90210 . young justice one-sho...

By -ezzie

1.4M 39.9K 16.3K

"While I was on ice you found another Roy Harper, the sidekicks formed their own team, aliens invaded the Ear... More

Submissions [C L O S E D]
Kid Flash x Reader
Robin (Dick Grayson) x Reader
Superboy x Reader
Kaldur'ahm x Reader
Robin (Tim Drake) x Reader
Kid Flash x Reader
Robin (Dick Grayson) x Reader
Bluebeetle x Green Lantern! Reader
Beast Boy x Reader
Impulse x Reader
Red Arrow x Reader
Impulse x Reader
Blue Beetle x Reader
Kid Flash x Reader
Red Arrow x Reader
Impulse x Reader
Robin (Tim Drake) x Reader
Impulse x Reader (Part 2)
Aqualad x Reader
Nightwing x Reader
Blue Beetle x Reader
Nightwing x Villain! Reader
Robin (Dick Grayson) x Reader
Impulse x Reader
Kid Flash x Villain! Reader
Nightwing x Reader
Blue Beetle x Reader
Beast Boy x Reader
Impulse X Reader
Kid Flash x Fate!Reader
Red Arrow x Reader
Kid Flash x Villain! Reader Part 2
Superboy x Reader
Blue Beetle x Reader
Aqualad x Reader
Superboy x Reader
Red Hood x Reader
Klarion x Reader
Klarion x Reader (Part 2)
Kid Flash x Reader
Nightwing x Reader
Nightwing x Reader
Batman x Reader
Impulse x Reader
Impulse x Reader
Kid Flash x Reader
Red Hood x Reader
Shazam x Reader
Robin (Damian Wayne) x Reader
Nightwing x Reader
Icicle Jr x Reader
Aqualad x Reader
Impulse x Reader
Arsenal x Reader
Blue Beetle x Reader
Wonder Woman x Reader
Arsenal x Speedster! Reader
Aqualad x Reader
Bat Family x Reader
Klarion x Reader
Robin (Dick Grayson) x Reader
Kid Flash x Speedster! Reader
Nightwing x Reader
Arsenal x Reader
Robin (Dick Grayson) x Reader
Miss Martian x Reader
Aqualad x Reader
Kid Flash x Reader
Robin (Damian Wayne) x Reader
Work Headcanons
Robin (Damian Wayne) x Reader
Kid Flash x Reader
Artemis x Reader
Superboy x Blind! Reader
Nightwing x Reader
Zatanna x Reader
Klarion x Reader
Batman x Reader
Kid Flash x Reader
Blue Beetle x Reader
Robin (Dick Grayson) x Male! Reader
Christmas Specials
Wonder Woman x Male! Reader
Batfamily x Reader
shit we need to leave behind in 2017
Red Robin x Reader
Klarion x Reader
Um.... hi?
Abt to go into my exam
YJ Season 3
YJ SEASON 3 IS COMING aaaaaand im disappointed. as usual :)
hello hi
i cried while writing this

Aqualad x Reader

18.7K 534 150
By -ezzie


Requested by; @Lizardgurl


Y/N = Your Name
S/H/N = Superhero Name


"Now, (Y/N)," Canary began, placing her hands on my shoulders. "They're just another group of teenagers that are just like you."
"I'm pretty sure that most teenagers can't disappear into thin air - I doubt they're anything like me." I rubbed my hands together in stress.
"Besides, you know I'm not good with, you know, communicating with others." 

And it was true. For years I had been undergoing treatment for a rare skin disorder. Kids would always tease me about it, calling me 'speckles' for the random spots on my skin. But every time the doctors thought they had something, it made it worse. One day, they thought they had it. We all did. But it turned out - they were only trying to enhance the disorder. They called it a 'defensive mechanism of the brain'. I couldn't even neurologically control it until Black Canary taught me. 

Canary sighed and tried to give me a smile. "Just- try, alright? For me?" I pursed my lips and looked away. Finally I nodded, still not looking into her eyes. 
"Alright, let's go."

I flinched slightly as we walked through the zeta tube, the tips of my fingers still left tingling. 
"Okay, everyone - listen up," Canary ordered. The group of teens swarmed around her, either looking at her or at me. I felt slightly intimidated by a boy with piercing blue eyes and black who stared straight at me and quickly looked away to my side, realizing that my hand was starting to fade. A small gasp left my lips as I brought it back. 

"This is your new team mate, (S/H/N)." Canary stepped out of the way so I could walk forward, but found myself rooted to the spot. I glanced up, looking at each of their faces before glancing away once more, feeling my cheeks up in embarrassment. 

"My name is Aqualad, but you can call me Kaldur." A boy with dark skin introduced himself with an extended hand. I stared up at him, trying to cover my shock when I noticed the contrast of his pale green eyes against his dark skin. I attempted a smile and shook his hand, quickly retracting it when I noticed it disappearing again. 

"T-that happens, uh, sometimes. . ." I mumbled, hiding my hand behind my back. 
"Wait, do you-"
"Turn invisible?" A ginger and another black haired boy asked at the same time, bright grins on their face. I felt my face heat up once more. 
"Uh, y-yeah?" 
"Well, can you show us?" I hesitantly looked over at Canary, who smiled and nodded. I took a deep breath and tried to concentrate, closing my eyes.

When I opened my eyes, I saw everyone's jaw drop. It worked, thank, God. The ginger stepped forwards, extending his hand out to where I was. I let out a squeal of surprise and jumped out of the way, accidentally bumping into Kaldur, causing my to appear. 

"Wally, what the heck?! You can't just try and touch people when they disappear!" A blonde cried out, walking over and hitting the boy over the head, a loud smack echoing. 

I felt a pair of hands resting on my shoulders and looked over to see that Kaldur had held onto me to stop me from falling over after bumping into him. I quickly stepped away, a burning sensation on my cheeks. My voice shook as I apologized. 
"I-I'm so sorry, I-I didn't mean to-"
"It's okay, it was purely an accident," Kaldur quickly replied, smiling honestly at me. 

After a proper introduction to the entire team, Canary got them to give me a tour of the mountain. I was a little uneasy at first, especially without Canary's presence, but I knew I was safe with the group of heroes. I stuck to myself mostly, attempting to remember each of the routes to certain rooms, but quickly forgot no matter who hard I tried. 

I am so gonna get lost in here. I thought worriedly to myself. 
Oh, don't worry about that! We're always here to help you around! A voice popped into my head. I let out a scream, holding my head in hands. 

"Oh, my God, (S/H/N)! I forgot to tell you that I'm telepathic." M'gann quickly informed me, rushing over and placing a hand on my shoulder. I flinched back at the sudden touch, fear filling me. It had taken years for me to allow Canary to touch me as simply as touching my hand. After being experimented on, the feeling of someone touching me seemed un-human. 

"I-it's okay. . . just a little warning next time," I said, forcing a smile. M'gann smiled apologetically and continued the tour. I tried a little harder to keep my thoughts minimal. 

Over two months had passed and I was still on the team. I had managed to warm up to Kaldur and Artemis, even telling them small details about my past. Artemis was quick to claim that she'd never try and break my 'barrier' as she had called it, telling me that she was always willing to listen. Kaldur, however, seemed to make it more of a mission. Every time we went out on a mission, he'd ask me to stay back a little - keep guard. Of course, I'd never argue back and say I wanted in on the fight, but I didn't want to get on his bad side, especially knowing that he was the team leader. 

On this particular day, there were no missions, not even a cat stuck in a tree. Wally let out a load groan, thumping his head onto the kitchen counter. 
"I have an idea!" He loudly exclaimed.
"Wow, that must've hurt." Artemis smirked. I smile formed on my lips at her quick response, but didn't let out a laugh. Wally just ignored her and looked over at me. 
"We should totally celebrate (S/H/N)'s second month with us." 

My eyes widened at the sound of my name. 
"We should celebrate-"
"We all know what you said," Artemis growled. "Why?"

I glanced around the room nervously. No matter how many times these two got into arguments, I still felt my nerves sparking. 

"Well, why not? I mean, she's helped this team out, like, a lot." I quickly began to intervene. 
"N-no, I don't think that I'm-"
"Wally has a point, (S/H/N)," Kaldur said, a small smile on his face. "You have contributed the most to this team over the small time you have been here." I felt myself grow red from his words. I let out a sigh. 
"This sounds like a horrible idea."
"Oh, believe me, we've had worse." 

The 'celebration' didn't consist of anything loud as I had expected. Instead it was just a movie night. We all sat either on or around the couch, time flying by as we went film through film. And eventually I was the last one still awake. I glanced at the time on my phone, slightly blinded by the bright screen. 2:30 AM. I sighed and wrapped the blanket around me tightly as I stood, knowing that I wouldn't really be able to sleep for a while. 

I sneaked my way out the back hammer door onto the beach, hit by the sudden, chilly breeze. I gripped the blanket around me tighter and waddled down the water, my toes barely touching the tide. I smiled as the breeze ruffled my hair, looking up at the moon as it pierced its way through the dark sky. 

"Beautiful, isn't it?" I spun around quickly, trying to spot who had said those words. 
"Oh, Kaldur," I sighed in relief. "It's just you." Kaldur walked over to me, standing next to me at a comfortable distance.

"T-thanks. . . for the party thing, or whatever," I said, breaking the silence. Kaldur smiled gently at me, the reflection of the moon in the side of his eye. 
"It's really nothing, (S/H/N)."
"You can call me (Y/N)," I added quickly, averting my eyes. "I-if you want. J-just don't let Canary I told you. She likes having the whole 'secret identity' thing down to a 't'." I grinned awkwardly, looking up at Kaldur. 

He had turned back to the sky, deep in thought. 
"(Y/N). . ." his deep voice mumbled, causing a shiver to run down my spine. I tried to smile once again, looking up at the sky. 

I spared a glance down to Kaldur's side, noticing his arms hanging loosely at his side. I realized that the uneasy feeling had disappeared, instead replaced by comfort. My hand twitched as I reached over, slowly grabbing his hand, linking our fingers. 

Kaldur looked straight at me, and I felt my heart stop for a split second from the sharp look in his eyes. I began to slowly retract my hand, only to have Kaldur grasp it in his own, a small smile dancing on his lips. A warm feeling spread through my body as I smiled back, but this time it wasn't awkward or forced. For the first time in an incredibly long time, it was pure. 


i now live at the bottom of the ocean bc there is less drama. 

I need more Kaldur in my life tbh like ugh that jaw line m'kay? I mean, can we just talk about how he looks 99% percent done with everything in most of his scenes?

Doing these one-shots is becoming really fun for me and that's great bc that means I'll do better writing which means you guys will happier which will make me happier and it will become a never ending cycle and I think that's magical. 


Okay, I hope you enjoyed this character and please don't hesitate to send in any requests (via commenting or messaging me directly)!!!

Chika chika 


P.S. I am incredibly tired right now so I'm sorry if that's why it seems like I'm kinda high. . .

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