A Grand Celebration

By CaylahWest

2K 70 1

After the fall of the United States and it's democracy, the royal monarchy was replaced, uniting all of North... More

Chapter 2

Chapter 1

546 24 0
By CaylahWest

Kaiser's POV

I smoothed the front of my dress over with a sigh. It was a champagne colored form-fitting mermaid gown with beading detail in the center. It was strapless and made of satin. Liliwen braided my long blonde hair in a side ponytail. For my entire life, my mother would only trim my hair, never cut it. It was well past my butt. I had my father's high cheekbones and my mother's doe-like eyes. Liliwen was putting the finishing touches on my makeup.

"Hold still," she said with a frustrated sigh. I didn't wear makeup often, so I was fidgeting a lot. I giggled slightly before I opened my eyes. Liliwen sighed and put down the small makeup brush. "Cessie, you're supposed to be getting on the jet in 15 minutes. You're mother will kill me if you're not flawless... please," she asked. I quieted my giggles with a sigh and closed my eyes agin.

"Fine, Liliwen. My mother gets her way yet again," I said sarcastically. I felt her continue my makeup with a sigh.

"She only wants the best for her children. You shouldn't be so hard on her," Liliwen said.

"I can't help it, Liliwen. She acts like she's never been my age before," I said. When she finished, she stood back and admired her work.

"I'm going to miss you, Cessie," Liliwen said. I held her hand in mine and squeezed it gently.

"I'm going to miss, too, Liliwen," I said.

When the jet arrived, I was ushered to its doors with Liliwen carrying my bags beside me. She handed them to the stewardess before she turned to me. Her callused but gentle hands held my arms.

"You're going to be fine, Cessie. Good luck," she smiled before she scurried away. I boarded the plane and froze when I saw I wasn't the only one here. There were a handful of other girls already seated.

"Kaiser Rowan of Texxarnan," a butler introduced me to the rest of the plane. I could see the girls sizing me up as they sat upright in their pristine gowns. One girl took the time to smile and stand.

"Cessie!" she greeted me as she came closer. I smiled at the familiar face. I was glad to see her dark locks and blue eyes. I hugged her gently so I wouldn't mess up her gown.

"Harper!" I greeted her. Harper and I had known each other for a while now. My older brother, Winston, married Harper's older sister, Guinevere, about five years ago. Our families were very close.

"I'm so glad to see a familiar face here. Come... sit with me," she said. I gladly obliged besides the occasional phone call, I hadn't seen Harper in a few months now. We spent the entire plane ride catching up. The other girls were quietly judging everyone, listening to music, or sleeping. It was slightly unnerving. We didn't pick up anyone else. I guess I was the last of the region.

Finally, we landed behind the Royal Palace. The Palace was in the capitol of Aedorynn: Ioraxus. King Alastair and Queen Joan greeted us as we stepped off the plane. King Alastair was the eldest brother of the Royal Family. He took over after the death of their father. Queen Joan was the winner of his Grand Celebration. The five girls who filed off the plane lined the rich green grass in a semi-circle as we waited.

"Welcome to the Royal Palace, ladies. Thank you for representing the Southern Region. I hope you find this Grand Celebration a wonderful experience, and good luck," the King greeted us. We curtsied before we were ushered inside the Palace. We were led into a large lounge area where more girls were waiting in their arrival gowns. No one was talking to each other as a heavy tension settled over the room. The warm colored chairs and wood could do nothing to brighten the mood. We all just sat there doing nothing as we waited. It felt like everyone was waiting to snap at each other's throats. Finally, the last batch of girls arrived to create a total of 13 girls. A butler walked in and stood tall at the door.

"Eleanor Groves," he called. She stood with a breath, straightened her dress and left the room. The butler left after her, closing the door. It was beginning. One by one, names were called and the room emptied until I was the last one. The butler came back after several minutes and looked at me apologetically.

"I'm sorry, miss. I don't have your name on my list," he admitted. I felt a smile grace my lips.

"That's quite alright. I guess I'll just be heading home-" I froze when Prince Lucian himself stepped into the lounge room. I'd seen him a million times on the news, but the TV did not do him justice. His dark hair was thicker and shinier. His skin was smooth and his caramel-colored eyes could capture the moon. He was dressed in a pure jet-black, four-piece tux with a white button up underneath. He was stunning.

"What is your name?" he asked, shaking me out of my shocked state.

"It is no matter, Your Highness. I'm not on the list so I'll just be on my way home," I said defiantly.

"What is your age?" he asked calmly.

"18 years of age," I replied.

"And are you betrothed?" he asked. I shook my head slowly, quickly seeing the direction of this conversation. He smirked slightly as he clasped his hands in front of him. "Your name?" he asked again. I sighed and reluctantly bowed.

"Lady Kaiser Rowan of Texxarnan," I obliged. The Prince smiled triumphantly.

"Oh yes, now I remember. Your father tried to pull your name from the Celebration on the account that you had only recently turned 18. You're mother replaced it. I guess the updated guest list didn't reach everybody," he explained with a quick glance at the butler. "But it seems you don't want to be here. Why is that? Are you not grateful for the opportunity to be at the Palace or possibly marry a member of the Royal Family?" he asked. I snorted out an unattractive laugh before I could catch myself.

"Please... I'm not that desperate," I scoffed. I realized a little too late who I was talking to, but I wouldn't apologize. I meant what I said. Instead of being upset, the Prince laughed as he stuck his hands in his front pockets.

"You're different... feisty. I can't wait to see what else you do during your time here," he smiled. I felt what little hope I had left, deplete. Looks like I was going to be stuck here. Even worse, the Prince liked that I spoke out of turn. He was supposed to hate me and send me home. Instead, he saw my impression as a good one. It didn't make any sense.

"The other girls were waiting in the dining hall if you would like to join them," Prince Lucian said, motioning towards the door.

"Respectfully, Prince Lucian, I'd like to go home," I said honestly.

"Luc... call me Luc," he corrected me.

"I will not call you that, Your Highness. It's inappropriate and suggests a level of intimacy that we will never have," I argued gracefully.

"She's smart, too. You have to at least give this a chance," he smirked. He was getting under my skin and I didn't like it. I let out a silent breath and straightened where I stood.

"I should join the others," I said, breaking the silence and trying to excuse myself.

"That you should, Lady Kaiser," he said, kissing my hand. "Until next time," he added. I gave a quick curtsy before I walked out of the room. The butler led me to the dining hall where all the members of the Royal Family and the eligible ladies were already seated and waiting at a long dark wood table. Multiple chandeliers lit the room. The ladies lined the sides of the table and the King sat at the head of the table with the other head empty. I saw one other empty seat next to Harper.

I blushed in embarrassment as all eyes landed on my late arrival. I took the empty seat next to Harper and held my head up to convey the confidence I didn't feel at the moment. Prince Lucian strolled in a moment later looking relaxed as an easy smirk graced his lips. He sat at the empty seat on the other head of the table and nodded to his older brother. The King stood and held his arms out to the table.

"Let's eat!" the King announced with a smile. At once, a flood of maids and butlers brought out trays upon trays of food. Harper discreetly leaned closer to me as conversations began around the table.

"You were with the Prince a long time. What happened?" she asked curiously. I looked down as my plate was placed in front of me.

"There was a mix up with the guest list. I wasn't on it so they were trying to figure out who I was. Then I tried to convince the Prince to let me go home," I explained. Her eyes widened in surprise.

"You asked the Prince to go home?! Are you insane?" she whispered incredulously. I shrugged as I started in on the first course.

"That's debatable," I answered honestly. We ate with a quiet murmur of conversation floating through the dining hall. After a very long eight-course meal, Prince Lucian stood from his chair. Everyone's attention immediately went to him.

"While you all are here, ladies, I will be going on dates with all of you to try to learn more about you. My first date will be tonight ... Lady Kaiser?" he asked turning to me. I froze and tried to beg him with my eyes to take it back. It had the opposite effect as his smile widened. "Lady Kaiser, will you be my first date?" he asked.

"Do I have a choice," I muttered a little too loud. The ladies gasped as Prince Lucian and the King laughed heartily.

"She's got spunk, brother. I see why you chose her," the King laughed. I sighed and sunk slightly in my chair. This was going horribly. They loved me. I received glares from the other ladies. "Ladies, you are dismissed for the night," the King said to the table. The ladies filed out, glaring at me as they passed. I hung back as Prince Lucian approached me.

"I'll allow you time to dress into something comfortable then I'll come by your room to fetch you," he explained.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked quietly as my eyes glanced at the retreating ladies.

"Because I've never seen anything like you before and I intend to learn what makes you... tick," he smirked at me before he left. I released an angry breath as I watched his retreating back.

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