Cross My Heart // Harry Styles

By needmoreharry

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Gwen was trapped working in a restaurant kitchen by day, and made to be another type of "worker" at night, bu... More



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By needmoreharry


I wasn't surprised obviously, when Emma texted me and asked to meet me at a coffee shop in town. I knew what she wanted, and I was prepared to tell her how I really felt about Louis and Gwen. I'd hold nothing back. I'd tell her how heartbreakingly hard it is sometimes, especially when it's overwhelmingly obvious sometimes.

But I'll tell her also, how I know that the heart can love two people, and obviously there'll always be a favorite, and for Gwen, that favorite will always be me. And that if given the chance and plenty of time, Lou's favorite can be Emma some day. I know it can. I can see how he looks at her sometimes.

I can also see how he's holding back, too. Either because he doesn't feel like trying to love someone else, or because he's afraid of trying to love her, and she'll leave him if she gets too uptight about his feelings for Gwen. It's got to be so hard for him, and I know he doesn't CHOOSE to love Gwen. And I know he'd do anything to make his feelings disappear other than the love of friendship, if he could. He didn't ask for this hardship. But you can't help but to love who you love.

I'll tell her all about my history with Louis, and how close we are, and how he's been there, blah blah blah....I've been there, yadda yadda yadda, and all of that stuff, that makes me trust him. I'll do what I can to make it sound better than it is, but only a little....because I want he and Emma to work. Not just because I want him to find someone and leave Gwen alone. But because I want him to find THE one, and be truly happy like I am. And she seems as close as "the one" that he's ever gotten, so far, so.....

We left Emma's flat in the morning after Emma cooked us all breakfast. Gwen tried to help, but Emma said she wanted to do this for us all. We got back to our flat, and realized......Lou's still at Emma's!


So yeah. That happened. A little loving. Followed by a little rough. In a few different places. The second time was just after I had chased her through the flat, with my ready again She was trying to escape me, with an "I'm too sore" excuse, but she sort of teased me at the same time, so I told her I was gonna tear that up, sore or not, and she ran. Naked. All over the flat. And I chased her, stiff in hand. Yeah. Picture THAT.

You're welcome.

I finally caught her in the kitchen, and ended up taking her on the floor. She fought me, but it was just more of a turn on. For me and for her.

While we recovered on the cool floor, which felt GREAT, compared to our sweat covered bodies, she asked me what I had hoped she'd forget from last night's intense game of truth or dare.

Yeah. She didn't forget.
She asked me about me doing stuff with a man, and if it had anything to do with Lou's yes answer.

So, I told her. I plainly told her about the time when Lou and I were like 15 or 16 and we jer.ked off together...and jer.ked each other off. And then a few nights later, jer.ked off next to each other, under our blankets.

She was SHOCKED. She sat there watching me talk, with her hand over her mouth so I could only see her wide eyes bulging out.

I told her to google it. Teen boys do that all the time. It's just....something that happens. Feeling new feelings in their bodies, they get horny, talk to their friends, happens. Google it. It's VERY common. It's almost like a rite of passage through puberty for boys, really. It doesn't mean anyone's gay or bisexual, either. It's just....young people exploring. Girls do it too...I just get the sense that boys do it more. I mean...didn't ya ever hear the term 'circle jer.k'? I had a friend that used to tell me all about he and his friends doing circle jer.ks in the woods, actually. So I didn't feel bad. He invited me along a few times, but I refused. I felt weird enough about what Lou and I had done, and I didn't want MORE on my mind.

So she was shocked, and sometimes she'd laugh at me, and then feel bad for laughing. She admitted that she had a feeling that when we BOTH said we'd messed around with a man before, that it might have been each other. Cause...why not? We were always together. We were close. And that probably, in a strange, sick way, made us closer in the long run. I dunno. It was...another experience we'd shared, really.

Of course she teased me that she'd never thought of us together before, but the thought sort of....intrigued her, ever since she found out it was a turn on for Emma. I told her she can have fun with her intriguing thoughts, and imagine us doing whatever her per.verted little heart desires, cause that's all it's ever gonna be. IMAGINATION.
She laughed and said "You wouldn't do that for me?"


"If I reeeeeeeeally wanted it?"


"You don't love me enough? You said you'd do ANYTHING for me, ya know!"

"Except that. But nice try babe!" I chuckled.

"Not even if I was about to die and that was the only way you could save me?" she kept teasing, relentlessly.

"Then I'd fvck the SH.IT out of Tommo. Suck his like a fvckin' popsicle for you, babe."

She snorted, she laughed so hard, and that ended that conversation.

She went and got her phone and started looking stuff up. Starting with circle jer.k. (She's always one for learning all that she can!)
And there everything was, right there on her screen, on Wikipedia. "A circle jer.k is a sexual practice in which a group of men or boys form a circle and mas.turb.ate themselves or each other......Circle jer.ks are typically an experience of adolescents, teenagers, and college students..."......etc etc etc.....
I told her to NEVER mention it to Lou, because he'd probably freak if he found out I told someone. I've never told a single soul in my life about it until now. Of course, he probably told Emma if she happened to ask, so...

I wondered how he felt last night when we both got asked that question. He was probably freaking out. Not something we...advertise. But yet...some guys, do! Some guys openly admit they fucked around as a young teen. Yeah. I'll just keep my mouth shut, thanks. It's embarrassing. Not that there's anything wrong with it...

We finally got off the floor, and she said "I've decided that I will NEVER play truth or dare again".

I said "That's actually a good idea. It's actually meant for young teens. Ya know, kiss this person, oooooooh, kiss that person, ooooooh, have you ever been felt up,'s not meant for adults, with complicated going on, that's for sure!"

We got showered and dressed, and it was time for my meeting with Emma. I made sure a zillion times and studied Gwen's face each time, to make sure she wasn't jealous of our meeting up. She swore she wasn't. As long as we didn't kiss or anything, she joked. I assured her, THAT wouldn't be happening.

She kissed me and sent me off on my way.

The talk with Emma went well. Just listening to her talk, she did remind me a lot of Gwen. Obviously so different, but a lot of the same common things. Like their loyalty and willingness to struggle through to keep the one they love. And her honesty....I don't know if this was new for Emma or not, since Lou told her about the refreshing honesty, but it was nice.

She held onto every word I said, thinking it all over really deeply the entire time.

She had LOTS of good questions, and some of them, she asked more than once, because she just couldn' the answers into her head.

But I think she left feeling like she could take this on with Lou. She admitted to me that there was another guy she liked, that she'd started to sort of get to know right before I found her number for Lou and he called her. She kind of put him on the back burner, because she remembered she'd really liked Lou at the party, but she was still wondering if she made the right choice. And she still likes him more than she should, but she knows that she likes Lou better. Lou's more for her, the other guy isn't. So she kind of understood a little bit, which helps as to why she's so understanding about Lou.

I told her she needs to tell him about that guy. Because he doesn't deserve to get blindsided and hurt, when he's being open and honest with her. She promised she would.

She also tried getting "more info" out of me, like she had told Louis she felt like there was more.

I told her "That's for Lou and you to talk about."

I didn't know WHAT to say. I didn't want to LIE to her face, especially when I was the one she was needing so much truth from right now. And I knew Lou had to tell her the rest. And I was gonna text him as soon as I left the coffee shop, to tell him to. I told him to still use the "bad people" thing about Gwen, instead of "she was forced to be a pros.ti.tute". Keep that whole story for now, but tell her they found us and took us, and yeah. All that stuff....

On the way back from the meeting, I thought it was the perfect time to stop in and check on Gwen's Christmas presents. We had said we'd just get each other little stupid things, for something to put under the tree, but I had other secret plans. So I stopped in, and talked to the sales person a little bit, and then went back home. My gift was going as planned.

I'd almost forgotten to text Lou on the way, but I finally did. Told him to tell Emma everything, But ONLY if she gave him the thumbs up. If she wasn't gonna stick around, people didn't need to know this stuff.

He texted back a thank you for the thumbs up, and he'll try to keep it light.

There were only a few days left until Christmas. We still had to finish up planning the family parties. We discussed having both families together at once, but we had done that a few months ago, and it was fun and all, but we wanted to have them over OUR place. With OUR Christmas tree. Just...home sweet Christmas...with our families. So, we decided to have two separate parties. Same thing...different people. My family's party first, then hers the next night, which was Christmas Eve.

Then Christmas day, I told Gwen we'd spend together, in our pajamas, probably cuddled up all day. With Santa hats on perhaps. Lou had gotten us all hats, with our names glittered on them and all. He was buzzed at the mall with Emma the other night, and yeah. That's what he chose to spend his money on. I wasn't sure if he'd be over here on Christmas day or if he'd be at Emma's flat. She said her annoying cousin would be there, so they'd most likely be here.

Two Days Later......


Any second now, Harry's family would start showing up. His parents, sister, and some cousins, aunts, uncles, etc...even his Grandma was coming, from Ireland. I'd really not met many of these people, so I was nervous again. What if they didn't like me?

Louis and Emma were here for this party, too, because Lou is "part of their family", so that was cool that he'd be here.

People started pouring in, and it seemed like everyone got there at the same time. Hugs at the door, greetings, Happy Christmases, all made it get suddenly loud in the flat. Amazing, because just a few minutes ago, I was lighting some candles and listening to background Christmas music. And now...voices everywhere. Laughter. Smiles. Love......

This was my first Christmas party, and it was really cool.

I always tried to picture what kids with their own families Christmases were like, when I was in the orphanage. We'd watch Christmas movies, and you'd see everyone gathered together in most of them, and I wondered. I longed for it. Every year was sort of sad, knowing that another one went by and I still wasn't adopted. And when I got news that I was going to be adopted, Christmas parties and family was among the first things I thought of.

Hmph. Little did I know.....

I thought a little too much there for a second, and I started to feel....anxious. I felt sad. Sad for myself. For missing 23 years of this. I tried to walk around and make sure the snacks were filled, and the cups were near the drinks, and stuff like that, but I kept tearing up. To the point where I was having trouble controlling it.

I looked at Harry, who was hanging with his grandmother, who I knew he was super excited to have here. I didn't want to bother him, so I didn't.

Why was I ruining Christmas already? I looked around the room for inspiration. To show myself that I'm happy NOW. That I the wait was worth it. But all I saw was flashes of me raising my hand for hand me down toys, that would come in huge bags. And I saw...the cellar. We sometimes overheard stuff, and knew it was around Christmas time, so that was really depressing for us all in that place, when one of us would realize it was the holidays.

As I looked around at everyone here, so happy, some of them giving each other small gift bags with small trinkets of "I thought of you" gifts...I started to tear up more, and breathe heavy.

Suddenly a warm hand was around my arm, pulling me across the kitchen. It pulled me down the hall and into the back bedroom, which was our bedroom. I was in a daze, and I didn't even bother looking at who was pulling me. I was focusing on not passing out, and trying to steady my breathing.

The hand stopped, closed the bedroom door, and pushed me gently against it.

I finally looked up, to see Lou holding both of my shoulders, looking into my eyes.

I looked around frantically, then at him, still breathing heavily.

"Lou? What are you.....why" I tried to talk.

"Gwen. Gwen, look at me. Please just look at me. Breathe. Breathe slowly Gwen. You got this. Come on, breeeeeeeaathe........take a lonnnnnng breath........ok, now out..........there you go. No, look at me. Look at my eyes, Gwen. Do you need to sit? Are you gonna pass out?"

" I think I'm not......"

Lou waited, looking me over carefully the whole time as I breathed like he told me to.

"Feeling better yet?" Lou asked.

I was too busy breathing in my nose, and out my mouth, to answer him. Or was it supposed to be the other way around?!

"Ok. I think....I think I feel better now. My vision's coming back more. What was did you know....?"

"I came in to ask you where the rest of the cheese was, and you were like....not even there! You looked like hell! Your eyes were all glassy, and....yeah. So here we are. What's up? Aren't you feeling well?"

"Oh......right. Yeah, no. I was looking at the wonderful people all here, and this is my first Christmas party ever. My first REAL Christmas at all, and I started getting flashbacks of other Christmases when I was a kid, and in that place, where we never really even knew it was Christmas, and how wonderful this all is, and how I missed 23 years of this. I got like.....sad for myself. Sad for my 23 years of being alone and trapped, while this was going on. While Harry had his family with him every year, pinching his cheeks because he was getting so big, and people giving each other small gifts....

I just got....sad. Even though I'm so overwhelmingly happy right now. I am, Lou! I love this. I love everyone out there. This is the greatest thing ever, and I'm in here. Ruining YOUR time."

"Well, you know any time I get with you alone isn't ruined time, so you're wrong right there. I'd rather be doing this, than mingling out in the party, any day. But enough about me....I just wanted to get you out of there, so you didn't pass out or something and be embarrassed. That's all. So you're feeling better now?
You know, concentrating on what you've already lost, is gonna make you lose ANOTHER Christmas."

"I know. I know. I was trying to look around and snap myself out of it, but I just got...overwhelmed.

Thank you Lou. Thanks for being there to swoop in and save me. I wanted to get Harry, but he's spending time with his grandmom, and he was really excited about her coming, so...I didn't want to bother him with my stupid mental crap. You can go back to the party too, ya know. I'll just....sneak to the bathroom and get myself back in shape, and come out...."

"Nope, I'm not leaving you until you're all good again. If I have to sit here and crack jokes or something, I will. I'll do it! Watch out, lady.....I'm not scared! I will crack those jokes. And they will be SOOO bad...sooo'll wish you were passed out!"

He was making me laugh now, which felt good.

A knock at the door scared the hell out of me. The door knob turned, and I was pushed forward, until whoever it was, noticed the door was blocked.

I stepped forward as Lou moved backwards, and Harry appeared.

Oh good. I didn't want to have to explain stuff to anyone else.

"What's up in here?" Harry looked at us both with no real emotion.

"Babe, I was losing it out there. Lou noticed, and he pulled me in here before I passed out or made a scene, thank God. I didn't want to bother you. I looked for you, and you were smiling and hanging out with your grandmom, enjoying her every word, and I didn't want to bother you......." I stepped towards him and rested my head on his chest, with my arms cuddled between us. He wrapped his arms around me, and tightened.

"What was this about jokes??"

"She was feeling better, so I was trying to make her laugh", Louis finally spoke. "I'll go back out there...leave you guys alone." He walked around Harry towards the door, and I put my hand out and pulled his shoulder, missing mostly, but he still stopped and looked back.

"Thank you Lou. Thank you for swooping in."

He nodded and smiled, then gave Harry a nod, and walked out.

"So you're alright? What happened?" Harry asked, as he pulled me over to the bed to sit. He sat next to me and held my hands, rubbing them with his thumbs as I told him how I started to break down out there.

I started getting teary eyed again as I told him, and he hugged me tightly and waited patiently for me to get myself under control.
Then he started talking about some of his relatives that were in the other room still. He did some funny impressions of a few of them, and I gradually started to feel better and laugh.

We laughed, and hugged, and even kissed. He told me how happy he was tonight, and how he loved showing me off to all his family, and how this was our first Christmas together, and he told me that he loved the parties, but he couldn't wait mostly for the day together. Even though it would be like any other day, except for a few gifts to open in the morning...he still couldn't wait. Because no matter what you're doing, he said, it still feels different on Christmas day. It just does.

I told Harry to give me a proper loving kiss, so I could be distracted and get back out to the party. He did. It was so proper, we ended up laying on the bed, moaning into each other's mouths, grinding slightly, his hand going up my dress.

"Harry! What would your little old grandma say if she got lost on the way to the toilet and came in here by mistake?" I teased him.

" She'd probably give me the thumbs up and close the door for us!" Harry joked and we laughed as we got our clothes straightened out and walked out with one final kiss.

"I'll be watching you, alright? But if I miss anything, please come get me, alright? No matter who I'm talking to. It's alright.", Harry said.

"I know you'll always be there for me. And if you're not, you still will be, because your right hand man will be. So I'm always covered", I smiled and we got to the party again. His hand was holding mine, and he brought me over to his aunt and uncle and one of his cousins, and I started all over again, and this time, it went well.

And everyone seemed to like me. Of course, they didn't know my story. Harry's immediate family were the only ones who knew about me, as per Harry's instructions.

The next day, was Christmas Eve. Harry and I woke and made love. We did it in an odd way. Usually from behind isn't the most romantic position, and it's more a sexy type thing. But somehow, he pulled it off. He made love to me, romantically and slowly, from behind, and it was mind blowing.

After all this time, our se.x life was still like....brand new. Sometimes I couldn't wait till we got time for se.x. I'd literally crave it all day, knowing it would be out of this world.

We layed in bed, out of breath, and talked about the party last night, because we were way too exhausted from the party, to even clean up, so we passed out pretty much the second the last person left the flat. We was tired. We was.

We walked out and I stopped in the toilet. When I came out, Harry was just backing away from Louis. It looked like they had just hugged.

"There's my lady. I was just thanking Lou for...what did you call it? Swooping?" Harry said to me.

"Yes. He swooped in and saved me from total embarrassment and from ruining the party."

"Where's Emma? Still sleeping?" I asked.

"Nah, she left about an hour ago. She helped me clean up a bit, then said she had to get ready for her own family stuff tonight with her cousin", Lou said.

I looked around. "Holy! It's like....there was never a party in here last night! You guys did all this?"

"YeP. We got bored....we were done having se.x, and we didn't want to lay there and listen to you guys, so we occupied ourselves." Lou laughed.

"How come we couldn't hear you, if you could hear us?" I asked, confused.

"Cause WE have some self control, I suppose!"

"Oh. Heh", I laughed and looked at Harry who was pouring cereal for us both.

"Want some?" he asked Lou, and he said he'd already had some. "You can't have control when you drive your partner mad with pleasure. I guess you just don't have it like I do, mate!"

That earned Harry punches from both of us, then laughter all around.

We got ready for party number two. Same candles lit, mostly the same types of foods, only new batches. And before everyone started arriving, both Harry and Lou sat on the couch while I buckled my heels, and asked if I'd be alright this time, or did they have to be on call. They both stood there like security guards at my service. Dorks. I told them I should be fine...but now it's MY family coming over, could get emotional.

We'd insisted Lou stay for my family party too, since he was a huge part of my life. My little three person...well, four person now, family, so he should be here too.

They both saluted me, and said they'd be watching my every move. Then they broke out into song. Yes. You guessed it. Every breath you take, by the Police.

Did I mention they are dorks?

I shook my head, and the first knock at the door came.

Party time.


This party went just as well as last night's. Even better because Gwen was surrounded at Christmas by HER family. She had a family now, and she loved every second. This was another of her wishes a long time ago. She said she'd love to have her family all together at Christmas, and have a REAL Christmas, so I made sure that happened for her, and luckily, they all arranged their other parties and stuff, just so they could ALL be here for Gwen's first real Christmas. It always made me smile, when I thought of how lucky she ended up, that her family accepted and loved her. It could have been really different, and she knows that.

They all came in with gifts. Some for each other, and some for me, some for Lou and a lot for Gwen. I instructed everyone to put all the gifts under the tree, so Gwen could see what it looked like piled up in real life.

She was busy talking and greeting everyone, so she didn't notice it till about a half hour later.

I watched as she noticed it, from across the room. I was talking to her Uncle Sam, and I stopped him from talking, and silently pointed to Gwen.

I moved a few feet and tapped Lou on the shoulder, and pointed to Gwen again.

We all three, and whoever else happened to notice in the room, watched as Gwen stood there looking down at all the gifts. They were for everyone, but it did look beautiful all under the tree. Colors and shapes, and ribbons and bags and sparkles, reflecting the lights from the was cool. But watching her was even cooler. She took a few steps, and put her fingers to her lips for a second, then took them down and took a few more steps. She just stood there taking in the scene, her mouth open in amazement. I was a little nervous that she'd be overcome with emotion and run out of the room or something, but she kept it together. I was about to go over to her, because I saw her lip tremble in the warm lights. She blinked a few times, and I saw Lou stiffen up too. We were both ready to "swoop".

But she put her lips together and smiled, and both of our shoulders slumped a little in relief.

She grabbed her phone from the nearby table, and took a few pictures. Good idea.

She turned right to me, as if she knew I was watching her, and a beautiful smile spread across her face, but it didn't end there. It was as if her smile took over her entire body. With the Christmas tree glowing beautifully behind her, it looked as if her smile shot out from her body. She was a sight. My God.

Uncle Sam put his hand on my shoulder, and told me "Get over there, buddy!" and pushed me a little bit. I wanted to go to her, but I had been sort of....stuck. Just watching her. Loving her. Feeling happy for her. And her beautiful silouhuette in front of the lights....I was awestruck by her and the happiness that seemed to beam out of her entire being.

It was ME now, whose bottom lip was trembling. It was me, who had the glassy eyes. It was me now, cursing the 23 years that I didn't know this beautiful, loving soul existed. Let alone, the conditions she was existing in all that time.

Uncle Sam pushed me again and joked "Your mascara's gonna run, mate!" and I was finally able to get my feet to move. Gwen was still standing there smiling to me across the room, and I closed in on her quickly, and pulled her into my arms when I reached her.

"My God I love you so much Gwen. You are the most wonderful and beautiful creature I have ever seen", I whispered to her, and I dipped her backwards, and leaned down and kissed her passionately.

"Merry Christmas baby", I added when we ended the kiss.

Everyone else had finally noticed our little to do by the tree now, and when I pulled her back up, they all clapped and "awwwwwwww'd".

Gwen tried to tell me Merry Christmas, but her eyes teared up like crazy, and she hugged me.

"I'm ok....I'm happy..." she told me right away, because I had been ready to pull her away to privacy.

"I love you Harry. I'm the luckiest girl in the world. I was even before I met all of these people. But now, there's no one luckier than me. NO ONE. You are my everything. Forever. Thank you for my life, Harry", she whispered to me, and I laughed out a sob. My tears were falling now too. Everyone was still watching us, and I was aware of that, but I didn't care one bit. All that mattered was this girl in my arms, looking up at me like I was her hero. Her entire life. And that felt good.

We were whispering to each other, so it's not like anyone could really hear us, and they'd gradually started talking again, which I was glad for.

"Thank you for trusting me to give you your life. Because you took a chance on me, you gave me MY life", I told her and we both gave a sob, and pulled in close together and kissed once, then hugged tightly. I rocked her gently as if we were slow dancing next to the Christmas tree.

We rocked there for a few minutes, finding the beat of the Christmas music that was playing lowly in the background. Every once in a while, she'd look up at me and we'd smile and bury our heads together again.

Finally we came out of our own little world of happiness, and walked around and started mingling again, not wanting to let go of each other, but soon we did, and continued on the party. Soon, I got a text. There were a bunch of pictures. From Lou. A picture of Gwen standing near the tree, from the side, with her hand on her mouth. One of me dipping her down. This was like...THEE best picture of us I'd ever seen. This was instantly my absolute favorite, and probably would be for all time. Like, you could put this in my grave with me. I already mentally planned it, it was so good.

He'd captured us at the perfect moment of the dip, when our lips weren't quite touching yet, but I was leaned down really close to her face. Our right hands were intertwined out to the side of us, and my other was on on her back, and hers on my shoulder as she held on tight. She wasn't expecting the dip, and I remember her gasping in surprise. Her dress hung down towards the floor absolutely perfect like a romantic 1920's movie or picture. The lighting from the tree behind us...our silouhuettes, and the look on our faces that you could see, but it was dull light......our faces were filled with pure love. The way I looked down at proud she was mine. And the way she looked up at me, so fragile, yet so strong from love........I stared at the picture for a while. I couldn't stop.

The other pictures were of us dancing. They were also beautiful. But the "dip" pic....I could actually cry, just looking at it.

A hand was on my shoulder, and I looked up. It was Lou.

"Best picture I've ever shot in my entire life, right there. You're very welcome", he realized it too, how good this picture was.

"I'm speechless, Lou. Thanks bro."

"Hey...all I did was click. You guys did the rest", Lou was right. Our feelings made this picture this amazing.

Gwen was suddenly at my side, and I looked over to her. Then I did a double take. She had tears in her eyes again. She was staring at.....her phone.

She looked past me at Lou.

"Wow!" she said, then turned to me. "I see you saw this one?"

"Can't take my eyes off of it!" I said.

"Neither can I!" she laughed.

"Look how in love we are! This will be my favorite pic of ALL TIME, I think", Gwen announced.

"Babe, that was my first thought too! Exactly!" I told her, and we were all cute and shocked at our twin thoughts, and we leaned in and kissed. Then I gestured to her to follow me, and I turned and grabbed Lou into a hug, and she followed. We squoze him to death and smothered him with love. He acted like he was trying to get away, but I knew he loved the love and attention.

We finally got out of our bubble again, and had a great night with all Gwen's family.

Louis did the honors of distributing the gifts from under the tree later, by calling each person's name and handing them out while everyone sat watching.

There were a few for him in there. The first time he read his name, he didn't realize at first it was him. He sort of jumped in surprise and grinned. They were from Emily and Jude. That was nice of them. Lou's family had grown when Gwen got her family too, apparently, and that made me feel happy. He deserved family too. And we both were more than willing to share ours with him.

Since he'd done such a great job earlier, we announced that Louis would be our photographer for the night. He had taken several pics of people opening their gifts too. He was on top of it, which was good, because I pretty much forgot to take any pics. I knew I'd wanted Gwen to have family pics by the tree, but I'd forgotten to take pics until Lou was opening his gifts. I got a few shots of that, with Gwen in the background of one, and with her parents in the background of another.

Lou arranged us all by the tree, and took some shots. I stepped out and he took more of Gwen and her mum and dad.

Then more people were added, with and without me, and pretty soon, everyone was in the pictures. Her entire family. This is what she'd wished for, and it was happening right now. I could see the glow on her face, and the smile that she tried to hide, but kept failing and it'd slip out.

I set up a few with the timer on Lou's phone, and pulled him into a few of the pics.

Everyone's laughter and silly poses made the photo shoot fun and special.

And tiring. Again, Gwen and I were absolutely pooped by the time everyone left, and we collapsed into bed, and fell asleep as tight as we could get against each other. It was heavenly. Even though I knew we were too tired for se.x, I still watched her take off her dress. Sliding it down her body as it gripped at the sides of her thighs. Stepping out of it. Taking her jewelry off and putting it on the dresser. Taking the clips out of her hair, and shaking it side to side as it fell across her back.

She was the most beautiful sight I could imagine. And the most stiffening.

But she kept it warm against her body until it gave up and shrunk, and we fell fast asleep.

Our Merry Christmas was just beginning. She just didn't know it yet.

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