Vita Dela Tempesta

By littlemissmarikit

402 7 1


001: Oathbound Life
002 A Time for Tenderness

Vita Dela Tempesta

141 1 1
By littlemissmarikit


Summary: This fic is part of a series of fics, which I am entitling Vita Dela Tempesta ( Life of the Storm) that I am writing. The series of stories are anecdotes of Gokudera Hayato's life. In this story, I am exploring his living arrangements and the way he lives. [ Amano Akira had once said that "Gokudera lives in a small apartment and struggles to pay the rent] This is my take on that.

Disclaimer/Claimer: I wish to god that Gokudera Hayato is mine but it's Amano Akira's. :D

COMMENTS ARE LOVE, ENJOY! Suggestions to stories also welcome.

Thanks to Captain 9009 for the amazing beta. *wuvson*

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