How To Break A Heartbreaker's...

By LarryHaveBabies

220K 12.4K 11.2K

*COMPLETED* **Warning: It is my first EVER book, it's not at all perfect and is mostly unedited. I'm slowly e... More

1: Who is this "Harry"?
2: Hi, um, you okay there. .?
3: Is anybody there. .?
4: All my life I've been good
5: I hope this stays
6: C'mon C'mon
7: Someone's a little bit jealous.
8: He's SO confusing.
9: Oh! This is Harry.
10: We Should Hang Out Tomorrow
11: Daydreaming, man?
12: The VERY Nice Get Together.
13: Did Harry just---?
14: Loopy Lou
15:Location: At Harry's House
17 : I um yeah...?
18: Maybe, Just Maybe...
19 : Oops and Hi
20: Louis' Past
21: Off To School... Together?
22: A Dirty Little Secret..?
23: Fire Alarm and New Friend..?
24: Unknown No. - 15 Texts
25: Please.. One Date?
26: A Public Kiss...?
27: Spilled Secrets
28: I'm Done.
29: Last Day
30: Tranformed..
31: Reaching Late Costs Much.
32: Detention
33: Searching For Home
34: Moving
35: Meeting The 'Flatmate'
36: I'm fine. Leave.
37: Staircase Rendezvous
38: Love or Hate?
39: Old Fear And A . . . Saviour?
40: Memories
41: Gone.
42: Found.
43. New Beginnings
44: Planning
I'm sorry
45: Party Tonight
46. Confused Beans
47: Happy Birthday
48: Out.
49: A Night Under The Stars
50: Making Love
51: High On Love
52: Almost Complete
53: Can't
54 : Out
55 : Always You
Hey Hey

16: I um- Sorry?

4K 282 250
By LarryHaveBabies

Hey fellow Larries! So as promised I updated! Read on...
Enjoy.. xx
PS: Louis looks this cute in the story as in the above picture..😘😘
Flashback :

Louis can't help but think that Anne was rude. She didn't even talk to Harry like a mother.

"And, don't mind her. She's like that since then." Harry hesitantly adds.

"Since when..?" Louis asks concerned.

"Um. Don't worry about that.." Harry sighs.



"I- I..."

"What? Speak up.. You don't have to be afraid of me.."Harry says and rubs his temples.

Oh wow. What happened to the Badboy Harry? The bully? Louis wonders.

"Well?" Harry asked impatiently.

"You do-don't have to answer but um it's just that why di-did your m-mum say t-that?"

"Are you hungry, Louis? Of course you are. I mean you haven't eaten. I was with you the whole day-" Harry rambles.



"It's okay. You don't have to tell me.." Louis looks down.

I mean nothing to you. . Why should you tell me? Louis adds in his mind.

"Um. It's just—I don't want— okay. I will tell you. Let's first eat something. I'm starving." Harry finally relents.

"N-no. You go ahead. I had eaten a hea-hearty breakfast.. I'm full." Louis lies.

"Well have something small then. C'mon." Harry insists and grabs Louis' hand.

He immediately let's go when he sees bruises. Faded bruises. To say Harry is guilty is an understatement.

"Lou wh-what is this?" Harry stutters, feeling afraid to hear what the answer may be.

"No. Nothing. I banged into a-— a table. Yes! I knocked down a table. Haha. Clumsy m-me." Louis nervously fake laughs, trying to avert Harry's attention from himself.


"Yes? You said you were hungry,right? You know what, I'll take up the offer of eating-"

"Louis! Stop rambling. Tell me who did this?" Harry angrily grits his teeth.

"No one! Let's just eat and-"

Louis is cut off when large hands grab his forearms and pin him on the wall. Harry lifts up up and keeps him there. Harry is so damn close to Louis and if they were in any other circumstances, Louis would have gotten hard.

"Tell. Me. The. Truth. Goddamnit!"

"No Harry! Just leave me. I told you I–"

"Stop. Lying." Harry lowly mumbles.

Louis gulps. No,this is not happening.

"Tell Me Now!" Harry yells in his ear. And tightens his hold lifting Louis more.

"Y-you." Louis trembles with fear of the aftermath.

"Wh-what?!" Harry almost drops him.

"I to-told you it's nothing! Just forget that it happened.." Louis is this close to crying.

"I didn't — I um—sorry." Harry whispers and looks down.


"I'm sorry. I didn't know I was hurting you this bad..." Harry admits feeling guilty.

"Wait. You said so-sorry to me. B-but   w-why? All the things yo-you and R-Rob say are true! Please don't be sorry.." Louis cried out brokenly.

"No! Don't say you believed what we said Louis!" Harry tightens his hold. He seems to realise what he has been doing as he suddenly drops his head and puts Louis back on his feet.

Louis looks down. But doesn't say anything.

Harry waits for about 5 minutes. But still Louis stays rooted to the spot.

Harry slowly lifts his chin.

He gasps. Louis is crying .No. No. No. This can't happen. Harry takes Louis' face in his hand.

Without even thinking twice, Harry
wipes a tear that manages to escape  Louis' eyes.

"No. No. No. Louis. Don't. Don't cry. Please I'm sorry. Don't believe in all that I or Rob said okay?"Harry tried to console him.

" Bu-but Har-harry that is true! I deserve all o-of the b-beatings! I'm pathetic, cry baby, faggot, fattie and-"

"No! Louis you are none of that. I'm sorry! Please Louis. You are beautiful. I mean it. I'm sorry I said mean things to you, you don't deserve it. Okay? No one deserves this. Especially not you. I will say this as many times as it takes for you to finally believe me." Harry pleads.

"N- no. Y-you a-are lying! Pl-please le-let me g-go! If I was this beautiful you wouldn't have beaten me! " Louis tries to run away.

"No Louis! I- I" Harry fumbles.

"See? I'm wo-worthless! Yo-you know that too! Ev-everyone knows that! Even my own dad thinks--" Louis freezes mid sentence.

"What? Tell me Louis. What about your dad?" Harry asks.

"N-no! Wh-why sh-should I tell you?" Louis whimpers.

"Please Louis. Tell me." Harry pleads.

"No! You can't do anything.. It's me. I'm t-the fag!" Louis breaks down and falls brokenly on the floor.

"No. No .Don't cry. Um—Okay I won't ask about your dad.. Okay? Just stop crying, please. You are too beautiful to waste those precious pearls." Harry gently holds Louis' hand and rubs his back comfortingly.

Harry guides Louis on his lap. Louis cries in his shirt .Harry couldn't help but think that this is how it should be. Not that he likes Louis crying! But he surely likes the way he clutches Harry's shirt with one hand and cries in his chest. The stupid butterflies come again and roll in his stomach.

"Wh du yu bil mw ?" Louis asks suddenly, his voice muffled by the shirt.

"Um. Sorry what?" Harry laughs. Half because of the muffled voice and half because of how well Louis fits with him.

"Why do you bully me?" Louis asks shyly.

"Hey. Don't look ashamed. I'm sorry for what I did. I'm not going to anymore. Okay? I'll even ask Rob to stop." Harry smiles at shy Louis.

'He is so lovely... He shouldn't ever cry..' Harry thinks.

"O-ok. B-but w-why did you?" Louis looks up. His sapphire eyes glistening with unshed tears.

"I- um.." Harry looks away.

"Hm?" Louis has his chin in his hands now.

'He looks so cute! Gdthvvv.' Harry should really stop listening to his sister fangirling over some band- (Years and Years or was it 5SOS or  something?) because his mind has no control. He can't fangirl damnit!

"Well?" Louis asks in a small voice.

'Okay. Breathe in. Breathe out. This is it. Louis is going to slap you so hard. But. Its going to out of your system. Go!' He really needs to tell his subconscious to fuck off.

Here it goes.. Get it out. Now. You can do it...

Haha! 😂😂 Did you really think I was not leaving you hanging?! I'm evil.😎
Oh god! I'm dying! See your face!
OK. I'm cool now. But still just look how cute you look being all angry and Hahahah😂

Okay. I'm fine. So. Tell Me. Did you get smashed from the feels?😘 How was the chapter? Did you like it?

All the love,always,
LarryHaveBabies xx

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