Ask The Creepypasta's

By Siddot

21.7K 477 578

A Q&A for my lovely followers. Ask the actress and actors of the books! More

Question's for Hoody?
Lots of Questions!!!
Excepting Dares?!
Sexiness Of Halloween
'Just Acting'
Torturing Ben >:3
>//.//< Da Fuq?!
Not Q/A: Suvhcdihsygovjwuciv
Suprise After Suprise: 2016!
Life Update: Rising from the dead!

Ask The Creepypasta's

6.4K 72 47
By Siddot

*Clapping audio*

Switchblade: Thank you for joining us for the first and ever Ask The Creepypasta's! Where we answer your disturbing/Weird questions about us!

Ben: *Presses control button furiously* FFFUUUUUUUUUU

Switchy: ..... Ben what are you doing? stop the clapping audio!

Ben: I can't! The button is fucking jammed!

Switchy: ...... Hurry up, I can't stop the show!

Ben: *Throws controller on ground and smashes it* There!

EJ: ........

Sally: ..... There was an off switch on the side.

Ben: *Poker Face*

Jeff: Why am I here?

Jane: To answer your stupid fangirl's questions.

Jeff: *Glares* Tramp!

Jane: *Laughs* Says the guy that gave himself to me.

Everybody else: Oohhhhhhhhh!

Switchy: Ummm, ok! let's get on with the questions! *Searches through papers*

LJ: *Sighs* There are no questions yet, we just started the show smarty pants.

Miss P: Well that's going to be a problem..... Did anybody think this through? *Petting Grinny on lap*

Grinny: Iya knew this was going toa happen......

Masky: Well, if there's no questions, I'd might as well do room checks! *Masky gets up*

Switch: No! we need everybody here! even if this sucks now! *Pushes Masky back down*

Jeff: Your the worst host ever Twitchy.

Ben: Oh yeah? well then why don't YOU be the host next time and see how that works out.

Switchy: Aww thanks Benny! *Kisses Bens cheek*

Sally: Eww!

EJ: ..........

Ticci Toby: ....... *Crack*

LJ: You know what? I'm not going to waist my time here. *Walks away*

Masky: *Glares at Ben*

Hoodie: *Glares at Masky*

Jeff: *Pokes at Sally's face*

Sally: Jeff! Stop it!

Jeff: Why should I? This is funny to me! *Pokes at Sally's eye*

Sally: Oww! stop it you fag!

Slender: *Shakes head slowly then teleports away*

Switchy: *Face Palm*

Miss P: This is a disaster....

EJ: Indeed so....

Grinny: I am going to dog and gloat about how I catch prey better than him. *Jumps off of Miss P's lap* Stupid show makes Grinny's head hurts of hurtyness.

Jeff: You know what? I have a question for Hoodie: Why do you keep a doll that looks like Masky, underneath your pillow?

Masky: Wait, what? *Confused look*

Hoody: *Blushes and runs away*

Everybody except Masky: *Gives Jeff the Death Stare*

Switchy: Great! We lost another one.... Thank you Jeff!

Masky: A d-doll?!

Miss P: Why did you have to do that Jeffery?!

Jeff: *Troll Face*

Ben: That really wasn't cool dude, he was always nice to you.....

Jeff: Hoody had it comming, he was looking at me funny!

Sally: Who doesn't? That face of yours attracts more attention than Ben's pot problem.

Ben: *Snaps fingers* Girl please, it's not a problem and I can quit anytime I want! *Duck Face*

*Awkward Silence*

Switchy: Ok then! Well, I guess we'll end it earlier than I wanted it to! Hopefully we will have some questions next ti- JEFF NO!

Jeff: *Pops up close to camera* GO TO SLEEP, BITCHES! *Stabbes lens*

*Goes Black*

-I will only make writer notes if there's something very important! If there's a character not on the list and you want to ask them a question, please tell me, I might add them to it! Siddot~PEACE070

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