Rishabala FF : Bewitched

By lazyakabookworm

103K 5.6K 347

Madhu is a witch who is destined to marry the wrong man, and her nani intervenes resulting in Madhu meeting R... More

Part 01
Part 03
Part 04
Part 05
Part 06
Part 07
Part 08
Part 09
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12 (Correct Part Updated)
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17

Part 02

4.9K 296 13
By lazyakabookworm

RK waits outside Madhubala Malik's house thinking on what to do when he spots her come out. He quickly drives towards her house and stops the car. Madhubala, who was locking the gate turns back to see who it was. She curiously keeps looking at him and RK gets out of the car.

Madhu looks at the handsome man and her heart skips several hundred beats. First time, she was seeing someone and feeling like this. "May I help you?" Madhu asks smiling.

Close-up she was even more beautiful and seeing her, his heart was going wild. Maybe because I realize what a danger she is to my brother. "I am Sultan's friend." RK tells her smiling as an idea occurred to him.

"Sultan?" Madhu asks with a confused look.

"Isn't this Sultan's house?"


"No?" RK asks disappointed. "I was told this was his house."

"We just moved in two months back. Maybe he moved away before that."

"Oh!" RK says. "He was my college friend."

"Ah okay... sorry I couldn't help you."

"hey!" RK says brushing it off.

"So... you are getting married... huh?" Madhu asks him.

"Married?" RK asks shocked. Man, she is too much. Already behind my brother at the same time looking for richer men too.

"Yeah... normally when you are getting married only you look for your old friends na? To invite for your wedding?" Madhu asks smiling.

"I was just looking for him to catch up." RK tells her smiling.

"Ah okay! I like your car." Madhu says pointing at his Maserati.

"Thanks." RK says smiling God! She is unbelievable.

"Rarely, see these around."


"Madhubala Malik." Madhu says smiling.

"Rishabh Kundra."

Realizing there was nothing more to say she very reluctantly says, "I guess I'll see you around." She so didn't want to go, she had this unexplainable urge to talk to him, spill all her secrets to him and hear all his secrets.

He had the unexplainable urge to protect her from the world and keep her in his arms all his life where he knew she would be safe.

"See you around." RK says, now that they met, he could "accidentally" run into her tomorrow.

"Are you married?" Madhu asks him.


"Girlfriends? Fiance?"

"Why?" RK asks shocked.

"Do you?"


Madhu smiles at him and asks, "Do you want to have coffee with me?"

God! She was unbelievable! She was asking me out?

Seeing his shocked expression, Madhu shakes her head, "I am sorry, it was such a bad idea. I don't know how to go about all these dating and coffee meeting things. Sorry. Bye."

"Wait!" RK says as he sees her start to walk off.

"You don't have to give me an answer. I am so embarrassed and I know, even you would also be. Let's not just make it worse." Madhu says turning pink.

"All I wanted to say is that I have some time now." RK tells her and smiles seeing her blushing.

"So, you are telling me that you never ask out guys." RK teases her as they sat at the coffee shop.


"I somehow find it hard to believe."

"It is true."

"Then what made you ask me out?" RK asks her, "What made me so special?"

"You are a handsome guy, and I thought you were going to go... and I had this urge to tell you all my secrets and hear all your secrets."

RK looks at her in shock. Oh my God! She is hitting on me like anything. Does she have no shame?

Seeing his face Madhu covers her face and falls on the table in mortifications, "Maasi is so right. I shouldn't be allowed to talk."

"It's okay." RK says smiling. God! She was good. There was something so endearing in her ways.

"I always speak out my thoughts. But never have I been so embarrassed."

"It's okay, Madhu." RK says chuckling.

"We'll not let me talk from now on. You talk." Madhu says.

RK bursts out laughing hearing her, "And how am I to get to know you like that?"

"I don't want to make a fool of myself in front of you."

"You won't." RK tells her smiling.

Madhu happily lies on her bed as she thought about Rishabh. They had talked a lot and she had embarrassed herself even more but he didn't seem to mind it. He kind of understood that she was a little silly, Madhu thought giggling. She sits up in bed, she was so excited. She wanted to tell someone what she was feeling. She couldn't keep it in herself. She thought of talking to nani but then Nani would be apprehensive about Rishabh, after what her father did to her mother she didn't trust normal humans much. She looks around and spots her diary lying there. She had got that so she would start writing about her each day, but she never got around to do it. Excitedly, she hurries to the book and picks it up.

She takes a marker and writers on the cover in bold letters


She opens the diary and starts writing on it.

Today, I met Rishabh Kundra. I don't know much about him; all I know is that I want to spend the rest of my life with him because with him I felt I belonged.

"You got such beautiful eyes." Madhu says as she looked at his eyes lovingly.

RK chuckles, he was getting so used to the way she spoke her mind or rather, trying to trap him in her innocent talk act. He had to admit, if he didn't know her truth then he would have fell for her long back.

"It makes one want to keep looking at it all their life."

"One or you?" RK asks.

Realizing what had she had told him, she moans, "Why do I do this? Why can't I just control my tongue?"

"Relax, Madhu. After the third date, I have become used to your outrageous talks and the unashamed way you hit on me."

"I am such a clown" Madhu says embarrassed realizing he was teasing her.

"That you are but an adorable one." RK says tweaking her nose and Madhu blush purring like a cat.

Yet again, I made a fool of myself but he seems to like it now. I feel he waits every day to see what stupidity I do or say that day. I don't mind that because I know, he means it in a good way. He can never hurt me. Today, he tweaked my nose and I blushed. I love him. I want to tell him about myself but I am scared what if he leaves me like how Papa left Mama? How will I ever live without him? Rishabh Kundra is my life, my love, my everything. Without him I am nothing. Nothing at all because he is the magic of my non-magical life.

It's been over a month, and he knew it was the time for his final act as in three days, Mukund was getting engaged to Madhu and his mother was getting frantic. He just couldn't tell Mukund that he has been dating his girlfriend for the last one month because he didn't know what kind of story Madhu would make up and Mukund being so blindly in love with her might decide to believe her, hell if he didn't know Madhu's truth he would have fought the whole world for her and refused to believe Madhu was nothing but an innocent loving girl. He had to prove to his brother without any doubt that Madhu was nothing but a cheat. RK felt a heavy weight on his heart, every time he thought of Madhu as a cheat his heart felt heavy as if it didn't agree with him. He hated to admit to himself that somewhere in him he had a liking for Madhu and her outrageous innocent talks even though he knew she was a bloody liar. There was truthfulness in her lies, or he felt like that.

Madhu waves at RK as she runs to him happily.

"Sorry, I am late." Madhu says smiling happily, seeing him always made her so joyous, always making her smile like an idiot.

"I just reached." RK tells her smiling. "Get in the car, I am taking you somewhere."


"Get in." RK tells her and without any further question she hurries to the other side and gets in the car.

RK drives the car to his huge mansion. He had realized that for the next step in his plan he had to make her realize exactly how rich he is, so he had brought her to his mansion. He had made sure no one was home so that she doesn't bump into Mukund here.

"WOW!" Madhu goes wide eyed seeing his house. "Whose house is this?"


"Yours?" Madhu turns to him excited.

"Yes." RK says smiling, his plan was working.

"I knew you were rich but not this rich." Madhu tells him as she leaned down in the car seat to look at the height of the mansion.

RK looks at her excitedly looking at his house; it was obvious she was in awe of it. Finally her gold digger side is coming out.

RK parks the car, and they both get out. Madhu excitedly runs inside looking around amazed at the huge hall.

"WOW!" Madhu says and starts laughs when it echoes. "Madhu!" she shouts and laughs hearing the echo. "Rishabh!" she shouts.

RK chuckles seeing her excitement, times like these even he forgot that she was a gold digger.

He takes her hand and runs to his room and she runs with him laughing happily.

"Where are you taking me?" Madhu asks excitedly.

He stops in front of his bedroom and opens the door for her. She steps in and looks at it excitedly. His room was different from his house. It didn't have the over the top decoration the rest of his house. It was done richly but in a simple way. It was so cozy that she couldn't help wrap her arms around herself content.

"I love your room." Madhu tells him as she happily looked around.

Seeing her running around, he holds her and brings her to sit on the bed.

"Sit here."

Madhu sits down smiling at him happily.

"Just a sec." RK says and walks towards the hidden camera and turns it on then he walks back to her.

"Madhu... it's been a month that we have been together and I know it might feel too fast for you but..." RK stops and takes out a ring and shows it to her, "Marry me."

Madhu looks at him as a smile broke out on her face she was about to say yes when she realizes that she couldn't do it. He didn't know the truth about her.

"I want to tell you something." Madhu hesitantly starts.

RK starts frowning, he had thought she would have jumped at this chance. Hell the camera was running and he needed her to say yes before the battery dies down or the memory gets full.

"I hope after you hear the truth nothing changes and you would still ask me the same question." Madhu tells him looking at him hopefully, worried and with lots of trust.

"What is it?"

"I am a witch."




"I can do magic." Madhu tells him.

RK looks at her and chuckles, "I should be pissed at you for cracking such silly jokes during this time."

"I am serious. I am a witch. I can do magic."

"Stop it, Madhu." RK tells her in a superior tone.

Madhu looks around and not finding anything, she takes the ring he was holding and keeps it on the bed. Then starts staring at it. Up you get up! Get up! Levitate. Damn! Why do I forget? I have to imagine. I am imagining it levitating. God, please I want that ring on my finger. I don't want him to go away from me.

"Why are you looking at it like that?" RK asks confused.

"I am trying to lift it up."

RK lifts up the ring.

"Not like that. With magic." Madhu says as she took the ring from him and keeps it back on the bed.

"Stop joking around, Madhu."

"I am serious. Please give me two minutes." Madhu pleads.

RK sighs in reply.

Levitate... I have to prove it to him that I am a witch. I don't want him to leave me like Papa left Mama. Please God... LEVITATE YOU STUPID RING! No... no... not stupid ring.. sorry... sorry... that is my engagement ring... please rise... please... God... don't take him away from me...I'll die.

"Enough, Madhu. I asked you something now answer me, dammit!" RK says getting irritated as he just couldn't understand what she was playing at.

"Please Rishabh, trust me." Madhu begs him.

"There is no such thing as magic, Madhu. Stop wasting time."

"There is... I am a witch but a bad one at that... I can't do magic."

"Neither can I."

"But I am a witch. My nani, maasi, ma they all were witches."


"Yes. Nani and Masi are good witches but I was not born out of true love, so I have no much power."

"True love?" What was she talking about?

"We are children of the nature, and love is the closest thing to nature. So when a witch or wizard is born out of true love, then that powerful they will be. The lesser the love, the lesser power. My Papa left mama when he realized she was a witch. His love was not true because of that I am not a true witch."

"So you are not a witch." RK says confused.

"Yes... but I am one."

"What? Either you are or you are not." RK says exasperated.

"I am one without powers."

RK sighs loudly, "Madhu, my patience is running thin. Stop procrastinating."

"Please believe me. I am a witch. I don't want to keep you in the dark."

"Okay, I accept you are a witch. Now marry me." RK tells her to appease her though he still didn't get what her drama was all about.

"Do you really mean it?" Madhu asks him hopefully.

"Yes. I don't care what you are."

"YES! YES! YES! I WILL MARRY YOU!" Madhu says as she excitedly stood up.

RK stands up ready to throw her out of the house, he had the proof he needed when she throws herself at him and hugs him happily. "I love you." Madhu tells him happily.

And his best laid plan took the most unexpected turn.

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- Lazy

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