We're All Mad Here

By MadiX0X0

16 0 0

The Jennings family always had the one person in each generation go crazy. It's was in there genes. No one kn... More

Mad Hatter

16 0 0
By MadiX0X0

Before this starts Olivia and Stacy Jennings are twins and have an older brother named Nathan. Nathan is 17 and Olivia and Stacy are 16.


"Come on Nathy!" Olivia mocks.

"I told you to stop calling me that!" Nathan says angrily. Olivia and I always was call him that to annoy him.

"Be quiet! Stop annoying each other and go outside! It's summer!" My mom yells from the kitchen.

"But mom! It's so hot and its night time!" I whine. Florida was so hot in the summer, especially in Miami.

"Do something quiet at least. I have a headache!" My mom urged.

"Wanna watch a movie?" Nathan suggests. Olivia and I both nod in agreement. We moved into the living room to sort through the movies.

We looked and looked until we decided on the 2010 version of Alice in Wonderland. We put in the movie and jumped onto the couch. We were all very close and did mostly everything together. The age difference was barley a year. We snuggled under the big blanket we had and started to watch the movie.

As the movie played Olivia was really focused on it. She rarely took her eyes of the screen. This was her favorite movie, but she had never looked at it this closely before. Was she okay? I shook myself out of my train of thought and ate some popcorn that mom had made. I looked at the screen as the Mad Hatter came into the view.

"Mad Hatter." Olivia mumbles sternly. "Take me." She spoke slowly.

"What?" I ask. She shook her head, dismissing the comment I made. What was up with her?

I decide to just let it go and watch the movie.


After the movie Olivia was still acting strange. She went straight to bed after, which she never would do. She would usually have a battle with our mom or dad to not go to bed, but not tonight.

I was curious of her behavior. I didn't want to think this, but running though my head was that she was going insane. She never believed in our family 'curse' that someone would go insane. I always did and so did Nathan. She just thought it was just a coincidence that in each generation someone would end up in an insane asylum or hospital. To me it wasn't a coincidence.

When I went to bed, I could feel the fear tickle up and down my spine. I don't know how I would handle my sister being insane. She was my best friend. I couldn't loose her. I thought to myself as I laid there in my bed.


I woke up to the sound of screams and cries. I jumped out of bed and rush into the kitchen, where the noise was coming from. That's when I saw it. Olivia. She had a knife. Screaming.

"I'm late!!" She yelled. Continuing to jump around and scream. "That's what that silly rabbit always says!" She laughs.

"Calm down! Stop yelling!" My mom pleads. She had her phone to her ear. Probably calling someone to help.

Olivia had a knife, jumping, screaming and me just standing there in shock. I felt a tear slide down. Quickly wiping it away, I run to my room shutting the door and locking it.

That's when every ounce of the salty water inside me poured out of my eyes. Tears. To many. I wailed out. I heard a loud banging on my door.

"Stace, please let me in. I know this is a lot to take in and you're probably feeling many feelings right now. I am too. But you need to be brave." Nathan shouted threw the closed door. His voice getting quieter and starting to choke up. "For mom and dad and especially Liv."

I stood up and walked to the door. Unlocking it and swinging the door open. Before I could say anything, Nathan crashed into me with a hug. I accepted and wrapped my arms around him burrowing my face into his chest. I could hear his heart beat, fast but quiet. Fear.


Present Time

I wiped the tear from my cheek and just stared at her from across the room. It was hard to think about all that has happened.

"We paint white roses red. Each shade from a different persons head" Olivia whispered. Anger growing in her voice with every word said. "I'm peeling the skin off my face." She continued. "The normals they make me afraid the crazies, they make me feel sane."

"Liv." I slowly spoke. She hadn't talked in weeks. Why was she talking now and what was all of this meaning.

She broke into a hilarious laughter. That's when she stood up. Still laughing she walked over to me and grabbed my wrist.

"Tell the psychiatrist something is wrong." She whispered to me. "Tell you a secret, I'm not alarmed. So what if I'm crazy? The best people are." She started laughing again. A nurse rushed in and pulled her back. She told me to leave so I did, but what was wrong

As I fell asleep that night, I was terrified of what might happen to her. That's when it hit me. She was saying the words to the song Mad Hatter. But why. What does it mean. I'm going to find out.


HELLO!!! Hope you enjoyed the first chapter! Thank you to all my lovely followers and readers! The next chapter will be exciting!! Yay! Anyway this will be kind of a horror but more of a mystery! Don't forget to....


Don't be a silent reader!!


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