That Wallflower (A One Direct...

By chips-aharry

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After three years of being nothing, just a simple, invisible, nobody, the Player of The Fantastic Five takes... More

That Wallflower (Coming May 28, 2013)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 (Finally, right?)
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 not edited. at all. sorry. :/
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Author's/ Apology Note *not edited so don't read if you're unedite phobic* :D
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 (the A/Ns an absolute mess, people)
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Ask away
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 5

833 30 8
By chips-aharry

This is in fact NOT edited, lol. Song for the chapter Kiss Me by the lovely Ed Sheeran (shout out to the Sheerios!) I'm sure the song title has gotten your attention ;)

Enjoy and I'll come back to edit this . . . probably close to never. Be a Doll and comment my mistakes (if it's like bothering you?)? please? Okay, I'll shut up now. :P

Chapter 5

I hung my head low, trying my best not to attract attention until I found him. I swallowed and avoided eye contact with my gaze averted to the floor. I looked up hesitantly when I saw the familiar tattered sneaked with MJ written on it in bold writing. I couldn't help but grin at the meaning behind it and looked up into his sea green eyes that I absolutely loved.

"Hi," I said coyly.

He chuckled and then threw his arm over my shoulder. "Jade, shy as always."

I chuckled myself, because he was in fact the only friend I'd ever had, especially since my mum divorced my father and remarried a man with a daughter that went out of her way to make me look terrible. "Well, not everyone can be Mr. Everywhere like you are."

"Then be my Mrs. Everywhere, hmm?"

The words made my heart flutter and I dazedly shook my head. "Thank you for the honor of the offer, but I'm already Miss Wallflower, remember?"

He sighed. "That's only your surname. I can change that."

I smiled and shook my head. "Nice try, but it'll take more than that for me to get out of my shell."

"Then I guess I'll have to spend the rest of my being figuring out what that may be."

I rubbed my eyes and continued to shuffle towards my locker. No sleep what so ever for jade last night after that stupid memory dream. What did it even mean? Why was my subconscious suddenly falling back off the Mac wagon?

Hm. Mac is kind of a funny name . . .

I snickered to myself.

"Woah. You do not look so hot, love."

I looked up and saw the famous Trio and just yawned tiredly. "Wasn't aware I ever do."

"Aww. Come on, let's fix her up."

"Wait what?" That sure woke me up as my eyes widened and my spine straightened in anxiety.

"Ooh! Yeah! Come on, Jade!" Leigh Ann exclaimed, going for my elbow. They began to drag me, much to my protests and wailing.

They put me in front of the mirror of the bathroom.

"Today, after school, we are taking you shopping, Missy," Perrie said as she pulled something out of her backpack. My eyes widened and I gasped as I realized what contents it held in it.

"No!" I turned and tried to rush out of the bathroom.

"It's nothing but a little concealer, love. Not a knife," Perrie defended as I was practically held down by Leigh Anne and Jesy with a firm grimace on my face.

I bit my lip as she began to place some on her fingertips. She placed it on my wrist and pursed her lips. "You're more Jesy's color. Jesy?" Perrie put expectant blue eyes onto Jesy.

"No problem," Jesy shrugged before pulling her own foundation and concealer crap out, taking my glasses off causing me to blink profusely at the shift in my sight.

They were going to put that on my face! No! I don't want it! I pouted childishly inside my head. Obviously, I'm definitely far from being your typical girl since makeup gives me gooseflesh just at mere the thought of it.

What can I say? I'm a special child.

They began to slather it onto my face, rubbing it into my flesh. "Jade! Hold. Still," Perrie instructed, holding my chin in her grip as she continued to maul my face.

I whined like a child as they then began to rub some stuff on my lips.

"At least you seem to be familiar with chap stick," Perrie murmured as she put something on my scowling lips.

I growled causing them to chuckle. "Now look down, love."

With a frown in my face I did as I was told. Was I supposed to be looking for something on the ground? I squeaked as something strange touched to my lashes.

"Hold still, Jade. It'll be over sooner you stop moving and squiggling," she said amost absent mindedly.

I sighed in defeat and pouted again. I didn't like this one bit. Makeup has never really been my forte because . . .

Because he'd told me that I didn't need makeup.

My eyes began to water and Perrie froze. "Did I get your eyes?" she asked apologetically.

I shook my head. "I'm fine," I whispered submissively, finally going limp, letting them do their damage.

She sighed. "We're not giving you too much makeup if that's what you're worried about. See? Totally natural."

She motioned towards the mirror and was right. The only thing on my face that was visibly make up was . . . nothing. I just looked pretty.

That's a first, I thought humorously.

I sighed and poked my face, almost expecting a solid that wasn't my own face.

They laughed. "You've never worn makeup before?" Leigh Anne asked.

I shrugged. "It's never seemed necessary."

"Well, sometimes it's okay to wear a smidgen of product," Jesy voiced.

"Yep. Sometimes the shortest amount goes the longest way. It definitely has in your benefit," Perrie said. "You no longer look zombified!"

I sighed. "Thanks then, I guess. But shopping isn't needed," I mumbled.

"Are you kidding me?" Jesy asked.

"Uniforms aren't' required you know," Perrie stated, looking over my uniform.

I shrugged. "It's comfy," I lied. "And safe."

"But it's not you, now that much I can tell," Leigh Anne shook her head.

"Today. After school. Makeover time," Perrie nodded firmly.

I opened my mouth for another protest that morning but at that moment the bell rang.


I'm never late!

"Wow. She just swore."

"Didn't see that one coming," they began to laugh as I ran out of the bathroom in a spasm to get to my homeroom.

Gasping I collided with someone.

"Sorry!" I panted.

He groaned as I sat up and then I heard his hearty chuckle. "Usually when I have a girl out of breath it's under much different circumstances."

It was my turn to groan in annoyance. Of course I'd have the luck to bump into one of the most annoying, perverted, sexiest-

Wait, what?

I covered up the unexpected thought with a scoff. "Yeah. She was probably running away from you screaming bloody murder," I growled.

"Running? No. Screaming." He pulled me up as if it were the easiest thing in the world, holding my hand to him so his face was directly above mine. "Why she did quite the lot of that," he said in a low tone.

My body did that thing it seems to do whenever he has the audacity to invade my personal space. My heartbeat spiked and began its incessant pulsating in my ears while my hands began to get moist. I swallowed and shoved him away from me. "Well, I'm late."

"Did I get you pregnant that easily?"

"I beg your pardon?" I spat angrily at the horrid phrase.

He chuckled. "It was a joke."

"Well it sure as hell wasn't funny, Harry," I snapped.

"I always enjoy when you say my name," he smirked cheekily.

I pinched the bridge of my nose in anger. Ugh! He was just so infuriating! I clenched my jaw and just shoved past him, roughly hitting his shoulder when mine as I tried to make my escape.

"Come on now, Sweetie. I was tickling your- well whatever it is you prefer tickled."

Ignoring the disturbing innuendo in that sentence I scoffed again. "Sweetheart, Sweetie, why don't' you just stop using the pet names if you can't stick to one?"

"Because, you're so special you deserve more than one," he smiled.

Just ignore him, Jade, I encouraged mentally. Ignore him and he'll lose interest and go away.

I listened and protested by saying nothing. Not a single sound escaped my mouth.

That is until I was yanked by the arm into a small closet of some sort. I yelped in shock, my notebook flying out of my hand when it opened on instinct to find something to hold onto.

There still wasn't' any light on. "Harry," I warned frantically. "If that's you, turn the light on, right now," I demanded in a shaky tone. Not only did the dark scare me, but I was slightly claustrophobic, not that iw as going to give him the satisfaction of knowing.

The light turned on and I was surprised I hadn't felt harry since he was directly in front of me, towering over my frame.

I swallowed and looked around, backing away from the bright light. "How very romantic of you to bring me into the janitor's closet. I'm sure the smell of Clorox turns just about every member of the female population on," I said sarcastically.

"You'd be surprised," he said, stepping closer.

"So what, you plan on raping me or something?'

He frowned. "I might be blunt and get what I want, but I wouldn't go as low as that. And how anyone can possible harm such a pure and innocent face is beyond me," he said, bringing up his long fingers to brush along the side of my face.

That same stupid feeling returned with the heartbeat and the hands. I might as well start calling them the Stlyes effect. Add to that my fear from our surroundings, I just wasn't at my best place.

His rough, yet gentle fingers continued to trail along my face as his leaned closer to mine with my body frozen in place. He was now right beside me, his lips brushing the side of my neck whilst I had no clue what to do in these situations since the last (and only) relationship I had was two years ago when I was only sixteen in year eleven.

"And Sweetheart . . ." his voice trailed off as he continued to tease me by caressing my neck with his lips. He kissed a trail upwards and up to my ear whispered, "when we do it . . . it won't be considered rape."

His lips kissed along my jawline and right as his eyes trailed to my lips, my phobia got to me and I couldn't take it anymore.

I fainted.

Sigh. I'm sorry. It's kind of . . . different(?) I guess you could say to write those kinds of scenes, because I have never really been kissed or had any sexual experiences for that matter (awkward Charles Ramsey laugh), so I'm sorry if it's terrible! I'm only 13 *gasp!* and yes that does mean I've read a lot of things, my reading extravaganza in the teen world beginning with the one and only New Moon at the age of eight. Yeah . . .


1) Some Mac memories. Would it be wise to return his character as a present part of the plot?

2) Lol. Jade has a disliking towards makeup and is claustrophobic with a fear of darkness? Does anyone know what these two things tend to ally with? (if you've read TODE, you might have a chance of figuring it out. ;)

3) I'm going to call them Stylewall because Jarry is too much like Jerrie and Hade is actually already a word so . . . yeah.

4) I'm listening to Almost Is Never Enough right now by Ari and Nathan Sykes . . . be honest . . . do you seriously hate The Wanted for the spat they had earlier this year (or was it last?) I think , regardless, both sides of the train are talented and I think they were both taking everything on twitter too seriously with each other. What do you think of The Wanted Vs. 1D? isn't it getting old since they've probably forgotten it? Aren't also guilty from listening to Glad You Came with a smile before and/or after the public fight?

Just be honest.

I don't judge my Bears. :D

5) And lastly, WTF? What's going to happen with little claustrophobic unconscious Jade?

6) Will Harry play hero or will he be all anonymous and stuf like usual in stories? I actually need to decide that, because I don't' really know. What do YOU want to happen? Hopefully next update will be next week.

7) Enjoy the song on the side? If not, tell em what asylum are you staying at?

8) Favorite Ed Sheeran (though one does not simply choose a favorite Ed song) if you want you can choose a song he wrote for the boys (or any other artists.)




*sob, sob, sob*

God, Zerrie will probably have the most attractive most talented children ever, I mean, seriously. Those genetics better get working together to give us a prodigy. ;)

Lol. Okay, sorry for the fangirl episode I just- I just can't. and I feel like I was the last to discover Payzer has broken up and I feel so sad because THEY WERE SO PERFECT TOGETHER! *sob, sob, sob*

Who is this Sophia chick anyways, lol.


Anyways, I'm getting way too emotional right now over this but I just have a lot of feelings from these recent events. And I am so anticipating This Is Us. anyone else? I'm one of the fans that's going to waste their breath trying to get their antiDirection friends to the movie with me.

10) Anyone else?

And as usual, I ask that you comment, vote, fan to become a certified Bear and of course promote everywhere!

Yeah, I did switch it up a little.

Love all y'all. (Yes, I say y'all like a hillbilly and love like a Britt, but I have a very bland, very American accent, haha.)

- Your Mama Bear who is sadly American (Sorry, but Americans are just so crazy, man. I'd know.)


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