Love Me Instead [Sans VS Gast...

By PineappleGalore001

224K 7.6K 9.7K

When a mishap in a reset happens and a character from another version is transported into the current world a... More

Little Quick Authors Note:
C h a p t e r 1
C h a p t e r 2
C h a p t e r 3
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My FanArt (Part 1)
My FanArt (Part 2)
My FanArt (Part 3)
ART CONTEST (closed)
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2.2K 97 73
By PineappleGalore001

(Pic above is of contest winner! GOOD JOB, realnewerthmettana! Second was tied between Shinigamichan and alyssa68122, and third was taken by Undertrash5! NICE WORK, all of you, including the ones who didn't make top three! Also, thanks for so many reads and votes on this book! HUGZ! HUGZ FOR DAYZ!)

(Sans POV)

I was wet, weak, and my marrow was leaking blood. I didn't mind being wet and weak, but bleeding: That is a problem child. I must say, I never knew that it would all end like this...


After we finished out breakfast, We decided to hang out at Waterfall. I mean, who wouldn't on a day like this? The sun was high in the sky, the birds were singing and the flowers were blooming...

We sat under an over-sized glowing blue mushroom. I take in a breath of fresh air, letting it out in a sigh. Rebecca looked over at me, a calm smile on her face. I smile back at her and lean back. It was about 4 in the afternoon and the skylights in the roof of the cavern were slowly preparing for dark, yet it was still noticeably daylight. I accidentally ended up taking a small nap next to her.

I awoke with what seemed like moments after falling asleep, the cave was growing dim. I estimate that it had been an hour later. Rebecca looked over at me, holding her top hand behind her back. I smile and look at the gems sparkling around the cavern.

"Hey, Sans. Can I ask you something?" She said with a mischievous and sly grin.

I nod and she leans up a little, dropping the hand behind her back slightly, allowing the thing in her hand to gleam in the dimming light.

My left eye immediately widened and flashed blue and I rolled out of the way to dodge her blade. An insane look in her eyes answered my obvious question. Life or death? Apparently, it was death.


It was now about 6 PM and it was close to getting dark. I lay with several broken ribs and many bleeding fractures on my arms and legs. My left leg was also broken, along with my left arm. Heh, I guess I could be considered 'all right' now. Oh, what am I kidding! This is no tome to make puns, I am dyeing...

I, thank Asgore, was able to destroyed her sole before she actually killed me first.

(Sorry, this just seems like a good place to stop... What do you think we should do? Leave him to rot? Save him? I already know what I am going to do, but tell me what you hope to happen in the comments! Thanks!)

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