
By saddepressing

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In which Luke was dating a girl named Daisy who had depression, he couldn't take it until he broke up with he... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 > currently editing
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 > currently editing
Chapter 13 > currently editing
Chapter 14 > currently editing
Chapter 15 > currently editing
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 > currently editing
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 > currently editing
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Important !!
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 30

147 11 4
By saddepressing

Daisy's pov.

Few days passed...

So during these weeks of camp, us girls, and us boys have been giving pranks too each other. It was pretty fun, like tonight we girls, Daniella and some other girls, were planning onto apply whip cream all over Calum and Daniel while they were sleeping, but that's when the teachers announced if we do a prank again, there will be big consequences. Including Daniella and I have been getting to get to know each other more, also along with Daniel and Calum.

Calum and I got too know each other, we would stay up until 2 or 3 in the rooms just talking, about basically anything. I still hate him though, not going too lie.

"And then that's how I started falling in love with twenty one pilots." I sighed, laying down on my bed, facing the white blank roof, as Calum was doing the same thing but on his phone.

"Nice, do you like Green day?" He asks, typing away onto his phone not taking one glance at me.

It was night, almost about too be 12 and him and I were widely awake, totally sure that Daniel and Daniella were too. But instead, they were yelling at each other. Just like Calum and I

"Nope, I heard of them but not a fan." I let out a deep breath, my chest rising up a little, slowly going down.

"Whatever, im no longer your friend." He grunted, making a smile plaster onto my lips but of course he didn't see cause he wasn't paying attention.


"So you and I were friends?" I tilted my head too him on his phone, as he froze, a glare plastering onto his lips as he quickly turned my way spitting out a, "No."

"Just the way I like it." I smirked, as he did it also.

"Daisy dangerous." He hissed, giving teasing a nickname too me, as a glare came upon my face.

"Needle dick." I spat, as he chuckled.

"What's so funny? That's not a compliment." I stated, crossing my arms and rolling my eyes at the wall.

"It's so funny cause my dick is bigger than a long pickle!" He laughed, making a snort come out of me.

"Your so gross!!" I said trying too sound disgusted, but failed.

"Freakzilla!" He shouted, making a gasp come out of me as I gripped onto my pillow throwing it at him, as he flinched almost falling off of his bed.

"Oh you stupid bitch!" He mouthed, grabbing onto a pillow and throwing it ahead my head, as I tripped a little a giggle coming out of me, seeing a smile onto Calum's lips.

We just kept going, grabbing random pillows and throwing it back and forth at each other, lots of the feathers coming out of it, shouting coming out of us, giggles and jokes filling the room, as it got hot.

"Psst... Beauty? Beast??!" A voice whispered coming behind the door softly, as Calum and I froze in silence.

"We know it's you Daniel." I commented, Calum mouthing 'should we throw the pillows at him?'

"Noo shit Sherlock it's fucking Hannah Montana!" He said sarcastically raising his voice up, as I rolled my eyes but him not seeing cause he wasn't in the room.

I agreed to Calum's idea, We slowly grabbed the pillows, carefully stepping off the bed and standing behind the door.

"Well I came over cause Daniella was being annoying ugh." He began, mumbling through the door.

"Uhuh." Calum tiptoed too the door, acting like he was just paying attention too Daniels conversation.

"And so she like made me choose what she should wear, I was like I don't know bitch dress like a slut like you are and then-"

"Wow that's horrible." I said sounding so surprised, as Calum gave me this look of confusion, me shrugging and mouthing 'I don't know'

"Guys, can I just come in, she's going too make me choose what underwear she should wear too this date with a boy I don't even know and she only has pink or Calvin Klein, and I hate those! I only like the ones from Victoria secret, you know?" He sighed, through the door as Calum and I stared at each other like Daniels a weirdo, and then cracking a silence chuckle.

"Go ahead, come in.." Calum tried saying normally, he tried too stop his laughing.

"You sure you guys ain't fuckin' ??" Daniel blurted out, making Calum and I look at each other, than back at the door.

"No!" We both cried, a snicker coming out from Behind the door causing me too roll my eyes.

And as soon as I saw his palm around the door knob opening the door, he was going too say something but we didn't give him a chance too.

"Aha!" Calum and I shouted, throwing so much pillows, that he almost hit his head on the door.

"Ahh!" Daniel squealed, using his hands as a shield, as chuckles begin too fill the room.

"You guys said you weren't fucking! Not my fault!" He cried, curling up into a ball as I threw the last pillow, and Calum throwing a shoe.

But somehow, he missed and had hit a tired Daniella that was barging into the room, slamming the door open as Daniel got squished behind it, letting out a scream. Calum had thrown one of his black vans, landing on Daniella's forehead that made her slip too the floor in pain.

"Oops." Calum squinted his eyes, crunching his nose hoping a yell or whine would come out of her.

I quickly ran up too her, seeing her face look in pain, as I tried holding in my laughter, "You okay?"

"I'm fine, besides Calum threw it at me, it's totally okay." She assured, throwing a weak smile at me as I pulled her up.

"It was an accident, wasn't it Cal?" She questioned, facing Calum as she was rubbing her forehead.

"Of course!" Calum said walking up too her and hugging her, then pushing me away.

I annoyingly rolled my eyes, walking back too where Daniel was laying on the floor groaning too death.

"You're fine." I said, sounding nonchalant.

"Fuck you." Daniel hissed, slowly pulling himself off, as Calum and Daniella were hugging still.

"Yuck." I muttered, grabbing my water bottle and taking a deep gulp.

"It's okay Daisy, you have me." Daniel spoke, his arms wrapping around my waist from behind me, a squeal coming out of me.

"Stop it you weirdo!" I grunted, spitting out my water bottle as he jumped.

"You're so rude." He pouted, making me roll my eyes. "I was being nice."

"I don't care." I said in an obvious tone, hoping he would finally realize.

He ignored me, sighing, "Anyways as I was gonna say until some people began hurting me!" He raised his voices, glancing back at Calum and I with glares.

"I was going too ask if you guys wanted to go down in the trees, and maybe just do a camp fire..." He explained simply, throwing a shrug as he plopped onto Calum's bed.

The three of us looked at each other, back too Daniel who was biting his nails.

"It's 1am, Daniel." Daniella glared, letting go of Calum's hug.


"Won't we get in big trouble?!"

"Not if we sneak out quietly, and don't make a noise, duh... Damn you guys are so retarded!" Daniel said as if in a 'duh' action, making all of us groan in unison, except a snicker from Calum.

"But it's cold." I muttered,

"Uhh, isn't that why blankets were invented?" Daniel raised an eyebrow, replying making me feel dumb.

"Or jackets?!" Daniella replied awkwardly, Calum glancing at me but back too Daniella .

I thought about it, should we go outside? I wasn't that tired still, I gotta admit and Calum seemed hyped up also. Maybe if we go outside and just enjoy a fire, it won't be that bad. It would just feel relaxing, and maybe sing some campfire songs.

"What about food?" Calum spat, Daniel chuckling, an evil chuckle.

"Oh Calum," He laughed, taking a bag out of his jacket, "This is why I bought marshmallows, crackers, and caprisun." Daniel smirked, making all of us gasp in excitement.

"Camp fire it is." We all yelled in unison.

We all packed up some snacks and drinks, taking some blankets, but didn't bother too change and just stay into our pjs since no one was going too see us and it was almost 2 am.

✿ ✿ ✿

Nighttime was the best time. It was when the scorching heat surrendered to the onshore breeze and we could be outside without need to cover every inch of our skin. The stars would come as if to welcome us back to these hours of comfort and relaxation. We were walking, stepping on hard sticks, and crusty leaves, walking through the windy darkness.

"It's so dark, did you bring a flashlight." Daniella whispered, breaking the long silence.

"Duh." Daniel spat, me thinking Daniella rolled her eyes at how annoying he was.

"Shut up, don't get smart with me." Daniella whispered.

"You guys both shut up, you guys are more annoying than us!" Calum pointed out, talking about him and I, and the other two staring at us annoyingly.

The midnight blue sky was all but forgotten, covered by the arching arms of the closed in trees. The stars were but a memory, hidden behind the shadows of the shivering leaves. The near total darkness turned the lush green forest floor into sounds and angles. My eyes sought the barest of light seeking comfort where there was none. I reached out my hands to find purchase or something familiar with which to ease my racing heart and found only darkness total.

"Do you guys got the sticks?" I asked, since I wasn't really talking.

"Yes, you guys ask so many questions oh my gosh." Daniel sighed heavily, making me roll my eyes at nothing.

"Okay guys we should stay right here since there's two logs, I'll sit on this one." Daniel pointed too the log on the left, making me hurry too Daniella until she spoke up.

"Calum and I are sitting together." Daniella smiled, getting closer too Calum who smirked down at her.

My heart just certainly fell broken, why? Maybe because I have too sit next to the major idiot.

"Okay Daisy just sit next to me, I'll set up the fire." Daniel explained, focused on getting everything organized, the fire, the snacks out of the bag,

I sighed, slowly sitting on the log, wrapping myself with my soft blue blanket as I glanced up seeing Calum and Daniella cuddling with the same blanket.

"Didn't you bring your own blanket?" I spoke, staring over at Daniella confusingly.

"No, Calum said too leave it that we will share." She stated.

I shrugged, turning away, my body warmed into my blankets, and then that's when I saw the fire  flame up.

"Got it!" Daniel clapped, looking at it like he did a mission complete.

He passed us some marshmallows and sticks, we light our fires long before nightfall. By the time the trees look like charcoalized versions of their day time selves our faces aglow with flickering orange. When our intense plotting lulls we hear movement in the dry autumnal leaves. They are the reason chose this time of year to make our move. It's hard to be stealthy over the crunchy woodland floor.

"So are you guys happy you met us?" Daniella spoke softly, orange figures dancing in the stone circle and around the big, white, fluffy and melting cloud on a stick. shouting and singing, using their crackly throats.

I let out a deep breath, still focusing on the fire, "Uh- yeah, I guess so."

"Same." Calum shrugged staring at me then back too the fire.

As a thick scent of melted paint and scorched wood. It's bitter to your nostrils and seems to your brain an abomination to the air. It chokes you with how pungent it can be.

"We're happy we met you guys too, I never had a friend like you Daisy.. Your pretty awesome." Daniel pat my back, rubbing it softly as I looked up at him slowly, giving him a warning if he ever does that again I'll slit his throat.

"Sorry." He shut his mouth, swiftly moving his hand away, letting out a gulp.

"Me too." Daniella smiled, looking over at Calum.

"You only like him cause he likes you and-

Daniel was going too finish, until Daniella told him too shut up, and she gave him this warning look, that was quite strange.

"Remember what I said?" Daniella warned, raising an eyebrow at Daniel.

Calum and I turned heads to Daniel, who looked down silently.

Wonder what that was all about.

Calum and I looked at each other, we both seemed confused but we brushed it off.

He turned his attention back to the fire, blowing slowly into the red ashes. Within minutes the coals glowed orange, and he rushed to his knapsack for some kindling.

We began eating our smores, chatting about our lives, family, and how much we hate school.

"Soo...." Calum awkwardly tried starting a conversation, his eyes instantly searched for the garish fire that kept him warm through the night,

"Do you guys sing?"

"I do... but I won't say I'm good at it." Daniel admitted, chewing on a marshmallow.

"You, Daniella?" Calum tilted his head down to Daniella, who had her head on Calum's shoulder for some reason, making me a bit annoyed.

"Nope." She sighed, snuggling closer too him and closing her eyes.

Calum gulped, slowly turning over to me, "You?"

"I won't say no, cause that would be a lie..." I stated, awkwardly looking down as he nodded.

"Well, I know you'll say no too this but, have you heard of the song all about you, by Mcfly?" He questioned, looking upon me.

I knew that fucking song, it used too be one of my favorites.

"What if you thought wrong." I smiled, my hands across my chest as he raised his eyebrows, looking surprised.

"You -you know that song?" He stuttered a little making a soft giggle come out of me, "Of course I do Calum, it used too be one of my ultimate favorites."

"Mine too." He whispered, throwing a weak smile at me, that looked so innocent an honestly adorable.

"Sing it." Daniel mumbled, Calum and I looking his way, "What?"

"I said sing it." He raised his voice, finally looking up from staring at the fire too long, "Both of you, sing it together."

"But I don't want too."

"Yeah me either."

"If you guys don't, I will sing literally sing sexy can I out loud." Daniel smirked, wiggling his eyebrows up and down.

Calum looked at me hastily, his eyes widened, "Want too sing?"

I felt a sea of anxiety deep down. My nerves tingling like being tickled with a small feather.

I sucked in a shaky breath, feeling my throat constrict. Panic rose like bile in my body. I suddenly didn't know how to speak. Or walk. I just stood blankly, staring up at the terror before me. My palms were clammy, and it was all I could do not to knot my fingers together. Should I? I never sang I front of anyone, including any of my family members. I would only sing when I'm positive, and that's when I'm alone at home.

"Sure." I stuttered, my voice getting a little itchy as he smiled.

"Alright, you know the lyric, right?" He assured, me nodding.

"Of course." I giggled,

"Daniel, does your phone have signal?" Calum asked, Daniel was already on his phone searching up the karaoke.

"Yup, the music tune is already starting." He smirked, looking up from his phone too Calum and I, Daniella was sleeping on the floor in her blanket.

I squished my palms into fists, my hands feeling wet already. I was so nervous, my body just felt like it was beating up in an oven. Oh gosh I hope I don't mess up, what if Calum makes fun of me? All these thoughts were running into my mind, until the song tune began playing.

Calum smiled, already beginning when he opened his mouth, "It's all about you..." He sang, softly.

"Yesterday, you asked me something I thought you knew. So I told you with a smile 'It's all about you' Then you whispered in my ear and you told me too said, 'You make my life worthwhile, it's all about you' " He continued, sounding like a beautiful baby lullaby.

"And I would answer all your wishes, if you asked me to. But if you deny me one of your kisses, don't know what I'd do. So hold me close and say three words, like you used to do. Dancing on the kitchen tiles, it's all about you. Yeah..." I spat, slowly singing the lyric, my mouth moving to the rhythm, as Calum watched me.

His voice sounded sweet and smooth, like silk through out the song,
as to the tongue as chocolates it was like a siren call or mermaids song
rich and vibrant flowing and hauntingly pure .

As we were already done singing, everything fell silence. Like a library, but way quieter, way way quieter.

We were just sitting there, and it was a perfect clear night when I realised there is a new sound in the air that I've never noticed before. It's kind of like a background sound it's constant and doesn't fade or get any louder. I was expecting the noice to change but it appears to be constant. It sounds like water rumbling or a far away engine. it kind of hums.

Now I know the sounds very well around here and I could make no sense of this one. It reminded me or got me thinking rather of what an engine of a large airborne vehicle would sound like if you were in the thing moving. Or like wind in your ears if you travel on a motorbike or open top car at constant speed.

Calum and I glanced at each other, but he hastily looked away, me turning my head on top of my shoulder too the left, too see Daniel sleeping.

Daniel and Daniella were sleeping, leaving Calum and I awkwardly alone.

✿ ✿ ✿

Hey guys! Sorry about this boring chapter, it's like 11 and I have school tomorrow so I quickly wrote this. Was this romantic or no it sucked Michaels balls? Aha I know I suck all the time ); please guys I hope you enjoyed and leave votes!

FEEL FREE TO COMMENT! please comment );

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