The Alpha And His Mate

By blackwings17

52.8K 1.1K 118

Becca White is 17 and super excited now that she finally got the apartment she's been wanting for months, but... More

The Alpha And His Mate chapter 1
The Alpha And His Mate chapter 2
The Alpha and His Mate chapter 3
The Alpha and His Mate chapter 4
The Alpha and His Mate chapter 5
The Alpha and His Mate chapter 7
The Alpha and His Mate chapter 8
The Alpha and His Mate chapter 9
The Alpha and His Mate chapter 10
The Alpha and His Mate chapter 11
The Alpha and His Mate chapter 12
The Alpha and His Mate chapter 13
The Alpha and His Mate chapter 14
The Alpha and His Mate chapter 15
The Alpha and His Mate chapter 16
The Alpha and His Mate chapter 17
The Alpha and His Mate chapter 18
The Alpha and His Mate chapter 19
Chapter 20
Untitled Part 21
Untitled Part 22

The Alpha and His Mate chapter 6

2.5K 64 2
By blackwings17

Author's note:

There are two points of views in this chapter. I am not sure how good it turned out, so please let me know. Thanks again to all of those who have been reading my book!!!!


Chapter six

Becca's P.O.V

A cold burning feeling could be felt every time I opened my eyes. My vision would be blurry and would look as though I had tears piling up in my eyes. My breathing became strained as if I was holding my breath for too long.

That's when I realized that the burning feeling, the blurry vision, and the strained breathing was because my head was under freezing cold water.

Everything that happened up to here, just seemed to slowly play through my head while I focused on holding my breath to stay alive. My new place. The three guys. James. The werewolves. Everything.

I was jerked up out of the water by two strong hands.

Coughing up some of the water I had taken in and trying to get some much needed air inside my lungs, before I went back under.

"Tell us who you are and why you are here in our territory." The guy who had been 'interrogating' me for the past few hours said.

"I already told you!! I am not what you think I am!!" I said, my voice hoarse and scratchy. "I didn't even know was trespassing into your territory!" I finished sending the guy a glare.

He spat in my face and before I could hold my breath again I went under.

I could feel my body getting colder every time I went under, even if it was just my head.

This happened for another good hour or so, before he finally stopped and ordered someone to take me back.

I was wet, cold, hungry, and scared. And now chained up like a dog. Why couldn't they just believe me?! I shivered and curled up into a ball to stay warm. I noticed that James wasn't in his cell which meant that they were torturing him and probably worse, since he is an actual werewolf.


I awoke to the sounds of someone yelling, except I recognized the voice. It was James.

I shot up and looked around and saw James being chained up by four guards. James looked terrible. His chest had dry blood and scars that were barely visible. He looked beyond angry, but it was a different angry. I couldn't make it out till I heard one of the guards answer him.

"You think we'd actually let her go and just keep you! You stupid dog!" He said before he raised his hand and what caught my attention the most was that he had long claws extending from his fingers ready to slice into anything.

"NO!! Leave him alone!!!" I said as I stood up in a flash. I was angry now. They just couldn't believe that I wasn't a werewolf. "I'm not like you guys! Just let us go!"

The guard stopped and turned to look at me. Growling loudly and approaching my cell, I realized I made a big mistake. His claws were still out ready to strike, anger etched into his face, and I was the only one standing in that cell with no way to dodge the blow. I coward back until my back hit the wall and I knew this was the end for me. I wasn't going to survive this. There's no way I could. I couldn't take a blow as strong as a werewolf could. I was a human for god's sake.

I whimpered and turned to face James as he was shaking with anger, yet sadness. I couldn't help the tear that trickled down my cheek as I thought of never seeing James or anyone that I cared for again.

"I'm s-sorry James. I'm sorry I-that I dr-dragged you here." I said closing my eyes not wanting to see the blow coming.

And that's when I heard it. The most blood curtailing growl ever!! It was so loud and deep and powerful I peaked my eyes open to see that the guard was no longer in front of me. He was laying on the ground with blood dripping down his head. I looked up to see the one who saved me and I saw nothing, but pure beauty.

For the man that stood in front of me had the most mesmerizing hazel brown eyes I've ever seen. The way he stood in front of me in with his broud shoulders and tall figure. Everything else seemed to disappear and I was completely zoned in on how he looked at me.

James P.O.V

I was being brought back to my cell after hours and hours of torture. They kept asking me how I was able to hide Becca's scent and why we were here. I told them over and over that she wasn't a werewolf or any other creature and that she was human. But did they believe me? No, of course they didn't and because of that I was furious.

I was being brought back to my cell by the four guys who were questioning me. When I thought of something that might save Becca. She was dragged into my world because she smelt like me and I wouldn't be able to live knowing that she died because of me.

"I'l-I'll tell you how to mask your scent on one let the girl go." I said as I glared at the one werewolf who had been whipping me for the past few hours.

"You actually think we'd let her go and just keep you! You stupid dog!" He said, but I could tell that ticked him off pretty good, since his eyes were pitch black.

"Yes I did." I whispered sarcastically and that made him break.

His claws extended and a low growl escaped his throat that only werewolves would've been able to hear. He raised his hand to strike me, when all of a sudden I heard Becca's bloody scream.

"No!! Leave him alone!!" She screamed out. "I'm not like you guys! Just let us go!"

I looked to see her seething in anger. Her body shook a little and that caught my eye. I only knew werewolves did that when we were about to shift. That's when I realized she probably has some werewolf DNA in her. Maybe her mom or dad? No, I would've smelt it from them. Grandparents? Maybe.

I growled when the man started to walk over to Bec's cell. I tried going after the guy, but they had me chained up and held down by the three other guys.

My wolf was furious now. I don't know really why he was so protective of her, but he was. She wasn't my mate that's for sure, but I felt the need to protect her. I could tell that she was somewhat disappointed that humans don't have mates and I would be too.

I kept growling and shouting for him to stop going towards her, but he wouldn't. I could see fear now etched in her whole body as she coward away from him as he entered her cell. She had silent tears streaming down her face. She turned her head towards me and said her last words to me, which crushed me so much.

"I'm s-sorry James. I'm sorry I-that I dr-dragged you here." She said looking me in the eyes before closing them and that's when I lost it and could feel myself shifting into my wolf.

My bones cracked and shifted into place while my canines and claws came out. I threw two of the three guys off of me and was trying to get the third one off, when all of a sudden a loud powerful growl echoed all around the prison floor. The alpha's here. Crap. His growl had my wolf wanting to cower away, but I held my ground.

I looked at the entrance of the prison room and saw the door slam open and there he was, the alpha. He rushed over to where Becca was and shoved the guy away. I could hear the crushing sound of the guys skull break. The alpha looked pissed at the guy before turning his attention to Becca.

I let out a warning growl, before I realized that he wasn't going to harm Bec. In fact, he was just starring at her and until Bec's eyes fluttered opened. At that moment I realized that the alpha had found his mate, Becca. Pure shock filled me as my wolf growled furiously at him in disgust. He didn't deserve her, especially the likes of him.

Author's note------------------

Hey guys! Just wanna say thanks for sticking with me:) and things will start to pick up since they have finally met.

Hope you guys like the way they met:)

Try and get at least 100 votes or comments if you want another update this month. The more response I get, the quicker I will be at writing another chapter:)

Don't forget to vote and comment! :)

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