Time And Relative Diner In Sp...

By CaelanIsAFreak

117 2 0

When a girl that's had far too long a life and a girl that's been dead for millions of years steal a TARDIS a... More

Crash Land
The Time Travelling Trio
Aesthetically challenged aliens
Pelvic Thrusting
Needing a Hand from the Doctor
Knee Deep in Raw Sewage
Plethora of Assorted Chairs
Clara's Unfortunate Blood on the Dance Floor Obsession
The Author Drowns in Their Gay Tears
In Which Our Heroes Attempt A Drunken Rescue Mission
Chris Motionless Is Daddy As Fuck

The New And Improved Time Travelling Team

3 0 0
By CaelanIsAFreak

So far Me and Clara have learned a lot about Jack and Ianto, from the fact that Ianto never wears matching socks, and how Jack loves to sing along the Spice Girls while showering, and that Ianto has a weird and un ironic appreciation for scene kid culture, and most notably how Jack Harkness finds it difficult to detect sarcasm.

At first this was very amusing for the two girls, who quickly turned this into a completion between the two of them and Ianto, the aim of the game being to convince Jack to do the most ridiculous thing before he worked out you weren't being serious. The winner of this competition was undoubtedly Ianto who managed to convince Jack that he actually thought it would be a great idea if the four of them had matching jackets to show everyone that they were a team.

Admittedly, this did backfire slightly when Jack all but skipped gleefully through the door of the Diner one day clutching a large shopping bag containing aforementioned jackets.

'Everyone! Team Meeting! Get your sexy arses to the control panel!' he yelled, voice echoing through the rooms in the diner.

After a few minutes everyone had managed to drag themselves out of bed and begrudgingly made their way to see what the racket was all about, well close enough. Ianto was wearing Captain America pyjama bottoms and had somehow managed to already make himself coffee, Me was in a panda onesie and was dragging a blanket behind her and on top of this blanket was a still sleeping Clara Oswald.

Jack was extremely offended by this because he was much more important than sleep, so he grabbed the blanket from Me and violently shook it causing Clara to face plant the floor and subsequently wake up.

'What the shit? Jack I am going to kill you' she mumbled, attempting to be threatening but utterly failing in doing so due to the fact she was still roughly seventy percent asleep and was wearing a set of child's Adventure Time pyjamas as she was short enough to fit into them.

At this point Jack decided that his news was too important to wait for Clara to be more awake than she currently was and decided to press on with his impromptu team meeting as she dozed off on the floor beside him.

'So, I bet you're wondering why I've gathered you all here today?' Jack said with an overly theatrical air of mystery to his voice, he soon dropped the amateur dramatics when he notices the exceptional Jack-I-am-going-to-murder-you look he was getting from Me, 'Anyway, I think you will all be thrilled to know that I have finally found exactly what this team needs to truly cement us together.'

At this jack reached into the bag and pulled out the four jackets, 'TA DAH!'

'Um Jack what exactly have you went out and bought?' Me asked, eyeing the jackets in Jack's hand suspiciously.

'Well Me, I think you'll find that these jackets,' He threw the first jacket towards Ianto who caught it perfectly, 'are the single most fashionable item of clothing,' He threw the second towards Me who only just managed to catch it, 'And quite possibly the greatest purchase I have ever made.' He threw the third one towards Clara who made no effort whatsoever to grab it and instead let it fly right past her and land on the floor.

Ianto and Me both held up their new jackets to examine what on earth Jack had just bought for them.

The answer to that question, would be that Jack had purchased four black leather jackets, and on the front of these jackets was everyone's names, and on the back of the jackets were the words Time Travelling Team. Taking up every inch of space on the back of the jacket. In bold capital lets. Written in neon pink rhinestones.

'Right I have multiple questions,' Ianto began looking at the frankly horrific item of clothing his hands, 'The most important one being; What the fuck is this?'

'Well Ianto, you said you wanted matching jackets for us and I used my initiative and came up with a really cool team name and I even designed the jackets myself.' Jack answered, smiling smugly as if he was extremely proud of himself, 'and I am expecting us all to wear these everywhere we go so everybody knows that we are the ultimate squad goals.'

Clara had finally awakened and retrieved her jack, giving it a once over before deciding that honestly, she had done stranger things than wear this jacket, and trying it on.

'You know this is actually a really fucking comfy jacket, I mean okay the outside is rather questionable but the inside is actually really soft and warm. I don't even care man I'm totally going to wear this.'

'Well if you're wearing it then so am I,' Me announced because she was very into cute coupley things such as matching dorky outfits.

The three of them looked at Ianto, making puppy dog faces at him, Jack even went as far to pout like a child who was about to cry, 'Come on Ianto you've got to wear it now.' He said batting his eyelashes in an attempt to look cute.

'If I agree to wearing the stupid jacket will you let me go back to bed?'

'YES' yelled Jack jumping up and down slightly with excitement.

'Fine, now I'm going back to bed so don't disturb me'

Jack being Jack, however excitedly ran after him and plonked himself down beside Ianto in the bed.

Ianto turned to look at him seriously 'You do realise I wasn't being serious about the jackets right? Like I didn't actually mean we should have them?'

'Oh sweetie, of course I knew. I just thought you'd all look damn good in leather.' Jack said smirking, before he rolled over onto his side, 'Night babe.'

AN: YAY AN UPDATE CAN I GET A HELL YEAH? Was that lame? Yeah probably.

Anyways this is a really cracky filler chapter as I am probably nearing the end of this story unless I am hit with some genius creative idea, but I'm not ready to finish it quite yet so expect a couple more random chapters before I get back onto anything remotely to do with a plot line. This hasn't been proof read as I am trying to do a million and one things right now so if you see any mistakes let me know. And as always I hope you liked this and it would be great if you could like and comment and all that stuff.

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