
By californiaclazz

161 15 1

I Kendall Reed am going into the senior year of high school. Yes, the High school Full of fakes, wannabes, pl... More

Ready or Not? (1)

Over Again (2)

26 5 0
By californiaclazz

Wake up Kendall, WAKE UP.

At this point pep talk didn't even work. It is approximately 5:30.


I groaned and reluctantly got out of bed. I was still half asleep when I got into the shower. I'm pretty sure I took like a lifetime in there. Or at least it felt that way. I was fully awaken now and I was smelling like Warm Vanilla and Brown sugar. (props to bath and body works :) )

Was it even like normal that my mouth watered at my own scent?

Probably not.

Having to get ready was one of the reasons I HATED school. I rolled my eyes at the thought of doing it everyday. OVER and over again.

I dried off and put on a black silk robe. Usually when you lived on the wealthier side of town, you'd get used to having a walk in closet and all these luxuries. It felt normal and all...Just not right. I guess I just need to be more thankful and give back.

I deeply sighed, thanking the elite school I attend for providing us with uniforms. I don't have the struggle of deciding what to wear every morning.

I retrieved my red, black, and white coloured uniform from the top shelf of my spacious closet, put it on, and made my way for the mirror.

I probably should've ironed this.

Oh well.

I straightened out my black skirt that fell to my mid-thigh, and adjusted my maroon coloured cardigan. I then applied a small amount of mascara to give my dull hazel eyes a little *POP

I smiled at my overall appearance, that is until I brought my eyes to my hair.

I grimaced.

You see people, this is the problem with having naturally wavy hair.

It looks like a rats nest in the morning.

After taming my hair to look human-like I looked at the mirror. I stared at it for awhile looking at the photos surrounding the frame. A few of Carson and I when we were young, some with zoey, and then my eye fell on a particular photo. It was one of my older brother Kyle. + 

I looked alright, and alright was good enough for me.

In all my preparation, it lead me to the time of 6:38.

I went to go bang on Carson's door.

"GET UP!!! Or you'll end up walking!!" I yelled.

He grunted in reply.

Well that's Carson for you. My Idiotic other half.

Yes, Carson is my twin, we may not look much alike, but we are. It may seem like we hate eachother most of the time. But in truly, Carson is always there, and that's what mattered.

I started making my way to the kitchen when I was greeted with nipping and my feet.

"Aww, hey muffin" I greeted my little shitzu, "good morning"

I picked up the little cutie. I literally had this dog since I was nine, so I've had her for eight years and counting. I began whipping myself up some breakfeast.

"Kendall are my parents home yet?" a tired little voice asked.

My eyes sofened.

"Sorry Cam, not yet" I said sadly.

His face fell.

Cameron was my little brother basically. His parents were traveling all the time. But I guess that's what happens when you have the States Top Lawyers as parents. I really did feel bad for him. He only got to see his parents like once or twice a month. Three times, if he was lucky. So he basically lived here.

"Hey, its okay, you still have me" I said approaching him and wrapping my arms around him.

I don't know if that was the right thing to say, but he returned the hug so I'm going to take that as a yes. He held the hug for awhile and I started feeling drops of water leak through my cardigan.

"Shhhh" I shushed him.

His cute little blonde curls ruffled my neck.

"Hey, if you stop crying I'll buy you ice cream today" I said hopefully.

He immedietly brightened and looked at me with wide blue eyes.

"Really Kenny!" he asked.

"Yes really, now go back to sleep before I change my mind. " I said.

"Okay!" He said before throwing his arms around me once more and heading up the stairs.

This kid literally just made my day.

I was smiling watching him scurry up the stairs. I was happy for a moment, and then frowned.

Just realizing that it was a Monday morning and the first day of senior year.

I sighed. How was I expected to do this EVERY SINGLE DAY.

I just lost my appetite thinking about it. Then I realized I didn't want to starve so I grabbed a muffin. I ripped off a bit of a the muffin, feeding some to muffin.

Hey! I feed Muffin a muffin.

A laughed awkwardly at my little thought.

This is probably why I'm single.

"Your so weird" Carson said while smirking.

I stuck my toungue out in response .

"Whatever. You better hurry up, I'm leaving" I said grabbing my bag and keys while finishing my muffin.

I watched him swish through the cupboard for a snack. I started leaving.

"Hey wait up!" he said grabbing some things.

"I wouldn't have to if you woke up on time" I mumbled but waited anyways.

After getting whatever he needed, we were heading off to school.


After parking I sat there, not making a single move to enter the building. I don't even know why but I had a sudden rush of adrenaline. Maybe it was the fact that I was entering Senior year.

I unconsciously began to clutch the thin woven bracelet on my arm. It was kinda like my good luck charm since my b-

"Nervous?" Carson asked, interrupting my thoughts.

I looked over to my right.

"A little." I said nervously

Carson just stared at me.

"Your not gonna reassure me?" I said rolling my eyes and un-buckling my seatbelt.

He just smirked a little and we headed to the front door.

I sighed.

I guess this is it.

I pushed open the door to see people hugging. Girls Squeling. High fives being sent. And glares being shot.

How was I suppose to survive walking in to this, everyday.

Over and over again....


Well thats that guys, I kinda didn't like this chapter, I feel like I took too long and it was too descriptive and took up wayyy to much time. How'd you guys like Cameron :) What a cutie. Anyway/ If you guys have any suggestions or Idea's please send them in cause I am suffering major writers block. I need inspiration so please message me.

Thanks dolls ~Stay Clazzy

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