Steal My Heart ~Damian Wayne

By aceO13

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Damian Wayne. Everyone either wanted to date him or be him. Except for his reputation, no one messes with him... More

Chapter 1 - The New Girl
Chapter 2 - Gym Workout
Chapter 3 - Family Reunions
Chapter 5 - It's Not Just Blood That Bonds Us
Jasmine or Jackson?

Chapter 4 - Meet the Twins

3.4K 114 90
By aceO13

Sorry if Bruce was a bit OOC at the end of the last chapter. :( Additional sorry it's taken so long to update. Been watching too much House. It's a tv show. You don't know it?!? Leave! Joking, joking. Please don't leave.
The Dusk's are  twins Shadow14709 and I made up. We practically based everything of them off of us except for the parents and parent jobs and their first and last names. Shadow and I are not actually twins but are related.
(Jasmine's P.O.V.)

6 Days Later...

I was finally released from the hospital earlier today. The doctor said I need to take it easy. Yeah right. After a long conversation with Damian, and lots of reasoning, he finally let me stay at my own apartment but he said I have to visit/stay at his house every weekend for a 3 weeks.

Today was Friday, so I am currently packing my backpack for the weekend. Wayne Manor. I have only seen pictures of it in the newspaper. Never actually in person. What if his parents don't like me? Did he even verify this with them?

I hope he will let me use the gym at his place. I mean, he is the son of a billionaire, so it's probably good quality.

But then again, how am I going to be able to do my night activities if I'm staying at Wayne Manor. There's no way I'll be able to sneak in and out every night. I mean they're rich so they would probably have a high-tech security system, I'll just have a look around and see if I can get out. I guess that Gotham might have to survive about 3 weekends without Scratch. oh, well.

Once I finished 'packing' it was around 3pm, might as well head to the gym, I'll just have to tune down my regular routine.

(Damian's P.O.V.)

As I returned home I decided to call the Dusks'. They are two of what I suppose you could call, friends. I have known them since the age of four. They trained with me until a week before I was sent to come live with Father. They are adequate fighters. We coincidentally met up once again at Gotham Academy. I say 'them' and 'they' because the Dusks' are twins. Daniel and Charlotte Dusk, or, as everybody else finds it appropriate to call them, Danny and Charlie.

I call Daniel as I hold the phone to my ear and make my way to my quarters.

"Hello?" I listen to a female voice on the other end of the line.

"Tt, I am not even going to ponder why you have your brother's phone." I respond to the greeting.

"Yeah.. it's probably nest not to think 'bout it Dames."

"Call me that ridiculous name again and I will be having your head on a platter." I growl.

As I listen i hear a distant yell and then hear shuffling through the phone.

"Are you two finished portraying the role of four-year-olds yet?" I say monotone.

"We ain't imbeciles or 4 year olds...Dames." Charlotte complains, "yeah! what she said!" Daniel speaks now.

"I am making the presumption that considering I can hear both of your idiotic voices. And when you were four you would tackle each other to the ground and role around for approximately 3 minutes. Considering that is the act that the two of you were recently just carrying out, you were much like four-year-olds" I state matter-of-factly.

"Yeah whatever," I hear them simultaneously grumble out."Why did you call in the first place?" I hear Daniel change the topic to one of convinience.

"Are you going out tonight as Crimson Flare and Shadow?" Finally making my way to the point of why I called the two in the first place.

"Yeah. Why? You wanna tag along?" I hear Charlotte's voice peek with interest.

"I need something to hit and I figured if you imbecile are going out I might as well go with you to keep an eye on you." I grumble.

"Oh, you hear that Danny? He actually cares about us. So sweet." Ignoring Charlotte's pathetic attempt to aggravate me as she speaks to her beloved brother. "Oh, and I was doubting you had emotions recently," Daniel gives his awful attempts at taunting as well.

"Meet me on top of Wayne Enterprises at 11 tonight."

"Why so late Dames?" Charlotte... so help me, "Yeah, you meeting a girl or something?"

"No! Why in the fires of hell would you instantly form that conclusion?" I force out without snapping but still a firm voice.

"Oh, he so is" Charlie whispered (well what I assume to be a whisper for I can still here her voice) to her twin. "You are so right" came the response.

"You imbeciles know I can still here you. And yes it is a person, they are coming to stay the weekend at Wayne Manor." I answer. Not having anything to hide, not really.

All of a sudden both voices started asking questions simultaneously "Do we know them? Do they go to out school? Is it a girl or boy? Are they one of your friends or Bruce's? Wait, that's a ridiculous question you don't have any friends except us. Yeah, but remember Charlie, he hasn't been hanging with us for a few days. Oh oh, you are so right! WHO IS IT?"

Before the could continue their frenzy I cut them off, "Shut up! I do not know. Yes. Female. Mine. Jasmine Quest."

"You have a friend?" I keep quiet as I role my eyes at Charlotte's pathetic taunting. "Other than us?" I repeat myself as Daniel speaks his mind.

"Yes. Why would a simple detail make two people so utterly shocked?" I ask out of boredom, "I hardly understand you imbeciles," I muttered, not giving two fires of hell if they heard me.

"Crap! Dad's home. See ya Damian" Daniel spoke first and Charlotte interrupted before there was a harsh beeping noise and the line went dead.

Opening my door, I casually walk towards Father's office, I have yet to inform Father of the conditions of the next few weekends. I turn the clock to precisely 3:28 and as expected, large wall clock swiftly moves to the right as a dark staircase is revealed. Soft echoes sounded through the the stairwell as my feet made contact we the hundreds of year old stone beneath me.

I presume Father can hear my approach for he swivels his leather chair around so he was facing me. Elbows rested on arm rests, fingers laced together, back straight, still in his bat-suit with the cowl lowered, deep blue eyes focused and piercing into my own emerald orbs.

Waiting respectfully to speak, I stood there, feet together, back straight, eyes focused but not as piercing as the blue orbs I front of me. "Yes Damian?" Completely calm and collected, as usual.

"I have done something I required your approval for." Monotone, showing no emotion, emotion in front of Father means he could potentially deem me unworthy to patrol as a reliant partner.

"And what might that 'something' be?" A hint of curiosity seeped into his voice before he recognised it and covered himself once more.

"I have invited a comrade of mine to spend the next three weekends at the manor with us, for they were recently released from being hospitalised." I leave out the details of this comrade being female.

"Is it one or both, of the Dusk's?"

"No. It is neither of your presumptions."

"Okay.. Uh who would it be then?" He clearly had not bothered to disclose the confusion that laced his voice as he stated more than asked his question.

"Why does everyone presume that the Dusk's are my only acquaintances apart from the others that go out at night to fight for justice and Pennyworth?" Mumbled words came from my mouth, too inaudible for Father to piece together. "Her name is Jasmine Quest."

"Alright. She can stay. 3 weekends?" Double checking even through he already knows...
He said yes! I mean, of course he would say yes.

"Yes Father. 3 weekends from Friday Night to Sunday Night. Pennyworth is driving me to pick her up at 5:00pm, in 1 hour and 58 minutes." I respond, my voice void of all emotion. "I believe an adequate place for her to stay would be the guest bedroom on level 2, where we all have received rooms to retire each night once we arrive back from the city."

"Sure. How long have you know this Jasmine Quest?"

"One week and 4 days we'll know as 11 days." The response was short, quick and had all the information required.

(Jasmine's P.O.V.)

I greet Josh -receptionist- with a fake smile which he genuinely returns as I make my way further into the gym.

Shortening my usual work out I only take part in simple activities considering my ribs are still slightly bruised and I have to be back at my apartment by 5:00pm so Alfred and Damian can take me to the manor.

I do a simple 80 sit-ups, 45 push-ups and 60 proper squats before settling to pounding the punching bag.

Left. Right. Jab. Uppercut. Right. Roundhouse kick. Left. Right. Jab. Uppercut. Right. Roundhouse kick.

I repeat internally as my body goes through with these actions. I heard a distinguish noise beep from my black duffle bag, confused before realising it was the phone Damian had given to me the day before I left the hospital so nothing like that would happen again. I was incredibly reluctant to take it at first, claiming being an independent girl, however, he won me over with logic and reason. I also love the idea that you can make someone's contact name, not their actual name.

I picked up my iPhone 5s, looking at the screen seeing it was in fact Damian texting me.

Dami😈: I would appreciate it if you could agree to meet two fellow acquaintances of mine that I periodically share school lessons with and have know for approximately 10 years?

Jassy🎷: sure. You are these people. Would I know them?

I'm saying right now. I did not pick my username. Damian did some crazy computer thingy-ma-bob so just in conversations with him, it comes with that username. Don't ask. He's a computer freak. The thing is, he accidentally did the same thing with the username I did for him and now he cannot change it back. Ha, suck on that little Wayne boy.

Dami😈: I believe you share chemistry with these two people. Their names are Charlotte Lily Dusk and Daniel William Dusk. Known to most as 'Charlie' and 'Danny' or 'The Dusk Twins'. They a a practically inseparable.

Jassy🎷: oh yeah! Those guys are awesome. Danny's really funny and genuine about everything and Charlie is, kinda shy at first and intimidating but when you meet her she's for friendly and kind.

After that I assumed Damian got busy with something since I didn't get a response so I set my mind back to the victim of my emotions, the punching bag.

"Figured you were here." A sudden voice came from behind me.

I whipped around to see the intruders face, I'm going to kill you.... Damian Wayne.

"Don't freakin' sneak up on a girl when she is beating the crap out of a punching bag! That's just not right!" I screech without talking so loudly that the gym members or clients nearby can hear us.

An amused smirk appeared on the dark haired boy's tan face.

I suddenly take in Damian apprehended. He's actually in gym clothes. (A/N:as seen at beginning of chapter)
He's wearing a green muscle shirt with black basketball shorts, I was wearing a navy gym tank top with white razor back holds and black sport shorts.

"I arrived half and hour early so I went to your apartment door and knocked. She there was no answer, I assumed you would be here." He finally answered my question.

"You assumed correctly." I say before reverting my attention back to the punching bag. Left. Right. Jab. Uppercut. "So why'd you come get me so early?" Right. Roundhouse kick.

"I, I am not sure." Wow. Damian Bruce Wayne stuttered, that's a first.

"Well, if you want to do something proactive I can spot multiple things to do. Pick one for the next 25 minutes." Left. Right. Jab. Uppercut. Right. Roundhouse kick.

"I suppose there are multiple activities I can choose to participate in."


30 minutes later Damian and I arrived out the front door of my apartment. "Wait out here." I start to turn the knob on the door.

"Why?" Why? Why must you question everything?

Because there's a large blood stain in the middle of my apartment that I don't want you to see, "Because I don't need any help getting my bag" hey! I ain't tellin' him the real reason.

I scurried inside and quickly slammed the door shut behind me. I hurried to wear my small suitcase is, I outstretch the handle and tip it on its side before making my back towards the front door. Remember how I said my apartment was basically two rooms? Actually including the bathroom it's 3 but, that's beside the point. Well my suitcase was in the backroom, my bedroom and the bloodstain was visible as soon as you walk straight though the front door.

Imagine my surprise and delight when I find Damian crouching down near the bloodstain. My bloodstain.

"What are you doing?!" I didn't bother to hide either the anger in my voice nor the warning. "I'm sorry. I thought I asked you to wait outside. And last time I checked I didn't have short term memory loss." (A/N: no offence to anyone who does or Dory!)

As Damian began to stand up and open his mouth, most likely to defend himself there was a sudden bang.

It happened so quickly, h-he fell to the ground an then Nightwing came through the window and there was a searing pain in my abdomen, the next thing I know I fell to the ground and Batman came sweeping in through the window. My vision became blurry and I started seeing double, but there was no mistake. When he glanced at Damian and I on the ground a look of shock and recognition crossed his face briefly.

I then blacked out.

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