Devil In A Blue Dress

By smilingthroughitall

700 26 14

People aren't always who they seem. More

Devil In A Blue Dress

700 26 14
By smilingthroughitall

David Steel sat alone in a lonely Texan bar, counting down the minutes until it was considered safe to go home. Him and his wife, Rosalynn, had got into a fight earlier. She wouldn’t allow him into the house until she was asleep. 

They had been fighting about money. David sold their only car to pay for rent and Rose declared him lazy. That he should work for his money not sell their only form of transportation. Convincing Rose that the bus wasn’t that bad was near impossible. She had been so upset that she began to throw plates, a new habit of hers. The plates were plastic mind you, but it still hurt when they were hurled directly at his head. He felt his head and winced when his hand came in contact with a large goose egg forming on his forehead. 

He loved Rose more than anything though. He only wanted to make her happy.

“Together forever,” David’s mom had decided when she first met Rose. It seemed like forever, yet it had only been three years since they were wed.

“What’ll you have?” The gruff bartender asked in a thick southern accent. David glanced up from his hands on the worn wood counter top and sighed.

“Shot of the strongest tequila you have,” He paused and thought about it. “Make that two.” He ran his calloused hand over his face as the bartender disappeared from his view. 

He let his gaze wander around the dirty bar, seeing the few drunken customers with too sober of eyes. The bartender poured him two shots. David thanked him politely- he did have manners even when he was in the worst of moods. He swung the shots down easily, savouring the vicious burn in his throat. The burn felt nice, welcomed.

He turned his eyes back to the bar once more, this time something caught his eye. Or rather someone. The shimmer of the blue dress pulled him in first- it was the rest of her appearance that had him though. His eyes slowly traveled up the floor-length midnight blue dress, up her slim, long legs, her petite waist and luscious hips. Her breasts weren’t large but just right and you could see her creamy skin where the dress stopped at her collarbone. When his eyes finally reached her face- his heart stopped just for a moment from the beauty of it all. Honey blonde ringlets hung down onto her cloth free shoulders. Flawless, pure, clean skin, a tinge of pink on her high defined cheekbones. Her grey eyes swam with emotion, her plump perfect lips just right for kissing. 

Her eyes met his as she stirred her drink slowly. Her lips turned up into a small smirk that David didn’t seem to notice. She knew he was a goner.

She was his perfect woman. Exactly what he’d ever dreamed of. She knew it too.

David scrambled out of his seat in front of the bar to the booth where she sat.

“Hello,” Her light melodic voice drifted out. David swallowed the lump of desire in his throat.

“Hi,” He choked out. She patted the spot beside her seductively and David gulped loudly before scooting into the circular booth next to her. His hand was under the dim light directly above the booth for a moment, but that moment was enough. She saw the gleam of a wedding ring. Her insides swarmed in delight.

“My husband and I got into a fight,” The woman purred quietly. She placed a hand on his arm and David felt the heat in her grip. He gripped her hand, intertwining it with his own.

“How could he disagree with someone as beautiful as you?” David asked her softly. She let out a harmonious laugh that only added to the symphony that was this woman.

“That same reason someone could disagree with someone as handsome as you. They’re just jealous of our beauty,” The woman whispered into his ear. Her beautiful voice led him to believe whatever she spoke. He nodded at her statement, suddenly truly believing that everyone was jealous of him and this woman. 

“What’s you name?” He asked her. She simply shook her head and placed her delicate finger against his lips. 

“It’s all about the mystery,” She whispered into his ear again. He shivered this time. She put a hand into his pocket and pulled out his wallet, leaving a ten dollar bill on the booth’s table.

“Come on,” She grinned, pulling on his hand. He stood up and pulled them both out of the booth. She smiled bewitchingly at him. They walked down to the back entrance of the bar where David had come in only an hour before. He watched, entranced as her hips swung back and forth ever so slightly as she walked. 

She pulled them both out into the heated night and looked around the parking lot. His heart jumped when he saw her beautiful features again.

“Which ones your’s?” She asked impatiently.

“I don’t have a car,” He replied dreamily. She pouted. He frowned at her expression, he felt as if he had done something wrong. 

“Well, I guess we’ll just have to break into one,” She huffed before stomping over to the closest one. She dug a fingernail into the keyhole of an beat-up Honda Civic and a moment later the lock popped open. David continued to stare at her in a daydream state. She had to snap her fingers in front of his face to shock him out of it and get him into the car. She gestured for him to get in and he did. He had no arguments there. She followed him into the backseat and shut the door. She swung her hair around and raised her eyebrows at him alluringly. 

“Now. Where were we?” She asked him. Her hands suddenly pushed him down onto the seat, her lips following not soon after. The kiss stung a bit at first, her saliva tasting like poison. But that thought quickly passed out of David’s mind as she hungrily tore his clothes off of him like an animal. Her pressed his lips onto hers, feeling pleasure, desire, lust- all rolled into one. He wanted every single bit of this woman. He had never felt so longingly towards one woman. 

A thought flitted through his mind as the woman kissed down his bare neck-Rosalynn. But who was that? David didn’t quite know much of anything right now. All he knew of was this woman pressed up against him, kissing down his stomach. She reached for his boxers but he reached the thin straps that held up the gown first. She smiled down at him while he pulled off the straps slowly. He watched as it fell off her shoulders in complete ease. Glancing up, he was suddenly petrified. 

Her once perfect mouth was open wide, revealing a large black hole that expanded and took over half her face. Her eyes turned completely black including her cornea. Her creamy skin slid off and revealed a green slime-like membrane underneath. David screamed in extreme fear at this inhumane creature that held him under it’s grip. For a moment, David was released from the spell the demon had put him under and he remembered. He remembered everything. His life, his job, his mom, and Rosalynn. Especially Rose. How he had ever forgot her, he hadn’t known. It was too late now though.

As if proving his thoughts, an extremely high-pitched scream erupted from the demon’s mouth. David thrashed under it’s grip but it was too late. 

His last scream echoed through the night before the monster of a woman stuck her claws into his chest, cracking open his ribs. He jolted in pain, feeling her claws grabbing at the one thing every human held dearest to them: His soul.

The bright shining light of the human soul lit up the car as she held the preciously clean soul in her claws. She loved feeling the life drain out of the bodies and this time was no different. It was more frustrating though as he hadn’t had a car and that was going to leave a bit of a mess. It wasn’t her problem though.

She could only see one flaw floating around in the ball of pure light that allowed her to take the soul in the first place: adultery. Of course that was all her doing but no one really cared how she got the souls these days. She was getting hungrier by the moment now, with the delectable soul sitting patiently in her claws. Finally, she allowed herself to swallow it, slowly though in order to savour the sweet taste. 

Once she was done, she pulled her dress back on and felt to make sure she was disguised again. When she was finally reassured, she smiled down at David’s corpse sweetly.

“I love sinners.”

***** short story I wrote for writer's craft. Hope you enjoyed. Little bit creepy, but I really like it xD

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