
By Tabs95

34.5K 2.5K 481

It is the third week of summer vacation; a time for fun and relaxation since the boys have graduated from the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 - Daniel's Law
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 - Part 1
Chapter 10 - Part 2
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 4

1.8K 144 18
By Tabs95

A/N  The first section, while not graphic, does imply some more mature content.

Waking up in Owen's bed was an amazing experience being marred by the fact that she had a full bladder. Even the full bladder wouldn't have been too bad, but Owen was wrapped around her tightly adding extra pressure to her bladder. "Owen," she whispered.


"Owen," she said a little louder.


"I need to use the bathroom,"

His response was to shift slightly allowing her to get up from the bed. Sitting on the side, she realized that she didn't know where the bathroom was. Sensing her predicament, Owen motioned to a door on the wall on her side of the bed. Standing up, she wandered over to the bathroom.

After using the facilities and brushing her teeth quickly with Owen's toothbrush, her own still in her bag that was forgotten downstairs, she walked back out of the bathroom.

Seeing her, Owen, who had shifted to his side, lifted up the blankets revealing his body. "Come back to bed Darling."

Looking at Owen is perfection. She didn't get to see much of it last night having been occupied on the way to the bedroom so she decided to look her fill now. His pale ivory skin was just perfect and almost glowed in the pale sunlight that was sneaking through the cracks in the curtains. His smooth skin stretched tightly down his neck and over his pecs. It continued downwards following his 2, 4, 6,, 8, no 10 pack. The bottom few were nestled between the wonderful V that points...."Oh boy is it getting hot in here?" she thought to herself as she reached up quickly to check for drool.

Watching Sang come out of the bathroom was a feast for Owen's eyes. When she first opened the door, the light was still on and spilled out around her like a halo. Cursing the fact that he didn't have his glasses on yet, he was still thankful that he could see her. She may have been a little blurry around the edges, but his mind was able to fill in the gaps with what his hands had felt last night.

"Darling come back to bed," Owen said again. "You look cold."

"Cold?" she thought. She didn't know how that could be; she was burning up inside.

Climbing into bed and under the covers, Sang slid right into Owen's arms. Wrapping his arms around her, he felt a moment of remorse when he touched her cool skin. "I should have put a t-shirt on her after she passed out last," he thought as he rolled on top of her to surround her with his body heat. Gazing down into her eyes, he lowered his lips until they met her's and then her skin was cold no longer.


Waking up for the second time a few hours later, Sang found herself alone in the bed. The spot beside her was still warm so she knew that Owen had not been gone for long. Hearing the water run in the bathroom, she realized that Owen was taking a shower and thought that it would be great to surprise him. Just as she was about to get up to join him, the water shut off. Laying back, she decided that she might as well wait in bed for him to finish instead of getting up. She couldn't believe how relaxed she was feeling. Thinking about why, she was soon lost to the world reliving her memories. She didn't even realize that Owen had finished in the bathroom and was standing by the bed watching her.

"Sang," he whispered as he reached out to lightly touch her arm. Slowly the dazed look left her eyes. She looked up at him and gave him her heart stopping smile.

"Darling, why don't you get up and soak in the bubble bath I fixed for you while I prepare us some breakfast," he suggested as he helped her to her feet. He walked her to the bathroom and showed her where everything was. After ensuring that she had everything she needed he headed to the door. "After breakfast, we can continue on with the house tour that we abandoned last night," he smirked as he closed the door behind him.

Sang chuckled as she leaned back to relax in the bath water that had been fixed to the perfect temperature. "I am so lucky," she told herself.


After a wonderful breakfast, made by Owen, and eaten at the cafe table on the back deck, Owen made good on his promise for a tour of their house. In his mind he had already made the switch from his to their's. Throughout the tour he told her all about the house's history. He explained how the open concept kitchen/eating area/family room had all originally been a series of rooms, but he had had all the walls removed to make one giant entertaining room. He had most of the back wall converted into glass windows and doors so that they could view the backyard. Most of them opened all the way so that the the room could be expanded to include the covered deck for indoor/outdoor entertaining. The front of the house contained the living room and the dining room. The dining room was located in front of the kitchen so that the food could be brought in easily.

"It's beautiful Owen," Sang exclaimed when she thought that they had reached the end of the first floor tour.

"Thank you," he replied, "Now on to the office and library area."

"Are they upstairs or in the basement?"

"Neither," he replied. Seeing the look of confusion on her face he chuckled. "This house has hidden secrets," he joked. "Do you trust me?"

"Of course," she affirmed.

"Then close your eyes and let me lead you."

Closing her eyes, she felt Owen reach down and pick her up bridal style. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she cuddled in as he walked. A few seconds later she felt him put her down. He turned her so that her back was against her chest and he wrapped his arms around her waist. "Open your eyes," he whispered into her ear.

Opening her eyes she saw that they were standing in a hallway. Looking to her right she saw the living room through a hidden door panel. To her left she was looking into the family room through another hidden door panel. "This was the servants hallway," he explained to her. "It leads to the servants wing which you can't see from the front of the house."

"You mean the house is L shaped?" she asked.

"It is indeed. Since I have no use for servants, I had some of the rooms converted into a library and offices. There are still a few room that haven't been touched though."

"In other words, even though this house is only two stories, it is bigger than Victor's," she said with a hint of a question.

"It is," he confirmed. "While there are the 5 bedrooms that you passed in the main part of the second floor, the other wing has another 6 bedrooms in it. This way all the boys and even you, have their own room."

"I have a room?" she questioned, her voice filled with awe.

"Of course my Darling." He leaned over her shoulder to give her a quick kiss. Before anything more could happen Owen felt the vibrations of his ringing phone. Pulling it out of his rear pocket he saw that he had received a text from Sean.

Sean: I am all done with rounds and almost done with my paperwork. I need my Pookie.

Owen: I will bring her by shortly. Have you eaten lunch yet?

Sean: Bring something and we can eat together in my office.

Hugging Sang in closer to him he explained that his texts had been from Sean and how Sean was ready for them at the hospital. Hearing this, Sang's face lit up with joy. She turned in Owen's arms before giving him a quick kiss. "Thank you Owen. Now let's go see Sean!"

A/N  I know, no Sean yet, but he is coming. I promise. 😀

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