Unbreakable Passion (Hollywoo...

By LoveTheWayYouSmile12

155K 1.7K 347

A Hollywood Heights fan fiction that's starts where season 1 left off. Eddie Duran and Loren Tate are closer... More

Chapter 1- Our Happy New Beginning
Chapter 2- Preparing for the Concert
Chapter 3- The Red Carpet
Chapter 4- Backstage Trouble
Chapter 5- She's back! >:S
Chapter 7- Planning
Chapter 8- Alone at Last!
Chapter 9- Big Apple, Big Date
Chapter 10- Eddie's Surprise (dirty)
Chapter 11- Discussing the First Time
Chapter 12- The Start of a Lazy Day
Chapter 13- Statue of Liberty
Chapter 14- 354 Stairs
Chapter 15- A Lazy, Sexy Night
Chapter 16- Goodbye New York!
Chapter 17- Back to LA
Chapter 18- Loren?!!!!
Chapter 19- Loren Wakes Up
Chapter 20- Forever & Always
Chapter 21- Telling Melissa
Chapter 22- Pampered by a Sexy Rockstar (dirty)
Chapter 23- Back to the Beach Bungalow
Chapter 24- Crime
Chapter 25- Figuring Things Out
Short cliff hanger
Chapter 26- Eddie...Don't Leave Me...
Chapter 27- Where Are You?!!!!
Chapter 28- Please Be Okay...
Chapter 29- I'll Love You No Mater What
Chapter 30- Stitches
Chapter 31- WHAT?!
Chapter 32- Forgive Me?
Chapter 33- Kiss Me Slowly
Chapter 34- Going Home
Chapter 35- A Good Morning
Chapter 36- A Day Out
Chapter 37- Falling Into You
Chapter 38- Tell Me
Chapter 39- Exciting News
Chapter 40- Forgot to Mention...
Chapter 41- It's Never Goodbye
Chapter 42- Happy Birthday Loren!
Chapter 43- Paris
Chapter 44- Secret Closet
Chapter 45- Night in Paris
Chapter 46- (Time Jump) Weddings
Chapter 47- Will You Marry Me?
Chapter 48- Unbreakable Passion

Chapter 6- Interrupted Surprise

4.5K 48 9
By LoveTheWayYouSmile12

                                                 (GET READY FOR A LONG CHAPTER!) :D

Eddie and Loren are swarmed by a crowd of dedicated fans and the constant flash of the bright cameras. They sign a couple autographs and then get in the limo waiting for them.

*Sitting in the Limo*

Eddie: What a crowd!

Loren: I know right? I couldn't believe the number of people there were in the audience while I was performing. It was amazing!

Eddie: I bet everyone loved your performance as much as I did! *he says in a cute voice, then leans over and gives Loren a kiss.

Loren: That's all I get?!

Eddie: *then he leans over once more, stares her in the eyes for a couple seconds and then wraps his arms around her aggressively and pulls her in, and they start making out all the way to the hotel.... which is in a total of 5 blocks away! He pulls away when they get to the front of the hotel and when the limo driver tells the two that they have arrived.* How about that for a kiss?! *he says smiling*

Loren: Great, but I wanted more *She said in a flirtatious voice*

Eddie: What do you mean?

Loren opens the limo door, stands up outside, turns around and grabs Eddie by the front of his shirt and pulls him out of the limo, and then starts walking to the front door of the hotel. The two walk hand in hand quickly to the elevator. But it's not working out that well for Eddie, so Eddie picks Loren up in a romantic position (I hope you understand what that is because I don't know what it's called) and they both ride the elevator up to the floor. Eddie puts Loren down when the elevator door opens and then Loren grabs Eddie's hand once more and she pulls him down the hallway until they get in front of Loren's suite door. The two wrap their arms around each other and start making out immediately. As the two make out, Eddie grabs the door handle and opens the door while still kissing Loren. As soon as the two get in the door, Loren jumps into Eddie's arms and wraps her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck as the two continue kissing and head for the bedroom! Eddie opens the next door that leads to the bedroom door, he lays down with Loren on top of him, on the bed. As the two continue kissing, Eddie eventually stops.

Eddie: Wait, what exactly are we going to do?

Loren: Make out some more of course! What did you think?

Eddie: Never mind *and then he goes to start kissing her again but she pulls away.*

Loren: You thought we were.... *Eddie cuts her off*

Eddie: Yes, but it doesn't matter. I told you... when ever you're ready. *he says in an understanding voice*

Loren: Thank you.

Then the two continue passionately making out until they hear the front door open that leads into the living room. Then they stop kissing when they hear their parent's voices.

*From the other room*

Nora: *says to Max* I'll go check to see if Loren's sleeping.

Max: I'll go check on Eddie.

In the bedroom, Loren and Eddie race to pretend that they were just watching TV together to make it look like they weren't doing anything.

Nora: *opens the bedroom door and looks at Eddie and Loren sitting on the floor, "watching TV" with Loren sitting in between Eddie's legs.* Well what have you two been doing since we were gone?

Loren: *looks up at her mom* just sitting here watching TV.

Nora: Yea, okay! *she says showing that she knows that was a lie*

Nora walks out of the room to go make some tea for Loren for her vocal cords that she sang her heart out with, while Eddie and Loren begin to get up and turn the TV off to be able to join her in the living room/ kitchen. While Loren goes first out the bedroom door, Eddie is stopped in the room by his dad who grabs Eddie by the shoulder.

Max: You were making out weren't you? *he says then gives Eddie a "I knew what you did, man!" smile (Hope you get that! lol)

Eddie then gives his dad a smile and a nod and then the both walk out the bedroom door. Max pats Eddie on the back and Eddie laughs. Then as Eddie makes his way to the couch to sit down with Loren, he is stopped by a incoming phone call from Jake. He takes it to the other room.

*On the phone with Jake*

Eddie: Hey Jake! What's up?

Jake: Hey man! I just wanted to share with you an opportunity that you now have because of the collaboration of me and Kelly's ideas.

Eddie: And what's this idea?

Jake: Me and Kelly agree that you and Loren need some vacation time to first of all, reward Loren for all her hard work tonight and then for you because you need some vacation time to relax and chill from everything you just went through the past couple of weeks.

Eddie: So you're saying that me and Loren get vacation time?

Jake: Yep!

Eddie: But when?

Jake: Starting tomorrow. Me and Kelly are letting you and Loren stay in New York City for about 4 days and then you can come back to LA for one more day before getting back on track with your career.

Eddie: Jake, that great! Thank you so much. But why do we have to come back to LA and still have one  more vacation day left when we can just stay here for one more day?

Jake: Just because we don't want you two to be jet-lagged and have to possibly come in to the office early in the morning. Maybe you could take Loren back to you and your dad's beach bungalow.

Eddie: That's a great idea. Thanks Jake. But one more thing. You said me and Loren will spend 4 more days in NYC... alone.... and Nora and Papa Max are still here. So me and Loren won't technically be alone then.

Jake: Actually, I've already talked to them about the plan and their flight leaves in about 2 hours so they'll be leaving as you and Loren are sleeping.

Eddie: Great plan Jake. Thank Kelly for me too. I'm probably going to just not even tell Loren anything and I'll just surprise her in the morning by her mom being gone as well as my dad.

Jake: Sounds like a plan! I'm sure she'll love that. Night Edward!

Eddie: See ya, Mr. Madsen!

They both laugh then hang up. Eddie puts his phone back into his pocket and then walks out to the living room to see everyone sitting there chatting and drinking Nora's famous tea.

Nora: *says to Eddie* Do want some tea Eddie?

Eddie: No thanks. I'm pretty hot right now. Don't want to get even hotter!

Loren: Eddie.... did you seriously just say that?

Eddie: What?

Loren: That you don't want to be even more hot? Eddie, you are very hot for one, okay? *she laughs as she pauses in the middle of her sentence.* And second of all, I don't know how it's even possible for you to become even more hot but I wouldn't doubt it with you! Duran's can do mostly anything!

Nora: I agree! *she then laughs as well*

Max: MOSTLY.... anything? *he says in a funny, but offended sort of way.*

Nora: Well, yea.... you surely can't cook! Remember you almost nearly exploded my microwave by putting a metal fork in it!

Max: Yes, that was my mistake, but I happened to let you know that my son here is actually a pretty damn good cook!

Loren: Is that so? *she says and then laughs as she looks at Eddie sitting next to her.*

Eddie: Well I guess so.... *he says in a bashful way not trying to brag*

Loren: Oh! So that's why you made us breakfast sandwiches with bananas smothered between bread that was made out of cereal stuck together with honey?!! *she says and then bursts out laughing.*

Eddie: I wasn't prepared!

Max: woah whoa woah.... my son... made that? (he asks Loren)

Loren: *still laughing* yes *she says laughing so hard she could hardly breath!*

Max: That hilarious! *he says laughing as well*

Eddie: It's not that funny! *he yells trying not to laugh himself*

Nora: *getting out her last laughs on the topic* well I'm going to go to bed. Thanks for the laugh though!

Loren: Goodnight mom! *Loren stands up, walks over to her mom and gives her a hug goodnight.*

Nora: Aren't you going to come to bed?

Loren: No not right now. I'm going to hang out with Eddie for a little bit before I go to sleep.

Nora: okay... yea, sure.... your just going to "hang" out! *she says sarcastically and implying that Loren's lying.*

Loren: Mom! Really? You have to go there?!

Eddie: It's okay Loren! Just tell her what she wants to hear then..... fine Nora, you caught us! We're really are just going to make-out until our lips fall off! How about that? Is that what you want to hear Nora! *He says looking at Nora, while he laughs*

Nora: No! That's not what I want I want to hear! Eddie, watch it! *she says in a joking way.*

While this whole, hilarious and awkward situation, Max and Loren sit there in amusement trying to find a chance to get a word in. Until finally Max just speaks up to end it all.

Max: Okay, okay, okay you two! I think Loren has suffered enough of this embarrassing conversation!

Eddie: *trying to get the last laugh says childishly* But she started it dad!

Nora gives him a smile with her arms crossed as in she's saying in her head, "ha ha, very cute!" sarcastically. Loren has been standing next to her mom the whole time with her hand in front of her face in embarrassment.

Nora: Whatever you two, do what ever you want just keep in mind your parents are both in the same hotel room as you!

Max: *steps in and finally guides Nora with force into her and Loren's bedroom.* Goodnight! and then he shuts the door behind her.*  

Nora then reaches her hand out the door, grabs him and pulls Max in and shuts the door, kisses him and whispers him a question about if he knows about the plan that Kelly and Jake talked to them about. Meanwhile, in the living room, Eddie looks at Loren on the other side of the couches staring at him.

Eddie: *wonders why she's staring at him* What?

Loren: I was just admiring how amazing you are and wondering how the heck do I deserve you?

Eddie: Are you kidding me? *starts walking over to her, then when he reaches her, he wraps his arms around her waist while she wraps her arms around his neck.* I always wonder how do I deserve YOU! *Then says in a soothing voice* I love you, Loren....

Loren: I love you too. *she says in a soft voice, then she kisses him which leads into a make out session.... again*

As Loren and Eddie have another make out sesh. they hear the Tate's bedroom door rattling.  The two stop kissing immediately and look back at the door and out steps Max.

Max: Loren, you might want to be getting some sleep. Your mom's pretty upset.

Loren: Seriously? Upset because I'm not going to bed right now?

Max: Apparently. I don't know why.

Loren: Whatever. I guess I'll be heading to bed then.

Max: Night Loren. Good job tonight. We're all very proud of you. *he hugged her and then as he walked passed Eddie he had to say one more thing.*  You coming? *he says to Eddie*

Eddie: Yea pops, just let me tuck this babe in! *he says looking at Loren smiling*

Max: You realize her mother is in there?

Eddie: Well, yea! If you haven't noticed, I like picking on Nora! *he says laughing*

Max: Well don't be a smart ass about it!

Eddie: I know! These Tate girls will kick butt! I learned that tonight!

Max: What do you mean by that?

Eddie: Loren gets it!

Max: I probably don't even want to know. Good night you two! *he walks over to the other side of the room to the door leading into the Duran's bedroom and shuts the door behind him*

Eddie: Now where were we? *he says to Loren, smiles, then starts kissing her again as they hold hands.*

They were interrupted a couple seconds later by Nora popping her head out of the door.

Nora: Um! Loren! *then pops her head back in and lays down to continue reading her book*

Eddie: We better be getting back in there! I might get my head chopped off if we don't go in there now.

Eddie and Loren go into the bedroom. Loren lays down in her bed as Eddie follows her and stands next to her bed and sits down on the edge.

Nora: Um... Eddie, what are you doing?

Eddie: Just kissing my girl goodnight! *he says while giving her a cocky smile* Is there a problem? *he says in a cocky way*

Nora: No there isn't smart ass! *she says laughing* You're trying to annoy me aren't you!?!!

Eddie: Well yea!

Loren: Guys! Chill out! It was funny then but chill! It's getting a little annoying now! *she yells at them laughing*

Eddie: I'm sorry babe. I forgot why I was in here.

Eddie then leans down to kiss Loren. In another attempt to annoy Nora in a joking way, he kisses Loren for a very long time. Then Nora gets out of bed, so annoyed she can't take it anymore but to go out of the room and then she decides to just sleep with Max and let Eddie have her and Loren's room. Eddie lifts up his head to halt the kissing when he hears the door open and slam after a couple of seconds.

Eddie: It worked!

Loren: This was your intentions?! *she says laughing*

Eddie: No, but this works too! *then tries to continue kissing Loren but she pushes him away.* What?

Loren: I feel bad though!

Eddie: *still on top of Loren face to face.* for who?

Loren: For my mom because it seemed like she wanted to be with me.

Eddie: Okay, fine. But we will continue this later. I'll go get her.

Eddie gets up off the bed and leaves Loren there and leaves the room to get Nora. He comes out of the bedroom into the living room to find Nora sitting on the couch drinking tea and crying.

Eddie: *comes up behind Nora* are you okay? What's wrong Nora?!

Nora: I'm just so scared of losing my baby girl! *she says trying to wipe her tears to stop the crying.*

Eddie: *Comes around and sits down next to Nora on the couch.* Don't worry! She'll always be yours too!

Nora: It just seems that she's trying to grow up a little too fast. For heavens sake, she dating a 22 year old rock star when she's only 18!

Eddie: If you think about it... we're not that too far a part. Plus, Loren is very mature for her age. To me she already seems like 22, like me. You're very lucky to have Loren as a daughter. She has so much personality it's insane. Every day I talk to her, I learn something new about her. She's smart, funny, mature, cute, talented, and much more! You've got an amazing girl on your hands Nora! *he says trying to cheer her up as much as possible*

Nora: Thank you *her voice cracks as she says it so she says pretty quietly* But I guess I have to share her now! *she says smiling and sniffing*

Eddie: What do you mean by that?

Nora draws out the question as she walks over to her and Loren's bedroom door and grabs the door handle. She then turns around to answer the question.

Nora: She's yours too. *almost turns the door nob to open the door. But then says one more thing in a soft, mellow voice and smiles.* You two have fun tomorrow. See you back in LA. Give Loren a goodbye kiss for me.

Eddie: No problem! *he says laughing*

Nora: I know.

She opens the door and shuts it behind her. Kisses sleeping Loren, turns the bright TV off then lays down and sets her phone alarm for an hour since she and Max have an hour to sleep then off to the air port. Back out in the living room, Eddie still sits there thinking about what Nora said. Eddie keeps thinking in his head the comforting words of, "she's yours now too". As he thinks about those words, he smiles. Then he gets up off the couch turns out all the light except for one lamp for light for Max and Nora when they have to leave in and hour which is still in the middle of the night. Eddie opens and then shuts his and Max's bedroom door. When Eddie walks into the room, he finds his dad watching TV.

Eddie: *Walks over to his own bed and lays down* Whatchya watchin'?

Max: The reviews from the concert tonight. They didn't show Loren yet but they said they will when it comes back on.

Eddie: I hate commercials!

Max: Shhhh! It's back on! You should go run and tell Nora to go turn it on before Loren's on.

Eddie: Okay but what channel?!!!

Max: Hollywood Access! Go!

Eddie runs out of the room, jumps the couch and opens the Tate's door.


Nora and Loren jump awake and immediately struggle to find the remote.



Loren, Eddie, and Nora literally sprint to the Duran's bedroom. Nora jumps onto Max's bed and sits next to him and immediately glue her eyes to the TV. Eddie picks up Loren and throws her over his shoulder and runs while carrying Loren and he plops her down on the bed and then he sits down next to her. Everyone in the room watch the TV waiting to hear about Loren. They then hear what they've been waiting for.....!

Hollywood Access Reporter who was interviewing Loren on the red carpet: Now arriving at the New York City Night Out Concert Event's red carpet is Loren Tate pulling up in a limo! And what a special surprise! Eddie Duran escorting Ms. Tate out of the limo. What a gentleman!

Loren: *Looks up at Eddie next to her* Yes, and he's MY gentleman!

Nora: Be cute later you two! SHHH!

The room gets silent again as they all watch as Loren's interview starts.

Reporter: So you've seen Ms. Tate's arrival and her interview. But what about what happened right before she performed her first song on her upcoming album, "Dreaming"? Yes, the new pop star was apparently in a little trouble. As Loren was getting ready and positioning herself in her starting position for her first huge performance, the audience in the first, second, third, and a little of the fourth row say they heard a small scream and then a thud. What happened to Loren Tate???!!!!

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