NBB: Reboot

By JeremyRivera8

301 23 1

After the war of reality, Zorah goes to cycle 16 beginings, where he finds himself the creation of the univer... More

Chapter I - A lost battle
Chapter II - The City Collapse
Chapter III - The Two Immortaeliks
Chapter IV - Meet Asrion, Brody and Nathan
Chapter VI - So it begins...
Chapter VII- A world of fire
Chapter VIII - The return of a high king
Chapter IX - A newcoming forth
Chapter X - The Fallen

Chapter V - The Reboot Squad

15 2 0
By JeremyRivera8

Late by morning
Equinox and Hesiods, were awake as always, ready for a daily dose of knowledge. They went at 6:00 a.m. to the nearest library. They made a competition of who would find the best book of them all. Hesiod's superspeed is unmatchable for Equinox, but Equinox's Perfect Photographic Mind and Vision had him in the adavantage of finding a better book if he did before Hesiods had won. The Lirbrarian as casual, being stressfully loud. Yes, in this world libraries are loud. They ran all shelves, found some books, they crossed about all 3 floors, all 27 of their sections, all 9 rows of the section, all 7 shelves per side in each row, and all 68 books in each shelves, in under 47 minutes. They brought their books to one of the tables on the first floor. 385, 560 books, in the whole library, they only took 5. Hesiods took 3 about Legends and Equinox took one of Universal Evolution, and one of the legendary 8 seals. They started to read Universal Legends of Creation Volume I. He opened the book read together in silence:
Legends say that most of the whole world was different and had not known about it's magical side, until one man was found in a warfield full of dead and served to the world as The Chaos Lord, along side the world's most sacred protectors. It is said that the world changed after he died, everything got consumed by an inmense light and darkness, then nothing.  Nothing was seen, nothing was known, nothing was thought, nothing was there, only light and darkness, until The Error decided to not let dark and light keep on fighting on every single cycle, and then collide and crash and recreate the universe again, so instead, he decided to conceal both into one compressed point of space, instead of redoing the same thing Light and Darkness did 15 cycles ago.  He finished the battle once and for all, after finally fusing both together, he separated them and the universe had been once more. Time started to flow, destiny started tracing lines, fate started flagging ends, and chaos forged the three realms again. The error revived a species from an old cycle and named them The Magi. The eight magi had control over the world, so The Error taught them how to manage that control into order. He gave them what they needed to awaken themselves.

They finished the book and then calmed a little, both started to debate about its content in a modern and cronstructive way. They finished debating and then decided to continue and open Volume II:
Each and one of them decided to take over one region of the universe in pairs of two. The four pairs of magi took places to take care of and so on divided. The first pair of magi took over the seas of every planet, gaining the names of Acuria, goddess of the seas, and Aporia, god king of the oceans and their life. Another pair of magi took over the skies and mountains of every planet, gaining the names of Ziphtania, goddess of nature, and Ziphtus, god king of the skies. Another pair of magi took over the lands and its places beneath it, gaining the names of Rhea, queen of the titans, and Kronos, Ruler of the Earth. And the last pair of magi decided to rule the rest of space and time, gaining the name of Aurin, Queen of the stars, and Phantom, the Judgement Dragon. They all ruled over the species that inhabited each and every planet that were all recreated by The error who implanted life and let it shape form into species of everything. Later on, the pairs had fell into the deep unknown and mystery of the ultimate curse break, Love. They fell in love when they ruled over their places. As The error thought, they had one child, making upto four children of these magi. He knew this could mean trouble so to know if his predictions where right, he reforged from the older universe, the Three of Books Parallelity. Riu(Din), Xeno(Nayru), and Infya(Farore), the books that contain all he needed for a back-up plan, in case that his predictions of the children were to become real. He then told the rulers, to never let his legacy prevail, or die. He then sealed the last of his own lifeforce, with the three books. Dying in the process, his body was buried in a tomb, bound to never be opened without the three books. Knowing that Phantom was his most closest successor, he chose to sent two of the books two the rest of the realms of the universe. He sent Infya to the depths of hell. He sent Xeno to the domains of Heaven. And then kept to himself Riu, to never let it loose it's power to anyone, not even himself after death.

They then debate again for 10 minutes about it and give their opinions and stuff about it. They finsihed debating and they decided to read more, Opening to Volume III:
Phantom thought of never opening his master's tomb, but all the four children did. They had no names, but they got their names by dividing their faiths in apocaliptic disasters. Famine, Pestilence, Death, War. All were united, they all grabbed a horse and enhanced the horses with their inherited power, they became The Four Horsemen of The Apocalipse. The went through every place in the whole universe. Corupting all in their way. They destroyed planet by planet, and no one was able to stop these horsemen. After many years of universal destruction, they encounterede a formidable foe, the untold child supposedly created out of thin nothing, by the Error. He was named Conquest for keeping the universes realm from collapsing on each other. He alone was blindfolded on a horse, spear on hand, no one able to stop him. Famine tried to destroy his strength with a fake smile and kindness to then attack him on his most vulnerable moment. Conquest did not hesitate to spear Famine's chest, and twist the spear twice. Pestilence got mad and decided to poison Conquest's Horse, but he failed to cross spears with him. Conquest scared Pestilence's horse, making him fall and die by getting stomped by his own horse. War raged out and managed to engage battle with him. But even before it started, Conquest had already stabbed him in the head. Completely oblirerated, Death decided to propose a contract, with a fair and square deal, one of them keeps the upper universe realm away from falling onto the middle realm and the other one keeps the lower universe realm from collapsing away with the middle one's pressure. They both agreed and continued their lifetimes decidcated protecting the borders.

They both got bored of reading three of the same books, so they got outside the library and went for a walk around the city of heroes, located in Asery, in the kingdom of Isernia. Hesiods decided to patrol till Zorium had called them. He ran around building tops nin ja style, stealthy and catious. He took out a scouter and a sniper. He placed the sniper stand on the edge of the tallest building of all. He actiavted a hawkeye-styled mode on the scouter and started to investigate Asery's lifestyle. After the earthquake, the city only had been partially restored overnight by the hero association's hero service. Most heroes are from Asery, so it was partially being restored over night. Hesiods looked around, saw nothing suspicious, so he went back to the dorms he was staying at for his studies in Asery. He sat down on a chair and started to looking in social media for something to do.

He did nothing of productivity for an hour, it was 7:00 a.m. He recieved a text message from Zorium saying he had to go to the plaza to meet up with the rest of them. He ran towards the plaza and saw Equinox reading books on a bench. He sat on it and waited for the other new recruits. Meanwhile, Ignis had recovered the wound overnight thanks to the hyper healing she recived from the new suplies the hospital recieved. She left the hospital with Shaiden. Shaiden didn't eat anything so Ignis invited her to eat on a local dinner. They entered a coffee dinner, Shaiden had not much expirience when it came to being in public. Ignis told her to sit down and to not be shy. Then out of nowhere, a waitress picks their order while wearing some heavy stuff on her forearms. Ignis said, "Um, ok?" The waitress reveals her face, and it was Deki with a dusty and unclean face. "Oh please, this are just my spare Dual-T Barrels. Aren't they adorable?" Ignis replied while looking pretty surpised, "Yeah, they look pretty heavy, for arms so thin like yours." Deki took them off and put on an apron and said, "Well, strength isn't for show anyway. What's your order miss...." "Ignis, Call me Ignis." Deki started writing on a notepad her name and her order. Ignis said she wanted just a cofee and some pancakes. Deki then asked Shaiden her order and Shaiden did not respond. Ignis told her that it was ok to take the hood off. She took it off and Deki, suprised said "No way, Shaiden?!?" Shaiden felt shy about Deki knowing her name. Deki calmed down and dropped the notebook on the table. She took the apron off, and took the Dual-T Barrels, and put them on again. Deki took Ignis and Shaiden and dragged them outside. Deki then put on a scouter, and strapped on some gear called the PnC Gear. Ignis and Shaiden confused asked, "What's going on." Deki took a tablet and did something. A little package on a rocket parachuted its way down to the street. Deki did something to the box and it turned out to be a remote motorcycle. "Which of you two, is the one with the superspeed?" They both seemed suprised and Ignis said, "I have a pretty good superspeed equivalent." "Good, can you find your way to Asery's Plaza?" "I think so." Shaiden was even more confused so she asked, "What was going on?" Deki responded saying, "I know you both can read minds so I hope you have enough space to gulp down a lot of information." They both read Deki's mind and see that she's going to make them join a team of elite operations. This team had no name yet. So Shaiden and Ignis decided at the momenr to join the actual team, to see what was going to happen next. Ignis starts to sprint towards at lightning speeds towards the plaza. Shaiden and Deki go behind her on motorcycle. In the Inn, Brody, Nathan, and Asrion where staying at, the windows shook by the vibrations caused by the speedrunning of Ignis, Deki and Shaiden. This caused Asrion to wake up and go downstairs to eat breakfast. Brody and Nathan were sitting on a chair by the window, with shattered glass all over them. Asrion took a plate of scrambled eggs and toasts and sat down with them. They were talking about how fast could a speedster catch a quicksilver humming bird. Brody gladly shouted as he noticed Aseion, "Good Morning, Uh I still don't know your name kid." Asrion replies back with, "Asrion Euclide." Brody then tells him, "I'm Brody Hancock, nice to meet you." Nathan politely adds in, "Well, I'm Nathan Aberion, you probably knew before, but I'm reintroducing again." Asrion silently stays there, and Brody suddenly says , "Go on, dig in, you seem to have an empty stoamch." Asrion took the spoon and started eating the glorius food. He felt the food like tasty pieces of heaven, and ate the food fast and went back for more. He kept eating and eating. He had 12 bowls of breakfast, diferent in flavors and food varieties. After 20 minutes of eaiting, another rush of vibrations slapped the Inn, and it blew all the plates away. The food all over Asrion face made him stopped eaiting. He took a napkin and started to clean his face. Nathan looked at him and said, "Satisfied?" "I haven't eaten any food in weeks." "You sure? You looked like you had no food for a year." Asrion looks at the clock hanging on the wall and remembers that he had to meet Zorium at the Hero Headquaters, in Asery. He took his bag and said goodbye to Nathan and Brody. They without any hestitation walked outside. And decided to go for a speedrace towards the plaza. They both lock on strength on their legs and hands. They stanced an impulse position on a car. They look at each other and pulse their way towards the plaza. In a matter of seconds, they ran at 60 mph, a really good speed for just a casual race. Since Asery is about a 15,000 miles radius, then they had about 5 mins left before reaching the plaza. They jumped on walls and kept the race on the walls. They reached a point of a more powerfull accelaration. They superpassed supersonic speed and started to run fast and faster. They then saw Deki on a motorcycle with Shaiden holding herself. And Ignis surpasing them. So all three ran faster and faster. They reached the plaza and stopped running and crashed onto a wall. The wall cracked, but it didn't break. Hesiods saw them and decided to lend them a hand. Nathan stood up and fixed his hand that twisted a little. Deki parked on the side, very smoothly and precise. Asrion found the plaza by accident and saw the guys and the commotion and decided to go and help them out. Shaiden stepped out of the motorcycle and sat on a bench. Equinox took Ignis and put her on a bench. She snapped out and said, "I haven't had a speedrun that fast in while now." Brody sits down next to her and he replies with, "Last time I tried on speedrunning I broke a world record, sadly I got rusty and lost that title a decade ago." Everyone looks at him strangely and Deki then says, "That was when you went to fetch a videogame sale that had one copy and it was just 2 seconds out right?" He nods and replies, "Yeah, Fallout is still in my golden shelf at Shunbun." Equinox then said, "Wasn't Shunbun an ancient village for ninjas and samurai in training?" Brody raises his sleeve up and shows a tattoo of a leaf and a katana. Then he says, "Both a Jounin and Swordmaster, all in 7 months." Ignis raises her hunter top and shows him a tattoo of a claw and a cloud on her back. She lowers it down and then says, "Last Jounin of The Village Hidden in the Clouds, and last moon style ninjutsu user. Best trickshooter with a bow in the Deltora Annual Bow Competition, and best and the only Dragon rider ever to live in Isernia." Out of nowhere, Hesiods kicks in and says, "Son of Hermes, able to use Holy Fire thanks to Uncle Helios, and trained in the art of gunpoint and assassination for 7 years in The Hero academy here in Asery. Now an offical and only Specialized Stealth Assassin in the Association." Asrion crashes the conversaytion and says, "I got trained by a Farmer, a Skeleton, a Caped Baldy, a Sky Pirate, and a Huntress. I'm also in the search of Equinox my brother, and a Flower that it's the only cure for my mother's illness." Deki then takes her waitress dress off and reveals she was wearing shorts, a green blouse that covers her chest but not her tummy, and has two guns on her curvy waist. Then she takes some goggles and puts on her head, but not on her eyes. She then detaches the Dual-T Barrels and places them on her legs on some sort of belt accesory. Then she loudly says, "14 Human years as Championship in Fashion & Gun Shooting, and I'm still 17." Equinox walks towards them and hugs Asrion whispering, "Its been 4 years, how's mom?" "She's dying as we speak." Everyone shuts down for a bit and then he whsipers, "I have to find that flower no matter what it takes." Equinox pats his back and then runs the conversation back, takes his book out saying, "Magical Prodigy for 4 years now, and still learning. Almost about get my Master degree in Fire and Lightning Magic. And I'm an official Hero since May 4th, 20xx." Shaiden jumps into the topic and says, "Rogue huntress, Sniping since I can remember, and I'm bad at bragging about myself." Brody then lits his hand on fire, and the fire combusted on blue. He then said, "Fell into a Nuclear deposit by accident 242 years ago back when I was 25, walked out of it, about to die, got struck by lightning and combusted on fire at the same time. The radiation exposed my antibodies and destroyed them, The fire, the electricity, and the nuclear waste all over me, reacted to my organs and had created a fusion between them, and my antibodies regenarated into even better antibodies, ones that absorb things without any harm. Got expimented on for 1 year and learned to surive the pain, I had learned from the scientist spilled talk, that I actually learned to use the nuclear element, or the non-magical elements of science. Fission and Fusion, Fire and Lightning. I had caused a nuclear fission so big, I became a human nuke. Created a fallout that exposed more nuclear power. And with that power, I absorbed even more and more nuclear radiation. Then I learned to control it throughout my jorneys around the Earth. And I then physically trained myself to use it with fire and lightning. And my nuclear self, had given my magical elements, a new color. Blue fire and Red Lightning." Then Nathan slightly added himself to the party, and said, "I crawled out of hell, twice. Killed a General of Hell, and became the most hated being of the two sides." They all looked at Nathan and Deki then said, "No one is actually able to comeback out of that one." A wrecked smile and a crazy laugh of a man walking towards them that then said, "Seeing the youngsters having a good time bragging is hilarious." Then the man's face revealed, and it was Zorium the one who said that. Instead of wearing usual jeans and a pretty useless shirt. He was shirtless, showing his abs. Having a sword on his back, and wearing two armor plates for the arms. A strip to hold the blade and the armor together. A set of iron plated leggings. Everyone looked at him and they all realised that it was a set-up, except for Shaiden and Ignis who voluntered.  He had a bag filled with stuff and he said, "Since you are all here, then I would like to make a special request. The Hero Association is asking me to hire a team of special operations, that involve the safety and balance of the laws of our kingdom and possibly the planet. I assume that you all posses something very dear to yourselves, or you lost and that the only way to get it back is to, fight for it. Well, I am offering you a way, to legally accomplish those ambitions we all possess, and make the world a balanced place, without problems." Everyone looked at him and Nathan said, "Well that's already established, there's pretty much no universal conspiracy and there is still crime, so the world pretty fine."

Zorium gave out a folder to everyone and they all opened it and saw it was a clasifed file of the old Hero Agency, The NBBSS. He then started to say, "Before the agency got taken down, a storage filled with thousands of files, filled with classified loactions and information of the known today legends, of The Sixth Statement Heroes. The sixth statement is that, their will be 6 lords of Midgard, 6 sages, 6 gears of hell, 6 castles blocking heaven, 6 paths of virtues, and 6 parallels of oneself throughout the universe. As much as story goes, this universal statement just disapeared right after the new era had established by so called Gods, and later was destroyed and never to be spoken off. Later now, in the past few decades, a man rose above all species, and called himself, Eddy. As terrific and spooky name this man had, he had control over one of the worlds most powerfull magic, sealing. He had the encryption tool of creating signs that could control certain things the gods never had taken in mind. He challenged the gods and even defied their own power by absorbing it. He became too powerfull, so he decided to become bald, and sustain the power within the signs he encrypted. He spread the power among the men. Some might say he was the first hybrid between Prime Dragons and Immortaeliks. As a matter of fact, he is said to be originally a human shaped immortaelik. What I'm trying to say is that we as a team could fit in the category to stop Eddy. The files contain information you need to know about Eddy's 8 apprentices. The one responsable for causing the quakes yesterday, was a Rogue Immortaelik, known as Llerox, and he is a master of the disguise. Don't worry about him, he's my target, he has unfinished buisness with me. As for the other 7, they are known for almost destroying nearby kingdoms, nearly 8 of the 12 kingdoms are under this organization. The Hero association calls this organization of mortal enemies to both law of men and balance of nature, The Nightmare Hoods. The association asked me to come up with a team as said earlier, to put an end to this kind of situation. They will provide us means for shelter, new identity, an one wish, in exchange for our lives and effort to place balance back again on thenplanet." Everyone looked at him, and they all doubted in their minds. Deki and Brody signed the application first, knowing the risks of dying would be giving them absolute zero fucks about it, they simply knew it wouldn't matter much to have another adventurous tale. Nathan signed after them. And so did everyone one by one. Zorium took the contracts, placed them on a capsule, took Deki's T-Barrel and shot it to the air. After a few seconds, a loud chopper noise activated and a chopper landed on a nearby building. Zorium wanted to show off a little of his jumping magnitude so he went to building and jumped so high he got up to the roof with no sweat. It was the leader of the Hero Association and he gave him a handshake and some keys. Zorium jumped back down to the plaza. And then said, "All we need is a name. Who's up for that?" Everyone looked at him stupidly and no one knew what to say. Brody came out of nowhere and said,"what we are doing isn't for a rebalance on the world, we are all in this because we want something from a certain person who took it. We aren't mercenaries, or heroes, or criminals. We aren't even legends, we are just a couple of retards blindly trying to change ourselves by saving the world. We just want a reboot in our lives." Shaiden replied saying, "A reboot..." Equinox said, "The Reboot Squad." Hesiods then said, "Hey Zorium, I think we need a leader." Zorium then said, why woudl we, we are independent as a team alone, why would we need a leader?" Deki replied, "To give us missions and to give out tactics if needed, and the only one suited for giving orders is you." Asrion then replied, "Why we shouldn't be all leaders at once?" Hesiods said to himself, "Pfft, I dunno." Then Shaiden replied with, "Zorium is correct, we are independent as people, able to make missions either alone, in pairs, trios, squads, a party, or a horde. So their is no one that should be leader for all. We are leaders, and we aren't at the same time." Ignis realized after that and said, "We should make our own decisions as people, and if needed, action will be taken with or without a companion. Basically we ourselves give us our own missions, and we live off what the association give us. So it's a win a win." Nathan replied, "Pretty easy, we still don't have a tech expert, who's going to provide us comunication if not a technician expert." Zorium then said, "I have a guy that might be willing to help in that kind of problem. For now, we got a place for ourselves right outside Asery. You are all getting a key, a room, a little training room, specialized for all kinds of training, and also our own little terrain, meaning we can do anything in that place." Zorium then told everyone to go outside the west gate, and 500 km straight towards the center of Claria, the titan chasm and floating islands. Hesiods then screamed as he started to lock on speedruning outside, "WHO'S UP FOR A SPEEDRUN????" Deki got on the motorcycle and Shaiden sat behind her just to not waste energy. They both set off outside with Ignis running on the side. Equinox flew off and Brody walked with Asrion. Nathan had demonic wings attached so he decided to fly. Little did he know that Zorium was about to reveal his own form of flight. Nathan after seeing Zorium right beside him he said, "What's with you?" Zorium replied, "Ever heard of an Archsenial Dragon?" Nathan knew he was the so called Crimson Kaiser as he saw the redness gloom over the wings of reptilian skin. Nathan sensed a power like never before, maybe the one that could set the one he owns free. Perhaps this was the best way to pursue his own goal.

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