Badass Beauty (Supernatural)

By dixonsbow

860 17 1

"Who the hell do you think you are?" "I'm Katherine Warner and I'll beat your ass if you talk to me like that... More

Badass Beauty (Supernatural)
Chapter 2-What are the odds?
Chapter 3~15 Years
Chapter 4~Bobby

Chapter One~Meeting

203 4 0
By dixonsbow

Tick tock
Tick tock
Tick tock

Katherine stared harshly at the clock in the motel room, praying it would shut the hell up. She'd been in this motel room for the past two days trying to find a job. Something different. Ghosts were beginning to get boring. The amount of those pricks she had salted and burned the last months was getting ridiculous.


Twelve women disappearing in Ohio in the last week. Three bodies found seeming to belong to those women. Bite marks found in their arms and necks.

Now vampires were more like it.

She eagerly  got up, rummaging in her bag for her vile of dead mans blood and a homemade whip with razors shooting out the sides when whipped. She tested it, not seeing the television behind her. She whipped it hard, spinning around and the razors and the whip smashing the TV in the process. She shrugged slightly and put her whip in the holder slung over her shoulder and the vile of dead mans blood around her neck like a necklace.

It's time to kick some biting ass.

She left the hotel room, putting her bag in the trunk of her beloved 1969 Boss 429 Mustang.

Then she set off.


As she pulled up to the vamps nest, a small house in the centre of Ohio, she took a deep breath.

It had been a while since she'd killed a vampire, let alone a whole nest. She wondered how many were in there. It could be just a few or just a few dozen.


She hoped out of her car and made her way up the steps to the house. She made sure her whip was hidden and put on the innocent girl act. She knocked on the door, waiting for a response.

A tall vamp with long dark hair in a bun answered the door, arching his thick eyebrow.

"May I help you?"

"Oh, yes. My car broke down and I was wondering if I could borrow a phone to ring my friend to come and tow it."

"Ah I see. Well, come in I suppose." He stepped to the side, allowing Katherine to slide in and wander into the house.

There were four vamps sitting at the kitchen table, sipping a dark liquid which she could only presume was blood. Fresh blood. She sighed a little when one told her the only phone was in the kitchen.

Tick tock
Tick tock
Tick tock

The clock in the kitchen ticked above her head as she took the phone and pretended to dial a number.

Everything was silent.

She waited. Waited till the clock hit 4pm. She saw the minute hand hit 12 and she acted.

She grabbed her whip from the holder and spun around, taking the head clean off two of the vamps.

"You just killed Ron and Dan you bitch!" The vamp with the bun yelled.

Katherine smiled innocently and shrugged her shoulders. "Oops."

She yanked the dead mans blood from her neck and grabbed the vamp, slamming his head into the table and shoving the blood into his mouth. He yelled out in disgust and Katherine decapitated him. More vamps ran into the room and she easily enough managed to use her whip to kill them. That was until the whip was taken from her grasp and she was practically thrown against the wall.

"Did your momma never tell you not to touch a girl like that?" Katherine chuckled.

"Shut the hell up and die." The vamp groaned and let his fangs come out and bite her neck, she gasped in pain, pushing him. But he was strong.

Then a mans voice appeared behind him.

"Hey, you blood sucking son of a bitch!"

The vamp, still holding Katherine against the wall harshly turned his head to stare at him.

"Fresh meat, come and get it."

The vamp growled and turned back to Katherine.

Like the badass Katherine was she head butted the vamp in the face and kicked his legs from beneath him, making him fall. She went to grab her whip but the vamp was too fast, grabbing her legs and dragging her down. She kicked him as hard as she could but he was really damn strong.

She suddenly felt the weight from the vamps hand disappear. She looked at him and saw his head was gone. One of the men had chopped it's hideous head off.

She examined both men properly now.

One was very tall with longer hair, falling into his caring hazel eyes. The other was significantly shorter with green eyes that could stop time. Which was great because the ticking notice was getting really irritating.

"I didn't need you damn help." Katherine snapped.

"Wow aren't you miss grateful! My brother just saved your sorry ass." The shorter man scoffed. "Who the hell do you think you are?"

"I'm Katherine Warner and I'll beat your ass if you talk to me like that again." She snapped.

Katherine Warner. Why did that name ring a loud bell in Deans mind? Now to think of it, she did look very familiar. Her dark brown hair a light brown eyes and her angelically looking face was something hard to forget.

"Katherine?" Dean mumbled.

"What? Look, I've got to go... Whatever your names are."

"I'm Sam." Sam piped up. "And this is my brother Dean."

"Winchester?" Katherine said, clearly alarmed.

"Yes... Wait, where are you..." Sam called but she was already gone.

Winchester. Katherine thought to herself. Sam and Dean Winchester.

It had been years since she'd last seen them. 18 years to be exact. Her 32nd birthday was rapidly approaching.

She remembered. Her 14 year old self bumping into a man named John in Bobby's house 18 years ago. He had two kids, a 15 year old and an 11 year old.

She remembered looking at the 15 year old boy and instantly feeling attracted to him, a feeling she'd never felt before. Her life wasn't made for love.

She remembered when he first talked to her, his green eyes gazing into hers.

She remembered his smile, the way he licked his lips and glanced down at hers.

And most of all, clearest of all. She remembered him kissing her.

Then he left and she never saw him again after them two months.

She pulled up at some cafe and walked inside, ordering a coffee and a slice of pie.

She heard the door open behind her as she sat down but didn't bother to look up. After a while, she felt someone slide into the booth she was at. Glancing up, she noticed Sam and Dean Winchester before her. Her hands clenched around her coffee as they sat silently.

"What?" She said, voice full of venom.

"We want a thank you." Dean demanded.

"So you followed me all the way here for a thank you?" She mumbled, sipping her coffee.

"No, we followed all the way here to give you your whip back." Sam said quietly.

"Okay, then where is it?"

"In my car.' Dean answered, staring at Katherine's pie as if it was Jesus.

"Okay, here's the deal. You can have my frickin pie if you give me my whip back." Katherine said, not believing she was actually making a deal over it.

"Okay. Done." Dean stuffed the pie in his mouth before standing up and grabbing his keys. "Come on then."

Katherine followed the boys outside and noticed the car they were approaching.

"Damn! That's your car?" She said, gazing adoringly at the beautiful ride.

"Yep. This is my baby." Dean patted Baby's bonnet lightly.

"She's a 1967 Chevrolet Impala, right?" Katherine asked eagerly.

Dean looked at her as if she just told him she could shoot lasers out her eyes.

"Where have you been all my life." He said adoringly.

Sam stared at his brother and Katherine, one eyebrow arched. Damn it, she was like a female version of Dean.

Sam handed Katherine her whip and she smiled as a thank you, walking to her own car, opening the boot, lifting the bottom and sliding her whip in its place amongst the guns, knives and other weapons before shutting it.

"Is this your car?" Dean asked, looking shocked.

"Yeah, this is my baby." She said, glancing at Dean.

Sam stared at the car, looking indifferent. Dean looked at his brother and signed. "Come on, Sammy! It's a 1969 Boss 429 Mustang! Damn, she's a beauty."

Katherine laughed. Yes, she laughed. The sound almost surprised her. It had been a while since she actually laughed.

"So, why did you turn up at the house?" She asked.

"Ah you know, women disappearing, three turning up dead with bite marks all over them. That's what we search for." Sam responded as Dean was busy gawping at her car. "It was a bit of a surprise when we saw you kicking ass in there."

Katherine rolled her eyes slightly as she pushed Dean away from her car, climbing into the drivers side.

"I suppose I should say thank you for your help." Sam and Dean both smiled slightly at her. "I'll see you boys around." She said, driving off.

Dean stared at her car as she drove off. "Was she real or part of my imagination?" He asked.

"She was real alright." Sam chuckled. "She knows how to take out vamps as well."

"Yeah, and she has a great taste in cars... And food." Dean licked his lips.

"Ahh. Is Dean in love?" He teased.

"Yeah. With her car and that damn pie."

Sam rolled his eyes and walked toward the impala with Dean. "I think we should ask Bobby about this hunter. Her name sounds familiar." Sam said once both boys climbed inside.

"Yeah, sure. Let's go down to the motel and call him from there."

Sam nodded in agreement and they drove toward the Night Shade motel.

Little did the boys know, not only was Katherine staying at that very motel, but her and Dean had history. Not much of one, but it's still there.

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