Cindy and the Headless Horsem...

By PerkyGoth14

189 2 1

summary: Cindy, Mike, June, Dee Dee, the Eds, and the Warners are on their way to a Halloween party in Crane... More

chapter 2
chapter 3

chapter 1

92 1 0
By PerkyGoth14

Once each year, as October breezes over, happens a most particular and a most peculiar night. An anxious to be night and the dark grows a little more so. A very solid night and nothing is quite as it was. A night called 'Halloween'. And here the story begins, deep in the big town of Megaville, at the home of a young girl named Cynthia Butler.

"What do you think of my costume, Sledge?" Cindy asked her pet possum as she wore a black suit with a red tie and had her hair tied back into a ponytail with her nails painted red and she held a black wand over her shoulder with white tips to look like a magician.

"Not bad, Cin," Sledgehammer smirked. "You almost look just like him, 'cept, you're a girl and you don't weigh a couple thousand pounds."

"Let's not exaggerate, shall we?" Cindy replied flatly as she took out a box of possum food and opened it, taking out a handful of pellets and fed them to her pet.

Sledgehammer smiled and ate the pellets happily and hungrily. "So, where are you going again?" he then asked her with his mouth full.

"Mystery Inc's invited some of us to Crane Manor for a Halloween party," Cindy explained. "I'm going with Mike, June, Dee Dee, and the Eds. Are you sure you don't wanna come?"

"Ah, I'll be fine here with your mom and dad giving candy to trick-or-treaters," Sledgehammer reassured. "Besides, if they try to take more than one, I'll scare 'em silly myself."

"You're gonna use that whipped cream again, aren't you?" Cindy groaned.

Sledgehammer sprayed the inside of his mouth with a huge can of whipped cream to make his mouth look foamy. "What, too much?" he then asked as he tried to appear to be a rabid possum.

Cindy sighed. "Whatever, Sledge."

Sledgehammer then looked out the window from his cage to see six figures coming up to the door. "I think your friends are here." he said, looking back to his owner.

"Oh, boy!" Cindy cheered. "Mom, I'm going out now!"

"Cindy, haven't you forgotten something?" Shelly asked as she came into her daughter's bedroom, dressed like a devil lady.

"Uh, I love you, have a good night, I'll call you when I'm on the way?" Cindy asked, scratching her head.

"No, not that, and I love you too," Shelly said as she then stepped aside to show Yakko dressed like a scientist, Wakko dressed like a cowboy, and Dot dressed like a princess. "You promised to take your brothers and sister with you."

"Aw, Mom, can't they stay here with you and Daddy?" Cindy groaned. "Or can't you take them trick-or-treating and Daddy will give out candy?"

"We will do no such thing," Shelly shook her head firmly. "After all, we've always taken you trick-or-treating when you were a little girl, now it's time for you to return the favor."

Cindy sighed. "Fine... They can come with me..." she then firmly looked to the Warners. "But you three better promise not to embarrass me."

"We promise!" Yakko, Wakko, and Dot replied.

The doorbell then rang.

"Oh, that must be your friends, I'll get it!" Shelly beamed and went downstairs.

"Oh, I'm so glad we're celebrating our first Halloween with our big sister!" Yakko jumped onto Cindy's back.

"Can we eat our candy before we get home?" Wakko asked as he hugged Cindy's legs.

"If I get scared, can I hold Mike's hand?" Dot jumped into Cindy's arms.

"Guys!" Cindy groaned in dismay.

Shelly opened the door to see the Eds with Mike, June, and Dee Dee. "Ooh, aren't we a bunch of scary ghosts and goblins, huh? Um... Who are you all supposed to be?"

"I'm Raven from the Teen Titans." Mike said.

"I'm Batgirl." June said.

"I'm Harley Quinn!" Dee Dee giggled.

"I'm General Specific and I want a sheep!" Eddy said.

"I'm Private Public." Double D added, trying to look firm and serious as the real thing.

"I'm the Joker!" Ed then said with a wild laugh.

"Oh, where are Brianna and Trent?" Shelly asked. "I heard they were going with you guys since Mystery Inc was taking you to the party."

"Oh, they left in the Mystery Machine already, but I know a way to Crane Manor," Mike explained. "So, uh, Mrs. B, where's Cindy?"

"She'll be right down, I hope you don't mind, but she's bringing Yakko, Wakko, and Dot with her." Shelly said.

"Poor Cindy." June whispered.

Mike nodded in agreement.

"Cindy, they're here!" Shelly called upstairs.

"Coming!" Cindy called back.

"Wow, nice costume, Mrs. B," Eddy blushed. "You look hot."

Mike smacked the back of his head.

"Ow, what did I do?!" Eddy grunted, rubbing his head. "It's a compliment because she's a devil!"

"Oh, thank you, Edwin." Shelly smiled bashfully.

Buddy walked in, dressed like a vampire. "Who dares come for Butler Manor?"

"VAMPIRE!" Dee Dee screamed.

"Don't worry, I'll save you, my fair maiden!" Ed jumped in front of the ballerina protectively.

Buddy looked nervous.

"Jo and Justine taking Autumn and the Boys trick-or-treating, huh?" Shelly assumed.

"Yeah, but they say 'Happy Halloween'." June smiled.

Cindy came down with the Warners following her down the stairs.

"Wow, Cindy, you look nice in a suit." Mike remarked.

"Why, thank you," Cindy smiled bashfully as she carried her wand over her shoulder with her other hand in her jacket pocket. "Shall we get to Crane Manor then?"

"Yeah, just remember to follow me." Mike reminded.

"Will do." Cindy nodded.

"I'll hold your hand so you don't feel scared, Mike." Dot took the tomboy's hand.

"Girls." Yakko and Wakko rolled their eyes.

With that, Cindy, Mike, June, the Eds, and the Warner Brothers and the Warner Sister were now on their way to the Halloween party. Mike was leading the way.

"So, Mike, how do you know the way to Crane Manor?" Cindy asked.

"You've heard about the Legend of Sleepy Hollow, right?" Mike prompted.

"Oh, yes, it's one of my all time favorites." Cindy smiled in reply.

"Well, Gertrude Crane, the owner, is descended from Ichabod Crane himself-" Mike started.

"No way," Cindy stopped the tomboy right there. "That was just a legend."

"Oh, no, Cindy, it's very true, there have been signs of evidence all around, especially with the estate we're going to visit with the Mystery gang." Double D insisted.

"Yeah, shows what you know, Brainaic." Eddy added with a slight scoff.

"Hmph!" Cindy folded her arms.

"Anyway, as I was saying," Mike then continued. "Ichabod Crane's legend is true... I should know, my great-great granduncle, Jonah Mazinsky was there."

"Jonah Mazinsky?" The Warners asked.

"He served the Van Tassel family," Mike explained. "He adored the widowed Baultus's daughter and only child Katrina as much as every other gentleman in the land did, especially Ichabod and Brom Bones. Katrina was a blooming lass... Plump as a partridge, ripe, melting, and rosy-cheeked. Anyway, Jonah was close friends with Ichabod, they were even colleagues, he was the one who told Ichabod all about Katrina."

"Ooh..." the others said in response.

"So, what happened to him, Mike?" Dee Dee asked.

"Nobody knows," Mike replied. "They say he just disappeared after Ichabod fled town from the Headless Horseman."

"Still think Sleepy Hollow was just a legend, Cin?" June smirked to the little girl of the group.

"Uh, come now..." Cindy's face seemed to pale instantly and she sweated anxiously. "Surely there's a logical reasoning behind this backstory of your ancestor, Mike."

"You can just ask my Aunt Penelope," Mike defended. "She was the one who told me and she knows everyone in the family."

"Hmm..." Cindy hummed.

"I bet Mike could've scared that Headless Horseman no problem," Yakko said, putting up his gloved fists and had a tough face. "I'd give him what for, like HYAH!" he then did a karate kick.

Cindy groaned. Yakko had kicked her in the stomach. She grabbed her stomach, fell to her knees and fell flat on the ground. "Ow..." she weakly muttered out.

"Oops, sorry, Sis." Yakko said.

"I'll kiss it better." Wakko offered.

"Why me...?" Cindy moaned.

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