war was over || camren

By arkhamangel827

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"Because the war was over, and I wanted nothing more than her." please note that this is fiction and not ever... More

like a q & a but not really
the prologue's letter


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By arkhamangel827

A/N: go easy on me with the character's ages and their grade levels in school and such, i'm an idiot. also i'm pretty sure the entire chapter is in lauren's pov but i didn't look 👀

April 11, 2009

Austin: Did u kno recruters were gonna b @ the shcool 2day?

Lauren: recruiters* school*

Lauren: no

Austin: Well they r. And since im 18 now as of a week ago, I can enlist

Lauren: cool

Austin: I thought youd b happy 4 me

Lauren: i am, promise. it's just.

Lauren: you know that i want this too. my douchebag of a dad won't let me until I'm eighteen, which doesn't happen for two and a half more months.

Austin: Yeah he's a piece of work, but hows aunt Clara doing?

Lauren: the same, i guess. i've been to see her and she keeps telling me she needs to tell me things dad doesn't know

Lauren: at this point, she's so doped up on prescribed drugs that i don't even listen anymore.

Austin: That's rough man. But I should go, I'm in English and mrs Montgomery keeps glaring at me

Lauren: ok ttyl


Camz: looooo

Lauren: camzzzzz

Camz: i'm boredddd

Lauren: you in math?

Camz: yeahhhhhh

Lauren: lol relax, the period is almost over, then you have english and you can swoon over fitz -_-

Camz: hahahahaaaaa you're so funny lolo

Camz: i don't like mr fitz like that, he's just a really good teacher

Lauren: sure, camz, whatever you say

Camz: grrrr

Camz: why would i swoon over mr fitz when i've you to talk to? he'll hardly have my attention as much as you do

Lauren: you sure know how to charm a girl

Camz: not any girl, just you

Lauren: pay attention in class, camz

Camz: :(

Dinah: snjeiiwikw

Lauren: dinah what the hell

Dinah: what

Lauren: you sent "snjeiiwikw"

Dinah: oh...

Lauren: Dinah Jane, I swear to God.

Dinah: oh damn, you capitalizing and using periods and shi

Lauren: Why did you send me "snjeiiwikw", Dinah?

Dinah: pls don't do dis ralph

Lauren: Dinah.

Dinah: OKAY fiNE! itextedyoubymistakebecauseimayormaynithavebeenmakingoutwithmysuperhotgirlfriendandmyphoneisinmybackpocketsorrysorry

Lauren: ditching school, i see. tbh we should just transfer to WSH bc one of these days, ESH (East Side High) is gonna call your parents

Lauren: and then they're gonna ask me if i knew anything, and i cannot tell a lie, so then they'll tell my dad, and my dad will kick my ass. so maybe you shouldn't be ditching.

Dinah: snjeiiwikw

Lauren: bye

Allycat: Are you done with classes yet?

Lauren: yeah, just stopped by my locker, walking to my truck. why, what's up?

Allycat: I was wondering if you could give me a ride to the bakery, my Dad needs some help for the evening rush.

Lauren: of course, heading to WSH right now

Lauren: i'll pick you up near the football field so you can say bye to troy ;)

Allycat: Gosh, stop that! But thanks, Lo. You're a lifesaver!

Lauren: anything for you and papa h

Allycat: stop texting and driving, you dummy!

Lulu: hey asshole

Lauren: LOGAN

Lulu: come visit me :(

Lauren: i would, but something tells me my dad isn't gonna let me drive all the way up to illinois

Lauren: 3 years later and i'm still bummed that you moved, btw

Lulu: don't remind me :((((( but it's the windy city! tell him you'll bring him back some specialty liquor or some shit

Lauren: hey, the drinking thing isn't fair game

Lulu: you're right, sorry, that was a dick move. but I really miss you and Dinah

Lauren: we'll figure this out, trust me

Lulu: I trust you

Kendall: Ren-Ren!

Lauren: how many times do i have to tell you not to call me that

Kendall: Just once, honestly. I just like making you mad :)

Lauren: okay then. was there something you needed, princess?

Kendall: Yes, actually. I need to know if Annie Clark is single

Lauren: annie? as in tennis captain annie? as in the one who broke up with cara?

Kendall: What? She broke up with Cara?? Like they're not together anymore???

Lauren: nope, she's single now. idk why they broke up or whatever. all i remember was cara ranting about it during practice or something. why did you wanna know?

Kendall: Not important. Thanks, bye Ren-Ren!! xoxo

Lauren: -_-

Manibear: hey

Lauren: hey

Manibear: sup

Lauren: not much, sup

Manibear: not much, tryna mack on my girlfriend, you know

Lauren: thanks for telling me you're playing tonsil hockey with my best friend

Manibear: I didn't, you just assumed. please don't make assumptions, Lo

Lauren: i'm rolling my eyes right now

Manibear: can I ask a favor?

Lauren: anything, what's up?

Manibear: don't kill my gf for butt texting you, it was basically my fault ;)

Lauren: bye


Dad: Where are you?

Lauren: I'm at the Cabello's.

Dad: Alright. Be home by 11, okay?

Lauren: Yes, Dad.


Camz: i wish you didn't have to leave... sofi really loved the gift you got her... and now i miss you :(

Lauren: i'm glad she did... sorry it was like a week late, the shipping was only supposed to take a couple of days, idk.. but no worries, I'll see you tomorrow

Camz: lol it's ok, sofi didn't mind, now she and i can be butterfly queens togetherrrr

Camz: you're the best best friend

Lauren: aw camzi, don't let mani ally and dinah hear you say that

Camz: i'm rolling my eyes right now

Lauren: i've taught you well :)))

Camz: go to bed, Lo

Lauren: goodnight camziii

Camz: nightttt


Camz: i had a nightmare... can you come over please?

Lauren: i'm on my way, babes, unlock your window


Dad: It's 5 am. Where the hell are you?

Lauren: I went for a run, I was gonna shower and change at school, I have morning drill for JROTC, so I wanted to be early.

Dad: If I ever find out you're lying to me, you're going to be in trouble, Lauren Michelle.

Lauren: I'm not lying to you, Dad. I swear.

Dad: You'd better hope not.

April 13, 2009

Blocked ID: Lauren

Lauren: ... who is this?

Blocked ID: Are you alone?

Lauren: against my better judgement, i'm going to answer you. yes, i am alone

Blocked ID: I need you to meet me at the RC Cola plant, it's in the Wynwood Arts District

Lauren: okay are you out of your mind

Blocked ID: Maybe, but I'm going to need you to trust me.

Lauren: why the hell would i trust a strange person with a blocked id who is asking me to meet them in an abandoned building where artists and junkies go

Lauren: when it's 3:27 in the morning, no less?

Blocked ID: I can't say my name, or who I am. It would be in the phone records. Just please, trust me. I would never hurt you. You know who I am, you know me, Lauren.

Lauren: i think i must be losing my mind... alright. i'm sneaking out right now. I'll be there by 4:15, i have to take my bike, my truck is too loud, and would wake up my dad.

Blocked ID: I'll see you soon, Lauren.

I really am an idiot for this, but I'm also hella curious.

April 14, 2009

"I'm looking for my mom... I think her room was moved or something. I was here last week."

"What's the name?" the friendly-looking receptionist asked, her fingers poised over the front desk computer's keyboard.

"Clara Jauregui. That's spelt J-A-U-R-E-G-U-I," I say helpfully, and the front desk lady, whose name tag read Elise, smiles at me before typing in the name.

"Alright, yup, her room was moved after a recent breach in security, according to her file's notes. It's nothing to worry about, though. Everything has since been cleared up and taken care of. Her new room is 444, in the upper A wing. Do you need directions getting there?" she asked, looking up with big brown eyes that remind me of someone else I planned to see today.

I politely decline, needing to get away so I can navigate through my thoughts. For several reasons, my thoughts were very jumbled, so I found myself counting again, something I could lessen but never seem to fully stop doing. Whenever I was stressed, I counted. 4 was a safe number, a very safe number, but I was so stressed that today, in this moment in time, I would count anything and up to any number.

There were 206 tiles on the ceiling in the foyer of the rehabilitation center my mom was in currently, I noted that Elise exposed 10 of her teeth when she smiled at me - I could tell it was genuine by the way her right eye squinted just a little bit more than her left.

I never lost count. Or, it was something that had yet to happen. On my way to the fourth floor, I passed 172 doors and/or doorways, excluding elevators. I bypassed the elevator in an attempt to limit my interaction or contact with other people; that failed. I took the stairs, but still managed to pass 6 doctors in lab coats, 9 nurses in turquoise scrubs, and seven people who I assumed were civilians or staff in plain clothes who were descending and ascending the stairs at a leisurely pace.

When I got to the fourth floor, I was utterly dismayed to see that the flooring was your typical linoleum hospital-grade flooring; the kind with a shit ton of those godforsaken tiny black dots inside them. I bit down on my lip, hard, and forced myself not to count the dots, and harder still to will myself not to count the tiles.

I had been looking at the tiles before deciding I wouldn't, and accidentally walked into the B wing. There was a steady stream of movement and sound, the kind I usually associate with hospitals, and my senses felt overloaded, almost; there was way too much shit to count, and I felt frustrated tears prick at my eyes and my breathing quickened. Stop being so fucking weak.

Closing my eyes briefly, I sucked in a deep, shuddering breath. After I had composed myself a bit, I made my way to the nurse's station. This time, I encountered a raven-haired nurse, and her lanyard read Natasha.

"Hi, what do you need, cupcake?"

I frown a bit. "Um. Can you point me in the right direction? I'm headed toward the A wing."

"Sure, creampuff. Thataway," Natasha replies in a very laidback and smooth voice, pointing to a hall that branches off, 19 doors down the hallway I was currently standing in.

"Oh... thanks."

"No problem, buttercup," she says with a wink, going back to socializing with her coworkers, who either roll their eyes at her antics, or just ignore them.

With a sigh, I walk 19 doors down and veer left. 440... 441... 442... 443... 444.

I don't bother knocking on the door as I enter, seeing my mother, who looks ill and yet still better than I remember. Her head is turned away from me as her gaze is set on the sunset that is visible through the large window. The deep orange glow of the setting sun is reflecting in her eyes, making the brown look almost liquefied, like a golden honey brown. They change back to the brown I'm familiar with as she turns her head and meets my gaze. A small smile is sent my way, one that doesn't quite reach those familiar eyes.

"You wanted to see me?"


April 15, 2009

Lauren: hey, so how's your mystery guy in cali?

Austin: Yo, stfu

Lauren: aw, just tell me

Austin: No, your just as bad as mom

Lauren: you're* come on, dude

Austin: I repeat, stfu

Lauren: woka

Austin: Tf does that mean

Lauren: Well OK Asshole= woka

Austin: Lol I like that, Imma use that

Lauren: don't change the subject, mahone

Austin: ...

Lauren: at least give me his name

Austin: You are relentless

Lauren: i try ;)

Austin: His name is Shawn, and he's a really cool guy. You'd like him. I skype him on Tuesdays and Fridays, so if you wanna "meet" him, you can come over tomorrow after your traditional Friday home game, I guess

Lauren: i'm squealing inside

Lauren: is he hot

Lauren: i bet he's hot

Lauren: for you, not for me bc

Lauren: anYway

Lauren: i'm so fucking excited, and i'm really happy for you, aus

Austin: Don't get all sappy on me, you'll ruin your mascara

Austin: Of course he's hot, wtf

Austin: So, any potential boyfriends or girlfriends I need to interrogate?

Lauren: lollllll you're funny. no, austie

Austin: Lauren, stop with the nicknames! Someone could see and call me lame -_-

Lauren: sowwy austie

Lauren: lol i gotta go, see you tomorrow

Camila: where are you?

Lauren: leaving the school now, i'm on my wayy

Camila: okay, my front door is unlocked

Lauren: no, lock that fucking door. i'll ring the bell, camz

Camila: jesus okay

Lauren: brb driving now

Camila: drive safe, dummy


I was looking at my pictures, a habit I had yet to break ever since I got my first camera when I was 10 years old. There were portraits that I had had for years and years, local landscapes, things I could post on Facebook and MySpace to look cool and emo, and most notably, a whole bunch from my trip to Cuba with my family and Lauren last summer.

I had been euphoric at the prospect of sharing two months with the people who were most important to me. I was really surprised Mr. Jauregui had allowed it, but my Dad could be very persuasive when he needed to be. Lauren is one of my best friends, like Dinah, Mani, and Ally, but it's just different with her. In a group of friends, it isn't unlikely that two are closer to each other than they are with the rest of the group.

A majority of my pictures from last summer are of the tropics and palm trees, Sofi playing in the sand, my parents sharing loving looks, and quite a few candid shots of Lauren. There are even more of myself; sleeping, eating, sunbathing, swimming - anything and everything.

I guess whenever the camera wasn't around my neck, Lauren acquainted herself with it by taking pictures she knew I would like. Probably drove herself crazy counting all of the buttons on it. What a trooper.

"Kaki!" Came the yell from my newly-five year old sister.
"Yes, Sofi?"
"Can I get cuddles?" she asks me as she appears in my doorway.

I glance over my shoulder and see her arms extended toward me, so I abandon looking at my photos, they aren't going anywhere.

"Absolutely. Did you know Lauren was on her way, too?" I ask, smiling at the thought of my emerald eyed-best friend as Sofi and I walk down the hall, ultimately settling in on the large sofa in the den, covering ourselves up with a blanket that had already been sitting there.

"Nope! Can Lauren give cuddles too? She gives good cuddles," Sofi mumbles as she slowly but surely falls asleep.

"Even better than me?" I question, a soft smile playing on my lips.

"... It's a tie," she murmurs as she succumbs to her apparent exhaustion, and I follow her lead shortly after.

When I wake up, I'm upstairs in my room, in my bed, and Sofi is here also, her head neatly tucked under my chin. Upon opening my eyes, I see out of my window and notice it's dark outside, and in my room, besides a small lamp light.

Without moving, I could see it was the lamp on my desk, but no one sat in the seat. Gently and slowly, I move Sofi to the other side of my bed, where she immediately clutches onto a stuffed animal of mine.

After that, I sit up, and nearly have a heart attack when I see Lauren, sitting on the floor in front of my dresser, or right across from the foot of my bed with those green eyes staring directly into mine.

"Hey," I whisper gruffly, my voice slightly rough from my nap.

"Hey, sleeping beauty. Enjoy your nap?" she quips from her position on the floor, where she was previously bent over a book or notebook of some sort.

"It was great... Mmm, when did you get here?" I ask, sitting up and stretching.

"Like four hours ago. You and Sof had fallen asleep on the couch, and you looked so comfy that I couldn't bring myself to wake you up," Lauren rasped, running a hand through her dark, wavy locks.

"My dad brought us up?"
"No. Actually, I did. Your parents went out to dinner with my dad, surprisingly enough," her voice is hushed, so my sleeping sister isn't woken up.
I wasn't all that surprised that she'd do that, she's more than able, physically. If it were me, I might've gotten bored or hungry. No, I definitely would've gotten hungry.

I smiled at her, a special smile that isn't for any other person.
"Well, thank you. I'm gonna bring Sofi to her room, then I'll be right back."


After transporting a sleeping butterfly queen to her purple bedroom and turning on her tiny nightlight, I return to my room. Lauren is trying to do whatever it is she was doing before with her notebook, and Denver keeps putting his paw on her arm, asking her for attention.

I walk in the room, and two dark heads of hair rise to look at me before lowering again. "I guess I'm chopped liver, then..." I mumble, childishly throwing myself onto my bed and burrowing underneath the blankets.

I stay under there in the darkness and hear some shuffling, then the door opens and seconds later shuts. I nearly jump out of my skin when I feel weight on the mattress beside me. The blankets are shifted from over my head, allowing the light from the lamp to fill my vision, along with Lauren's face, maybe a foot away from mine.

"No, you're the farthest thing from 'chopped liver' to me. Jeez Camz, when are you gonna realize how important you are to me?" She asks me, reaching out to me. I blindly connect my hand with hers, intertwining our fingers. I've always loved closeness and physical intimacy aside from the... the sexual kind. The innocent cuddles and handholding was something I had always craved, and I had always done it. With Lauren, it was a little more fulfilling though. This is how I knew she was my closest best friend.

Without answering her question - which I had assumed was rhetorical anyway - I blurt out, "You're special to me", and I watch as her face becomes less serious and more bashful as it darkens with a blush.

"You're so cute, Lo. Earlier, I was waiting for you to come back, Sofi and I wanted to cuddle with you." I tell her, and she giggles a little.

"You guys are adorable. Next time I'll wake you up then. I just didn't wanna freak you out or anything since your parents were already gone when I had gotten here. They left a note on the fridge and some money for takeout."

"If they were gone when you got here, and I was asleep, how'd you get in?" I ask confusedly.

"Oh, right. Your window was unlocked. You have to start locking it, Camz, seriously. If I can climb up and get in, someone else could too."

Immediately, I shifted, moving to get up and lock the window, only for Lauren's grip on my hand to tighten.
"Don't worry, I locked it. Gotta keep my second adopted family safe, don't I?" she asked, a cute smirk visible.
"You're sweet," I place a gentle kiss on her cheek, and as I linger there, I feel her skin heat up beneath my flesh. "And what do you mean, second adopted family?" At this point, we're cuddling, I've completely wrapped myself around her warm body, like a koala.

I hear her gulp a bit before she speaks. "Well, the Hansens are my first adopted family. They call me the "Pale Poly" which is so funny. Her siblings are always calling me white, and it's so great because when I tell them I'm Latina they don't understand it. That's thanks to Dinah, though; she's the reason her youngest brothers and sisters think my name is Ralph," she chuckles, and it reverberates from her body into mine.

"But I don't know; from the second I walked up your walkway, I felt welcomed. I felt like I actually belonged. I'll always be grateful for that, you have no idea."

"Well, I say - and I know my parents and even Sofi would say the same thing - that you don't have to thank us, because we love having you around as a part of our family. You're like the missing piece we never knew we needed, and I know you feel the same way."

She smiled softly in agreement, but didn't say anything else on the matter. "Wanna get some pizza? I know you've gotta be starving, and Sofi's got to have some dinner, right?"

"No... I just wanna lay here with you, I'm not hungry," I whine, burrowing into her chest. I can hear her steady heartbeat, loud in my ear. Then my stomach growls, and it is louder than thunder during a storm, I swear.

"Nice try, Camzi. C'mon, let's go order pizza," I can hear the laugh in her voice and can't help laughing too, and we get up, and I feel chilly without my personal heater, but I know pizza will do the trick too.

It's around 8:45 at night, and Sofi is groggily eating a slice of cheese pizza while sitting in Lauren's lap,
and Lauren is leaning against me, while I search for something to watch on Netflix.

In the end, we end up watching a plethora of Disney movies for the next few hours to keep Sofi happy (though I really quite love them, and I know Lauren does too, even if she won't admit it).

When my sister eventually falls asleep, we put her back to bed, and agree to go back up to my room.

"And your dad said it was fine for you to stay over?" I ask, knowing her dad can be either very strict or nearly negligent. It was safe to say that I didn't know him very well.

"Yeah, yeah. Totally. Wanna cuddle again? There was kind of something I wanted to talk about," Lauren told me, and I became instantly curious. After-midnight talks were one of my favorites.

We settle back into my full sized bed after changing into sleep shorts and baggy t-shirts. We faced each other, her icy cold feet brushing my calves. Reasons why I wear socks to bed.

"Alright, so what'd you wanna talk about?"

"A few days ago, I was talking to Austin," she starts, and I have to resist an eye roll.

This kid was a total jerk. He flirted with anything that moved, but didn't pursue any actual relationships. The only reason I did hate him was because he was Lauren's cousin, though I did notice he never tried to flirt with me and never even looked my way.

Long story short, he was a player and faked interest in the girls he flirted with. It's a crappy thing to do, and I know, he flirted with Mani once. Only once, because Dinah threatened to kick his ass, and Lauren warned him that Dinah was not kidding. Ally and I mostly had to hold Dinah back, while Mani stood there, feeling both insulted and flattered. It was a weird mix she didn't bother mentioning to Dinah, for fear of making her angry again.

"--And so, I was wondering how you'd feel about it."

"Wait what??" I somehow had missed everything she said.

"You totally zoned out. Where'd you go?" she asked, not frustrated with me, just curious.

"I was thinking of the time Austin tried flirting with Mani and Dinah almost kicked his... butt," I say, hesitant to swear, and Lauren barks out a laugh at this; she's got the mouth of a sailor, but I love it and  I wouldn't want her to change for anyone, especially not me.

"Oh... Austin didn't mean any harm. He never means any harm, he's just protecting himself, that's all."

"Protecting himself by being a- a--"

"A fuckboy?" she assists, throwing in the word.

I nod dumbly, and she shakes her head. "No, I get that his methods were-- are wrong, but I know him better than anyone. He wouldn't ever intentionally hurt someone. He's scared."

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "Scared? Of what?"

"Coming out. He's gay."

My mouth forms an 'O' shape, and no words form so I kind of just stare at her in shock.

"That's what you wanted to tell me?" I ask after I eventually regain my ability to speak.

"No, not exactly. And you can't tell anyone what I just told you, right? This is confidential shit," she instructs, seeming nervous about anyone finding out.
"You can trust me, Lo. No one will find out anything about this from me. Scout's honor," I say, smiling goofily and holding up three fingers on my left hand.

"Camz. Two things; one, you were never a scout, and two, it's your right hand, not your left."

"Oh... well whatever! If it wasn't that, what did you want to talk about?"

"Earlier this week, Austin told me he was enlisting for the Marine Corps when the recruiters were at the school. Yesterday, we were talking, and it's nearly official; he just has to meet with his recruiter, Corporal Stromberg, and have a physical and all the evaluation jazz.

"But I didn't want to talk to you about him. I'm using him as a segue, if you will. The thing is, I'm enlisting too. But my dad won't let me, since I'm still 17. But when I turn 18, I wanted to-" Lauren was explaining, but I cut her off, grabbing her hand to get her attention.

"No. What?" Is she saying what I think she's saying?

"Yeah. I'm... I'm going to join the USMC. And... I wanted to tell you first, and then I was gonna talk to your dad. I wanted to ask him if he could be my recruiter," she started, breaking our eye contact so she could stare at my baby blue sheets.

I could already feel the separation anxiety building up and no one had gone anywhere yet.

"My mom said my dad used to be away all the time. She said he went to war. She said- she said she didn't even know if he was alive most days. Why would you want that? Why would you want me to feel like my mom did while my dad was away? And Dinah and Mani and Ally. Did you think about us at all?" I ask, my voice steadily rising. Of course, I knew how selfish I sounded, but this was my best friend I was talking about, I loved her. And when you love something, you're supposed to do all you can to keep it close.

"Camila, you know I did. I just have to do this. I don't expect you to understand, but I was hoping for your support in this." I can tell she's serious, because she called me 'Camila' and not the usual 'Camz'.

"If anything, you guys are the only ones I thought about. You're the only ones who care. My family? I'm stuck with them. But you, Ally, and Norminah chose me and stuck by me. Again, I'm grateful, always will be. But I have to do this for me. And I'm going to talk to Mr. Cabello about it."

"My dad isn't even a recruiter..."

"I know that, but he's got the rank for it. It would be easier for him to become one. And he'd be making good money and wouldn't have to leave as much, only for drill every month and training and stuff.

"And actually, I was talking to him a little bit about this, and he's already started his training and schooling for becoming a recruiter. He'll be done with it - since I know he started already - by the time I'm able to sign up. Which will be at the end of June."

"So what you're saying is, you talked to my dad about him becoming a recruiter, but didn't mention that you wanted him to be your recruiter so you could talk to me first?" I ask, cooling down slightly.

"Yes. And don't worry about your dad. This job will keep him fairly local, he'll be around." Lauren's rough yet soft voice soothes almost all of my worries.

"But not you."

"I don't know." That was a lie. She knew it and I knew it.

"Can... can we just not talk about this?" I ask, not trying to brush aside her interests, it was just starting to upset me and I didn't want to talk about it anymore.

"Of course. Anything you want. But, uh, I'm gonna talk to Dinah, Mani and Ally about it as soon as I can. Just to get it over with," She informs me, and I nod, but I doubt she saw it, as she was now facing the ceiling with her eyes closed.

"Okay. I'm gonna turn off the light."

I listen for a response, but when I don't get one, I just get up and amble to the desk, my same old mahogany desk that I still adored after all this time. Right before I'm about to turn the switch off for the lamp I see a picture sticking out of one of my albums. I remove it, and am met with the same green eyes that started it all, the same green eyes of the girl in my bed right now, the ones I didn't know burned from unshed tears while my back was turned.

Things were going to change. I knew that. It didn't mean I had to like it.


A/N: hi

5k words i'm so sorry wtf

thanks y'all, 2k reads ily 😊

lmao so shawn and austin, huh?


things happened in here i swear i don't even remember bc i have almost lost the entire draft twice

i seem to be incapable of writing shorter chapters

now i'm off to do my math project which is due in... 4.5 hours? i don't think i'm gonna sleep

stay frosty,


updated a/n: if you guys didn't know

—— <-- that means it's the same person's pov, just at a different time
——— <-- this means it's a different person's pov, and it could be at the same time or different time as the previous scene, if you will. if it's any kind of time jump though, i will specify.
———— <-- this means the chapter is over and it's time for my long ass author's notes. 😕

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⁀➷ ☽☀︎ ☆ ➳ TᕼIᔕ Iᔕ ᗩᒪᒪ ᗩᗷOᑌT ᗩᖇIᗩᑎᗩ GᖇᗩᑎᗪE ᗩᑎᗪ Y/ᑎ IᗰᗩGIᑎEᔕ. (ᔕOᗰE ᗰᗩY IᑎᑕᒪᑌᗪE OTᕼEᖇ ᔕTᗩᖇᔕ...) ✧𝔾𝕚𝕣𝕝 𝕩 𝔾𝕚𝕣𝕝 ...
637 39 8
𝘊𝘢𝘮𝘦𝘳𝘰𝘯 𝘊𝘢𝘣𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘰 𝘪𝘴 𝘪𝘯 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘓𝘢𝘶𝘳𝘦𝘯 𝘫𝘢𝘶𝘳𝘦𝘨𝘶𝘪. 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘥𝘰 𝘢𝘯𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘩𝘪𝘴 �...
35.1K 570 9
credits to spending-words on tumblr :) - must be following me 'cause of privacy thing on wattpad was on when I published :( sorry for any inconvenien...
75.1K 1.1K 31
Lol sorry for the crappy titles But um yeah A lot of these are sad because I tend to write when I'm angry or upset, soo just a warning. Some of them...