Blazing fire Chapter 10 !

By italianwriter30

186 6 2


Blazing fire Chapter 10 !

186 6 2
By italianwriter30

Helllloooooooooooooooooooooooooo! long timeeeee huh?

i felt bad that i've beeen really LAZY!

so i decided to put up a little fo what I wrote. this chapter really isn't interesting to mee.. so i've been slackingg (N)

her yeaaah go, dont comment if you dont wanna, it sucks anywayss :|:|


Chapter ten

Oh god, I thought I my head, as Adam sat in the middle of the forest with me sitting in his crossed legs. He was petting the top of my head, murmuring pleasant things to calm me down. On the other side of Adam and me, Tyler stood leaning lazily against a tree trunk with a piece of bark in his mouth. I've only looked up a couple of times to look at Adam's face, and then more tears would cloud my vision.

"You've been crying for an hour already," Tyler groaned while pushing off the tree.

"Hey, shut up, we haven't seen eachother for a while." Adam growled back, seizing his hand on the top of my head. I brushed the left over tears with the back of my hand, noticing that I have no more liquid in my body that can make anymore tears.

"I'm done, don't worry." I said, smiling and looking at Tyler and Adam. They were locked into a dangerous gaze that I felt a little too weird to be sitting in the middle of. Tyler was the one who walked away from the starring contest.

Slowly, Adam's piercing blue eyes-that have small little white lines around the pupil-hovered over my face. "Where have you been? I was looking for just disappeared." I stood then. I gracefully climbed out of his laps like a cat. Adam stood up after me, and looked down at me. I shoved a hand through my hair, nervously. Can I tell him that David just stole me? In the corner of my eye, I saw Tyler giving a nod in my direction. 'Get out of my head!' I thought, and suddenly felt emptier in my head.

"The real deal is that David mistaken me for someone else, and toke me. I came back to find you but you were gone." I smiled weakly, remembering that was the most terrifying night of my life.

"What...what happened?" Adam almost mumbled with his head drooping.

"Uh, well, we had some wolves visit us, and I had to fight one off breaking his teeth...and then David came in his black suit and brought me to his house-mansion." I corrected myself quickly. Adam's head went up, his eyes brows furrowing.

"He has a mansion?" He voice was puzzled. I nodded slowly.

"Yeah, in a clearing in the forest," I answered slowly. "It's very beautiful."

"Wait, wait," Adam stepped back with his hands waving infront of him; confused. "He has a in this forest?"

"Hm, yes, I just said that, didn't I?"

"Mel, there is no mansion in this forest. I've looked and looked...there is nothing but trees." Adam's head bent lower, his eyes staring into mine. I felt my lip twitch, and my heart skip a beat.

"Yes, there is. I've been there for a week..." Adam made a ticking sound with his tongue, while shaking his head.

"If anyone would know about a mansion in a forest, it would be me." Adam chuckled.

Tyler stepped in. I haven't noticed that he was standing beside us, listening.

"I didn't see a mansion, coming here either. I flew, too." He said while crossing his arms making it his final judgment.

I made a snorting sound. "You guys must have missed it. There really is one." Both Adam and Tyler shook their heads in sync. "But-but-but where did I?"

"Oh, pffsh, I should have totally seen this coming." Tyler broke out in laughter, his eyes jumping from my face to Adam's.

"What the hell are you talking about, Tyler?" I asked, narrowing my eyes.

"Wow, David toke you to the other side." His laughing was chuckles, but still was pricking my skin.

What the...? The other side, what is that? "What do you mean the other side?" I asked while moving closer to Tyler.

"It's not really the other side, but it's a different Whatever." Tyler emphasized the word world with sticking up two fingers, opening and closing.

"What? What do you mean another world?!" My voice echoed in the quiet forest. Tyler smirked and let out a deep breath.

"I guess he did it so then you guys are completely alone, you know, in case you want to escape." He shrugged his shoulders, and turned away. I was staring at Tyler's back, processing what he just said. No, it couldn't where am I now? How did I get here? I look at Adam who was standing beside me, still like a statue.

"But did you guys...?" My voice trailed off in confusion. Adam moved fluently, embracing me in his arms.

"Well, this jackass over here..." Adam nodded his head toward Tyler. "Said he knew something about you and-I'm guessing David is the guy who toke you-and brought me here." Wow, Adam, thanks for much for clearing this all up, I thought sarcastically.

"So, you guys came here?" Adam nodded his head.

"And, where is here?" Adam stopped nodding his head halfway, and arched an eyebrow.

"Hm, I have no idea. Tyler, where are we?" Both Adam and I turned to find Tyler looking at us blankly, expressionless, bored.

"My world," He said just as emotionless as his face.

"Not all at once Tyler, not all at once." Adam said sarcastically.

"We are in the immortal world of the Dark Land. Every monster, creature, witch, shape-shifter, vampire, and more lives here, in this world. This world is connected to your world-the mortal world-from a portal that was found about fifty years ago, but was remained hidden."

Well, that's does clear up some stuff, and then I said "But it looks so much like-"

"Like your home? Yeah, this is an illusion, something that only David could really master."

"This is an illusion? Everything here is not real?" My heart seemed not to like the idea of being in a different world, and missed a couple of beats.

"Yes, now anymore questions?"

"Oh I got some," Adam said.

"Me too," I added.

"First off, how do we get back?" Adam asked first. Tyler gave Adam a sideways glance saying oh-come-on.

"Are you being serious?" Tyler turned his body, so then we could fully see his face. In the corner of my eye, I saw Adam's face change, and then he bumped his forehead with the heel of his hand.

"Right, now I remember,"

"That's great; does anyone want to tell me, now?"

At the same time, Tyler said "Nope," and Adam said, "Sure."

It turns out that Adam was the one who explained how they got to this world. "So after I got through his thick skull," 'He' was meaning to Tyler, who snorted in the background, "he finally led the way to a small clearing in the forest. It was weird because...well, Melissa, it's was your old tree house."

A horrible sound came from inside my throat that seemed to be a mixture of a cough and a choking sound. "What?" I gasped, loudly.

"Yeah, but instead of using the rope, we jumped through the tree branches. And then, Tyler did something, almost singing and a bright, hot, hole appeared in the wall. Tyler had to push me inside." Adam shrugged, smiling shyly.

"A bright, hot, hole...where did it lead to?" Sudden rush overcame my body, that almost made me sway dizzily.

"It just led to a clearing in this forest." Tyler answered this time. I nodded my head slowly, understanding what the feeling was. It was a huge déjà vu from the dream I had from...a week ago. Was it really a week ago? Seems so long...

"Melissa?" Tyler, Adam, and me both turned and looked to the other side of the small field to where a new voice appeared. Standing in the moonlight, David stood still, his eyes flickering to each face.

"David?" I whispered.

"This is David?" Adam asked.

"Hey, sup David." Tyler was leaning back on a tree trunk. David nodded and smiled slightly toward Tyler, and then moved a couple steps closer to where Adam and I were standing.

"You just...disappeared? Where did you go?" David asked, trying to use a strong voice, but beneath, I felt something like pain. Why should he care where you went, he was all over Agatha, the voice wisely said in my head, and I agree. Why does he care now?

"Would you look at that," Adam cut me off, "You toke Melissa from me, I take her from you." Adam wrapped his arm around my waist, but I understood what it really meant. Territory, Adam thinks I'm his. My heart began to race like a horse on a track.

"You are going to take her away from me?" The pain in his voice seemed to change to anger. David is definitely thinking Adam as a threat.

"Guys, calm down, it's just Melissa," Tyler interrupted. Everyone looked at Tyler, and then he backed up with his hands up, palms facing us. "Sorry," He added after he slightly disappeared in the shadows.

"It's just not only Melissa," Adam literally barked at Tyler, "It's my Melissa."

"I'm sorry, did I hear that clearly?" David said, as he pretended to clean out his ears with his finger. I quickly noticed that David is closer, and seems to keep getting closer when Adam is distracted.

"Yes, you did hear me clearly, she is mine."Adam grip around my waste tightened.

"Last time I checked, she loves me." David was closer now, and I could see in the corner of my eye that warning was beginning to appear on Tyler's face. He moved a step closer and both David's and Adam's head turned to Tyler. He froze in his place.

"That's because you brainwashed her," Adam accused while pushing me behind him so then he was standing between David and me.

"I did no such thing; Melissa has a powerful, great mind. She would have picked it up if I did." David seemed to be a little calmer than Adam...what is wrong with Adam?

"Not if it was coming from someone stronger than her," Good point, I had to agree with Adam on that. David is more experienced than I' am.

"Melissa is just as strong as I' am. If she caught me doing that, I do presume that she would punish me, greatly." David's voice seemed to make my heart pound harder against my chest. "And I do think, she agrees with that, don't you Melissa?"

Oh god, he is asking me? He is making me talk? I managed to say, "Yes, I do." in a harsh, raspy voice. Adam glanced over his shoulder and glared at me. He shook his head slightly disappointed that I would agree with David. Infront of Adam, David arms opened infront of him, and he bowed.

"Face it Adam, Melissa would know if I tried something on her," David's dangerous charming smile spread across his face. "Plus, she would be happier with me."

A deep, menacing sound ripped from Adam's throat. Startled, I stepped a couple of feet back away from them. This time, Adam didn't look back, but Tyler was now by my side, holding me up. My legs were wobbling, and my knees were ready to give out beneath my weight.

"Oh, is the big wolf mad?" David spoke as if talking to a baby, pouting out his lips. Adam's growl only got louder until it was buzzing in my ear.

"You got the big bad wolf right," Adam voice was raspy, harsh, and not his. I didn't recognize it. It sounded like I was listening to a different man who was choking on something big.

David made a pfsh sound, and waved his hand over his head. "I'm sure you're a big bad wolf. What I can see is an immature that can shape shift into a wolf."

"Do you want to see?" Adam closed the distance inbetween him and David. They were ace-to-face, growling. I pushed away from Tyler, breaking into a run to them. I reached for Adam's arm and pulled him back away from David. Even if Adam would try to go against David, he can die. David is experienced, for goodness sakes, he hunted demons!

Adam didn't budge, just stayed infront of David's face, revealing sharp, white teeth. I ran around them, and tugged onto David. "God, just stop it, both of you!" I screamed. Still none of them turned around.

"Fine, you guys want to be like that! I'll just go with Tyler!" A three male faces turned to me, all shocked. I let out a huff of breath. My fingers were twining behind my back.

"What?" Adam snapped. "You're just going to leave with Tyler, now?!" He began to pace around, his hands and arms flying everywhere, trying to get under control. David stood motionless, searching my face. I didn't feel anything tingly inside my mind, so he couldn't be reading my thoughts. Could I have totally cut off from him?

"When did I get in this?" Tyler asked, looking around the clearing in the forest. A faint orange light was beginning to shine through the leaves.

"Now," I said as I began to walk towards Tyler. "Let's go, Tyler." Adam nudged me away from Tyler, pushing me to the farthest end of the clearing. He grabbed me from the upper arm threatening to crush the bones there. He leaned down, his lips brushing my ear.

"Are you crazy?" He snapped quietly. "Do you want to die?" Adam twisted my arm, so that I was forced to look at him. I stared into his icy blue eyes, eyes that were now full of hate and anger. I was fighting the tears that were burning in my own eyes. This isn't Adam, this is an animal.

"No," my voice broke. "But I don't want to also stay with you, if you're going to be like this." I tugged my arm away, and stumbled backwards when Adam abruptly released me. I caught my balanced, and stood full height to Adam, and then turned away, marching back straight to Tyler. This time, David walked infront of me, raising both hands up, palms facing me.

"I'm not going to hurt you," He quickly glanced at Adam who was pacing again. "Just want to talk...things out." I nodded, my voice was weak and my knees began to wobble again. I walked over to where Tyler was leaning before, and rested against the tree. David kept a distance inbetween us, for what? I wasn't certain. But what I was certain was the look in his eyes, the one when he looks like he's in a different place in his mind. Maybe Agatha, her name was a growl inside my head.

"What?" I asked after a long moment of silence. David's black eyes raised to mine.

"You know that Adam I won't get along," he held up a finger from me protesting. "I think you should maybe go back home with him."

I was shocked. My mouth fell open and I stared at him with unblinking eyes. Is he... "Are you dumping me?"

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