The Devil Who Owns Me

By JoAnDi17

1M 28.2K 1.7K

Trisha is being haunted by her pasts she wanted to forget. They keep coming back and she knows she needed to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Who is your ideal "Sebastian"? (for the cover)
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Trisha's dress for the Party
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chaptet 34
Chapter 35
Snik Pik for Chapter 36
Chapter 36
Main Characters
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Teaser for Chapter 39
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42--part 1
Teaser for Chapter 42 part 2(draft)
Announcement: Prequel???!!
Next Update will happen on...
Chapter 42 part 2
If you want or not
Chapter 43 (teaser)
Chapter 43 part 1
Chapter 43 part 2
Chapter 44
who is who?
The Code of Intimacy
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Who wants?
Chapter 47
Sorry; not an update
not an update so don't bother to read
still not an update
Chapter 48 (part 1)
For the upcoming stories???
Nickolas (Nick)
teaser...Chapter 48 (part 2)
almost there
another hint for the next big update
Chapter 48 (2)
The Defiance
Special Chapter: What if
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 51-- Sebastian's POV (teaser)
Chapter 53 (Filipino Version)
Chapter 54 (unedited)
Chapter 55 (unedited)
Chapter 56 (unedited)
what's next (not an update)
Chapter 57 (unedited)
Chapter 58
Chapter 59 (unedited)
EPILOGUE (unedited)
Happy New Year!!!
Bonus Chapter: Sebastian's POV
new story
Loving the Devil and His Demons (book cover)
Book 3 now published in wattpad
Special chapter: Who's gonna win?
William's story anyone?
This story will be deleted
Where you can find this story again
Merry Christmas!!
Happy new year!!!
Nick's story
Sample scenes for Nick's Story--Until She's Mine
Special Chapter 2: Boys Do Fall In Love
Rick Got His Own Story
Please Support
The Billionaire's Rule
Special chapter: Social Distancing
Read And Support Please

Chapter 7

20.1K 576 6
By JoAnDi17

Standing in the stage with the crowd watching you is something I am not very fond of. Since grade school, I like fading on the background. But then, I learned that you cannot stay invisible for the rest of your life. Somehow, people will notice you.

And now, that being a part of me and something I still feel, I do not have the choice. I mean I do have it but right now, I am desperate and will do anything to get something that will help me with the problem I have. Except maybe of course being owned by Sebastian Lord.

The lights inside the ballroom turned off and spotlight pointed on the person of the bidding.

Yes, people. Human auction.

There is nothing wrong with this event of course because it's for the charity. That's what I told my self many times. The only thing that is not setting well with me is being one of the persons to be auctioned.
I can refuse the organizer, my cousin, but then, after the last meeting with the heartless Sebastian, I have to take action and get all the possible card for our little game of dominance and submission.

And this event, on my knowledge will help me. You can meet rich business men here. And it's time to introduce myself to them. I reminded myself.

I talked to William after I walked out of the coffee shop and I told him the past events happened between me and the devil. The way he commented on what should I do made it clear that he is somewhat pissed off with the whole situation I'm in. And honestly, I love him for that. For being a friend but then he warned me the next time Sebastian will try something that'll hurt me, he'll do what he has to do to protect me.
Though that's what I don't like. I don't want him to get involve and besides, I don't like being protected. I am capable of doing that on self.

Upon the situation happening, this event tonight wherein I will be sold for about God knows how much in exchange for a date with me, I dressed up as the way I should.

I wear a dark red long gown which has its cut on the either side of my thighs. The v-shaped design on the front teasing people of my cleavage. And the back. The demon back of my dress wherein it has a low cut going down to the end of my spine almost reaching the top of my bottom making it visible that I do not wear any bra.

Smoky eyes and tempting red luscious lips. My hair in a messy stylish bun.

Killer red heels.

And doing this for three years now, it does not lessen the pressure of being the main item for tonight. The crowd has a dim light shining on my them but it was dark for me to see all the people in attendance. I looked at the far right side of the room and found the man casually sipping his champagne.

For the past three years, he managed to win me. Never letting anyone bid higher and get the chance of me being stolen from him.

And I am thankful and happy for that. Because I don't get the hassle of being with a stranger and end up on the uncomfortable tension with them trying to get in my pants.

I smiled at him and he raised his glass to me. A gesture to assure me that I don't have to worry.

"And for the main event", I heard the host and the light landed on me blinding my eyes for a minute.

" Miss Trisha Aycliffe!", he announced and I heard some cheers and applause.

The audience ranged from maybe 5 years younger than me to older men enough to be my father or uncle.

"Let's start the bid with 10,000 dollars", with that, I thought I heard myself pray for William to win. There is something about the way the atmosphere lifted into a different tempo when I thought I saw a familiar figure at the back of the ballroom.

I internally shook my head and laughed at myself. 'He can't be here. As far as I know, he is not invited and this is out of his concern. This is out of his knowledge, right?'

I tried to calm myself.

" 15,000!", an old man said aloud.

"27,000", somewhere in the room shouted again.

" 34,000"

"60,000", I felt relieved when that familiar voice rang out in the heat of the moment.


" Going once? Going twice?", the host asked the audience.

I looked at William with a grateful smile and I readied myself to step forward. I held the myself up and smiled genuinely.

"Ms. Aycliffe is sold f---", but the words of the announcement was cut off by a deep booming voice.
It sent the sweet familiar shiver on my body. I stopped my breath and widen my eyes on the realization of the identity of the owner of that voice.

" 20 million dollars! ", the whole room seemed to stop in shock.

20 million?!

No one moved or dared to speak.

I think we were not even breathing.

" O-okay", the stammering word of the host broke the spell.

"Going once? Going twice?", no one spoke.

" Sold!", those word felt like a slap on my face.

No! It can't be!

I stood there frozen, not hearing any word. Eyeing him as another spot light followed him as he makes his way up on the stage.

I search for an escape and even gave myself a hope that this is just a dream.

My mind told me to run 'cause when he reached me he was going to devour to no end. Until I was lifeless. It told me to run as fast as I could but my body stand still as if waiting and longing to be near him.
A hand held my back gently but possessively.

I gazed up at him and now, he's shielding me from the blinding light of the spotlight and shielding me from everyone.

I can hear someone talking but I can't understand it. Has my body lost its ability to function?

"Come", he commanded. He wrapped his arm around my waist making sure I'm not going anywhere, he lead me down the stage.

" H-how?"

"Hmmmm?", we almost made it to the door but a hand held my wrist and before I could understand what was happening, i was being whirled around, my body slammed on a hard chest. Arms firmly held me.
I smell safety.

" You can't have her", William spat his words with conviction.

I turned to look at the man who just literally owned me for the night.

His eyes glint with impatience and anger.

"Give her to me", his sentence held power and authority.

" No"

"I bought her. She's mine so give her to me now!", the loudness of his argument gathered the attention of everyone.

William pressed me closer to him with his hold tightening around my arm.

Sebastian took threatening steps towards us. He looked dark and I felt fear. Not for myself but for the man who defended me.

He grabbed my arm and tugged me hard but William wouldn't let go. And this anger the other one more.

" Let her go!", he pulled harder and this time I know, it'll bruise.

"Stop! You're hurting her!", William caught Sebastian's hand on me and tried his best to rip it from me.

" Then let her go", but it fell on deaf ears. A tear stings on my eyes as I felt pain starting to form on my arm.

With so much force, I was pulled out of William's arms and pushed of the way. I landed on a muscular body. The man who caught me steadied me and when I turned my attention back on the scene, Sebastian managed to draw his arm back and hit William on the jaw.


I heard a cracking sound of bones.

"Oh my God!", a splitting scream started the commotion.

My friend was on the floor, too hurt to move.

Just what the hell Sebastian did?!

That's just one punch!

I wiggled my way out of the hold of the man and run to help Will but when I got close, I was lifted up in the air and landed on a tensed shoulder.

I faced his back and I can't see what was happening then.

" Don't touch what's mine or else I'm going to really break you!", hegrowled and no one stand on his way when he walked out of the venue.

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