Through Wolf's Eyes (Princess...

By WandererStryder

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The story of Princess Mononoke told from San's point of view. Prologue: "In ancient times, the land lay cover... More

Chapter One- Damn Woman Again
Chapter Two- Go Away
Chapter Three- I'm A Friend
Chapter Four- You're Free Now
Chapter Five- Eat This
Chapter Six- You're Blind
Chapter Eight- Pretty
Chapter Nine- Ashitaka
Chapter Ten- I'm On Fire
Chapter Eleven- It's Over
Chapter Twelve- There They Are
Chapter Thirteen- So Much To Me

Chapter Seven- Feeling All Right

340 13 1
By WandererStryder

"Yakul, help me carry Ashitaka please?" San asked the red elk to which he obliged and knelt down beside Ashitaka so she could lift him onto his back. San and Yakul followed Moro and the other two wolf pups back to their den.

Moro retreated to the top of the rocky outcrop to lay and rest, the ache of the bullet in her chest ever present. While Ichi and Ni headed off to hunt. San led Yakul into the den from the back entrance opening, coaxing him into the den. It was a simple dwelling many leaves covered the ground so the cold rock did not sap warmth away from San while she slept. One large light brown fur pelt lay on top of an indented portion of the leaves. A smaller, dark brown fur pelt that was bunched up on top off the lighter pelt. This served as San's bed and blanket to keep her mostly furless body warm at night.

"Here." She said and Yakul knelt beside the fur pelts. San carefully lifted Ashitaka off the elk and laid him down on her bed. 'He feels cold. His clothes are damp. I need to warm him up then get him some more food.' She decides and quickly covers him with the smaller, dark brown, fur pelt blanket.

She and Yakul retreat from the den and she began building a fire. When her brothers returned with a couple of freshly killed deer, she ate her fill then got to work making some jerky for Ashitaka. Moro watched her daughter's movements casually as she ate very little of the deer, then she normally would have if she was well. Yakul didn't stray far from the den's entrance, grazing upon the grace and feeling at ease that the wolves would not eat him. For a moment the wolf goddess was grateful to have lived long enough to see her pups grow up. A calm reassurance set in her that they would be fine, no matter what happened in the days to come.

When San finished curing the meat she gathered some leaves and wrapped it up. She carried it back into the den and set it down near Ashitaka's head. She touched is face, letting out a sigh of relief as he felt no longer feverish. She hurried out and returned with a wooden bowl that contained some water.

"Ashitaka...drink." She said, as she knelt beside him and propped his head up with her arm while the other held the bowl to his lips. He gained consciousness enough to sip the water slowly but surely. When it was empty she sat his head back down to rest.

She noticed his head covering had a tear it in. 'I did that. When I grazed his cheek with my fang.' She recalled, the cut on his face just below his eye from that fight they had in Iron Town. It was now scabbed over and starting to heal. 'I should fix that.' She thought to herself and removed his head covering. She went to a corner of the den and moved some rocks that had been piled in such away to contain items. From the pile within she grabbed a needle she had carved from bone and sinew she had tanned into suitable thread to sew when necessary. When she returned to his side, her gaze stared at his face and came down to his arm. He had forgotten to replace his arm sleeve and the demon mark was showing. Taking a hold of his arm she pulled the sleeve back down and placed the orange loop back over his middle finger that kept the sleeve intact. 'It's getting bigger.' She noticed the deep purple and black starting to form at the base of his fingers past the arm covering. She removed his sword from her waist and the red pouch that was at his side, 'That should be more comfortable if he rolls over.' She thinks and places both objects on top of the head cover.

She yawned and looked toward the front of the den. It led out to a cliff that overlooked the entire forest. It was her favorite sight. To see the forest in all its lush beauty, to hear the trees, the animals, the river's song. The sun had set and the night's sky was out, the moon shining bright. San lay down beside Ashitaka on a bed of leaves. Using her white fur cloak as a blanket she curled up into a ball and closed her eyes. Sleep taking over quicker then she had expected.

That night San's dreams were not so pleasant. Her subconscious conjured up an image of Ashitaka turning into a demon. The transparent, worm like figures she had seen come out of his arm before were covering his entire body. His eyes void of anything except darkness and hate as he looked at her. Footfalls brought her out of sleep. The soft sound of steps as a few dry leaves crunched quietly for a moment. She opened her eyes and saw only Ashitaka's feet and legs. 'He's standing.' She thinks, turning her head to look up at him as he sat down she asked,

"You're feeling all right?"

She resisted the urge to smile as Ashitaka gasped in surprise that she was awake. Something within her was pleased when she could sneak and surprise others. Call it a wolfish desire. However, the young man instantly had a small smile appear on his face when he looked at her.

"I'm fine, thanks to you and the Forest Spirit." Ashitaka replied.

'Good. It was just a dream.' She thought as she heard him say he was fine. She looked back at him and with a small grin on her face she nestled her head back down to resume sleeping once again. Her body curled up tighter into a ball to allow the small white fur cloak to cover her.

A moment later she felt the weight of a fur pelt being draped over her, 'Ashitaka...' she thought as she drifted off to sleep once more. An unfamiliar warmth grew for the man she had viewed as brave but stupid, who had earned her respect, been accepted as not her enemy, and come to care for in ways that she had never done for human or wolf before.

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