I'll Follow You Anywhere

By LRuiz88

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Lina has brother issues, boyfriend issues: a thug and a school girl are kind of a hard pair to keep, especial... More

1. Damn Stalker!!!
2. WTF* is wrong with you Lina?!
3. And so it begins...
5. The Luck of Things!!! &^%$*#@!!
6. Let the Games Begin...
7. Oops! One too Many
8. Vacation and Haunting Dreams

4. There's no way!

73 0 0
By LRuiz88

2011 © All Rights Reserved

Lina was distracted on her way to school which must have been painfully obvious because her brother was giving her weird looks the whole bus ride. There had been no bickering this morning. Lina had gotten up earlier than normal and was actually able to use the bathroom first this morning which also mean she made it to the bus stop much earlier than usual.

When Abe had reached the bus stop and was standing next to her, they didn't even say two words to each other. Abe knew she was planning something that he would not like and Lina not only was trying to figure out how to help her brother but was also distracted by the thought of running into Miguel again.

She knew it shouldn't bother her the way that it did. It shouldn't make her nervous. What was there to be nervous about? I'm being ridiculous. I don't even know this guy why would I hate him? Lina shook herself mentally and tried to concentrate on her day ahead.

She would have to speak with her besties to try and see if they could help her find an alternative way to help her brother. A way she could give Fito something he wanted without giving herself to him; a way to trap him into a promise he could not or would not brake without Lina having to do much for his benefit that she wasn't comfortable with.

She would have to check and make sure she had passed all her exams so that she could really look forward to the escape the family vacation was going to be. They were visiting her mother's family in Mexico, not the family in the border cities as usual, but the ones deep in Mexico where the culture and traditions were so rich, it literally felt like being pulled into a different world. Lina sighed... wishing she could focus more on the thoughts of that vacation than everything else she had to fix before they left.

She also had the pep rally with her friends that was supposed to distract her but somehow she felt a strong foreboding that this pep rally was going to be anything but light hearted. Wonderful, just what I need, she thought bitterly. Maybe there was a way to skip out..? Yea right!

Eesh! When had she become such a pessimist?! Lina wondered as she gathered her belongings and got off the bus to walk onto campus. She wasn't watching where she was going; man, was that becoming a nasty habit of hers, so of course she had no clue that she was in someone's path until it was too late. Luckily she looked up just in time to stop dead in her tracks, mouth hanging open like a gaping fish. 

Fito cleared his throat loudly and sending her a smirk. "Hi babe." he chucckled, "surprise!"


At first Lina was too shocked to do much else. Fito hardly ever came to see her before school. The guy sleeps in until noon almost every day for goodness sake! He had no school, and no real job and no worries whatsoever... aside from the cops hunting him down constantly and the work he did for the gang that she never liked and was completely against. Infact, she was fairly sure he had killed a few people for that job, and that the cops had that along with other reasons for hunting him, but when she had been brave enought to ask him he had told her to not be ridiculous and not to worry about silly things like that.Not once did he deny the fact, and Lina knew this all too well. But he was used to all of that, unlike Lina. It came with his "line of work" as he often reffered to his activites when telling Lina pieces of them. She often forgot why she was even with him, he was such a loser and a jerk.

"Babe, are you ok? You haven't said anything." he chuckled again and flashed her his award winning smile that always made her heart race. HOW DOES HE DO THAT?! Lina shook her head and closed her mouth and was about to smile back at him when she remembered she was supposed to be angry with him. She remembered because Abel passed just behind Fito with his head ducked down and his face hidden in the shadows of his hoodie; she had seen his look of diappointment as he had seen Lina standing there looking dumbfounded and terribly in awe of this horrible person just before he pulled the hood over his face further, hiding. She hated the effect he had on her but could never control it from happening.

Anger pulsed through Lina and her eyes became dangerous slits. Fito wasn't aware of just how dangerous Lina could be when she got angry, but he was about to find out.

"How dare you?!" she hissed. "How dare you show up here and pretend like you have done nothing, like I should just hug you and pretend you didn't hurt MY brother?!" She spat the words at him and pointed her finger at him. He stood his ground frowning at her until her finger touched his chest at her last words. He chuckled again causing Lina to reel in the hate she felt for her so-called boyfriend at the moment. Her left hand flew up of it's on accord, the back of it making a very loud, very hard connection with his face. She couldn't help but feel the satsifaction that pulled at the features of her face as she saw him turn back to her, eyes flashing, with a swollen and bloody bottom lip. She crossed her arms over her chest and watched as his eyes flicked straight to her breasts as usual... not that she could blame him, she was kind of pushing them together at the moment, but it only made her more angry at the moment. She hid the anger behind a smile that only showed the smugness she felt from having hurt him.

To her horror, he disguised his own emotions and sent her an amused smile as if taunting her to do more. Her own smile faultered because she knew better. She wasn't somewhere where she could let her anger get the best of her. They were technically on school grounds. Hating having to back away, she felt the beggining of panic settle in the pit of her stomach... would he try to take advantage, knowing she had to be civil? Is that why he had come to the school today without warning her?

"You fuckin disgust me right now Fito. How about you get the hell out of my face? I have to get to class. I will find you and deal with you when I have the time and patience for the likes of you." Lina said nastily her steady voice surprising her,  as she pushed past the tall, dark and handsome asshole that stood in her way still looking amused. She knew if she did anything here, it wouldn't end good in her favor... if she stayed and was forced to be civil it wouldn't be good for her either. It's what he wanted. 

 She saw his eyes flash dangerously as the words left her mouth, before her back was to him. If she hadn't been so angry she might've understood the meaning behind the darkness at the back of his gaze and the words he spoke next before it was too late. His smile faded and he kept his gaze level and his expression as neutral as possible. "You'll deal with me later? Huh. Well you're only right about one thing, Babe. This converstaion isn't over; we will finish this... and make up later." His smile returned as he said make up and Lina felt a chill of fear run down her spine as his eyes roamed her body lustfully. She kept her composure and tried to move past him once again but he turned and grabbed her by the waist, leant down and kissed her so fiercely Lina couldn't move. She forgot to breathe, to think... her hands reached up and gripped his short faded hair pulling him closer unconsciously, it was habit, it was what always happened to her whenever he kissed her.

As quick as it had happened he let her go chuckling huskily as Lina jumped back and pulled her hand behind her back so she wouldn't hit him again. "Yea, we'll definitely have to talk later" he said as he ran his long slender finger down the line of her jaw, she jerked her head back as he let out a laugh.  "I always did love your fire. I love you Lina and I'll do anything to stay with you." He winked at her. Lina felt the warning behind his words but turned and headed onto campus before he could get hold of her again, before his words had a chance to sink in. 

Lina was seething. She could never resist him or stand up to him! To top it off he had caught her off guard. She looked around to see if she spotted any of her friends nearby but what she saw instead made her halt for the second time that morning. A pair of surprisingly beautiful hazel eyes were staring right at her, as if knowing what had just happened outside the gates. Her heart pounded in her ears and she felt her cheeks flush. How embarrassing, and now he must think I'm a weakling.. or some slut.... I'll prove him wrong if he ever tries to pull anything on me, Lina thought savagely as she narrowed her eyes at him.

Quickly looking away she reminded herself that she had no reason to hate Miguel. He was new and he was just probably curious... it's not every day you get to see a soap opera-like scene unfold in front of you in person. She shook her head and stuck her chin out defiantly while walking into the Main building to look for someone she knew. It shouldn't take long, Lina knew a lot of people at Tucson High.

Sure enough she spotted Layla about to go upstairs. "Layla!" she called down the hall so they could walk together. Layla immediately turned around smiling, her eyes sparkling with mischeif. Lina couldn't help but smirk, she knew this look. "Uh huh... so I see someone saw Loverboy this morning." It wasn't a question but Layla nodded and smiled widely.

"I saw Eric outside and he talked to me like always, but he also asked me to sit with him at pep rally!" it all came out in a rush and Lina couldn't help but love her bff for being to absolutely absorbed on Eric at the moment. Had she been herself completely this morning, she would know something happened with Fito, and she would be asking ALL the tough questions Lina just wanted to ignore at the moment.

"That's so cute Lay!!! You'd better have said yes." Lina giggled and waggled her eyebrows, teasing Layla about her crush was always a giggle fest. She watched Layla's cream complexion turn bright red as she blushed and nodded.

"Of course I did! But I'm so nervous now." Layla started playing with the hem of her sweater, this must be really wearing her nerves then. Lina giggled again.

"Did you want me to sit with you still or would it be best if you went alone?" she was smiling genuinely now as she relaxed into their conversation. Pep rally was this afternoon, and it was the topic of everyone's converstation because rallies were usually big fun events that shortened their classes and took up a good portion of the day. The teachers would even be too hyped to teach today. Tomorrow would be the first day of break finally and everyone was extra psyched up about that.

"Not sure yet my luv, but I will let you know by the end of this period." Layla said as they linked arms and walked up the stairs to their classes giggling and gossiping. 

Classes flew by as all there was to do was talk and hang out. The pep rally gave them a  combined lunch which meant there would be a DJ outside and everyone would have a 2 hour lunch. Lina was really looking forward to dancing with her friends and forgetting all her problems for a few hours. She had spoken to Layla about what Fito had done to Abel but they hadn't come up with much. They were planning on talking to Amanda, Krista and Jessica but they never got the chance because today they had decided would be a great day for them all to ditch and Lina and Layla were the only ones to still go. They could try at lunch but at the moment Lina just really needed to feel like a normal teenager, the kind without all this life altering drama.

The DJ started bumping his music loudly across the campus grounds before the bell even rang for 3rd period to end. It had the effect of pumping up the school and getting everyone really excited and ready to just exit the classrooms and be outside. Even though it was nearly the end of December, the weather was still pretty warm in the afternoons, you only needed a sweater and sometimes you could still wear a tank top. Sometimes Lina loved that about living in a desert, longer time with semi-OK weather for being outside. She loved winter, but she hated wearing jackets.

As soon as the bell started to ring, everyone bolted for the doors, down the hallways and out into the lawns, patios and various seating areas around campus. Half the school it seemed was crowded into the large patio areas between the cafeteria and the E wing or music hall attached to the Main building. The DJ had been set up there and was playiing the latest music as loud as his speakers would go. Some kids were dancing others just hung out nearby. It was like a huge kick back party at the school minus the good junk food, alcohol and "recreational drugs" eew. Lina and her friends found each other right away and without having to ask one another, walked straight into middle of the dancing groups of people in front of the DJ booth.

They laughed and danced together. Lina and Layla had a few guys staring at them as they grinded their bodies together playfully. They couldn't help but laugh at the looks on their faces as they moved to the beat of the music. They all got thirsty so Lina went with Jessica to the snack bar, or Badger Den: as the Student Council called their little school approved business, to get some water bottles and Snapple. They all loved that juice and it was probably the only thing that wouldn't be sold out yet. The Badger Den was always crowded with students during lunch wanting to buy what the school was not allowed to offer us anymore, today it was especially crowded. We weren't sure how having this place set off a ways from the cafeteria let student council sell sodas and chips, but no one really cared or bothered to ask any questions. 

"Hey look Lina, isn't that your stalker over there?" asked Jessica a little too loudly. 

"Ssshhhh!" Lina covered Jess' mouth quickly before she said anymore. 

"Oops. Sorrry Lina." Jessica whispered.

"It's ok Jess, it's just that I don't want to deal with him today. I haven't bumped into him at all today, well since this morning, until now and  I just don't want to deal with the awkwardness right now." Lina told Jessica as she scanned the room and made sure Miguel left before they even bought their drinks.

Outside was still a crazy controlled chaos of students all over the campus and Lina immediately relaxed and pushed everything, including the stalker, to the back of her mind so she could enjoy the rest of the day. Lunch ended all too soon and the hyped up students all went to the rest of their classes to wait around and talk excitedly about the pep rally coming up after school. Even Lina felt herself getting really excited. During Mariachi class in 5th period, she found out that they were indeed performing in the "after party" after the peprally once the sun set. So they spent all period practicing all of their songs. The after party was just something set up by the student council as a fund raiser. There would be booths selling fun lights and gifts, foods of all different kinds and since the nights were now very cold, coffee, tea and hot chocolate would be sold too! Yummm

 In her last class Lina didn't bother even settling in. She knew they'd spend no more than ten or fifteen minutes in the class. Sure enough, five minutes into it, the speakers came on with the usual Principal's speech about respect and heading out as quietly and as orderly as possible to the Gym. Because of the cold, the pep rally would be in the gym so no one would complain. During the summer their rallies were held out at the football field and the bleachers closest to the school lawns and small amphiteatre area would get filled. For now though they'd all be filling up and craming themselves into the bleachers in the Gym.

The rally itself was great despite her earlier doom and gloom thoughts. There was a pie eating contest: girls vs boys and one pair for each grade. The Senior Girls won. The Jitterbug teams all showed off their dancing skills. As usual the freshmen team had been very raunchy and inappropriate and the Principal had laughed and hurriedly shooed them off the floor, ending their "performance" early. The Juniors' Jitterbug team was close to winning this time instead of the Seniors, but there was a new suprise this time. They came out wearing different colored cloaks that resembled something out of Little Red Riding Hood or something. Music started playing and the cloaks fell to the ground leaving all of the students slack jawed and in total shock! In front of them a group of very well known and very well like teacher were dancing to the Red Hot Chilli Peppers! They all burst out laughing and whooped and hollered for their erratic and fun loving teachers while some of the other staff members looked on disapprovingly or others laughed good heartedly. There were more games that pitted each class against one another to see who was best at what. All in all it was a blast and the music was great but it all ended too fast!

After the principal dismissed them all and reminded them that there would be an "after party" held by student coucil in the football field, everyone either went home or went straight to the football field to start a whole new round of festivities. Lina went back towards to school and the music hall to get her suit and violin. 

As soon as she finished changing and grabbed her violin case and everything, she rushed out of the classroom to try to find the rest of the group. This time she spotted both Miguel and Fito just feet away from each other and both in the general direction she was headed towards. Well this is just great!


Hey! I'm sorry this took so long! I have to rewrite from scratch! :( I lost it all since this morning and have not been able to get my computer to work with me to retrieve it.

Anyway... PLEASE COMMENT if you like this so far. MUAHz thanks for reading!!! <3<3<3

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