Falling Daisies

By VictoriaFrances

34.9K 1.1K 415

"Grief knits two hearts in closer bonds than happiness ever can; and common sufferings are far stronger links... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 1

12.5K 90 43
By VictoriaFrances

"Ooo what about him?" Hazel cooed, peering over the top of her awful thick-rimmed glasses, eyeing up a sandy haired twenty-something, who was sat nervously twitching on the edge of his bar stool, "He's kinda cute..."

I shot her a look of pity and disgust. Yeah - I guess if you squinted he could kind of get away with looking half decent, in a sort of boy-next-door kind of way and you could tell a mile off that he was the type of guy who would do anything for you; but he wasn't right for what I had in mind tonight.  

The only thing I wanted tonight was earth shattering, mind blowing, body shaking pleasure and by the look on this guys face, it was almost laughable that Hazel could contemplate him as an option. But then that was her, innocent; that was why I loved her.

I scanned around the room with my eyes dropped, in an attempt to be seductive. It was almost a routine move; shark on prey. Tonight however didn't seem to be my lucky night.

I sighed in exasperation and pouted, turning with a frown to Hazel, "Where are all the guys?"   

I suppose I was setting my aims a bit high, considering this was only the local pub on Meadow End. But surely, I thought there must be someone up for it somewhere. It wasn't like I was asking for much....



I looked down at my IPhone on the table, the caller I.D. incessantly flashing and buzzing away at me - the witch was calling me again. I jammed down the decline button. Twenty-three missed calls.


It wasn't that I was purposely hiding from my mum. I didn't care if she knew I was here. I'm not breaking the law (unless you count the small fact I wasn't legally allowed the double vodka and cokes I was pouring down my throat for another month or two). I just couldn't handle another slamming match like earlier. I was just as sad as her. Didn't she understand that? 

She might have been her mum but she was my Grams too and I missed her like hell whether she'd only been dead seven days or not.

My phone started up again. This time, I hit decline followed by the off button, downed my drink and turned with false assurance to Hazel.

"You know what - what the hell. He'll do."

"Luce, are you sure....? Like we could just go back to mine and get some food and.."

"Thanks Hazel. Maybe another night but... I'll call you in the morning ok?"

"Alright." Hazel bit her lip as though she was unsure of her next move, "Just be careful Luce..."

I rolled my eyes at her and let out a giggle. Twelve years of being polar opposite best friends and she still fretted and flapped like a little mouse whenever a boy was within a hundred yards.

"Night mum!" I winked and blew her an air kiss as she put on her jacket and headed to the door. I turned, ready for my in...

I'd done this so many times now it was down to a fine art. I felt sorry for the guy sometimes. He didn't have a clue that he was just a quick fix.. but no one had complained yet; not that I was around in the morning to hear them.

Grabbing my bag I did the standard flyby past the table, grabbing his gaze and shooting him a coy smile, before tossing my hair with my hand and turning for the direction of the toilet. As I reached the door I glanced back and found his gazed was transfixed on my bum.

Men - so predictable.

Noticing I'd stopped, he looked up to meet my eyes and guiltily shot his eyes back down to the table, engrossed in his pint glass like it was the most interesting thing he had ever seen. I sighed disappointedly.

This was going to be easy.

Once inside the bathroom I headed straight to the mirror that covered the wall and plonked my bag down by the side of the sink, narrowly missing a patch of water that had splashed onto the surface. Guess this was my lucky night! I let out a sigh of relief but then frowned at my reflection.

I know I'm not ugly, I'm just a bit... Well, plain.

I had always been envious of the sparklers. You know, those people that just make you feel electric. Some people just have that glow I guess; that presence that when they walk in the room it's like an aura around them and people are just drawn to them like magnets. I wish I had that.

Still, tonight I didn't look that bad to be considered offensive to the eyes. I was wearing my favourite black drainpipe jeans that I knew complimented my figure and more importantly were ridiculously easy to pull off. My hair, still in the low bun from the funeral earlier, was beginning to look messy and so I let the pins loose and my dull curls sprung free resting loosely over my shoulders.

I moved my face closer to the mirror, a condensation mark appearing over where my deep red lips reflected back at me. The liner around my eyes, still puffy from earlier, was beginning to smudge and so I wiped away at it with my finger tips. A final top up coat with the mascara and I felt half decent.

Stepping back I took in a final full appearance check and scowled at the figure staring back at me. When had I changed so much..?

I allowed my mind to wander back to sandy haired guy and decided I'd kept him waiting long enough. I took a deep breath, grabbed my bag and left the toilet...

You have GOT to be kidding me!

Sandy haired guy now was joined by some perky, freckled faced, frizzy haired girl, whose chair was so close to him that it would have probably been more subtle of her to just sit on his lap! He whispered something to her and her gazed transfixed on me. 

She was looking right at me, eyes daggers set, burning through mine, marking her territory.

Wow. Keep him.

Turning to the door to go, my average conquest left undefeated, my stomach suddenly felt like it had just been punched. My mouth ran dry, as though all the air had left my lungs and I was just left with an unexplainable emptiness that I craved to be filled.

He was just sat there; gazing out in front of him like he was searching for something. His eyes were misted over that it was almost like he was trying to hold back tears; but I couldn't be sure. His hair was a curly milk chocolate brown and it subtly faded to a golden colour on his chin where a faint sheen of stubble covered it. I gazed unsubtly at the faint outline of a chiseled muscular body, defined under a thin brown sweater. He had the look of your average player sure, but yet there was something... Different about him. I just couldn't stop staring...


Oh my god.

He was looking at me. I knew I was looking gormless, but I couldn't snap out of it. His eyes, clear blue like ice, were just so..

"Urm, hi?", I could do this.. stay cool, "I like you're sweater."

What was that Luce.

The hot guy smiled and laughed. Oh god, that laugh was already my favourite sound.

"Thanks, I kinda like it too, I guess that's why I bought it..." He looked down quizzically at his jumper, pulling the sleeves up his tanned arms to his elbows, revealing a tiny daisy tattoo on the inside of his left wrist. Unusual for a guy, I mused.

"Cool tattoo."

The guy suddenly looked self conscious and pulled his sleeve back down again. "So were you planning on staring at me all night?" He asked, regaining his composure and my face reddened.

I looked bashfully down at my feet then back up to meet his gaze to find his eyes locked onto mine, causing my tummy to flip a little. Butterflies already; this guy was good. But the teasing question was enough to bring back my confidence and I settled into normal predator Lucy mode.

"That depends," I flirted.

"On what exactly?" He leant forward on his table invitingly, narrowing his eyes at me.

"If you let me join you or not." It was a statement not a question, and he responded by leaning back into his chair and motioning to the opposite one for me to join him.

"Ben," he said, offering his hand to shake.


"Pleasure is all mine I'm sure.." There were those damn butterflies again...

"So, " I started, trying to settle my stomach which now seemed to be going into overdrive, "I haven't seen you around before, are you new here?"

Ben looked down at his pint and seemed to be searching for what to say. "No I've lived here for about ten years now, I just don't get out much, I've been, erm, busy..." He coughed and I didn't want to push it although I was dying to find out more. I guess I was just nosy like that.

I noticed the tattoo again and couldn't contain my interest on that one... "Do you mind if I look?"

He sheepishly held out his wrist to me, as though mentally bracing himself for me to ask why he got it. I didn't really care, it was probably something stupid; like a drunken joke or an ironic adolescent rebellion. Just the pattern intrigued me. The intricacy of the petals, the bright yellow of the centre; it was captivating!

"It's only a flower," he winced.

"I'm sorry," I replied, a little embarrassed when I realised I was cupping his hand in mine. They were so soft. Breathe. I released.

"I'm just a bit of an art geek.." His eyes met mine again, a half smile creeping over his perfect lips.

God, imagine kissing those lips...

"Me too."


"Oh god!"

My body collapsed on top of his as we fell back onto the backseat of my car. My breath was quick and short and my body jerked in time with his.

"That was...."

"Incredible." he finished for me,

"How did we even..."

"I have no idea."

Once our awkward introduction was over and several doubles later, I couldn't explain how we'd moved from the tiny alcove of the pub to the cramped backseat of my car. But the past ten minutes now played very clearly in fast motion through my mind. His body was every inch how I imagined, if not better. We were so hungry for each other, he seemed to need it as much as I had wanted it. My body rippled as I recalled the thought of his touch. Wow.

But I waited then, for the excuses and feeble exist I sensed was coming.

"I... I better get going, it's late and I.." His face seemed to be a mix of guilt and reluctance to move but he was hurriedly fastening his jeans as he spoke, "Can I.. Get your number?".

Shoot, I hated it when they did this. No strings. That's how it was meant to be. It only puts that small seed of hope inside me that they might call. But they never did. It was easier when they just made a clean break.



Reaching from under my billowing covers, I felt around my dresser for the glass of water that mum usually leaves at the side of my bed when I come in from a rough night, to find nothing there. I cursed under my breath figuring she still must be pissed at me; she should really be used to it by now.

As I lifted my head, opening my eyes slightly, I squinted at the bright sunlight streaming in through the crack in the curtains. A searing pain shot through my head as I noticed the clock said 11.46. It wasn't unusual for me to sleep this late on a Sunday, it wasn't like I had anything or anyone to get up for.

Propping myself up on the pillow I checked my phone, the screen light almost as blinding as the sun.

1 voicemail and 1 new message.

I checked the message first, it was Hazel:

"Hey I hope you got home okay last night. You didn't text to say you were alright! Call me when you get this! Xoxo"

I listened to the voicemail next:

"Hey... It's Ben.. The guy from last night... I don't know if you remember me..."

I sat bolt upright in bed.

"I was just wondering if you wanted to meet up this afternoon? You probably don't but... I'm sorry I don't usually just, you know, have sex with a girl after only knowing her two hours, but I'd had a lot to drink and I know that's not an excuse but... Oh shit I'm rambling. Anyway I'm gonna shut up now 'cause this voicemail is already way too long and... Yeah. Meet me at the entrance to Hope Park at twelve-thirty if you're interested, if not it was cool meeting you and... Yeah. It's Ben. Bye."

Oh. My. God. I looked at the clock again. Crap. That was less than an hour!! My mind raced.

What should I wear? Why does he want to see me again? Probably just to tell me it was a mistake and won't happen again so I shouldn't make an effort... But then what if there's people there I know. Or strangers... They'll wonder what he's doing with me. What will he look like? Will he look as good sober in the daylight? Will I!? Shit. Shit. Shit.

Breathe Lucy.

He's just a guy. You know what they're like.

With a mix of apprehension and misguided uncertainty, I poured myself out of bed.

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