
By saddepressing

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In which Luke was dating a girl named Daisy who had depression, he couldn't take it until he broke up with he... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 > currently editing
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 > currently editing
Chapter 13 > currently editing
Chapter 14 > currently editing
Chapter 15 > currently editing
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 > currently editing
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 > currently editing
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Important !!
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 27

126 8 9
By saddepressing

Calum's pov.

When I walk around in the gigantic enveloping walls of the mall, I feel as if a brand new adventure has just opened up for me. What new shirts are in style this fall season? Are ripped jeans out already? The best thing about shopping is that I am in control of everything. If I see a shirt that I adore, I am the one who decides if I want to buy it or not. There is no pressure in making a choice, unlike the decision of whether or not one should study in school. If one does not study in school, there will be severe consequences such as not getting into college or dropping out of high school. However, if one does not buy that shirt, there will not be negative consequences. That is the beauty of shopping. One has an abundant number of choices.
As I stroll into the Halloween spirit shop, I see many different salespeople walking around. Some quietly fold the clothes into a neat rectangular shape while others eagerly immerse with the customers. The best thing I like about this store is the range in selection of the types of clothing it sells. The store does not center around a specific style.

"Find anything you like bro?" Michael blurted out, walking next to me as I was still skimming through the costumes for men.

"Not yet.." I replied, turning each hanged costume wear.

"Hey Cal, can I ask you something?" Luke smiled, making me narrow my eyebrows.

"Why do people keep talking about you in a camp because of Daisy?!" Luke said in an fake questionable voice, not paying attention to me but searching through costumes.

Oh shit

I stood their, stood right in front of the costumes, staring straightly with my eyes widened,

"Uh-" I nervously laughed glancing over at my shoulder, looking at him,

"Where'd you hear that?!"

"You know what exactly im talking about." Luke spat out, squinting his eyes over at me.

"You little shit, you promised you would get along with her!!" He angrily explained, making me flinch.

"You think I don't try?" I questioned, as he raised his eyebrows, staring at me.

"Yeah I don't.." I playfully laughed, breaking the 7 second silence.

"You don't know how much she can be a bitch Luke." I sighed, focusing on the costumes.

"Plus, why do you even care? Why did you even want me too get too know her in the first place! It's all your fault on why I went to that stupid camp!" I hissed, making him raise his hands in defense.

"Your fault for not getting along with her." He muttered, making me give him a bored look.

"Why did you even want me too do this in the first place?" I sighed, him not even looking at me thinking in silence.

"Just try and get too know her more, and maybe ask her about an x boyfriend or something, get too know her personal life." He explained, letting a breathe, making me huff.

"Luke... Do you have something you want to tell me?" I titled my head in confusion, as he hesitantly shaked his head, biting his lip ring.

"Just.. Please." Luke trailed a finger through his blonde quiff,

"Fine, I'll try." I gulped, making him plaster a smile onto his face.

So I guess I have too try and get a long with Daisy, but not too much, she might think suspicious.

and once I get too know her more, I guess I have too be ready to ask her out, and then I ask her personal things, than finally I can break up with her.

I still wonder why Luke is putting me up to this. It's ridiculously dumb.

"Any make out sessions you did with her?" Luke spat out, making me glare.

"Fuck no, why would I do that, especially with her?" I grunted, making him chuckle.

But memorizing that moment on the Ferris Wheel, me feeling very horny that night I just wanted too kiss her, for some reason she was so cute when she was mad, and plus I didn't want her too be mad, so I tried leaning in too kiss her. Not my fault my lips are uncontrollable.

"Good," he spoke giving me a thumbs up, "That's what I want too hear in the next 3 weeks. Alright?" He assured making me nodd.


✿ ✿ ✿

We strolled too a different Halloween shop, since Luke and I haven't picked out our costumes yet, and Michael and Ashton did which was sexy cop couples, sometimes I think they would go gay for each other.

"There is so many boring costumes." I sighed, making Luke nodd in agreement.

I looked over too the animal section, maybe thinking too be an animal this year.

"Should I be a giraffe?" I questioned asking Luke, as he made a disgusted look at me.

"You're right this should be for you." I declared, shoving the costume onto Luke's chest as I walked too a different aisle.

"Maybe you should be a puppy." Michael laughed, showing me a puppy costume with real looking fur.

"Haha real funny." I said sarcastically rolling my eyes, catching my eye onto a kitten costume.

"And maybe you should be an annoying kitty!" I growled, throwing the costume at him, the hanger landing on his forehead.

"Ow." Michael groaned, the costume bouncing onto the floor as he picked it up.

"I can't, I told you Ashton and I are being sexy cops." Michael added, Luke and I groaning in unison.

"Hello, may I help you guys with anything?" An old woman asked walking up to us, making all of us state at each other.

"Nah." We all assured, making her furrow her eyebrows.

"Well I'm pretty sure it looks like you do, I keep hearing a loud ruckus over here!" The lady laughed weirdly, making me want too cringe but I held it in,

"Maybe you should wear this." The lady asked, pulling out a Mickey mouse costume.

"Are you fucking kidding me." I cursed, making the lady stare at me confusingly as the boys all coughed in unison.

"He means it is very delightful for you too pick it out for him." Luke smiled, giving me this look, as he glanced back at the lady with a smile.

"No I-

"Yeah Calum we know your embarrassed too say you love it, but come on! There's nothing too be embarrassed about, it will look cute on you!" Michael giggled, making me give him this death glare, as I saw at the corner of my eye Luke trying too hold in his laugh.

"You're welcome, im pretty sure your girlfriend will love it on you." The lady winks, walking away making the boys burst out in laughter.

"My girlfriend? How the fuck would she know that!" I said angrily, crumbling up my ban into a fist.

"Hey don't swear!" Ashton yelled, making me roll my eyes.

"She was just giving you a compliment, she thinks you have a girlfriend cause your hot as hell, I mean damn look at that jawline." Michael smirked, making me hit him in the arm softly.

"You should get it... I heard Melody is wearing it." I heard a familiar voice spit out from behind me, as I turn around and see the girl Agnus, I think that was her name.

"Oh hey Alexa." Michael smiled, giving her a wave as her cheeks fluttered.

"Hey Mikey." She smirked, than focusing back on me, "She's being minni for the party." She finished, making my eyes widened.

"Really?!" I asked excitedly, making her nodd with a smile fading onto her face.

"And you have a big crush on her, don't you?" She raised an eyebrow, me turning back at the guys who were wiggling their eyebrows at me, expect Luke.

"Yeah..." I said shyly, as she gave me a cheesy grin.

"Then it's settled, if you wear the Mickey costume, you guys will look like a couple at the Halloween party tomorrow night." Alexa informed, making the guys snicker.

"Nice job Lexi." Michael smiled, giving her some kind of adorable nickname, as she flipped her hair playfully.

"Thanks." She grinned, waving us goodbye, as I faced back too the guys, snatching the costume out of Luke's hand.

"Let's hurry up and buy this."

✿ ✿ ✿

Daisy's pov.

looked into the night sky. I was expecting to see stars as I do from my home tucked away in our little corner of the world. Instead I get bright neon and electronic billboards that brighten the night sky so not even a twinkling of a star can show its light down on me. The ever on coming head lights blind me, I wish I was looking at the beauty of my country home, tonight I will find the beauty of the city.

I listen for the familiar sounds of my bedroom crickets do their dance of song, frogs talking away to one another in a symphony of ribets. It has been replaced with the roar of the crowd, the honk of the horn, a police siren screams to life behind me somewhere.

"Excited for the Halloween party?" I broke the silence, swinging on the porch swinger with Troye.

"I guess so." He sighed, slouching his head onto the soft pillow staring at the dark sky with million yellow stars facing us.

"What are you dressing as?" I titled my head too his view, him still focusing up at the sky.

"I'm dressing as a zipster teenage Mutant Ninja turtle with my boyfriend." He smiled, titling his head too me.

"That's so cute!" I awed, "Who?"

"His name's Connor." He shrugged.

"Oh! I've seen him around school, he's pretty funny." I giggled, as he did also.

The wind moaned through the housed sand the by-lanes and rustled heavily through the desolate tress.

blast of arctic air speared through my coat and prickled along my skin; sinking down to my very bones.

"It's getting cold." It got cold and I wrapped my arms around my self, smoothing my arms.

"Yeah and getting late, I guess I better get going- have fun at the Halloween party with your friends tomorrow." He smiled slightly, walking to his car.

"You too." I shouted, as we gave each other a quick wave, him driving off, me walking into my house.

I was tired as hell, weary with the burden of long-closed eyes; I could of easily pulled of being a walking zombie, dead on the inside but subconsciously awake.

But before I could head upstairs, I heard a knock coming from my door.

"Ugh!!" I moaned, trailing down the stairs too open the door seeing the Dung.


"Hey." He smiled, cramming his hands into his black skinny jeans, a dark green beanie on his curly hair.

"What do you want?" I woke up right away, standing straight with my eyebrows narrowed.

"Tired?" He asks, who jerks away with a start, and I stare at him weirdly.

"No I'm fine." I mutter, rubbing my eyes fiercely.

"Your lying." He pokes my arm lightly.

"Don't do that." I move his arm away from mine, and I stared.

"Sorry." He whispered, staring at the floor awkwardly with silence, the window blowing into my house.

It's a bit cold, and I wrap my arms around myself, "Mind letting me sleep? I want too be in a good mood in the morning so I can go too the Halloween party." I grunted, as he nodded.

"Yeah sorry about that- I shouldn't have come this late." He sighed,

"Yeah, you shouldn't have." I groaned, as he walked a way after giving me a wave, I slammed my door behind heading into my room onto my bed.


I shot up straight in bed, i was covered in sweat and breathing heavly. I looked all around me, trying to get a swnce of where i was. Few, im in my room. That was a terrible nightmare. Images flashed throught my head all at once. How will i be able to sleep after that? Will i ever be able to sleep? I thought as i lowered my body back into a layinh position and stared at the cealing. Why me? What the hell?

Every night I tried to fall asleep straight away at ten p.m. but it was next to impossible. My head would be filled with thoughts and "what ifs" constantly flooding into my brain. I turned on my phone, the light brightness focusing on my eyes, making me squint and zoom the phone back a little. I scrolled through my dry Instagram feed, trying too tire myself. It didn't work.

I would repeat this theory every night thinking that I would have an epiphany on.

I took a deep breathe, feeling the air come out of my mouth, as I set my phone down on the drawer, getting up from my bed and turning on the light.

I gave a big stretch, stretching my short arms and legs, walking downstairs too boil some coffee.

I began making some simple breakfast, as I grabbed the control too my tv in the living room, and skimming too Disney channel.

The great smell of breakfast to me is fresh lactose free milk and a bowl of organic shredded wheat.

I stared at my phone, unlocking it too see "2 received messages"

From Daniella and Alexa.

Daniella: morning friend c: [sent 2:32am]

Alexa: Morning bitch ass *middle finger emoji* [sent 5:31am]

Making me giggle at the message Alexa sent, I sighed going through my photos.

I had 102 photos, why do I have that much? I barely take any photos.

I opened the camera roll too see almost 42 photos of all Calum.

I giggled at his silliness of the photos he took, he even took a photo of me sleeping, in the cabin.

That bitch.

I smiled, grabbing my favorite photo of Calum and putting it as his contact caller photo.

✿ ✿ ✿

"Holy shit!" Melody and Daniella gasped, focused onto the tv, Alexa sitting their as she was scrolling through her Instagram app.

I didn't even know why I was watching the family guy. I didn't even laugh when I was supposed to, I didn't feel any tension during the comedy, I barely followed the plot. I just sat there next to the Oreo packet until to my surprised they were gone. I then tapped  out the crumbs into my palms and threw my head back too inhale them.

My eyes rested back on the flickering screen and found that in my brief distraction the commercials had began.
Often it bugged me when they showed, they were short attention grabbing and required no intellectual effort. Once they were over my mind turned too the chips in the cupboard.

"What time is it?" I blurted out, except only Alexa noticed since Melody and Daniella were too busy focusing on what's happening next on the vampire diaries.

"5:30pm." She stated, "We should be getting read at 7 since the party starts at 9." She said excitedly making me nodd.

"So what are you going too be?" I asked her since she never told me.

"Ultimate ninja." She replied, with a smirk plastered onto her face.

"I'm gonna be a Disney princess, sleeping beauty." Daniella butted into our conversation, Alexa rolling her eyes at her girly ness.

"I'm being little mermaid, since we almost have the same hair color." Melody added.

"I told you to be King Kong though."

✿ ✿ ✿

Hey guys so that was that! This chapter was short cause in the next chapter I want it to be long about the party and the haunted house so yeah I'm really excited too write it! I hope you guys liked this chapter, I like it but it wasn't my favorite too write.

Spring break is over and I have school tomorrow it's currently 11:30pm oops I better go to sleep goodnight I love you all

Please leave votes and comments! <3

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