Adopted By Niall Horan from 1...

By Priceisrightrusher

76.8K 1.4K 176

Kensington is three year old she and her sister had been in the orphanage since her parents were charged with... More

Niall adopts Kensington and her baby sister
Kensington and Lizzy see their new home
Recording with two girls
Kensington gets the chicken pox's
Chicken pox fun
More chicken pox fun
Back on tour
Niall is sick
Life on tour with two girls
Niall hurts his foot & Lizzy crawls
Niall's birthday part 1
Niall's birthday part 2
Niall's birthday part 3
The girls arrive in Ireland
Settling all five in permanently
Molly is sick
Seeing what is going on with Molly
Niall takes the girls to the orphanage
The guys talk some sense into Niall
Molly starts treatment
Molly starts treatment part 1
Molly starts treatment part 2
Molly starts treatment part 3
Molly starts treatment the final part
Names chapter
Time with Lizzy
Sequel happening
Caitlyn starts to teethe
Niall adopts a newborn, and a puppy
Puppy sugestions
Three dogs
Niall gets the dogs
Preview: Niall adopts the baby
Niall adopts the baby
Bonding time with Carly preview
Bonding time with Carly
Kenzie will bond with Carly
Kenzie bonds with Carly preview
Christmas chapter
Christmas with the Horan's
Valentine's day
Love interest
Love interest is picked
Three year old name
Changing the title
Revised order of chapters
Master's next week
Master's preview
Master's part 2
Master's part 3 preview
Master's part 3
Master's part 4 preview
Master's part 4
Master's part 5
What's in the bushes
The little one's in the bushes
Titles for the sequel
The sequel is
Seeing the babies
Seeing the babies part 2
Part 3
Niall thinks it over
The babies get transferred
Getting the babies settled
The babies come home part 1
Serenity comes home part 1
On hold and Happy Easter
Part 2
Kenzi starts school
Part 2
Part 3
Wishing everyone merry christmas and happy holidays
Part 4
Fun at the Horan house
Part 2
Part 3
Part 2
Niall's livestream
Merry Christmas
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Happy 4th
Kenzi spills it all
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4 (fixed)
The bomb is removed
Part 2
Part 3
100 chapters stronger
Final part
Seeing Kenzi
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
On hold
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Back on hold
Part 10
Further notice
Next Friday
Still on hold
Part 11

The girls see Molly

701 19 2
By Priceisrightrusher

"Let's see what we have tonight and maybe I can have your sisters come and see you would like that?" he asks her

Molly nods cause she wanted to see her sisters again after a full day of treatment

"Okay daddy will see what he can do to get your sisters to come and see you here at the hospital cause I think you miss sissy's an awful lot right now" he says as he puts her bib on her so she doesn't get food on herself

Molly ate really good as daddy fed her some dinner that night

"Good girl Molly eat slow for daddy" he says as he continues to feed her dinner that night as he texted the others to see if they could bring the girls to see Molly for a little bit and cheer her up cause she was not feeling the best right now and she wanted her sisters to be there with her right now 

Molly ate slow and finished everything that was on her tray for daddy that night

"Good girl Molly now daddy will burp you sweet girl" he says as he props her up so he could burp her a little bit after she had supper that night

Molly burped for daddy that night and he was very happy about that 

"I have to see if visiting hours are over, and if the are I will see if your sisters can come and visit you first thing in the morning or when they wake up from their slumber I am sure they would want to see you little one" he says as he lays her in her crib for right now 

Niall took her tray out and see if visiting hours were over or were they still going on and maybe he could sneak the others into the hospital to see Molly for a little bit and see if she was doing okay still and when she was going to be coming home as well. The guys were going to see who was going to take Molly cause they weren't going to let Niall anywhere near Molly or any of the girls

"Well Molly visiting hours are about over, so your sisters can come first thing in the morning and they can spend the whole day with you" Niall says as he comes back into the room after taking Molly's tray out of the the room

Molly wasn't liking that at all she wanted to see her sisters right away

"Molly you will see them cause daddy has to apologize to them for being so mean and taking them back and to the orphanage again daddy was wrong to do that to your sisters he knew better then that" he says as he takes her into the bathroom cause he was going to clean her up a little bit so she looked perfect when her sisters came to see her the next day in the hospital and Kenzie was probably going to bring gifts for Molly to make her feel better again cause Kenzie was missing her little sister right now 

While Niall was in the bathroom with Molly he gets a text saying that Lizzy is sick and the guys don't know what to do

"Well daddy going to take care of sissy cause she is not feeling the best so daddy going to see what is going on with her" Niall says as he puts Molly in a clean hospital gown and a new diaper so she was all clean and ready for bed that night cause he was going to stay with her as she was going on this roller coaster 

Niall let's the nurses know that one of the sisters was going to be coming up cause she was not feeling the best. The nurses say that whoever was bringing her had to bring her quick cause visiting hours were about over for the night 


Liam, Zayn, Harry and Louis all came to the hospital just in case he was going to make a huge mistake with not wanting to take care of Lizzy, and Zayn or Louis will have to take care of her cause daddy didn't want her anymore

"Hi Lizzy bear daddy hears you ain't feeling too great" Niall says when he sees the baby that was in Liam's arms

She shakes her head no

"Come to daddy sugar and he will take care of you" Niall says as he goes to a chair so he could take Lizzy's temp to see how high it was  

Lizzy didn't like the thermometer that went in her ear at all

"I know sweetie" he says as the nurse comes in cause visiting hours were over for the night

"Girls I will see you tomorrow and you can spend the whole day with Molly making her feel better" Niall says as the guys usher the girls out of the room as he held Lizzy in his arms cause Lizzy knew who her real daddy was and he was the one that was going to make her feel better 

Lizzy was contented on daddy's shoulder as the guys left the room with the girls who were asleep or not happy to see daddy the bad guy cause he was not very nice in their eyes at all and they were happy with their daddy that loved them very much 

"Okay Lizzy bear let's see what is bugging you okay caus daddy doesn't like seeing you unhappy sweetie" he says as he takes her by the light so he could see if she was running a fever or what was going on with her and why she didn't want her new daddy to take care of her Niall looked in her ear and she didn't like that at all

"I think you have an ear infection sweetie, and it must be really bugging you" he says as he holds her in his arms to make it all better for her cause she wasn't liking it at all

Lizzy was settling down on her own close to daddy

"Daddy will watch it to see how it is and if you get worse you are going to see the doctor" he says as he lays down with her since she was contented on daddy's chest right now 

Niall rubbed her back and she was asleep within minutes

"Night Lizzy I love you" he says as he kisses her good night as he covers the both of them up so she doesn't get cold either and she gets even sicker  

V & C

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