Auradon Remembers?- Disney De...

By dzny_oddity

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Everything in Auradon is back to it's original form. Mal and her Isle friends grew more closer to Auradon. No... More

Chapter 1- Be Prepared
Chapter 2- He Knows?
Chapter 3- I Missed You
Chapter 4- Did You See It?
Chapter 5- What Is Happening?
Chapter 6- Secret Visions
Chapter 7- Acting Different
Chapter 8- Followed
Chapter 9- Memories Returned
Chapter 10- Someone Is Watching
Chapter 11- The Chase
Chapter 12- Loyal to the Pride
Chapter 13- I Promise I'll Find You
Chapter 14- We Are Nothing Alike
Chapter 15- The Strongest Power
Chapter 16- We Can Only Hope
Chapter 17- Facing Our Parents
Chapter 18- Gone Again
Chapter 19- Truly Evil
Chapter 20- The Dark Side
Chapter 21- This Isn't You
Chapter 22- The Ultimate Villain
Chapter 23- The Ultimate Sacrifice
Chapter 25- Strong Love

Chapter 24- Final Decision

774 28 6
By dzny_oddity


Jane POV

We all made it back to where my mother's office was, and saw that everyone wasn't frozen in time. I turned back to Mal and saw her mother came with us. I looked back at the others, who had a questioned looked. Ben came over and gathered us in a group.

"Mal, is she your mother?" He whispered.

"Yes. I took away all of her magic, and to be safe, I smashed her scepter into pieces. She was a fairy, so it must've affected her appearance."

"What are we going to do?"

"I gave her a choice. She could either stay here and learn to be good, or she can go back to the Isle. She has until midnight."

"What do we do in the meantime?" Jay asked.

"We can first introduce her to everyone here." Evie said.

"And if everything goes well, we can show her around." I said.


We all turned around, and saw everyone in an awkward silence. I cleared my throat, which got everyone's attention.

"I suppose you're all wondering who is this woman. Well, this might be hard to believe, but this is my mother, best known as Maleficent."

Everyone looked at me, and to my mother. My mother gave an evil smile, and all took a step back.

"I took away her magic, and I smashed the Dragon's Eye into pieces. So hopefully she won't cause any harm."

"Do you really expect us to accept that she her in Auradon?!" Audrey yelled out. My mother gave her an evil glare and Audrey hid behind Chad.

"Magic was the only thing that she used to do the evil she's done. Now that she doesn't have magic, she can't possibly cause any harm. So just give her a chance."

The Fairy Godmother walked to me and asked "Are you sure about this?"

"I was raise on an island filled with evil. My mother was evil her entire life, so if I learned to love so can she."

She was quiet for a moment, and looked back at my mother, thinking of what to do next. She finally came to her answer.

"Very well. But keep an eye on her."

She grabbed the magic wand and went into her office leaving all of us alone with the former Mistress of Darkness.

"How about a tour of the school?" Ben said. My mom nodded and we walked around the school.

We showed her around the school and I tried to make sure she payed attention. Whenever we passed one of the poster that had a hero, heroine, or a sidekick, Maleficent would have a long stare at it.

When we made it to the Art Department, most of the artwork on display were mine. I worked mainly on my spray paintings and drawings, but I learned to created sculptures and other works.

One of my best drawing was the Isle on the bottom half and Auradon above the rest. The darkness faded into the light, and in the very center was a quote saying 'We may be different but we are more united than you think'. It was entered in the annual art show and won a blue ribbon.

We all looked at it for a while, looking at all the detail. I looked to my mother, who was actually looking at my art for the first time. Every time she did look at my work, she would always that I should be doing instead of worthless drawings.

"May I speak with my daughter, alone?" My mother asked.

"Yes, of course." Ben answered and with that he and everyone else walked away.

I looked at my mom, who was still staring at my artwork. I wondered if she'll ever change, or at least be the mother that cared for her child.

"I never realized how much of a true artist you are. I was so focused on escaping the island, I never had a chance to be a true mother." She said.

"I always love to do art, and now I can be free to create what I want. All of my work on the Isle always had a relation to evil to impress you, and when I came here, I learned to create much more than that."

My mother closed her eyes, and tears slowly formed. I knew she was changing, because a true villain never shows weakness of any kind.

Without warning, my mother hugged me for the first time. For as long as I can remember, she always told me to be evil and just as bad as she was. She never complimented me, showed affection, or even said that she loved me once in my life. I hugged back, and knew what my mother would say.

"Does this mean you'll stay?" I asked.

"It won't be easy for me to learn the good ways of Auradon, but if it means that I get to be the mother you truly deserve, than yes."

We heard an applause and saw that everyone was watching. Ben ran up to me and gave me a hug.

"Mother, I would like you to meet Ben, my boyfriend. He is the King of Auradon, and the son of Belle and the Beast."

"It's so good to finally meet you." Ben said while holding his hand out.

My mother was quiet trying to find the right words. She gave a small smile and shook his hand. "We have met once, at your coronation, and I hope you can forgive me for that."

"I forgive you."

"You're her boyfriend?"

"Yes I am, miss."

"I hope you've taken care of her while she spent her time here."

"I spend as much time as I can with her."

I can't believe she chose to change. Now we have to do one last thing.
A/N: I need help for my next Disney Descendants book.

I can't decide if I should write the Descendants/ Titanic book in their world or in the real world.

More details in News Book.

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