Hope. **EDITING**

By Oreo_queen0013

175 48 0

A story of a girl looking for hope in a world where it seems impossible The higher you build walls around yo... More

Authors note
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 1

17 2 0
By Oreo_queen0013

I squint through the rain that is currently pouring down as I try to look for some form of a building. 

I notice some faint red flickering lights which usually means that there is a motel there.

I run across the road and sure enough it's a motel.

I run up to the building pushing the doors open and slamming them shut behind me.

I walk up to the front desk while digging money out of my purse hoping that I have enough for at least tonight.

Once I've grabbed the exact amount of money and hand it to the woman across from me I thank her as I grab my room key making my way to room 102.

I come to a halt at the end of the long hallway standing in front of my room door.

I unlock the door stepping inside and closing the door behind me.

I haven't had a dry place to sleep in a couple of days which means no bed, no shower, and hardly any food.

I place the room key on the bed side table while I sit down on the rusty bed.

After laying in silence for a couple of minutes I decide to go down to the lobby to see if they have any food for sale.

I don't bother to grab my key as I'm not planning on locking my door behind me anyways.

I walk down the long hallway to the "lobby" if you can call it that, where I am hopping to find someone at the front desk. Of course, with the luck I have  there is absolutely no one around.

I wait for about five minutes before I decide that even though it's only about seven I will go to bed anyways and not worry about eating.

The meals I've missed and the traveling I've been doing, mainly walking, had kind of made me more and more tired everyday. Some days I don't even know if I can move.

The cold I have from sleeping outside and the amount of rain we get in England isn't exactly helping either.

I sigh turning to walk down the hallway all the way back to my room.

I keep my head down while sniffling a lot.

It's not until I've fallen onto my butt that I realize someone else is Also in this building.

"Sorry love." I hear a deep voice say. I notice their hand out stretched towards me offering me their help. I greatly accept it.

Once I'm on my feet I decide to look up coming face to face with some really tall, emerald green eyed, curly, brown hair man.

"Oh um, s-sorry about that." I awkwardly apologize, quickly averting my gaze back down to the ground.

"Oh it's okay, it was my fault too, I'm a bit clumsy at times." The man laughs, his entire face lighting up, his eyes crinkling ever so slightly and dimples in his cheeks becoming very obvious.

"y-yeah me too." I nod attempting smile although it probably comes across as though I'm constipated.

The stranger just stands there staring me down a look on his face that I can't say I recognize.

He's probably trying to figure out if you're even worth his time a voice in my head subconsciously tells me.

"Harry." The stranger eventually speaks breaking me from my thoughts.

It takes me a minute to register that he has his hand outstretched and has just introduced himself to me.

"Oh um, i-I'm Jade." I speak quietly as I shake his hand.

"Well it was a pleasure to meet you miss Jade but I'm afraid I must be going, I'm supposed to be checking out of here, like an hour ago."

"Uh y-yeah okay, bye." I awkwardly wave as he walks away waving and giving me one last smile.

I promise I never used to be this awkward around people. I just have a really hard time trying to trust people now. I don't want to say this because I don't want it to sound like I'm having a pity party for myself, but I come from a pretty fucked up background.

Which long story short, is how I ended up here and on the run.

I head back into my room deciding on taking a shower, something I haven't had in about a week and a half.

When I'm done my shower I decide to just lay in my bed and go to sleep. To be quite honest, my life at this point is really going nowhere. I don't have any family left, at least not that I know of, and I have no set destination. I'm just running.

It doesn't take me long to fall asleep. Something I don't particularly like doing, the nightmares tend to be pretty bad. Only it used to be a living nightmare, and I'm extremely afraid of it happening again.


I stick my thumb out for probably the twenty seventh time today, just hoping that somebody will stop for me.

I continue to walk down  the long highway as the car speeds by, whipping my hair in every direction possible.

After about another twenty minutes of me walking, a fancy black car pulls up beside me.

I stop in my tracks to look through the window at whoever has stopped.

A guy with olive skin, jet black hair and sunglasses who looks to be about my age peers at me.

"you want a lift?" The guy politely asks me to which I nod.

I walk around his car to he passenger side and hop in.

"Where are you headed?" I ask him so that I can hopefully pin point approximately where I am. And how far from home I am. How far away from him I am.

"Oh I'm just passing through the area, headed to London." He explains to me as ye at begins to move again, slowly accelerating every second.

I nod at him and play with my hands.

"You can just drop me off at the next town." I tell him while I begin to fiddle with the gold heart locket around my neck.

I don't hear him respond and I don't look up to see if he heard so I just assume that he must have nodded or something of the sort.

After about ten minutes of us driving in what I can tell is the middle of nowhere, I notice the guy, whose name I have learned is Jake, pull down a dirt road that is surrounded in nothing but trees and grass.

"Um, I-I think you took a wrong turn." I attempt to politely point out so that he doesn't get mad.

"No." He shakes his head turning to me with a mischievous grin on his face. "I just have a better idea."

I get a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach, feeling as though I may vomit at any given minute.

Just judging from my past usually the words I have a better idea used with that tone of voice aren't usually a good thing.

Eventually Jake pulls over on the side of the, what seems to be, abandoned road.

"Do you have anyone waiting for  you in this town or?" Jake asks me looking genuinely concerned, like he might actually care.

"Well n-no. I mean, I'm eighteen I am allowed to live on my own. I j- I just needed a change in scenery." I attempt to lie. Given by his current facial expression, him taking off his sunglasses, eyes filled with lust and him buying his bottom lip, I get the feeling that he doesn't believe a single word I just said, other than the fact that no one is waiting for me.

"Well in that case, I say we have some fun." Jake whispers in a creepy way as he unbuckled his seat belt to lean over the middle  console to kiss me.

I try to push back but my lack of food and sleep has made me quite a bit physically weaker than I  would normally be.

He climbs on top of me as he continues to force himself on to me,his hands groping my body.

He grabs on to my shirt, trying to pull it off. I protest by keeping my hands down but he doesn't take that very well.

He practically rips the buttons on my shirt off almost having it completely off when I suddenly unlock the door and opening it without him noticing.

The both of us topple out of the car and onto the dirt road.

I wince in pain as my knee comes across a sharp rock, cutting my knee which causes it to heavily bleed.

I ignore the pain and blood as I currently have bigger problems at hand.

I turn to see Jake standing above me with something in his hand.

It takes me a minute to realize that he has an open pocket knife pointed towards me.

Before I can react he lunges at me, stabbing me in the leg which immediately draws more blood.

"You fucking bitch!" He screams in my face as he grabs a fistful of my hair in his hand yanking hard.

"Ow." I choke out as I try and fail to push him away.

He keeps trying to force himself onto me as I continue to try and push him away. 

I realize now that maybe there is a reason you're not supposed to hitchhike.

Just when I think I've lost all hope I hear something speeding down the dirt road. 

Jake must have heard it to as he grabs my throat, choking me and smashes my head on the ground, hops in his car and speeds away, gravel flying everywhere as his tires screech and his car swerved down the road.

I try to stand up but when I do I'm in to much pain to move that I just end up collapsing back onto the road.

I begin to cry which only causes my throat To hurt even worse.

I suddenly notice that someone is standing over me but I can't look up to see who it is as it hurts to much to lift my head.

Without saying anything the steamer picks me up bridal style and places me in there vehicle.

I try to protest but no noise comes out of my mouth and so I just sit there with my mouth open and a few squeaks coming out every once in a while.

Knowing my luck in provably getting kidnapped now.

What a fucking wonderful day.

It's not until we begin to drive that I notice how dry my throat is and how much my entire body, including my head, are aching.

I tried to keep my eyes open but after awhile the pain and exhaustion is to much for my body to handle as I eventually slip into a deep sleep, but not before I catch a glimpse of the stranger who picked me up.

Harry's POV

I pull up to be older house putting my car in park and immediately getting out of my vehicle, rushing to the other side to pick up the girl to carry her into my house.

I grab her and immediately my shirt is covered in her blood.

I rush into my house that I hadn't bothered to lock as no one really comes this way anymore.

I rush into my bathroom, the girl still passed out in my arms.

I turn on the bathtub letting it fill up with warm water.

Although I'm sure she would be mad at me for ding this as it kind of invades her privacy, I'm sure she would be more mad if I didn't. If that even makes any sense.

I carefully strip her of her wet, torn, blood stained clothing as place her in the bath tub that immediately turns a reddish colour from her blood.

I grab a wash cloth as I begin to carefully wipe the blood, dirt and rocks off of her, all while attempting to hold her up so that she doesn't drown.

I notice a huge gash on her leg that most of the bleeding is coming from, although it has begun to slow down by now, along with a ton of bruises all over her body, cuts on her thighs and a cigarette burn on her hip.

After I'm done washing her I carefully take her out of the tub wrapping her in a towel and bringing her into my room.

I find a hoodie and sweatpants of mine that I carefully dress her in.

When I'm finished I lay her in my bed making sure to carefully tuck her in to make sure bag she stays warm.

Just as I'm about to leave I notice some dirt on her face bag I forgot so I lick my thumb and wipe it away.

As I'm wiping it I notice her eyes. And they are bright blue eyes, ones that I would and could never, even if I wanted to, forget.

And I remember who she is.

Is hard to think that one minute someone seems like a slightly happy girl who you meet in a motel.

And then all of a sudden they're not.

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