An Honest Kiss

By Sarahbeth552002

1M 39.9K 2.2K

Rachel had survived the worst kind of heartache and had moved on with her life by following a dream that she... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 (The End)
A Broken Promise
Save the Last Dance
For Once In My Life
All or Nothing at All
Something's Gotta Give
Best of Me
More of You
Love Me Long

Chapter 5

49.4K 2.2K 164
By Sarahbeth552002

The next morning everyone was talking about the previous night's events and Addie was jealous. "I swear you just attract action."

"No not really," Rachel denied.

"You always seem to be bumping into Jack." Addie eyed her over her coffee cup.

"Yes, and I'm sure I'll pay for that fact later today." Rachel nodded her head towards Nurse Bowers who was looking at her and frowning.

Just then Addie's face lit up, and Rachel felt a charge shoot up her spine.

"Hey Jack," she greeted.

"Good morning Addie." He gave her a weary smile "You seem very upbeat this morning."

"Nothing beats a good night's sleep," Rachel said grumpily, very uncomfortable with Jack's close proximity as he sat down next to her. She was certain that every eye in the place was on them.

Addie must have guessed what Rachel was feeling because she hid her smile in her coffee cup.

"I just wanted to make sure that you were careful and had no concerns from last night."

"I'm fine Dr. Cooper. I wore gloves and had no open wounds anywhere on me." She didn't look at him. She could feel his weariness, and she wanted to give him a hug and take care of him.

He was a man who needed little sleep, and the few times she had seen him as tired as he was now was when he had been unable to save a patient. It was more than a physical weariness is was as if his soul was tired.

Jack's eyes met hers and for a moment there was total understanding between the two of them just like there had been during their marriage. Rachel willed him to see the empathy reflected in her eyes since she couldn't say anything or comfort him in anyway.

Jack's thoughts were a mystery as he shot Addie one last smile then rose and was gone.

"I don't think I have ever seen Jack tired before," Addie observed, and by the glances that followed him out of the cafeteria she guessed no one else had either.

If only she had been that lucky. It hurt her to see him hurt, it was that simple, and if she could take the pain from him she would. Even though he had crushed her heart, she still only wanted him to be happy. How pathetic can you be Rachel, she asked herself silently.

Despite, or maybe because of, her tender feelings for Jack her day was pure hell. She knew that Nurse Bowers had seen Jack single her out at breakfast, and she didn't doubt that she had heard about last night from Dr. Lancaster.

The result was that Rachel was given every miserable chore there was to do, and she was kept so busy she missed her lunch, so by the time her day had ended she was so exhausted she couldn't even contemplate staying awake for dinner, and she just went to her room and crawled into the bed. She fell asleep only to wake up too late to get anything to eat.

That night she was scheduled to move to the night shift. Rachel knew that generally there was a day off in between switching duty times, but it seemed that this was to be her penance.

Her stomach growled. Maybe she could beg for something to eat from of Mary. She had an hour before she had to report, so she quickly dressed and hurried towards the cafeteria, finding it empty except for the staff that was cleaning up after the dinner time rush.

"Mary?" she asked the young African boy who was mopping.

He pointed to the door that Rachel had seen her go through the day before.

Rachel pushed through the door to see Jack leaned up against one of the stainless steel counters with a plate of sandwiches and Mary hovering.

Her stomach growled loudly causing Mary and Jack to both look at her. He appeared to be over his exhaustion because as he looked at her he grinned. "Hungry?"

"Starved, I slept through dinner." She eyed his plate. It had a few sandwiches on it that looked delicious.

He held the plate towards her and she snatched one before he changed his mind.

"When was the last time you ate child?" Mary asked fixing her a drink.

"Breakfast," she said in between bites. They both watched her as she devoured the sandwich.

"Didn't you get lunch?" Mary clucked.

"Too busy."

Jack offered her another sandwich then took the last one for himself while Mary bustled around them as they ate. Rachel had slowed down considerably.

"This brings back good memories." Mary smiled as she took the empty plate to the large sink.

Rachel and Jack's eyes met, she could remember good memories too, but they were not eating sandwiches in a kitchen. She had to swallow her last bite hard as she saw the look in Jack's eyes. It said that he too remembered good times and they were not about sandwiches either.

Rachel's heart rate sped up.

Jack stepped towards her pulling her close. "I can remember good times too Mary." Then he dropped a heart stopping kiss on her lips that made everything stand still. Her legs gave out and he took her weight, and she could feel the hard length of his body against hers. It was like coming home. His arms around her was all that she had wanted for the past five years and she was powerless to fight him.

"Oh now that's nice." Mary sighed. "You two were always good together, and I'm pleased to see you together again."

Rachel blinked, suddenly coming to her senses, and she pushed away from Jack.

She should not let him do this to her again, especially if he had something going on with Dr. Lancaster. He had left her once and she had little doubt that he would do it again, so she needed to be on her guard because she couldn't survive his loss a second time. "I have to go or I'll be late." She would corner him soon and find out exactly what he wanted from her.

"Late for what?" Jack asked with a frown.

"I have night duty tonight." She turned to leave but he wouldn't release her completely.

"Didn't you work today?"

"Yes, I did, but that stunt you pulled in the cafeteria this morning got me more attention than I wanted, and switching from days to nights with no day off in between is my punishment."

"Bowers no doubt." Mary snorted

"What stunt?" Jack looked honestly confused.

"You paid me extra attention."

"What on earth..."

"Mary will explain it to you, and please don't try to correct the problem. Just let me get though tonight and then I can sleep in the morning. I went through worse during my clinicals, and if you interfere you will only make it worse. Thanks for the sandwiches Mary," she said with a smile, and then rushed from the kitchen headed towards the medical building. She would get through the night if it killed her.

The good thing about night duty was that Dr. Lancaster and Nurse Bowers were not there. After talking with Sally she learned that the only time the Doctors or Bowers were present was when there was an emergency.

"Although Jack generally comes through a few times every night to check on things," Sally added with a sigh.

That didn't surprise Rachel.

The only drawback to working nights was Brent Ferris who was on administrative duty. Sally had told her that he was Bowers's watch dog, and that as long as they all avoided him there were no problems.

That night flew by and there was a different atmosphere. It was much more laid back and friendly. People were more than willing to step in and help their coworkers, something which was lacking on the day shift, and Mary made sure that the fridge in the break room was well stocked so that they didn't go hungry.

Jack did stop by a few times, but she had been so busy with Sally that she didn't notice his visits.

The next morning when the night shift was relieved of duty they all went together to the cafeteria where they had a special table set. The rest of WAMM had already had their breakfast so Mary made theirs fresh and they ate it family style.

When Rachel fell into bed that morning she had to wonder if Nurse Bowers really thought she was punishing her by giving her the night shift.


Things went well for the next few weeks. She fell into a routine and it seemed that it truly was a case of out of sight out of mind. That was until one evening when Jack stopped by just as Brent was visiting on his nightly rounds.

It was Brent's habit to wait until all of the patients were asleep, which was about three o'clock in the morning, and then corner the nurse of his choice into a tight situation. If possible, after about one o'clock, the girls tried to stick together, but they were short that night and Rachel had needed more supplies.

"Well, well, finally alone, hmmm?" Brent had followed Rachel into the supply closet and closed the door behind them.

"I would appreciate it if you would open the door please." Rachel used her sternest nurse's voice.

"In a minute." He closed in on her.

"No, now please." Rachel's voice rose. She was hoping someone would hear and come to her rescue.

"Why are you in such a hurry? I thought you were the friendly type."

"What gave you that idea?" Rachel looked around for something she could protect herself with just in case.

"Everyone has seen you and Jack together, and the stories..."

Rachel shook her head. "You shouldn't believe everything you hear."

"True, not everything, but generally where there's smoke..."

"I find your innuendos insulting and rude, and I want you to open the door now!" she shouted.

"So, you're saying that there is nothing between you and Jack?"

"I've had a few conversations with Jack since I've been here, and they all were in very public places, the same as any other nurse here, not that I owe you or anyone an explanation," Rachel said evading the truth. Of course there was something between her and Jack, but she could hardly mention that.

"Then there should be no problem with us getting to know each other." He reached out and ran his hand up her arm.

"There are several problems, but the main one is that I don't want to get to know you." She tried to push past him but he barred her way, grabbing her arm in a tight grip that she knew would bruise.

"I think that you might want to reconsider that."

"No, I don't think I do." She looked down at her arm where his hand gripped it.

He started to back her up against a shelf, but Rachel had found a can of disinfectant spray and brought it up to spray in his face. He quickly blocked her and in doing so pushed her into the shelf behind her causing a few of the cleaning products to fall on her, hitting her head. They were both still stunned when the door was wrenched open and Sally and Jack were standing there taking in the scene.

"I told her I wasn't interested, but she wouldn't take no for an answer, and I had to force her off of me." Brent said, rubbing his eyes where some of the spray had come in contact.

Rachel stared at him silently, shocked that he was trying to blame her. She looked at Sally and Jack. Sally was rolling her eyes and Jack looked grim.

Did he actually believe Brent?

"Sally, take Brent to the eye wash station. Rachel come with me, you're bleeding."

Sally took Brent's arm pulling him out of the way of Jack. "I won't stand for this kind of harassment Jack. I demand that she be fired."

Jack shot him a look that quickly silenced him. Jack had not successfully commanded a field hospital for the Army by being a pushover.

After Sally had hauled Brent off, Jack knelt down in front of her and pushed back her hair from her temple. There was a trickle of blood that was running down the side of her face.

"It's not bad , but you'll have a tender spot for a few days." He grabbed her arm to pull her up and he caught the place that Brent had grabbed her. She couldn't help the hiss of pain that escaped her lips as he pulled her up towards him. He pushed her sleeve up, and Rachel tried to suppress the shiver that ran through her body as his fingers caressed her skin.

"That looks suspiciously liked a handprint." He looked grim again.

"Brent must have tried to catch me when I fell." Rachel had no idea why she had lied for the guy when he had just blamed her for the whole incident.

"You always were a terrible liar Ray."

Her eyes met his pleadingly. "Please, I don't want any more trouble. I'm sure he'll take that story to Bowers, and it's just what she needs to get rid of me. Besides, the look you gave him was more than enough warning for him to keep his hands to himself in the future."

"You forget, Ray this is my organization. I thought you were thinking about leaving anyway."

"I was, but I changed my mind. I like what I'm doing now." However, she couldn't help but wonder why he let Bowers and Ferris rule the roost, but she kept her mouth shut. She knew that Bowers, with the help of Lancaster, would do her best to make this incident stick.

"I know what you're thinking Ray. Why do I let her stay?"

Rachel just shrugged as if to say it was none of it was her business.

"Bowers has the ability to keep some of the more...precocious nurses in check, and she is very good at her job," Jack said as he led her though the main ward towards the emergency section which was empty.

She climbed up on a gurney and held as still as possible as he cleaned her wound. "If you really want to help your staff, make Bowers move Brent back to the day shift then his skirt chasing will have to stop," Rachel suggested in an attempt to keep Brent from getting fired.

He was so close she could feel the heat from his body, and she was all but resting her head on his chest while his arms surrounded her as he applied pressure to stop the bleeding.

"Fine. I'll do that before I fire him." There was an edge to his voice, and she didn't doubt for a moment that he meant it. Brent's time with WAMM was limited. So much for her thoughts of him letting Ferris and Bowers rule the roost.

"Where is she?" Rachel heard Bowers's voice as she entered the ward. Brent must have found her and told her what had happened. Rachel's time seemed to be limited as well if the look on Bowers's face was anything to go by, and she wondered why it mattered so much.

Rachel took a shaky breath but otherwise didn't move, and that was how Bowers found her with Jack's hands in her hair.

"I demand that she be sent home. She has caused nothing but trouble since she got here, and now she is harassing her co-workers."

Jack's body went tense at her demand even though he appeared to be relaxed. She had learned a long time ago that when Jack tried to hide his anger was when he was his most angry. He turned to face her with a complacent smile on his lips that didn't reach his eyes which were cold and hard.

"Nurse Edwards will stay," was all he said. He expected to be obeyed and when Bowers opened her mouth to disagree he tilted his head as if willing to listen.

"She sprayed disinfectant in his eyes!" she tried again.

Jack just stared at her not saying a word, the fake smile still in place.

"She could have blinded him."

Jack turned and looked at Brent, so Rachel couldn't see his face. "Brent do you wish to file a formal complaint?" Jack asked with an even voice, but his look must have been fierce because after a moment Brent shook his head as a meek child would do.

"Nurse Edwards, do you wish to file a complaint?" He didn't look at her.

"No," she whispered.

Jack had always been one to let go of anger quickly once he had made his point. He was finished with the subject and his even humor had returned, so she shouldn't have been surprised at what came next. "And your husband should we tell him of this event?" Jack asked, looking at Rachel with a familiar look of mischief that she hadn't seen in years. Having the situation well in control he felt that he could relieve some of his tension by teasing her. He had always loved to tease her, especially when he was trying to coax her out of one of her depressions.

Rachel held back a gasp but she couldn't check her surprised reaction.

"No, it's not necessary," she said, recovering quickly.

"You're married?" Nurse Bowers demanded, not believing Jack.

Rachel pulled her gaze away from his and looked at Bowers. "Yes." She reached into her shirt and pulled out her rings which were on a chain around her neck where she always wore them. She had learned early on that rings and nursing did not go well together.

This time it was Jack's turn to be shocked as she caught the subtle widening of his eyes out of the corner of hers.

"Why are you here? Why aren't you with your husband?" Bowers demanded.

Rachel shrugged. "He travels a lot, and I felt that if I was traveling too I wouldn't get so lonely."

Bowers eyed her in disbelief, and Brent looked shocked.

"Are you able to continue for the evening?" Jack asked, quickly changing the subject. His teasing countenance gone.

"Yes." She faced him, but his mask was back in place.

He nodded walking towards the sink. "Then may I suggest we all get back to what we were doing. Brent if you need to take the rest of the night please do that. In fact, I would prefer it if you did."

"I think I will." He looked petulant as he brushed past Rachel. "How did Jack know you were married?" He asked, his voice had an edge of accusation to it.

"Because I was a good friend of her father's Ferris, if you must know. I have known Nurse Edwards since she was a teenager, and I was there when she got married." Jack turned around answering Brent's question before Rachel had a chance to respond.

None of it was a lie, in actuality it was all the truth arranged in a way that didn't tell the whole story.

Brent and Bowers slowly left, their heads bent together in whispered conversation.

Jack had let Bowers know that Rachel was not going anywhere without giving away the truth, and he had also given Rachel a secure reason to no longer be harassed.

As the door closed behind them Jack turned, watching Rachel as she cleaned up the mess they had made. "So you still wear your rings Ray?" She felt his eyes on her as she moved around the room.

"It can be helpful to wear them as you just discovered." She moved the sink that he was leaning against brushing past him so she could wash her hands.

His hand reached out and caught her chin, forcing her to look at him. His gaze went right to her lips. "I'll say it again. You're a terrible liar Ray." He pulled her towards him knocking her off balance as his lips claimed hers. His hands crept under her shirt spanning her waist. She couldn't help the moan that escaped her as his hands touched her bare skin.

Taking his time, he deepened the kiss when he found her more than willing to accept his invasion as her knees gave way and she landed against him. Rachel pressed harder against him not able to break contact, wanting to feel him against her forever. He was like a drug.

She heard Sally's voice as she moved through the ward chatting with one of the other nurses, and Jack broke the kiss, but didn't pull away. "You're my wife, I should demand a husband's rights."

Rachel was quiet knowing that she wouldn't deny him those rights if he asked. She was right back where she was five years ago. He sat her away from him tracing her cheek with his finger. "I suppose there is a time and a place, and this is not it." He gave her swollen lips a quick peck and then left through the backdoor just a Sally entered from the ward.

Rachel moved towards the sink and started to wash her hands again. She splashed some water on her face, and then buried it in a towel until she had recovered. She really hated herself right at that moment. She should hate Jack, she should be full of resentment and anger, pushing him away not welcoming his kisses, but here she was, just as she was on their wedding night, all but begging him to make love to her.

He left you, he abandoned you, don't fall for him again, don't pick up where you left off, fight him Rachel, she screamed the words silently to herself.

"Mrs. Edwards," Sally looked at her with a grin, "you sly thing." She walked over to her, unaware of her inner battle, and picked up her rings giving a low whistle. "He must have deep pockets, this husband."

Rachel smiled weakly.

"Do you miss him?" Sally's direct look brought tears to her eyes. She wished she had someone to whom she could confide. She did miss him, and she missed her father.

"Oh sweetie." Sally pulled her close in a hug. "All of us here will do our best to keep your spirits up."

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