break up had been a mistake, they were still in love with each other and everything is back on track. We reached the suite and slotted the keycard in and pushed me inside. Brie was already in there, along with the all the others girls. 

'Our bride has arrived' Nikki greeted everyone. I was swarmed by all the girls. 

'Are you nervous?' Natayla asked. 

'How excited are you?' Carmella chipped in. 

'Where's the dress?' AJ squealed. 

'Do I get to give you a hug?' Bayley questioned. There was only Naomi, Brie, Becky and Nikki who wasn't surrounding me. 

'Ladies, ladies. Give the woman some breathing space' Becky shooed everyone away from me. Brie lead me down to a chair, whilst Nikki was popping open some champagne. 

'Nikki, before you hand me any kind of drink I'm making it clear to you all now, no getting me so wasted that I can't remember what happened. I do not need a repeat of Vegas' I warned her. Nikki grinned handing me a champagne flute. Nikki, Brie, Natayla and Naomi were the only ones here who knew of Vegas, and absolutely no-one else was finding out. 

'I'm wondering Ash, how did you get everything sorted out for the wedding? Roman would have been helping Dean, so who helped you?' Naomi asked, sitting on another chair. 

'Well, we know who it wasn't. The supposed maid of honor who stabbed her in the back-' Nikki scoffed,  sipping at her wine. 

'Erica Carter is the worlds biggest bitch' She slated. 

'Nikki-' I was cut off. 

'Good riddance that she's not going to be at the wedding' The door clicked open and all the girls spun around. 

'I'd like for you all to meet my maid of honor' I mumbled out with awkwardness as my eyes cast upon Erica. 

'What? No. You have to be kidding me' Nikki spluttered out, staring at me. 

'She's not invited to this and she's certainly not your maid of honor!' Nikki slammed her glass down. I cleared my throat and braced myself for the speech I had whipped up for this moment. 

'You can all stand there and judge me. But, until you have heard me out, you all keep quiet. Brie, your maid of honor was Nikki. A woman who has been with you throughout your entire life and she knows exactly what you wanted, right? No offence to any of you guys, but Erica has known me a hell of a lot longer and she knows exactly what I want and need. Yes, we have a hell of a lot of issues. And, I know that after tomorrow we are are against each other in a war. But for one day, one day I'm willing to push all of that behind me. I need my best friend on my wedding day' I let out a breath and downed the rest of the champagne that was in my glass. 

'We understand' Natayla was the one to speak up. Nikki was about to protest but Brie nudged her in the ribs. I glanced over at Erica who just staring at me, wide eyed. 

'Oh come on, I can be civil at times' I threw my hands up. Erica shot a look at the other girls, who had now all disbanded and were setting out the food. I walked over to Erica. 

'This is going to be super awkward, you know that right?' She muttered to me. 

'Of course it is, I'm pretty sure they all hate you. You have helped me with the wedding and I can't exactly not invite you to the wedding, not now anyway. Plus, Roman's already convinced Seth to show up at Dean's bachelor party. I don't think that's going to go down well' I wrinkled my nose in disgust. I felt shitty for going behind Dean's back like this, it had to be done though. As much as I hated to say it and it went against every fiber in my body. Both Erica and Seth needed to be at the wedding. I knew Dean would disagree, hey if Roman could agree to this so should Dean. 

'You still consider me as your best friend?' Erica asked, raising her eyebrows. 

'Don't push your luck, in two days time I'll be your boss' I shot at her, pulling a face. Erica rolled her eyes and helped herself to some champagne. Please make sure this whole thing isn't a disaster. 


Dean's POV 

A strip club. They had taken me to a strip club. Ashley would freak if she knew. I had no idea who's idea this had been. It surely hadn't been Randy's. Roman had led the whole group to a VIP section, where we were all seated. 

'This wasn't your idea by any chance was it?' I leaned over to Daniel. He let out a bellowing laugh and shook his head. 

'Do you think Brie would allow that?' He had a point. I sat back in my chair and scanned around the group of people. Definitely wasn't Randy or Daniel. Dolph was not behind this, I couldn't really see Cesaro planning this. The Uso's... nah. It wasn't Shane, he wasn't here yet. 

'It was you?' I questioned Roman who just grinned at me.

'This was your idea? Oh man, Ash is going to be so disappointed in you' I shook my head at Roman. 

'She thinks so highly of you as well' I added. Roman rolled his eyes and thrust a beer at me. A few seconds later Shane showed up. Roman was literally at his side in seconds. 

'When you see Ashley, best not to mention this. If she knew we brought Dean here... I'm a dead man' He informed Shane, patting him on the shoulder before sitting down next to me. Shane walked over to me and put his hand out. 

'Congratulations on soon-to-be marrying such a spectacular woman' I stood up and shook Shane's hand a little too roughly. 

'Ashley's a real, amazing woman Dean' Shane stated. 

'Oh, I know. I'm lucky to be marrying her. Me, marrying her' I reminded. Roman jabbed me in the ribs. I shot a look at Roman as I sat back down. Shane sat next to Daniel and was involved in a conversation with him. Roman looked around before getting up and beckoning me to follow him. I got up and walked out of the VIP section to see Roman standing by the front door. 

'Listen to me now, what I'm about to do is something Ashley wanted me to do and I agreed with her. So you best act cool, don't make a scene and don't make me punch you' Roman warned me as he opened the door. You had to be fucking kidding me. 

'What the fu-' 

'What did I say to you Dean? You make a scene and I'll spear your ass through the door. Ashley wanted Seth to be here at your bachelor party and I agreed. You know why? Because if Ashley is bigger enough to put her differences with Erica aside for one day and allow her to be her maid of honor, you can allow Seth to be your other best man' Roman was being serious. He was actually being serious about this whole thing. 

'He stabbed us both in the back, or have you forgot about that?' I hissed at Roman. 

'Of course I haven't. You know damn well since you planned to marry Ash, us two have helped you with everything. Ashley is willing to allow Erica to be her maid of honor. Something I never thought would happen in a million years. If she can do that, you can do this' This was fucking ridiculous. Why the hell would Ashley let this happen? I knew though. I knew that she wanted Erica there. I clenched my fists together. 

'Fine, he can stay tonight. He can be my other best man. Come Survivor Series, we're kicking his ass all over that ring' I vowed to Roman. He nodded, clearly relived I'd agreed to this. He turned to Seth and nudged him closer to me. Seth sighed and held out his hand. 

'I promise not to make any snide remarks, cocky remarks or anything that may offend you' He breathed out, obviously embarrassed by what he was saying. A smirk painted itself onto my lips. 

'Did Roman tell you to say that? Are you being a good little boy?' I asked him, grinning. Roman whacked the back of my head. 

'You aren't going to be a dick, understand?' He shot at me frowning. I scowled at him, shaking Seth's hand with intensity before letting go. 

'For one night, everything is going to go back to normal' Roman hissed in both mine and Seth's ears before directing us back to the VIP section. We will see Roman. 


I was wasted. Without a fucking doubt I was completely wasted. I didn't know what drink I was on, I didn't know the time or anything. Cesaro, Truth and Dolph were pretty hammered too. Roman, myself and Seth were downing shot after shot. I had no idea what anyone else was doing. 

'I can't- I can't remember the last time we were this drunk' Seth hiccuped, picking up another shot glass. 

'Oh I can. You two were giggling at cocktail names Ashley and Erica were reading out off a menu' Roman rolled his eyes. Myself and Seth burst out laughing. 

'Blowjob on the rocks' Seth giggled. 

'I thought it was sex on the rocks' I slurred out. Roman rolled his eyes again and headed to the bar, leaving the two of us in a fit of giggles. I decided to go and join the rest of the group, Seth following behind me. I slumped down next to Shane who was in conversation with Randal and John.

'Shane, Shane. Do you know Ashley once got married in Vegas?' I piped up, downing another shot. 

'She what?' Randal spluttered out, eyes wide open. 

'Dude, I thought Ashley told you not to tell anyone about that' Seth hiccuped again, swaying slightly. I dismissed what Seth was saying. 

'Don't worry Randal, it was only to Erica. They got so fucking wasted, they ended up getting married. They had a wedding certificate and everything ' I snorted laughing hysterically. 

'Please don't tell me he just told you the Vegas story' Roman was behind me, grabbing my shoulders. 

'He did' Shane answered smiling.  

'You're a dead man before you are even married' Roman cringed letting go of me. 

'Ash also once threw up after riding a rollercoaster at Coney Island, but she threw up all over herself. It was sooo funny' Roman was hiding his face in absolute despair. 

'Not to mention the time she got so wasted she was all aggressive and shit and was trying to dominate me in-' 

'Dean! Don't you think that's enough' Roman scolded. 

'You think that's embarrassing? Once Seth did  strip tease for Erica dancing to the Pussycat Dolls' I chimed. Seth sprayed his drink everywhere, even Roman was laughing now. 

'Come on Rollins, give us a dance' Truth called. Seth was going red. He was still so easy to embarrass. 

'Here, Randal take a photo of me and Shane' I threw my phone at Orton and hauled Shane into the photo. Randal took the photo and passed my phone back. 

'Golden boy, how do I send this to Ash?' I asked Seth, who took the phone off me and sent it to Ashley. Her reaction was going to be fucking priceless. 

'Can we at least make a civilized toast?' Daniel added. Roman nodded at this and picked up a beer. Everyone did the same, raising their glasses high. 

'To Dean and Ashley' They all roared. Just a few more hours. A few more hours and you can marry Ashley. 


Ashley's POV 

Okay, this wasn't going as difficult as I thought it would. Numerous bottles of champagne had been drunk, as well as other bottles of wine. There was food here, there and everywhere. Nikki had now decided to play a game of truth or dare. Such a classic game to always cause shit. The last time we played this was at Brie's bacherlotte party and that's where I so happened to reveal my previous relationship with John Cena. We all sat in a circle on the floor. Natayla spun the bottle and it landed on Sasha. 

'Truth or dare Banks?' Nikki asked. 

'Dare' Sasha answered. 

'I dare you to a down whole glass of champagne' Sasha rolled her eyes at this dare and drank a whole glass of champagne without questioning it. Brie spun the bottle this time and it landed on Becky. 

'Truth or dare?' Brie asked her. Becky pressed her lips together, debating which one to go for. 


'Are you dating anyone at the moment?' Naomi asked. Becky shot a quick look at me before taking a breath. Hold on, was she about to tell everyone? 

'No, not at the moment' She shrugged. I deflated at little and Becky gave me a small smile. Nikki pulled a face and spun the bottle again, it landed on Erica. I internally groaned. 

'Truth or dare?' Bayley asked. 

'Truth' Oh God. What were they going to ask her, this could not go down well 

'When did you know you were in love with Seth?' Bayley quizzed, making sure no-one else asked her anything. Erica was definitely taken back by this question. 

'I knew I was in love with Seth when I realized he wasn't a bad guy at all. He's just portrayed badly. He's really a sweet guy' Erica smiled only a little, but Bayley gave her a big grin back. Nikki scoffed at Erica's answer and spun the bottle. What do you know? It finally landed on me. 

'Truth or dare?' Nikki's eyes were now glowing. Whichever one I picked I was screwed. 

'Dare' I replied with a grimace. 

'I dare you to makeout with Brie and send a photo to Dean

'Nicole!' Brie yelled. 

'Not a chance Nikki. If Dean IS wasted, he'll show that photo to everyone and I don't really want my father, Brie's husband or your boyfriend seeing it' I reminded him. Nikki pulled a bored face. 

'How about truth?' Naomi offered. 

'Did you really think Dean would be the guy you would marry?' Natayla asked me. 

'Not by a long shot. Never in a million years did I think I would marry such an asshole' I laughed, drinking some wine. 

'You guys are perfect for each other. I haven't seen anyone who was able to tame Dean Ambrose until you walked into his life' Nattie praised me. 

'You definitely changed him for the greater good' Naomi pitched in. 

'Is he much of a hugger?' Bayley asked me. 

'Much more of a cuddler' I winked. I heard my phone vibrate and I leaped up, grabbing it off the table and swiping it open. It was a message from Dean. I opened the message to find a photo of Dean, clearly wasted sitting next to... Shane McMahon. Oh My God. 

'Tell me this is a joke' I choked out. 

'What's wrong?' Erica was at my side. 

'He invited Shane freaking McMahon to his bachelor party!' I whined. Erica was full on laughing at the photo.

'It's not funny! He could have told him anything!' I almost shouted 

'Relax, stop freaking out. It's going to be okay. Go and have fun' She pushed me back towards the girls. I just wanted the wedding to be here. 



I'm getting married today. It didn't feel real. It didn't feel real that today was the day. I was going to walk down the aisle and marry Dean. It felt all too surreal. My stomach was doing flips all over the place. I hadn't slept much at all last night. I was trying my best to calm down. I'd drank about three glasses of water and two glasses of orange juice. 

'Will you please relax? The more you stress, the more you are going to freak yourself out Ashley' Erica scorned as she brushed my hair. Erica was doing my hair, Nikki was doing my make-up and the other girls were sorting out the dresses, shoes and the rest of the outfits.  Erica was leaving my hair down, but was going to curl bits here and there, give it a bit of oomph I guess. I wanted to bite my nails with how nervous I was. 

'I'm still trying to wrap around my head that I'm getting married to Dean. It felt like it was just yesterday he proposed to me in Italy' I shook my head a little. 

'You have dreamed of a wedding since you were small and now it's happening' Erica smiled, finishing off my hair. Nikki whizzed in and was already on doing my make-up. She was serious and wasn't wasting anytime at all. I was most certainly not allowed to cry now. I couldn't afford to ruin my make-up. As soon as Nikki was done I was rushed into another room. My wedding dress was hanging up, prepped and ready for me to slip into. God, I forgot how beautiful it was. I bit my lip and brought it down. I got myself into my dress, zipping it up before standing in the mirror. Holy crap. I looked like a whole different person. Hey, I'm not going to deny it I looked like a damn princess. I slid into my shoes and took a deep breath, as I opened the door and showed myself off to the girls. 

'Oh my God' AJ squealed, grinning. 

'You look incredible!' Nattie gushed. 

'You're so beautiful' Bayley commented, admiring my dress. 

'Damn girl, you're gonna blow everyone away' Naomi smiled at me. 

'Randy's going to be so overwhelmed with how amazing you look' Becky smiled warmly at me. 

'I can't get over how well that dress fits you' Sash added. 

'Dean's going to be speechless' Brie grinned. Nikki tilted her head and looked me in the eyes. 

'Knock them dead' She smiled. 

'I think it's time we get the blushing bride touched up, whilst we all get ready' Erica suggested. The girls went and got their dresses on. 

'He's not going to do know what to do when he see's you. The dress looks absolutely amazing Ash' Erica shook her head, smiling. 

'Thanks for everything' I was genuine. Erica didn't say anything, she just gave my hand a squeeze. Come on Ash, let's go make an honest man out of Dean Ambrose. 


Dean's POV 

'Are you sure I look okay? The tie doesn't look too shiny?' Seth fiddled with his tie for the 4th time this morning. I rolled my eyes and shot a look at Roman. 

'It's fine Seth, seriously' Roman assured him. I peered in the mirror at myself. I wasn't one for wearing a suit, but I had to admit I looked fucking good. 

'How's your head?' Daniel asked me as he walked into the room. I'm sure Brie had told Daniel to cut his beard for the wedding, but he clearly hadn't taken her advice. 

'I'm okay, so is Ro. It was princess pretty over here who was struggling' I nodded in Seth's direction as he now messed about with his cuffs of his suit jacket. 

'Any nerves?' Daniel muttered to me. 

'Not any at all. I can't wait to see Ash' I admitted. 

'From what Brie has text me, she looks stunning' Daniel informed me, patting my shoulder.  My stomach did a ripple at Daniel's words. My mind had been conjuring up all morning how Ash was going to look. 

'Everyone ready then?' Roman called out. 

'Yeah. Truth, Cesaro, Jimmy and Jey, Shane and Dolph are all downstairs with the cars' Daniel glanced at his watch as he spoke. 

'Randy and John?' I asked. 

'John has took Randy to Ash' Daniel answered. This was it then. Daniel led the way out of the room, Seth following after him. 

'You alright?' Roman asked. 

'It's actually happening man' I let out a laugh. 

'You've got this man' Roman gave my shoulder a squeeze before ushering me out of the door. 


Ashley's POV 

The butterflies in my stomach were getting stronger and stronger. The girls had all said goodbye and left for the church. I was on my own, waiting for my dad. I was sitting here, reflecting on the last year of my life. Everything had changed. I had gone from being just someone's valet, to a two time WWE Women's champion. To being apart of one of the most badass factions ever. As well as finding my soul mate, being engaged and now getting married. I peeked up from the floor to see dad approaching me. His eyes were wide and I could tell he wanted nothing more than to cry. 

'I can't believe my little girl is growing up. You look so gorgeous Ashley. Your mother would be so proud of you right now' Dad whispered as he hugged me. Don't cry Ashley! You aren't allowed to cry. 

'Let's go and get you married' He linked arms with me and we headed into the car. By the time we were in the car, I could feel my stomach flipping even more. 

'What's married life like?' I blurted out. He chuckled. 

'Amazing. Don't get me wrong, there's time that you want to walk out. But, knowing that you're with that person for the rest of your life. It's incredible' He smiled down at me. He still loved my mother, there was no doubt about that. Becky was the woman he was in love with now. Deep breaths Ashley. Not long now and you'll be back with Dean. Soon enough, we pulled up outside of the church. Dad got out of the car and opened the door for me. 

'You ready sweetheart?' He asked me, once again linking arms with me. We walked to the entrance of the church. I took one more deep breath before the doors were pushed open and we were making our way to the other door. Dad was already on the verge of crying. He kissed the side of my head before opening the other door. I was greeted by rows and rows of people standing up. This was so surreal. My eyes immediately flew to Dean. Roman on one side, Seth on the other. Dean looked damn fine in his suit. He was staring at me, his mouth open a little as he didn't take his eyes off me. We reached where Dean was and dad unhooked himself from. 

'You will always be my little girl and I love you so much' He'd cracked. He was crying as he sat down next to John and Nikki. I glanced at Erica who was smiling at me, giving me a thumbs up. I was standing opposite Dean now, a nervous smile on my face. 

'You look incredible Ash, I can't even believe this' Dean whispered, shaking his head. 

'You don't look too bad yourself Ambrose' I murmured back to him, causing him to grin. 

'Dearly beloved we are gathered here to unite Dean and Ashley in holy matrimony' The minister spoke as Dean took both of my hands tightly. 

'If any person here can show a cause why these two people should not be joined together, speak now or forever hold your peace' Both myself and Dean exchanged looks. I was silently praying that no surprises showed up and ruined this. No-one interrupted. The minister shifted to look at Dean. 

'Do you Jonathan Good take Ashley Marie Orton to be your wife? Will you love her, comfort her, keep her in sickness and health, for richer, for poorer, for better for worse, in sadness and joy to cherish and bestow upon her your hearts deepest devotion as long as you both shall live?' The minister asked Dean. He gave my hands a squeeze as he looked me directly in the eyes. 

'I do' I pressed my lips together, refusing to allow myself to cry. Not yet Ashley! 

'Do you Ashley Marie Orton take Jonathan Good to be your husband? Will you love him, comfort him, keep him in sickness and health, for richer, for poorer, for better for worse, in sadness and joy to cherish and bestow upon  him your hearts deepest devotion as long as you both shall live?'

'I do' I let out a small laugh, trying to keep the tears back. Dad was crying again, I could see Becky was itching to reach out to him. 

'The rings please' The minister asked as Roman stepped forward, the rings neatly placed on a red cushion. We both took one, my eyes casting over the ring that was pinched between my fingers. It had a small heart engraved into it. We both placed the rings on each other fingers, my tears struggling to keep in. 

'I've been informed that both the bride and groom have wrote vows' The minister stepped back and allowed myself and Dean to speak. I took a deep breath and held onto Dean's hands tighter. 

'I'm standing here, marrying the man I loathed for such a long time. It's funny how things turn out isn't it? You were a pain in my backside from the moment we first met. You were under my skin from day one and I thrived off it. I'm unconditionally in love with you. You make me feel indestructible. It has and always been us against the world. You are my soul mate, my best friend, my mentor and above all else, you're the love of my life. My whole life is dedicated to you Dean. I love you with every inch of my body, soul, mind and heart ' My voice cracked and I could feel the hot tears starting to trickle out. I quickly wiped them way, shaking my head. Dean let out a breath and rubbed his chin, doing his best not to start crying. Seeing Dean cry was an extremely rare sight.

'I never knew love existed, I believed it was nothing but rubbish. Then I met you and man, did you change everything. I was dark, I was very dark and you lit me up like no-one has before. I became a better man, all because of you Ashley. I could not ask for a better woman who keeps me in line, who argues back and makes sure I stick to being the man I am today. My love for you consumes me more and more everyday. I feel complete having you by my side. You're everything I could have asked for and more. I know you're the one I'm willing to spend the rest of my life with, to grow old with and have a family with. I love you' Dean shook his head, wiping the tears away with the back of his hand. I saw Roman scrunching his nose up, obviously trying to avoid crying. Seth was looking away, his hair now covering his eyes. By God, he was crying too. Dad was openly crying, if I wasn't so emotional I'd be laughing. 

'By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you, husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride' I grinned as the minister's words, as both myself and Dean leaned into each other. Our lips met and the whole church was clapping. 

'We did it, we got married' I giggled in Dean's ear, tears still managing to find themselves leaving my eyes. 

'You bet we did, Mrs Good' Dean murmured, before turning us both to face the rest of the church. He raised our hands high and I couldn't help but start laughing. Erica was wiping tears way, everyone was clapping. Goodbye Ashley Orton, hello Ashley Good. 

(AHHH! They did it, they got married. I'm so proud of them. Okay, okay so I apologise that this chapter was hella long. I still have the wedding reception/wedding night to write. But, that'll be in the next chapter now (along with Survivor Series) exciting times! What a drama free chapter for a change. I really hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, I had so much fun writing it. DASHLEY FEELS. Not to mention a slight Shield/Ash and Erica reunion. Feedback is appreciated :-)) 

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