Runaway Love[Completed]

By HolaaHovito

191K 6.5K 2.2K

In the midst of their traumatic personal issues and life problems, Shawn Carter and Beyoncé Knowles cross pat... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
New Story Alert

Chapter 28

3.3K 106 74
By HolaaHovito

December 4th, 2015

Shawn's POV

Man, this class is borin' as fuck! History is the dumbest fuckin' subject! The easiest to pass, but the dumbest. I should have just listened to Granny and stayed home today. She was gonna stay home if I stayed home, but shit. We need money, so.

I pulled my phone outta my pocket to check snapchat and shit. As soon as I unlocked it, BK texted me.

Received from BK: Birthday boy, WYD?

Sent to BK: in class, bored af. It's about to end though. You?

Received from BK: Good. Meet me in the front.

I frowned. What the hell is she talkin' about? In the front? She's here? At my school?

Sent to BK: what? The front? What do you mean?

Received from BK: the front of your school, silly! You're ditchin' for the rest of the day.

I smiled then quickly looked up to see if my teacher was lookin' at me, which he wasn't. He never really pays any attention.

Sent to BK: aight, see you in a few.

Received from BK: cool. Don't take forever because we're on a time schedule.

Sent to BK: uuh. Why?

Received from BK: don't ask questions, homie. Be Nike, just do it.

I laughed out loud.

"Shawn, I'm pretty sure section twelve isn't that interestin'." Mr. Kawasaki said.

"You right. It's borin' as hell." Everybody laughed and Kawasaki got mad.

Sent to BK: you hella corny.

Received from BK: made you laugh though.

She's such a creep, man.

I realized it was one-twenty three. One more minute until the bell rang, so I put my phone back in my pocket and started puttin' my notes and shit in my backpack. Everybody started packin' their shit too.

"Hey, continue to read." Kawasaki said but nobody listened to his ass. We never do. He's annoyin' as hell and this classroom stinks.

The bell was literally about to ring so I stood up to leave. Kawasaki was talkin' about the bell doesn't dismiss you, I do. Then why the fuck do we have a bell? Teachers be wit' the extras, man. I walked out right before the bell actually rang. As soon as I stepped outta class, this new girl, LaJoy, bumped into me. Well, not really "new" but she transferred here not too long ago. I felt her foot tap mine and immediately looked down at my all white classic shell toe Adidas.

"My bad, Shawn." She said. I looked up at her and she was smilin' at me.

"You good, Joy." I started walkin' towards the hall exit door and she walked beside me.

"So I heard that it's your birthday today." I kinda frowned at Joy. I don't really fuck wit' anybody heavy enough for them to know my birthday. I mean, there's my teammates, but them niggas don't know my birthday. I don't really celebrate my birthday for it to ever be a topic of conversation.

"You heard right."

"Happy birthday!"

"Thank you, but who told you it was my birthday?"

"I have my sources." She giggled.

"Oh really?"

"Yep. So, you eighteen now, right?"

"Yeah." I lied. I hate when people ask me how old I am because I have to explain that I started school hella late. Niggas really be convinced that I flunked grades and shit. It's just easier to go wit' the flow.

"What'chu got goin' on tonight?" She asked.

"I don't even know, man. Probably just go out to eat or something."

"No turn up?" She said lookin' surprised.

"Food is the turn up. What'chu mean?" I laughed.

"Nah, I know how to turn up, for real for real."

"I know what a turn up is. I'm just choosin' not to today. I'm tryna chill, that's it."

"I feel you."

"I'm 'bout to dip, though."

"You leavin' early? Why?"

"Cause it's my birthday. I don't wanna be here anymore." I chuckled.

"What'chu 'bout to get into right now?"

"Just gonna chill wit' my girl."

"I thought you were single?" Joy furrowed her eyebrows.

"Naaah. What made you think that?"

"Cause I never you see wit' her, that's why."

"She doesn't go here. She goes to Crenshaw."

"Oh, fasho." She smiled. "How long y'all been together?"

"A couple of months."

"Y'all are fresh."

"Yeah, but it feels like it's been longer than it has."

"It be like that sometime."


"I'll see you, though. I hope you enjoy your day!"

"Good lookin', Joy." Joy smiled and opened her arms for a hug. I threw my arm around her shoulder and hugged her wit' one arm. She walked away and I went inside the office to sign myself out.

When I got to the front of the school, there BK was leanin' up against her car wit' balloons. She had a few different ones. A basketball balloon, regular blue ballon and a crown ballon. They were lowkey huge, too. I smiled and walked over to her.

Wait.. She's holdin' a big blue and white gift bag. She bought me a gift, too???

"Happy birthday, Big Head!" She said excitedly for the fourth time since midnight. I chuckled lightly. BK wished me a happy birthday. We were already on the phone, talkin' 'bout nothin' really. She was actually fallin' asleep, but refused to hang up wit' me. She was gonna be the first to wish me happy birthday no matter what apparently. I thought it was kinda funny because she swore up and down that she wasn't sleepy.

"Thank you, BK."

"You're welcome!" She handed me the gift and held onto the balloons. I guess she wanted me to open it right now?

"Babe, you didn't have to get me anything." Softly, I told her. I'm surprised she did, though. Yeah, she's my girl, but she doesn't have to do anything. Honestly, her bein' here right now is good enough for me. The huge balloons are good enough. Her wishin' me happy birthday as many times as she had is good enough. She went outta her way to buy me a gift is hella dope and I appreciate it. I'm just...surprised.

I'm surprised because nobody other than my Granny has bought me a birthday present since my Mom died. I guess it was because I stopped celebratin' like that. I still get calls and text messages from my family, but no gifts. I never told them not to give me anything. It just happened that way. I don't even trip about it either.

"I know," She leaned in and placed her lips on top of mine. I pressed my lips against hers and we held them together for a couple of seconds. She pulled back, but just a lil bit. Her lips were still against mine, we just weren't kissin'.

"but I wanted to." BK smiled then kissed my lips again. I couldn't help but smile back. She took a step back to let me open the gift. I pulled the blue and white tissue paper outta the bag and laughed the box bein' wrapped too wit' a bow. I took the box out and dropped the bag on the ground. I started tearin' the happy birthday wrap off but stopped once I saw the Jordan symbol. Holy shit! She bought me a pair of Jordans?? I know these cost at least two hundred dollars or close to it! I looked up at BK and she was cheesin' so hard.

"You really didn't have to, babe."

"Open the box!" She exclaimed. I finished rippin' the paper off then opened the shoe box. My girl got me a pair of the Auqa 8's that just released on the twenty-eighth of last month.

"Ayyyyeeee!" I said excitedly wit' a smile. "I really wanted these!"

"I know." She smiled and giggled.

"Thank you so much." I said to BK then kissed her lips a few times.

"You're so welcome." She kissed my lips. Just as she was 'bout to pull back I gently grabbed her chin. She blushed then puckered lips. Softly, I placed my lips on hers and we held the kiss once again. I could kiss her all day long if I could. I pecked her lips continuously, even when she was gigglin', I still kissed her.

"Are you hungry?" She asked.

"Hell yeah."

"Good! C'mon, let's go eat." BK opened the passenger's door for me while I picked up the bag and stuff. We both got inside and she started the car up.

"You don't have practice today?" I asked.

"Yeah, but I told coach that my Mom needed my help wit' her daycare."

"And she believed you?"

"Of course."

"I don't want you to get caught or nothin'."

"It's not like she's gonna call my Mom to verify or anything. Even if I did, I wouldn't care too much."

"I bet you wouldn't."

She chuckled. "Do you have practice?"

"Nah, but if we did. I have a dentist appointment." I chuckled.

"Good. I wouldn't want you to get in trouble." She mocked me.

"Real funny." BK laughed and reached to grab my hand. He fingers interlocked wit' mine. We listened to the radio the entire ride. I don't know why she chose to take the freeway, but then again, I don't know where we're goin' to eat. I don't care where either, I just wanna eat.

I looked around to try to figure out where we were. She turned right at the light and I noticed that there was the pier was down the street. We weren't even in LA anymore. "I thought you said we were gettin' food?"

"We are." She briefly smiled at me then focused on finding a parkin' spot.

"At the pier?"

"Yes. There's a few different restaurants here and they have hotdog stands and stuff like that. You knew that already."

"Nah, I want real food, something that gonna fill me up."

"Good. I was hopin' you did." BK finally found a parkin' spot. We got outta the car and I walked around to the driver's side. She grabbed my hand and interlocked our fingers again.

"Pasta, steak, burger and fries? What do you have a taste for?" She asked as we started walkin' towards the restaurants.

"Pasta sounds good right now. Coo wit'chu?"

"Anything sounds good, to be honest."

"You right. Whatever you wanna eat is fine wit' me."

"Your birthday, your choice."

"It doesn't matter. I just wanna eat."

"Alright." I don't even know the name of the restaurant but it's nice. We had to take an elevator to get to it. As soon as the doors opened we were greeted by the hostess. She sat us down right away and gave us two menus then let us know that our waiter would be wit' us in a minute.

"Have you ever been here before?" BK asked me.

"The pier, yeah. But this restaurant, no. Have you?"

"Once, but it was years ago. It's completely different now, so it might as well be the first time."

"First time wit'cha boy."

"You never been here either?"

"No- this is lowball a bad idea. Neither of us can vouch for the food. What if it's nasty?"

"Then we tell them that and we won't have to pay, duh."

I kissed my teeth at her sassy reply. She laughed and just picked up her menu. I picked mine up and immediately frowned at these prices. My Granny could make this shit for free. "We could just go to Burger King or something."

"I thought you wanted pasta."

"I do, but not for no thirty fuckin' dollars I don't!" I said seriously but BK bursted into laughter.

"What's so funny about this pasta and shit bein' sixty dollars?"

"Now it's sixty dollars?"

"Thirty, sixty. Same thing."

"You're so dramatic!"

"But I'm serious."

"I know!" She laughed. "That's why it's funny, but if you really wanna leave, we can."

"Nah, it's all good."

"Dramatic, what's catchin' your eye?"

"Besides the prices? The shrimp and lobster pasta sounds bangin'." BK was just about to say something but the waiter walked up to our table and introduced himself. It took a minute to figure out what we wanted to eat. We probably annoyed him goin' back and forth tryin' to decide. He'll be aight though.

"So." I said after pullin' the straw from my lips. "How was your day at school?"

She shrugged her shoulders carelessly. "Nothin' special. It was like any other day."

"What does that mean?"

"I didn't wanna be there. I couldn't wait to leave."

"You planned to pick me up? Or was it a spur of the moment thing?"

"Spur of the moment. I signed myself out early because everybody was gettin' on my nerves. Plus, I wanted to see you." She smiled and I smiled back.

"You could have lasted another two hours."

"No, because nosy ass people kept askin' me about Matt."

"Can I ask what they were askin' or..?" I wasn't sure if I was supposed to ask about it or if I should let it go. Since she left school early she obviously didn't want to talk about it. But as her boyfriend I'm supposed to be concerned and I am. Not just because she's my girl, but because she was my friend. I genuinely want to know what's goin' on wit' her.. Yeah, I think I was supposed to ask.

BK's head tilted to the left slightly. She smiled faintly at me then giggled. "You can ask."

I sighed in relief then smiled back. "What happen? Y'all still not speakin'?"

"Nope. And for some reason, people kept askin' why we weren't speakin' still. Everybody knows that he's wit' the girl I beat up so they know what's up. They're just nosy as hell."

"You shoulda told them to mind their business. Regardless if they were there at the fight. Regardless of anything! Tell them to fuck off."

"I can only say the same thing so many times. It's annoyin'."

"I feels it. Do you think you two will ever be friends again?"

"Probably not, but let's not talk about that."

"Aight, so I was thinkin'.."


"Well since you went to Vegas for Thanksgiving, I was hopin' you would spend Christmas wit' me and meet the rest of my family. I mean, I know you have your own family, but I figured since you're my girl that you could chill wit' me and mine. You don't have to.. I was just wonderin'..You can- but only if you want to-"

"Oh my God!" She laughed. "Shut up! Damn. Are you gonna let me give you an answer?"

"Oh, my bad. I was just a lil nervous."


"I don't know." I shrugged. "I really want you to say yes, but if you don't want to then that's fine-"

"Has anyone ever told you that you talk a lot?"

"My Granny, sometimes. You used to but not anymore- why you takin' shots at me right now on my birthday?" We shared a laugh.

"I'm sorry. Who am I to tell you that you talk a lot? But to answer your question, yes. I'll spend Christmas wit'chu."

I smiled. "Yes!- I mean.. that's what's up." I said tryin' to sound coo just to make her laugh which she did.

"You're funny."

"I know."

"You just can't take a compliment." She shook her head at me.

"You mean like you?" BK rolled her eyes and laughed.

"Whatever." We went back and forth crackin' jokes about each other, it was all fun and games. Even when the waiter brought our food to our table and started eatin', we were takin' shots at each other. It was just a lil less than before because we were hungry, especially me.

Once we had finished, we just sat there and talked. BK told the waiter that it was my birthday and I got a free skillet chocolate chip cookie with vanilla ice cream. He came out wit' a whole staff and shit. They sang happy birthday to me and BK was smilin' at the entire song. It was kinda coo, made me feel good about turnin' nineteen.

"Come sit next me." I said to BK and she got up from up her seat. I got up too so that she could seat on the inside on of the booth. It bugs the fuck outta me when I see women sittin' on the outside of a booth if they're both sittin' on the same side. It's just like women walkin' on the street, men should always be on the side wit' the cars.

"Happy birthday." BK said makin' me smile again.

"Now it's your turn."

"My turn to what?"

"Your turn to sing to me."

She giggled. "Okay... Happyyy birthdaaaaay, tooo yooouu." She sang so quietly but still loud enough for me to hear her. She placed her hand on my cheek and caressed it wit' her thumb. A soft smile spread across her face.

"Happyyy biiirrrthhdaaayy toooooo yoooouuuu! Haaapppyyy biiiiirrthhdaaayyy, dear Shaaaaawwwnn! Haaaaaappppppyyyy biiiiiirrrrrttthhhdaaaaaaayyyy, toooooooooo yoooooouuuu!" BK finished wit' a blissful smile and a kiss on my nose. She's so weird. Weird, but cute and talented. I laughed at the nose kiss then she kissed my lips.

The waiter brought the check out to us and before I could even reach for it, BK grabbed it. I frowned at her but she couldn't see because she diggin' in her bag for her wallet. I was so confused.

"What are you doin'?" I asked.

"So I was thinkin' that we would walk the boardwalk, go play some games, hit up the photo booth, ride bikes, walk in the sand, or just chill in the sand. It's up to you."

"Seriously.." I referred to her completely ignorin' my question. She just kissed my lips ignorin' me again. I pulled away to ask her why she thought she was gonna pay for this, but she grabbed the back of my head and continuously kiss my lips. Ahh, fuck it.

After I was tricked into lettin' my girl pay the bill, we headed over to the arcade. It's lowkey the biggest arcade I've ever been to. It wasn't empty but it wasn't crowded either. I quickly paid for the coins and BK just laughed. She laughed harder than she should have actually. But then again, she is a strange person. Two hours or so in the arcade and we played every single game at least two or three times. It was hella fun playin' against BK, wit' her cheatin' ass.

We left the arcade and went to the photo booth. It was kinda funny because she really paid five dollars to sit in the tiny ass booth and have machine take five picture. Like we don't have iPhones wit' better quality. But it was fun though. The different faces we made in each picture made it funny. We came out wit' a grip of pictures, more than we intended to.

From the photo booth to the sand. We just chilled there. Of course BK had to put her feet in the water. She wouldn't be herself if she didn't beg me to join her. I did for her 'cause she was makin' my birthday a huge deal. We talked about the dumbest, most random shit, but it was fun.

"Today was a good day." I said mockin' Ice Cube when she pulled up to my house.

"I'm happy you enjoyed it!"

"It was dope as fuck. You comin' inside?"

"Yeah, but only to use the bathroom. I gotta go pick up my sister."

"Oh, aight." I wanted her to stay but I ain't mad for obvious reasons. We got outta the car and walked to the front door. Damn, I probably should've called Granny to tell her that I was gonna be out. I hope she doesn't flip out on young thug. She might though. I unlocked the door and opened it for BK to walk in first. It was literally pitch black in the house.

"What the hell.." Hell naw. Nah for real, why is it so dark in here? Granny is always sittin' in her chair watchin' tv waitin' for me to come home. Why are all of the lights off?? NAAAH! I watched tv and this is some sketchy shit! Me and BK stepped inside at the same time, well we tried to at least. I let her go first. I turned around to close and lock both of the doors.

"Granny!" I said turnin' back around to find my Granny and the lights suddenly turned on.

"Surprise!!!" Nigga, my heart fell straight to my fuckin' stomach! There was Granny standin' in the middle of livin' room surroundin' by the squad- the basketball squad,some of the homies from school, the niggas from the block. And my cousins, aunts and uncles, too.

"Yoooooo!" I exclaimed holdin' my chest.

"Yeah, happy birthday, bro!" My nigga, Lance said. He walked over to me and dapped me up.

"You ready to turn up one time, kid?" He asked excitedly.

"Not until we sing happy birthday." Granny said and like clock work, BK came outta the kitchen holdin' a big ass birthday cake wit' question mark candles. I smiled at that. I'm pretty sure that was her idea. She knows how much I hate explainin' my age and shit.

"This was your idea?" I asked her as she stood in front of me wit' the cake.

She grinned. "Yeah, but Tyran and your Granny helped me."

"I did all the work!" Tyty shouted.

"Barely!" BK replied.

"Thank you." I said loud enough for only BK to hear. She just smiled me as I smiled at her. They sang the black version of happpy birthday. They were hella into it, clappin' and two steppin'. Lit.

"Make a wish." She said wit' a smile. I closed my eyes and made my wish. I'm pretty sure that it'll come true. I blew out the candles and everybody cheered loudly for me. I was dummy hype and was ready to turn up wit' the fam and the homies. One of my uncles took the cake from BK and headed into the kitchen. We all went to the backyard and there was more of the homies from school. The whole fuckin' school was at my house. I had a DJ and everything! How the fuck did they pull this together. I'm hella surprised. 

"I just wanna say shout out to my girl, TyTy and my Granny for surprisin' me. And shout out to y'all for comin' through to turn up wit the kid. Since it's my party, I got one rule. No wall fall flowers, bro. If you sittin' down, you better be gettin' a lap dance. Other than that, you gotta go. Turn up!"

And just like that, the party began. The DJ started the night off with Problem's "Like Whaaat remix".

"I'm just doin' my thang. Fingers in the air. I'm just bangin' my gang."

"Naaaybaaahooood!" The niggas from the hood shouted, holdin' two fingers in the air. A circle formed around them and they started takin' turns c-walkin' and shit. That shit was lit as fuck.

"Go, babe." I said to BK because I knew she was itchin' to hop in the circle. She was actin' shy and I don't even know why. I tried to move BK into the circle but she was fightin' me. But as soon as she got in middle of everybody, you couldn't tell her shit. They was hypin' her up, too. She yanked me in wit' her and I c-walked wit' her. Not everybody here is from Rollin 60's, but we were all bangin' the hood. That's my uncles' hood, so ain't shit gon' happen.

By Chris Brown's verse BK was shakin' her ass on me up on the wall. "I'm Rollin'" by Meek Millz took over. The base knocked. Not one person was standin' still. Girls dancin' with their girls. BK bent all the over and started movin' her ass fast as hell! I just stood there holdin' her hands in the air and let her do her thing. When the song ended she turned around to face me, she closed the gap between us and wrapped her arms around my lower back. I placed my hand on hers and slowly moved it down to her ass.

Future's "Tony Montana" started playin' I got a whiff of all the different weeds that circled the backyard. One of the homies passed me a blunt. It was already lit so I just put it in between my lips and inhaled. I'm glad Granny is in the house 'cause she would go ape shit over the weed.

"I wanna try." BK said in my ear as I took the second puff. She must have been standin' on her tippy toes cause she ain't that tall. Not tall enough to each my ear wit' her feet flat on the ground. She pulled back a lil bit and her lips grazed my cheek. I looked into her eyes as she was centimeters away from my face.

"For real?" She smiled and nodded brushin' her lips against mine.

"I'ma blow the smoke in your mouth, inhale it, aight?"

"Okay." She agreed. I took a long puff and leaned into her opened mouth. I blew the smoke into her mouth and she inhaled it smoothly.

"That's it?" She asked and I laughed.

"Oh, you tryna get faded?"

"Yeah, duh." I looked down at her lips then back into her eyes. She puckered her lips for a kiss and I quickly pecked her lips twice. I turned my head a lil bit to pull the blunt between my lips again and inhaled. It was for me though. She frowned at me and I laughed again. I took another puff and she opened her mouth for the shotgun. Once she had inhaled it I pressed my lips against hers and she followed suit. As always we hold onto the kiss- that was until I grabbed her chin and pulled it down a lil. Her bottom lip was in between both of mine. She giggled then grabbed her my top lip. Simultaneously, we puckered our lips and kissed wit'out our tongues.

I pulled away and passed the blunt back to the homie. "Post To Be" came on and BK turned around immediately. She wasn't nearly the same height as me as she just was. Yup, it was the tippy toes. Her back rested against my chest and my hands automatically held her hips. We kinda just two stepped to the beat and sang along while everyone else was dancin' for real for real. We were just chillin. I let go of the right hip and dug into my pocket to grab my phone. This had to go on the Snap. My photo lit up and BK smiled right way. It was a quick smile because she had to continue singin' along.

"She ain't never got high like this wit' a guy like this. When she pop it, tell her hold up. Better believe she gon' leave wit' a real nigga!" We sang. We were into it but we only had a couple of seconds. I put some emojis on it and posted it. Just as I did BK turned around to face me again. She grabbed the sides of my shirt and pulled us closer together. She looked up at me and by the look in her eyes, I knew she wanted a kiss. I draped my arms over her shoulders and lean down to kiss her. Her fingers released my shirt then she wrapped her arms around lower back. I pecked her lips repeatedly until Jhene's verse. She pulled back from the kiss but she didn't remove her arms from me. She looked in my eyes as she sang the lyrics. She sang as if she wrote them herself. She was feelin' it and I laughed a lil. She was so serious, but so adorable.

For the remainder of the song, we just continued to two step and sing along. The song changed to "Pipe it up" and another circle formed. This time it was the squad in middle of it so I had to hop in wit' my niggas. It was just like the beginnin' of our games, tag teamin' each other. Dabbin, hittin' them folks. We were clownin' like shit. But that shit got really real when "Milly Rock" came on. We don't know shit about New York, but I swear it was like we were in Harlem somewhere. The girls killed that shit- especially BK. When she screwed her face up, I started hypin her up. She felt the milly rock in soul. She won that battle, hands down.

The DJ played a few more songs that we could have a real dance session to. The dance battle circle closed and were dancin' like we normally do. Niggas pulled girls for dances up on the wall, girls were vibin' wit' their girls. It was lit.

"I'll be back." BK said.

"Where you goin'?"


Bey's POV

Shawn let me go and I made my way through the crowd of his friends and some of my mine. Yeah, I invited Kelly and them. My friends are his friends now accordin' to him so why not. Solange and Ingrid are around here somewhere too.

Finally, I made it to the bathroom. I knocked first and nobody said anything so I walked in. I handed my business and when I opened the door there was a girl standin' there attemptin' to knock. She lowkey scared me. I forced a smile and stepped outta the bathroom.

"Are you Shawn's girlfriend?" She asked in a tone that I didn't like. It wasn't rude or anything, but it rubbed me the wrong the way.

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