Possession [Coming Soon]

By _twerk

36 2 0


Possession [Coming Soon]

36 2 0
By _twerk

                 ❝ Tʜᴇʀᴇ ɪs ɴᴏᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴡᴏʀsᴇ ᴛʜᴀɴ ғᴀᴄɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜʀ ғᴇᴀʀs.

                                Exᴄᴇᴘᴛ, ʜᴀᴠɪɴɢ sᴏᴍᴇᴏɴᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ʟᴏᴠᴇ, ғᴀᴄᴇ ᴛʜᴇᴍ ғᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜ ❞ 

                                                                                            --- Grant Malaika



Prologue/ Introduction


 The struggles of the girl echoed in the dark, empty room. Shackles bounded her arms to the ceiling and a large, double linked, metal chain, held her feet down -- as it was her biggest asset. King Tobuscus circled her, hands behind his back as he surveyed her from head to toe.

 She had cherry red hair that fell in tight ringlets around her heart shaped face, a sharp, thin nose, full pink lips and skin the colour of ivory -- everything fit to be the Princess to a Prince.

 "Tell me, Harmony," King Tobuscus started, stopping directly in front a large table laiden with various devices from sharp, pointy nails to large, jagged knives all designed for one purpose only -- to torture and kill. "Why did you do it? Was my son not good enough for you? Did he not treat you like a woman of your nature is supposed to be treated?"

 There was a long silence that followed his questions and the girl's eyes began to water. Soon enough, she was sobbing uncontrollably; eyes red and body shaking. King Tobuscus laughed humorlessly as he closed his eyes and slid his hand around the table -- randomly grasping an object in his frail fingers.

 He sauntered over to the girl, lifting the smooth, glistening blade to her face. Slowly, he dragged the blade down her cheek and made a large gash. Blood -- the colour of the sky -- trickled down her face and dripped onto the cold concrete floor at their feet.

 King Tobuscus watched in contentment as her blood made a small puddle and he eagerly raised the blade again to strike but before he made contact with her alabaster skin, she buckled furiously and managed to knock the knife out of his hands. Growling furiously, he backhanded her across the face leaving a bright red mark in its wake before slithering over and picking up his torture device from the floor.

 "Why are you doing this?" The girl's voice was high pitched and shaky from fear, yet she held her chin up to show that she was proud of her crime and was not going to bow down to anyone. "I am one of your people. I have free wills just like everyone else and if I choose to love a mortal then I can!"

 "You are right Harmony. You do have free rights, unless I say otherwise," King Tobuscus paused as if gauging her reaction before continuing. "And I did. You should be proud. I handpicked you from every girl here, to wed my son and you refuse him and pick a mortal instead! My son is a Prince! You should be begging at his feet for forgiveness,"

 The girl's eyes hardened and she held her head up defiantly. "I am honoured to be chosen for your son but it is not my fault that I do not love him. As they say -- you cannot choose who you fall in love with. And I do not regret giving myself up for a mortal because he made me feel like a real princess, something I never felt when I was with your son,"

 King Tobuscus roared loudly, making the walls rattle. His eyes glowed red and the girl smiled grimly. She knew she had lost this battle already but she was content knowing she would die happy. She had said what she wanted to, loved those who mattered most and spent as much time as she could with her mortal love and she knew that after happiness comes sorrow and she was ready to face hers.

 "You wretched woman! How dare you talk that way about my son?" King Tobuscus hissed. "You do know the punishment for defying and insulting royalty right?"

 The girl nodded once. She had been told about this rule since she was born -- it was pounded into her head everyday by her family, friends and anyone who had cared for her -- and found it ironic that today she stood, ready to face that penalty without a twinge of regret. They really did say that love makes you do crazy things.

 King Tobuscus hastily grabbed the closet torture device -- which happened to be a rusty sword -- and turned to face her with wide eyes. The vein on his neck was red and swollen, popping out against his skin.

 "I have given you so much chances to redeem yourself Harmony but now you leave me no choice. Are you satisfied with your destiny? Are you happy that you are going to die?"

 A dark chuckled escaped her pouty lips and she locked eyes with King Tobuscus. "I am satisfied and happy because I know I made the right decision. I did what made me happy and I wouldn't change it for the world. So go ahead and kill me but send my regards to your son. I hope he finds someone who can love him the way I loved Johnathon,"

 "Have it your way,"

 Suddenly, the knife was plunged into her stomach. She was still looking into King Tobuscus' eyes and she saw them squint as he dug the knife further into her flesh. Blood spurted from her mouth -- splattered against the King's face -- and she felt herself slipping away. Everything was becoming hazy and her fingers curled in on themselves in a feeble attempt to force away the pain.

 "You deserve to die, Harmony. You don't deserve a happy ever after,"

 He pulled the knife out -- blood spilling out of her by the buckets. He examined the edges carefully as the girl bled out in front of him. He cast a smug smile her way and held up ten fingers. Everytime a second passed -- along with the throbbing of her head -- he dropped a finger and she knew that he was counting down her final moments. She felt a pang of hurt in her chest -- she was thinking about Johnathan -- and her heart ached. The pain flowering in her chest over powered everything else and she lifted her head once more to face the King.

 "I already had my happy ever after,"

 Once more -- with a growl -- the knife was plunged into her chest and this time, she bucked twice before going limp. The deed was done and she was dead.

 King Tobuscus pulled the knife out and let it clatter to the floor while he wiped his face, clean of her blood.

 Then, he turned and left the room without a glance back.



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