The Girl He Saved

By saracha-sauce

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Mina, a 15 year-old girl, is never really noticed by anyone. Her father left Mina and her mother when she was... More

Introduction/ About the Author
Chapter 1. My Savior
Chapter 2. He Came to Me
Chapter 3. My Friend
Chapter 4. Meeting Cana
Chapter 5. Confession
Chapter 6. Her Reply
Chapter 7. A New Friend
Chapter 8. Roomates??
Chapter 9. A Day Out
Chapter 10. First Date
Chapter 11. Our Quarrel
Chapter 12. Hospital
Chapter 13. Christmas
Chapter 14. Is This Fate?
Chapter 15. Please Don't Leave Me!
Chapter 16. Is This Goodbye?
Chapter 17. My Dark Secret
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19. Second Date Part 1
Chapter 20. Second Date Part 2
Chapter 21. Test
Chapter 22. Importance
Chapter 23. Confessions
A/N (Not an official update)
Chapter 24. Secret's Out
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 27

271 17 19
By saracha-sauce

A/N: If you haven't voted yet, please tell me if you think this should be the next cover for Mina or not!! It wouldn't mean a great deal to me...

Mina's POV

It's been almost a week since I left and came back home. My grandfather has been training me nearly all day and night to become a fairly okay empress.

I've even met some princes from other castles. Gramps is trying to find me someone to marry, but it's not working quite so well... I keep rejecting each and every one of them. It doesn't matter how perfect they may be, they're not Sora.

I laid in my bed silently, staring at the ceiling. I wondered how Sora was doing. Was he searching for me? Was he worried? Did he even care that I was gone?

Tomorrow is Sahara-chan's softball game. I need to be there for her and Mikasa-chan and Gracie-chan! I left one ticket on the table at home, hopefully Sora got it...

I closed my eyes and let out an exasperated sigh that I've been holding in all week. I pulled the blankets closer and sleep washed over my tired body in no time.

Sora's POV

I can't believe I let her go... It's all my fault! If I hadn't told her to get out of my life, our relationship wouldn't be in shambles. I haven't gone to school since she left. Cana came by everyday to check up on me, but I never answered the door. I've been miserable since she left one week ago.

I guess Passenger was right by, "You only love her when you let her go."

Mina left on Friday. April 15, 2016 - her 16th birthday. I still have her present in my suit's pocket. I had the whole night planned, all the way until midnight. I would've made it the best night of her life. But, I just had to go ruin everything!

I looked at the small white softball ticket sitting on the table. I noticed it once I got home after looking for Mina all over town. I'm not sure who's game it is, but she might be there. Maybe we can talk.

Although I know it's highly unlikely she'll be there, I can't give up hope. I know where Mina went. She went to the castle again to finally fulfill her grandfather's wish to become empress of Japan. What hurts me most is that she said she wouldn't become empress unless I became the emperor. She's moved on from me. I know it.


Mina's POV

I got up at 5am and took the helicopter back home. I landed it on top of the apartment building around 11am.

I still had my blond hair and regular Mina makeup on, but I wore a hat that shielded my bright hair from sight. I wore a short, flowing white dress that came to maybe three inches above my knees. I also wore matching white wedges.

I slowly walked over to the stadium for the 12pm game. I tried not to bump into anyone I knew from school, including Sora.

At stadium

I took a seat wherever I had a good view. I didn't pay attention to where I sat, or who was beside me. I just sat down.

I kept my head down until the game started, just in case Sora was looking around for me.

As I looked up once the game started, I noticed that Sahara-chan was the pitcher. Gracie-chan played the role of catcher. I watched as she held up three fingers, then two, then three again. The batter swung, but missed. The ball went straight into the catcher's mit with a pleasant smack.

I scanned the rest of the players on the field and found Mikasa-chan standing her ground on third base. She watched the player carefully on second base, getting ready to stop player #7 once she started running and Mikasa-chan catches the ball.

As I watched the game, my mind slowly started to wander away. I started to think of Sora and how I could've saved our relationship by not running away.

Tears started to roll silently down my cheeks. I sunk my head, so no one could see me as I cried. I started to sniffle as more tears came. This was the first time I cried since I left. Now, everything was coming out all at once in one big rush.

"Hey, are you alright, Miss?" a male's voice asked from beside me. I knew this voice. But why did it have to be him, of all people?

I nodded. "Yeah," I lied.

"Are you sure? Why're you crying?" Sora asked as he lifted my head so he could look at me. As soon as I saw his face, I began to cry even harder.

Sora grabbed my hand and stood up. We rushed up the stairs and out of the stadium. We walked towards the bathrooms and he led me inside of the family restroom.

He let go of my hand and I immediately missed his warmth. I watched through my teary eyes as he walked over to the sink with a paper towel and wet it. Sora began to wipe away my messed up makeup and tears.

"Mina..." Sora breathed once he wiped away the dripping mascara from my cheeks. "Why'd you go? I've been worried sick! I looked everywhere fo-"

"You know? I used to have an older sister. Her name was Minorin and she was almost seven years older than me," I started to explain as I looked up at Sora confidently.

"When I was seven years old and she was 14, we were playing in the forest by the castle. We were happily picking flowers, without any worries at all. Out of the blue, a man came out of the dark forestation with a pistol in his hand. It was aimed at my head.

I didn't move. I didn't scream. I just shut my eyes tightly and cowered in fear. I heard two shots go off, I expected to feel so much pain, but I didn't. I slowly opened my eyes, scared of what I would see. On the floor, I saw my beautiful sister laying on the ground in a pool of her own blood. I looked up and the attacker was gone.

I dropped down onto the hard ground next to Minorin. She was shot in both the head and heart. I took her hand and started squeezing it as her life faded away. I prayed, and prayed, but God didn't save her. I could've sworn she was an angel sent from heaven, so I didn't understand why she had to die back then. Minorin saved my life, even though she didn't have to.

During her last few minutes, I asked her why she jumped in front of me, and she smiled at me with both her beautiful, plump lips and her fading green eyes. Her striking brunette hair stuck to her face because of the sweat," I told him.

Sora embraced me in a hug, but I still continued my story from nine years ago.

"You know what Minorin replied back with?" I asked.

"No," Sora replied softly.

"Minorin said, 'I'll always protect what's previous to me. Even if it costs me my life!' Ever since then, that's been my nindo - my ninja way. I can't stand to watch any person that I love get hurt one bit. That's why I had to fight against your father. Don't get me wrong, I was scared, but I couldn't let you get hurt even worse! I had to protect you, no matter what!"

"But... Why?" Sora asked me with a sad tone in his voice.

I smiled faintly. "Because, I love you, Sora. Before Minorin died in my arms, I swore to her that I would protect everyone that I could. That includes you! Now, I don't know if you've noticed yet, but I'm not one to break any promises. I will never back down or change my nindo, Sora. If you can't accept that, I don't know what to do," I explained again to him.

"Yeah, I get that. I'm sorry, Mina. And I'm sorry about your sister. She seemed like an amazing person to be able to throw herself in front of you like that!" Sora exclaimed.

"Yeah, she really was amazing! I swear she was an angel. Minorin was the nicest and most caring person that I have ever met. She was always so graceful and saw the brightest a side of the saddest things. She brought happiness to everyone who laid eyes on her. Minorin was practically the happiness plague or something!" I exclaimed jokingly.

"Man, she always dressed so beautifully too! Her caramel colored hair was always pulled back into a perfect ponytail. Her light brown eyes always glistened in the light so brightly. Minorin had such an imagination as well! We always played fantasy games together. We imagine magical pets all around as well. Near the river in the castle, we always imagined that the fish would fly around us. And squirrels were never just squirrels, they were different mystical creatures. Minorin was the best sister I could ever have..." I continued eagerly.

A/N: The pic above is Minorin and I had to explain that flying fish and the animal beside her somehow... And also, I guess that's part of the castle!

"I wish I could have had the chance to meet her," Sora said, pulling me into a hug. "Now come on! Let's get back to the game. This is the semi-finals of the tournament after all!" he grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the bathroom. He held my hand comfortably all the way back to the bleachers.

I looked at the score board and noticed that Tousei Middle School - Sahara and the other's school - were in the lead by two points already. And it was just the fourth inning!

It was Gracie's turn to bat now.

"Woohoo!! GO GRACIE-CHAN!!!!" I cheered at almost the top of my lungs.

Gracie-chan must have heard because she looked up with startled wide eyes, searching for who the voice came from. Finally, she spotted me and gave me a thrums up. Then, she went back to preparing to bat.

"Wait, hold on! Where's little Gracie??" Sora asked, frantically searching every player on the field.

"Oh come on!! She's the only Tousei player on the field, you idiot!" I leaned in closer to him so that I could almost see out of his point of view and pointed directly at Gracie-chan.

"You fell for it!" he spoke softly in my ear.

"Huh?" I looked at him with an alarmed expression. But before I could ask what he meant, his lips slammed pleasantly into mine. Sparks went flying where he touched me.

"Geez. Get a room you two!" someone behind us shouted jokingly.

I immediately pulled back in surprise. I somehow ended up on Sora's lap, so I got off and sat beside him. I looked at the girl who said that with an embarrassed expression on my face.

"U-um. S-sor- KUSHINA??" I exclaimed. "W-what're you doing here?!"

Kushina started laughing, her beautiful features lighting up and her long apple-red hair blowing in the wind. "Ahh~ Oh man, you two are so friggin adorable!"

"Not as adorable as us though, right Babe?" Minato - the player of the school - asked. I guessed he was her boyfriend. I had to admit, those two were pretty cute together! They just fit somehow, matched!

A/N: That's Minato and Kushina! Yes, they are from Naruto... You gotta admit though, they're friggin adorable, right??

"Well, of course, Sweetie!" Kushina exclaimed with a smile as Minato kissed her on the lips.

I turned back around and payed attention to the game as Mikasa-chan almost hit a home run and Gracie-chan sprinted to the second baseman. She sprinted at full speed and slid feet first to reach the white mat.

"Safe!" the referee called since the second baseman had tagged Gracie-chan's leg late.

Everyone cheered for both Mikasa-chan and Gracie-chan, even though they hadn't scored yet.

"Next up to bat: Sarah Takeda!" the announcer said.

The pitcher pitched this amazing fork ball and Sahara managed to make contact with it. The only thing is, is that it went behind her and came out as a foul. Next was the fastest fastball that I've ever seen in my life. Sahara made a quick swing, but it was an out. The second out of this round I guess you could say. One more out and the teams would have to switch sides.

The next pitch seemed to be a mix between a fastball and a curveball. The softball had some curve, but it was also traveling extremely fast. Sahara swung quickly and made contact. The softball seemed to stop on the bat as she swung. Sahara-chan's bat brought it forward forcefully and it went flying at like 370272 miles and hour.

"Home run!" the announced exclaimed excitedly.

Gracie-chan, Mikasa-chan, and Sahara-chan each ran the field to the home plate. The team received three more points and were in the lead by a long shot. The score was eight to three.

"We'll continue what we started later," I heard Sora whisper in my ear.

My cheeks went a bright shade of red and my eyes went as wide as they could go. "Wh-what?" I asked and looked at him with an alarmed look. He only smiled at me and held my hand.

'Oh man...' I thought.


Hey, I'm sorry I took so long to update!! I've been busy... Busy with what you might ask? Watching anime, reading manga, reading Wattpad, school. Also, I've been reading more because I have to read 26 books (one book for each letter of the alphabet. Ex: PJO The Titan's Curse I had for C and Tangerine I had for T) for reading class. I've read 14 and a half and so I must read 11 and a half more by the end of May to go on some field trip and be outta school.

I really wanna be outta school.

Like I really wanna be outta school. You dunno how bad I wanna be outta school.

Ok, so let's not go into detail about what Mina and Sora will be doing later that night... Let's just say it was how you were born, mkay?

Also, Mina is back home and isn't gonna go back to the castle. At least not yet. The next chapter is going to take place maybe the next week or so.

Ok, so yesterday during gym, we were playing Pacman and I was one of the Pacman guys. And so this guy who's my friend, I was about to tag him, and this is how it went:

Me: *jogging towards him as he just stares and realizes I'm one of the taggers*

Him: What? No!

Me: *keeps walking towards him*

Him: Wait! I love you! *he gets down on one knee and does a huge heart above his head with his arms*

Me: *tags him and starts walking away as I'm laughing* You're supposed to love Christina!!

(He likes her and Christina likes him. Even though she keeps DENYING it!!)



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