Noah and Richelle: love preva...

By Someonewhoisnthere

43.6K 668 459

This story was intended to be just a one-shot, but I liked sit so much I just had to continue with it! Just a... More

Storm Deja Vu
What is and What isn't
Um..... What's Going on Here? (Bryles)
I Need Her.....
Motorcycle Crap and Stuff
Why Are You Doing This to Yourself?
It's Up!
How We Met
What Did I Just Say?......
15 facts about me
School Blues (Sequel to How we Met)
Dancing Days (Bryles)
New book!!
Trio Trouble
Closer (Sequel to Trio Trouble)
The Trouble With Siblings
Sadistic Love
Her Demon, His Lover
Not an update: more of a warning

Party Plans

2.4K 37 48
By Someonewhoisnthere

Sup people, Nelly back at it again with a brand new chapter! Guess what? Isaiah Peck (Henry) commented on two of my photos along with Shelby Bain (Amy)! I was sooo happy! The first one was advice about my dance competition I told you guys about, and the other one was them saying congrats! AHHH I COULDN'T BELIEVE IT!!!

Btw, I got silver. It's technically third and its most likely because we messed up on our jetes (we weren't in sync), which is probably because weren't allowed to practice on the stage, therefore did not know how much steps we needed to take. But oh well! ISAIAH AND SHELBY COMMENTED ON MY PAGE!!!! YAYY!!!!!

Also, if you wanna follow me on Instagram, my username is @tns_obsessor. Just so you know :).

Anyways, without any further ado, I give you: oneshot number 7! Enjoy.

Synopsis: Richelle learns some pretty interesting stuff about how the others view her and Noah.

Richelle's P.O.V:

Ahhh, I'm so excited! Right now, I'm with the girls at Riley and Emily's house getting ready for the party that the studio was invited to. It's kind of a ritual party. See, each year one studio hosts a big party, and invites a whole bunch of other studios to it so dancers, choreographers and studio heads can socialize and get to know each other, maybe give out a few tips here and there.

The girls and I had gone dress shopping the day before, so right now we're just doing our hair and make up. And man, did our dresses look hella good!

Amanda's dress:

Riley's dress:

Emily's dress:

Amy and Cassie's dress:

Piper's outfit (since I couldn't find a dress😁):

Sloane's dress:

Cierra's dress:

Skylar's dress:

You might be wondering how we can all fit in one bathroom. Well, Riley and Emily share one, and boy is it huge. "I can't wait to go and meet the others there!" Cierra says as she helps Skylar tie her hair back. Another thing you might be wondering; why is Cierra there, she's not in A-troupe! Well here's the thing; you don't have to be in the A-troupe or the elite level to go to this party. This also means former dancers at a studio are also invited, so I can't wait to see some of the formers A-troupers again!

"Yeah, neither can I!" Emily agrees smiling, while she applies on a pink tinted lip gloss. Since Emily used to dance at The Next Step, she was also invited. Her knee is healing better now since its been more than a year, but she still can't be too hard on it. "I also can't wait to meet the rest of the new A-troupers!" By the rest, she means the new boys. Piper, Amy, Sloane, and Cassie are over at Riley's place too.

I smile and put the finishing touches of red lipstick on my lips. After I'm done I snack my lips together and look over to everyone else. "How's it look?" Everyone gives me pleasantly surpass looks. "Whoa, Richelle it looks amazing!" Piper says in awe, "yeah, you pull it off better than anyone else could," Riley says, raising her eyebrows in approval, as everyone else agrees with her. I smile at them and turn back to the mirror. "Thanks," I tell them gratefully as I start to work on my eyelashes, "Noah picked it out."

Riley nods solemnly, before shaking her head and widening her eyes in disbelief. "Wait, come again?" She asks me as if she didn't believe she heard me correctly. Now that I notice it, everyone giving me a similar look too. I raise an eyebrow a slight confusion. Odd.... "Noah picked it out?" I answer in a questionable way, chuckling slightly at their shocked faces. "Noah?! He picked out?" Emily asks. I nod, "...... Him?" She repeats still in disbelief. I chuckle again and nod once more.

"Seriously?" Cassie says, and then looks at the mirror again. "Huh. Who knew a guy could have knowledge of makeup." "Nah, he just has knowledge of her," Sloane blatantly says, applying more mascara. I, along with everyone else, give her a confused look. "Meaning?" I ask her expectantly. She looks at me. "Meaning he just knows you well," she says, shrugging, "it's the same as me and LaTroy. He knows me really well so he can easily tell what's my style, and what isn't," huh. It makes sense. Though I'd never go to Noah for fashion sense. Have you seen his shirts? There well- hideous. And weird. But funny at the same time. And in a strange way- he can sorta pull them off.

I nod blankly as I start to recall the memory of when I even bought this lipstick......


"C'mon Noah, just this last shop," Richelle said to Noah, dragging him into her favourite cosmetics store ignoring his groans of irritation. "Fine....... But this is the LAST ONE! At least it isn't another bra shop......" He mutters, internally shuddering at the old women in the store giving him disapproving looks. Why were they in there anyways? They're like, fifty! Who are they going to seduce?
Richelle giggles a bit as he frowns. Oh how he hates shopping......

"Alright, I'll wait for you out here," Noah says, leaning against the bar surrounding the gap that shows the first and floor of the building form the second. Richelle gives him a confused look. "What?" She asks him. Noah raises an eyebrow. "Well, you're going to be quick, aren't you?" He asked her. Richelle just looks at him for a moment and then laughs, shaking her head. "Oh Noah," she says grinning, "just because I said this was the last store, doesn't mean I'm gonna be quick," wth that, she walks into the store, a groaning Noah trailing behind her.

Richelle looks around and sighs in content. Oh, how she loves this store. She's not much of a girly girl, but this place just has so many great choices of makeup! Any other day she'd let herself get distracted with the various different selections of beauty products but she's after only three things; mascara, eyeshadow, and lipstick. That shouldn't be too hard, right? Wrong! There only five hundred options of each. But Richelle knows exactly what brand, what kind, and what colour of each she wants..... Well for the first two. Lipstick so always hard for her. But she'll make it through.

Though it's extremely tempting, she manages to get to the mascara aisle without making any pit stops. "Now keep your eye out for the brand Palladio," she says to Noah, while eying the different mascara bottles. Noah sighs and nods, though he really doesn't know what he's looking for. The print of these things are ridiculously small. How the hell is he supposed to find it?

"Wait! I think I found one!" He says, grabbing a pink bottle. Richelle grabs it out of his hand, eyes it, and then frowns. "Noah, this obviously says Pacifica," she says sighing, and hands it back to him, "get it right!" She says with a sassy, obvious tone, and Noah refrains from rolling his eyes. "What's even the difference?" He asks her. She gives him a disbelieving look. "Are you insane? There's huge difference!" She exclaims, "see look, the brushes are different, Pacifica never makes the thick enough. Plus the actual mascara id peanut work well and makes it too obvious," "too obvious?" Noah questions. "Yes Noah," Richelle says, sighing. God it's like shopping with an oblivious child. "Too obvious."

Noah sighs and keeps looking. Finally, Richelle finds it. "Ah, yes here it is!" She says, taking it. "Oh god, finally, let's go," Noah says, attempting to drag Richelle out of the store- but she wiggles out of his grasp. "Not yet, I still need two more things, and- oh! What luck there's  the eyeshadow!" She turns to the other side of the aisle to see and impress be array of eyeshadows. However, Richelle is not picky when it comes to eyeshadow. She can pick any brand. "Great, now let's get your other thing quickly and then we'll be out of here," he says. Richelle smiles sheepishly. "Actually..... It's not that easy," "well why not?" "Because the other thing is lipstick...."

Noah's face pales and he looks like he jus saw a ghost. Lipstick? Lipstick?! Oh crap..... Nononononono!!!!! Richelle takes forever to get lipstick. "Noah?" Richelle says his name nervously. He hasn't said anything for a while now. "It just haaad to be lipstick, didn't it?" He says, glaring at Richelle. She just shrugs innocently. "I need a new one, hopefully this won't take long, c'mon," she grabs his hand, and Noah reluctantly let's her drag him to the other part of the store. Let's just hope this won't take too long.

25 minutes later and Richelle is still deciding between two lipsticks; the light purple or the dark pink. "Uh.... Hmm," Richelle debates as she bits her lip, something she does when sea trying make a decision, "what do you think?" She asks Noah for the 6th time, who is bored out of his goddamn mind. "I don't know Richelle..... The pink one," he says lazily pointing to it. He honestly has no clue, he just wants to leave the store.

"Eh..... But the purple one looks so good!....... Never mind I'll take the pink," Richelle says, finally making up her mind. Noah sighs in relief. "Kay good, now let's leave before-" but he never finished because Richelle spots another two colours. "Ooh, look at those!" She coos, grabbing a strawberry red lipstick, and a shimmery rose one. Noah groans in exasperation. He was so damn close.......

"Oh.... These all look so good! Noah, which one?" She asks him, and the boy lazily lifts his head up to examine the colours. Richelle looks at the other colours as she waits patiently for his answer. After scanning the lipsticks and her face, Noah replies, "go with red. The strawberry red." Richelle stops for a moment then looks at Noah with curiously in her eyes. "What?" Noah asks, catching her inquiring look. "You actually answered...."

"I've answered before, haven't I?" "

"Yeah, but this time you have a sincere


"I didn't Know you actually cared," Richelle admits. "Oh believe me, I don't!" Noah says in an assuring way, "but you asked a question, and u answered. I just really what to leave,"
"But why'd you pick the red one?" Richelle asks curiosuly, looking into the small mirror and Placing the red lipstick beside her lips as if to imagine what the colour would look like on her.

Noah shrugs. "I don't know. I just looked at your face and I thought you could pull it off really well. It blends with your skin tone well, especially if you wear something fair to take away some of the focus so the lipstick seems more subtle." Richelle looks at him incredulously. Since when did Noah become a beauty specialist? Nonetheless, it did flatter her to know that he knew so much about her and her style. His opinion really did matter to her. "Okay," she says with a smile, "I'll go buy it right now, and then we can leave."

"OH THANK THE LORD!" Noah exclaims with glee and relief, causing Richelle to giggle at him. She allowed him to pull her over to the cash register line which, to his dismay, was pretty damn long. As in, thirty people long, excluding themselves. "OH COME, ON!!!!!!!!"

~End of Flashback~

I giggle to myself a bit as I do the final touches of makeup on my face. I smile and pucker my lips. Perfect! I'm all done! I look over to the others and see that they're all ready to go as well. "We all good?" Emily asks, and all of us nod. "Perfect! Now let's get going!" Soon,all of us fill two vans; one of which Emily is driving and one that her mother's driving. Riley went with her mother, so it's just me, Piper, Cassie, Cierra and Skylar with Emily.

"So..... Who's going with who?" Emily says in a slight teasing tone. I know what she means; she means who is meeting up with which boy at the party. "Well uh, Alfie sorta asked me......." Cassie says shyly. "Alfie? Huh, I don't know him. I guess I'll find out. What about you, Cierra?" Emily asks her. She shrugs. "I don't know....... I am meeting Jake there," she says. "Ooh, Jake? Good choice," Emily winks at her through the mirror and Cierra rolls her eyes playfully. "I'm not really going with anyone," Skylar says, and then turns to me, "what about you, Richelle?" She asks, "who are you meeting up with?"

Before I can even make any signs of answering, Emily does it for me. "Noah," she says flatly. I gape my mouth open in shock. "Could've seen that coming," Cierra mutters, and he rest giggle at her comment. "Emily!" I exclaim. "What, you're not denying it, are you?" She asks me, looking at me expectantly. I open my lotus to retort but reluctantly close it after I realize there's nothing to retort about. She does have a point. I am meeting up with Noah. "Is he your boyfriend yet?" She asks me suddenly, causing me to give her a look of utter shock. "What? No! And what do you mean yet?!" I ask her. Was I really that obvious last year?

Emily shrugs. "Come Richelle. We all know nochelle is bound to happen sometime," I give her a confused look. "What nochelle?" I inquire curiously. Everyone starts to burst out into laughter. I'm still so confused. Seriously people, what is nochelle? And why is it so funny?! Is it a inside joke? Somebody help me out here! Luckily the laughter died down once we reached the stadium. That's where the party's being hosted this year.

We meet up with the others and say goodbye to Riley and Emily's mom. "Have fun girls!" She says, driving off. "Bye mom!" Em and Riley call after her. "Oh! There's Max! See you guys later!" Amanda says, walking up to Max. "And there's Jake!" Cierra says, running up to him. Don't ask me how she can do it in those heels. Like damn, girl.

Henry suddenly walks up to us. He's nicely dressed and, of course, has a fedora on his head to complete the look. Fedoras are Henry's fav kind of hats. "Hey Amy. Ready to go inside? Alfie's in there too, Cassie, by the way," he informs her and she thanks him, giving a quick goodbye to us and then leaves. I give a sly smirk to Amy who blushes a bit. So Amy and Henry, huh? I totally ship. "So this is who you're going with, eh?" I ask her, the smirk never leaving my face. She nods shyly. "We'll go on you two! Don't let me keep you waiting!" I say and she laughs, taking Henry's arm as the two enter the stadium.

Soon, it's just me, Emily, Riley, Sloane, and Piper left. "Shall we go in?" I say, wiggling my eyebrows in a goofy way. Everyone laughs, and Piper plays along. "We shall," she says in a mock proper tone. We all laugh as we approach the inside f the stadium. Whoa, this place is huge! As we walk, Sloane meets up with LaTroy, and the two converse happily with each other. We continue to walk around, saying hi and greeting some dancers from other studios politely as we walk.

Piper somewhere along the way spots James. "JAMES!!" She exclaims his name excitedly, and he laughs as he gives her a hug. I smile. They're sibling relationship is incredibly close. I love it when siblings get along. "Hey Piper," he says, and greets Riley with a kiss. "Hey babe, looking hot as always," Riley laughs and thanks him. He then looks over to Emily. "Yo Em, I brought you a surprise from England," he says, and she gives him a confused look. "What're you talking ab-" she starts, but gets cut off as someone jumps in front of her making her gasp in pleasant surprise. "Guess who?!" The goofy and happy voice that could only belong to West shouts with extended arms. "WEST!!!!" She exclaims his name and runs into his arms with excite.

All of us smirk at the two as West spins Emily around. When she's put back down on the ground she notices all our smirks and blushes. "What? Something interesting here?" She asks us pretending like its nothing. I chuckle a bit. "Most definitely," I say teasingly. Suddenly, I spot the person I've been looking for. I find Noah a few metered away, looking very annoyed with Eldon who looks like he's teasing him. "I'll see you guys later. Gotta save Noah's ass from doofus over there," I say, pointing in Noah and Eldon's direction.

They look over to where I'm pointing and smirk a bit. "Yes, make nochelle happen!" James says and the others laugh a bit as I groan in confusion and exasperation. "You too?! What is that anyways?" I ask, shaking my head and heading over to my best friend. I debate on trying to scare him, but that won't work. Due to Noah's heightened senses, he can detect anyone around him even if he can't hear them. Freaky right? Actually, I find it more fascinating than freaky to be honest. He's like a real life superhero. How awesome is that?

Silently sneaking my way up behind him, I wrap my arms around his waist making him pause in his rant of irritation towards Eldon. He turns around a the smile on his face widens. "Richie!" He says happily, addressing me by my nickname. "He No," I call him his nickname as I hug him properly. He looks down at me and his eyebrows raise. "Wow, lookin' fine as hell, baby ri ri," he says in a dramatic-ish way, smirking as he bobs his head from side to side for extra effect. I giggle at him. "Lookin' fine yourself, Mr. Suave," I reply smirking as well as I look him up and down. (A/N: 👆🏾)

"Who?" He says in mock confusion, looking around. I playfully slap his chest and chuckle a bit. Noah's self conscious so he's not very good at accosting compliments. "You, silly!" I say to him, "trust me, you look amazing. I wouldn't lie to you." Noah smiles and hugs me against I hug him back just as tight though my smile wavers a but. I really do wish he was more confident in himself. I know he was kinda acting like he was confused, but he really didn't believe he was able to look good.

I can see Eldon smirking when we pull apart. "Wow, nochelle's happening quicker than I thought-" "dude I swear, say one more word, I dare you," Noah hisses threateningly to Eldon, cutting him off mid- sentence. He his smirks and joins West and James. I look up at Noah with a questioning glance. "You've been experiencing that too, huh? What even is nochelle? They keep saying it!" I exclaim, raising my arms to emphasize my point.

Noah's cheeks start to flush red, much to my confusion. "Uh, it's nothing," he says, ushering us away from James, West, and Eldon. "Noah, do not lie to me. You know what it is, just tell me!" I plead to him and he sighs. "I'll tell you later," he says sincerely, then puts his head up listening to the next song change as does everyone else. The song switches to "consideration" by Rihanna, featuring SZA (A/N: that song's been my jam lately :P). Not really a hardcore party/dance song, but has a smooth and extremely catchy beat that makes you wanna sway to it.

Noah looks at me and smiles slightly, knowing I love this song. "Wanna dance?" He extends his hand, and I smile back and take it, letting him lead me to the dance floor. He takes my other hand and starts to sway them around causing me to let out a soft giggle. He twirls me around, and I try to do the same with him, but even in my five inch heels I can't reach over his head. He laughs as I pout a bit. Yeah, I'm really small.......

"Here," he says and bends down a bit, just enough for me to twirl him around. We both laugh and the song soon changes. Though it's a pretty short song it's still one that I love. The song changes to a more upbeat one, "My House" by Flo Rida. "I love this song!" I exclaim, and I see Henry starting to break dance along with a guy from another studio. Everyone cheers and we soon make a circle.

Another girl comes up and does an impressive array of pirouettes and James goes in, starting to dance with Riley and Piper. Once the chorus comes, Sloane and LaTroy come up and start dancing along with another couple of kids. We all get our fair share of attention in the middle circles until the last chorus is coming up. West starts to dance a little ways before it, thoroughly impressing everyone with his amazing hip hop technique. Once he's done he starts chanting Noah and i's names. Soon, people who don't even know is join along! "Noah! Richelle! Noah! Richelle!!!!" They all star to chant.

Noah and I look at each other and shrug, surrendering to the crowd. I take my heels off and he starts to fouetté for a long period of time, amazing everyone. Yeah, Noah has a lot of control. He ends by spinning quickly like Eldon does and once the last chorus starts, I do a front aerial, causing some cheers from the crowd. The girls and I put shorts under our dresses because let's be honest; we all knew this was gonna happen.

Noah and I start to dance with each other, occasionally doing our own thing as well. We end by doing a pose with each other, and everyone cheers. I give Noah a high five and we approach the others who start to compliment us. "Wow guys, you were awesome!" A guy who I think name is Luke compliments us with a smile. The girl beside him, Kayla nods in agreement. "Yeah, DEFINITELY nochelle goals," she says giggling a bit as she walks off with Luke. My moth hangs open in shock as Noah starts to slowly shake his head. People we don't even know knows what nochelle is, and I don't?!?! What?!?!!!

"No....." Noah starts to say slowly, shaking his head more vigorously at each word, ", no, no, no, nononononononononononoooo!!!!!!" He exclaims with with exasperation a s he turns and looks at the others who are laughing their heads off. "YOU TOLD RANDOM PEOPLE AVOUT THAT TOO??!!???!?!!" He exclaims, exasperated and frustratedly. They all just shrug innocently. "WHAT. IS. NOCHELLE?!?!?" I ask, waving my arms around in confusion. C'mon people, I wanna know!

Noah starts to get that nervous look on his face again. I glare and start to stalk towards him. "Tell. Me. Now," I growl at him angrily, more pissed off about the fact that he's trying to keep a secret more than the fact that he knows what it is and I don't. "Uh...." He starts to stutter a bit, backing up nervously. "Listen Richelle, I told you I'd tell you later," he says as I continue to stalk towards him. "Right now is later, Noah," I say still frowning at him.

He starts to back up more until his head perks up up and makes this funny face. I instantly recognize this face. It's the one he makes every time he here's this one specific song; "The Man". The second the guy starts singing, he starts singing along with him. "WELL YOU CAN TELL EVERYBODY, YEAH YOU CAN TELL EVERYBODY, GO AHEAD AND TELL EVERYBODY, I'M THE MAN, I'M THE MAN, I'M THE MAN!!!!" He hollers at the top go his lungs, grabbing my hands and swinging them around crazily. Yeah..... He's beyond obsessed with this song.

I instantly pull away form his grasp. "I'm still mad at you, Mr!" I say, but I'm laughing despite myself. Noah just shrugs at me. "Suit yourself. I'M THE MAN, I'M THE MAN, I'M THE MAN!!!!! WHOO!!!!!!" He starts doing this terrible dance and people give him slight strange looks. "DON'T HATE ME CAUSE MY MOVES ARE AWESOME- HA, JUST KIDDING THEY'RE RETARDED AS HELL BUT OH WELL!!!" He yells and I can't help but join. "Yes, Richie!!!!!" He cheers me on and I'm almost dying with laughter.

When the song ends, Noah gives me a smile. "Still mad?" He asks me. I nod, causing him to frown. "Also, I think someone needs a few more dance lessons..... Ones that'll actually teach you to dance this time," I say with a giggle. Noah gasps with mock hurt. "Ouch, Richelle," he says with over exaggeration. "That hit deep. Right here," he says, pointing to his heart, "right here."

I laugh and roll my eyes at his drama. "Aw, is someone mad at me now?" I ask him teasingly as he turns away from he crossing his arms with a cute little pout on his face. He nods his head. "Uh-huh." "Aw, you don't stay mad at me forever No. I'm sorry," I say playing along with his little act. He shakes his head like a five year old. "Nuh-uh. I'm still mad at you," I place my chin on his shoulder. "Pretty please?" I ask him, pouting my lip a bit, knowing he can't resist that. Noah tried to avoid my look, but he ends up surrendering once he takes a peek at my face. "Ugh fine, your forgiven," he says, and I smile triumphantly. Point me.

"But," he says and I look at him inquiringly, "only if you forgive me too," I pretend to think about it and then relent. "Okay," I say with a nod. He grins. "Great." Suddenly the song changes to a slow one; "7 Years" by Lukas Graham. I look around to see Jiley dancing together, obviously. Emily pulls West on the dance floor, and Amanda and Max are already dancing together. Henry starts to ask Amy and Cassie asks Alfie. Skylar gets asked by a boy from another studio, and Cierra gets asked by Jake.

Eldon gets asked by a girl from another studio and I even see Piper dancing with someone else too, though James is obviously keeping an eye on the pair to the amusement of Riley. Sloane and LaTroy eve dance with each other. Everyone is dancing with each other. I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turnaround to see Noah smiling at me, with his hand extended out. "May I have this dance?" I smile back and take his hand nodding. He pulls us onto the dance floor, his hands around my waist and mine around his neck.

We starts to slow dance in comfortable silence, when Noah starts to speak. "Do you really want to know what nochelle is?" He whispers to me, and I look at him cocking an eyebrow. "What do you think? I've only been asking you all night," I say sarcastically with a roll of my eyes. Noah chuckles. "Okay, okay," he says, "I get your point. Nochelle is- well it's us." I give him a confused look. "I don't get it," I say with a confused look, "what do you mean 'it's us'?" Noah sighs a bit and says, "it's our ship name. Both our names put together makes nochelle, Richie," he sighs again and continues, "and the reason I was so hesitant to tell you was because I was embarrased...... Cause I do actually like you. A lot."

I give him a look of shock. "Y-you do?" I ask him, surprised. He nods. "I- I didn't want to tell you because I know you couldn't possibly like me in that way, and I didn't want to ruin our friendship or make you hate me, or-" I cut him off by placing my lips against his. I can tell he's shocked at first, but relaxes into the kiss, cupping my cheeks in his hands. Once we depart, I smile. "You didn't ruin anything. At all."

I suddenly hear clapping don't behind us. Noah and I turn around to see our entire studio clapping and cheering as the song starts to come to an end. "NOCHELLE LIVES!" They all tell in unison, and I start to blush as Noah just shakes his head at them, clearly unimpressed. "Aw, she's blushing," Amanda coos. "I guess she finally found out," LaTroy says, smirking along with the others. "I hate all of you people," Noah says and glares at them. "Love you too, man," Eldon tells back, making a heart with his hands.

I decide to joke around with them. "Yo!" I yell to Eldon, "Back off my man!" I grab Noah's hand and sassily strut away from them. I can hear all the "OHH'S!" And "ROASTED'S!" and "WRECKED'S!" From behind us. I laugh a bit with Noah and we walk out of the stadium. "Well I guess I really am the man," Noah says, smirking at me. I just giggle and nod, wrapping my arms around him. "Yes, you definitely are," I say, kissing him again. This is definitely the best night of my life.

And it's done! How was this chapter? I kinda worth it before the one after this, but I decided to make that one while this one was about halfway done. Hope you all enjoyed this, idk about this once though...... I didn't think it was very good.😕 What do you guys think? Make sure to comment down below what you're it's opinion is. Well I gotta go now. See y'all later!


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