The Friendly Reality (Harry S...

By aabbhhiiee

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A guy and a girl can be just friends, but at one point or another, they will fall for each other.. Maybe temp... More

Chapter 1: Arrival
Chapter 2: Meeting Her
Chapter 3: Hang Out
Chapter 4: Bestfriends
Chapter 5: The Audition
Chapter 6: Adjustment Period
Chapter 7: Meeting the Boys
Chapter 8: Busy Schedule
Chapter 9: Harry's Issues
Chapter 10: Unbelievable
Chapter 11: Me & Her
Chapter 12: Mood Swing
Chapter 13: The Reveal
Chapter 14: Still Trying
Author's Note
Chapter 15: The Wedding
Chapter 16: Stargazing
Chapter 17: Months Ago (A Flashback Chapter)
Chapter 18: Back With the Boys
Chapter 19: Damn It (A Flashback Chapter)
Chapter 20: Girl's Night Out
Chapter 21: It's Still You
Chapter 22: Please Understand (A Flashback Chapter)
Chapter 23: Adventure Time
Chapter 24: A Time For Us
Chapter 25: Everything has Changed
Chapter 26: Much Better
Chapter 27: Preparations
Chapter 28: I Don't Regret It
Chapter 29: Clear Things Out
Chapter 30: Misconception
Chapter 31: Climax
Chapter 32: The Moment I Knew
Author's Note
Chapter 33: Finally
Chapter 34: Just Go With It
Chapter 35: One Step Closer


790 34 16
By aabbhhiiee


The front door closed and I heard Harry's stomps disappear. I was sitting on our bed, crying, but making sure the kids can't hear me. Scattered on the floor, just below my feet, were pieces of paper that my husband angrily threw on the ground before zooming out.

I didn't know what got into me. I didn't know why I had to do it.

It's been long when I saw him smooching Cara Delevigne. It was for publicity, for the band to be up on the trend again. But hearing him say those words in front of the public felt like what he's saying is real. I knew it was a lie. He told me to understand. But i just couldn't.

"Cara has never left my mind. The truth is, I missed her." His hand reached for the back of her waist. "We are just friends though. It was a friendly kiss, because duh, I have a wife waiting for me to get home, remember?" He laughed, not knowing that there's someone here, crying her heart out.

"Harry how do you think your wife would react to this?" One reporter asks, holding a mic below his chin. "Wouldn't she be mad?"

He put an arm on the person, "Mate, my wife is the most understanding person in the world. I mean really, who wouldn't want to kiss a Victoria's Secret model right?"

"Got a good point there Styles!" They joked around.

Outside our London home, floods of reporters crowded, desperately wanting to ask me for an interview and get a glimpse of my twins. We never had any privacy since that day.

And maybe that's why I had to do it.

He promised to stand up against management. He promised to put me first before his career. We made a vow in front of the Almighty and the rest of our family. But I just don't know how he can expect me to understand him kissing his ex girlfriend infront of the world. Pain started filling up inside me, and it continued on for weeks, until I couldn't handle it anymore.

Minutes ago..

"What are these?" Harry asks, tearing up the envelope that was just mailed by my lawyer. "You've been meeting up with Mr. Campbell and you never told me?" He laughed, noticing I had no reaction.

But his smile disappeared as soon as he read those 7 bold letters at the top of the paper.


"What's this for?!" He angrily yelled, slamming the door of our bedroom since the kids were in the other room taking their afternoon nap. "You're filing for divorce?! What for?!"

"Harry.." I mumbled, tears starting to stream down my face. "'s for the best."

He glared at me and I could tell his eyes were full of anger and discontentment. "What the fuck are you talking about?! Are you even thinking right now?!"

"Don't you fucking yell at me!" I angrily said back, standing to face him.

He gave out a loud sigh, "I'm not yelling. I'm just raising my voice! Now tell me, what is this for?!"

I tried to calm myself so I can say my words clearly, "I couldn't take it anymore Haz. It's too much. Damn I didn't know these are the consequences I had to face after marrying someone like you."

There was an akward silence until he finally came up with something to say, "Don't you dare tell me you're regretting all of these! We have two kids in the other room, sleeping, and I don't want them to wake up and see that their parents aren't together anymore!"

I kept silent, not knowing what to say back to him. At first I was so strong and sure when I made my decision. But now, I never knew this could also be my weak point.

His hands took a tight grip of the papers, wrinkling them in his hands. "This is bullshit." He threw it forcefully on the ground then stomped out of the room.

My sobs were the only sound I could hear now. I love Harry. I love my children. And now he left, and the moment the kids wake up and ask where their father is, what am I supposed to say? I don't even know if he's coming back.

Suddenly I had this urge within me, craving for my husband's comfort. I began to miss him and I trembled, wishing him to be here to hug me and tell me everything's going to be alright. I weakly stood up and opened his closet just so I can smell his clothes that was stained by his sweet aroma. I was still crying and I don't know how to make these tears stop falling.

Not until I came upon this box that was on the very top shelf. I haven't noticed it was there before. Out of curiosity, I stood up on a stool and reached for it.

In my hands was a velvet box, the size of a shoe box, probably about 12 years old. I knew that because on top of the cover were four written numbers, 2010. I got back to bed and opened it, slowly lifting the lid.

I smiled a bit seeing pictures of him and the lads when they were still in the X Factor. There were lots of it, almost being the only things filling up the box. Then I saw pictures of me sitting on my window ledge. Then there were pictures of us, getting all cozy with each other. My heart was beating faster in my chest and there was only one thing in my mind right now...


I rummaged down the stuff deeper and looked at every photograph that was there. At the bottom of the box was a cd. The front cover was a picture of John Mayer and the title Free Fallin. Wanting to ease the moment and probably listen to some of his favorite songs, I opened the case and found not a John Mayer album. It was a plain white cd with a writing that read "If It Actually Happens." I immediately inserted it in the player in the bedroom and pressed play.

"Hey!" Harry's 16 year old face popped on the tv screen. "Louis does the red light mean it's recording?"

"Duhh!" Louis answered, not appearing in front of the camera.

Harry was sitting at the bottom of the stairs, looking all sleepy and tired. His curls were messy and out of place. He just sat there, looking at the camera.. Looking at me.

"Are you just gonna sit there and do nothing?" This got to be Zayn's voice.

"Calm down! I'm thinking about the right words to say! I don't wanna sound cheesy you know." He replies, a bit annoyed. I laughed to myself, the tears now beginning to dry up on my cheeks.

"Hey, Abbie. Uhh.. Okay so last night, the boys and I had a little fun. We played truth or dare. Niall admitted he had a crush on you the first time he saw your picture in my wallet. Weird, but yeah he said so when he picked truth and he called dibs on you. I kept silent and little did it come into my mind he considered it as me approving.."

I giggled with his words, seeing him roll those emerald eyes I always adored.

"..I myself have chosen or. It was supposed to be a joke but I didn't know the boys included it in the choices, being both truth and dare. So my dare was to record a video diary at dawn, so basically it's 2am now. Niall and Liam are fast asleep while Zayn and Louis will be helping me out as I tell the truth part. Oh and since I asked for help, I have to say two truths.."

Damn I wanna poke those dimples!

"First truth.. well the boys wanted to know why I'm calling you Baba. You've been asking me the same question since months ago but I never got to actually answer why. So hereI go. You see before my grandparents passed away, I would always spend time with them in their house. And when grandma died, it hurt grandpa so much that he got so weak. Every night he mourned and I was there trying to comfort him. Days when I thought he was getting better, he told me the story of how he and grandma met. She called grandma as the most beautiful and bright angel sent by God to him. He told me that someday, i will find my own baba too and that i should never let her slip away.."

Little by little the pain began to fade away. I curled up on the bed while hugging a pillow, my back against the head board.

"..That brought me to calling you baba because you were the most beautiful and bright angel I've ever seen. I would like to admit that I fell in love with you at first sight. The moment I handed you that ball. The moment I saw you out your window. I'll never regret throwing those pieces of erasers and me writing down messages on my pad so I can show to you I care.."

His hand reached for his right pocket and he brought out the dogtag I knew I once had. I dug down in the box again, this time emptying it. And there it fell, two meaningful dog tags.

"..this is what I'm planning to give you when you come back here in England. And on that day, I told myself I will tell you how I feel. You know, before Nialler does. I'd tell you that I love you and I'll never let you go.."

Liar. I whispered to myself since he didn't even do it before.

"..and then I'm going to ask you to be my girl. And if it actually happens, I'm going to be the happiest person on the planet. Then someday, we'd be more than just that. I'm going to ask you to marry me, you'd probably say yes, we'd have a daughter named Darcy or a son named Phillip. We may have those little fights but I promise you, my feelings will never change and I'll be by your side, hugging you and telling you we will work it out together. Divorce wouldn't exist in our dictionary because we are too strong for those stupid mistakes to tear us down.."

Then it hit me. I've made a mistake. I can't let that mistake destroy what we have. I mean we've been through alot of ups and downs but never did he ever thought of filing for divorce because he knows, we can work it out. He loves me and I love him. Why was it so hard for me to understand and trust him? We got married for one reason. And that was to be there for each other no matter what.

"..If it actually happens, we can have that happily ever after we've always dreamed of. We'd have kids asking us to tell them bedtime tales and we'd tell them our love story. So I'm telling you now, I love you so so so much. Right from the start."

Tears started streaming down my face again and I began to feel regretful.

I love you Harry. I'm sorry. Please come back.

Louis and Zayn then appeared in the scene, sitting beside Harry on the staircase. Well Zayn looked a lot different without those tattoos. Louis had his funny haircut that covered half of his right eye.

"I asked these two guys here to help me sing this song to you. It wasn't familiar to them that we had to rehearse it in the bathroom before recording.."

Louis shot him a death glare, "You owe me." He laughed, clearing his throat.

"Zayn, say the title." Harry whispered.

Zayn shot up to look at the camera, "Oh! Uhh.. this song is called Just Friends by the Jonas Brothers."

And then they started singing, having theit own verses assigned. And as it was on the last part, my best friend's face grinned widely.

Thinking about how..

We're gonna say our vows..

It's cool we're just friends.

She walks down the aisle..

I see all my friends smile..

Coz now we're more than fri-

Suddenly Louis stood up and snatched the camera. It was still rolling and I could hear someone saying "Oh shit oh shit I hope this doesn't reach Simon!" All I could see now was the floor and feet running and the camera being all wiggly and stuff.

"That was close!" Someone said.

"Is it still recording??"

"Holy carrots! The red light is still on! Is this the button I should press?"

"Not that one! You might delete it and I'd have to start all over again! I think it's-" The screen goes black and the cd stopped playing.

Just as I was about to get off bed so I can get the remote and hit replay, the bedroom door slowly opened. "Mom?"

It was Darcy, in her pink Barbie pajamas. I turned off the tv instead and went up to her, "Hey baby. Is your brother awake too?"

She nodded. "Where's daddy?" I knew she was going to ask this question. My heart ached a little, not knowing what to answer. I picked her up and carried her back to their bedroom.

"Mommy.." Philip tirelessly said, rubbing his eyes. "Where's Daddy?" He sat on his bed, his blue sheets still covering half his body.

My twins usually love bonding with their father the moment they wake up. Harry makes every moment count since he knew it's not everyday he's home. He's usually out working for their 9th album. So basically, it's no wonder why they were looking for him right now.

I heard the front door open and the kids zoomed out the room, running after the other. I was thinking it might be Niall since he visits almost twice a week.

"Well your up too soon.." That accent doesn't seem to be Irish. "Where's mommy?"

I went to where the voices came from, and there I saw Harry, the love of my life, my husband, my best friend, carrying the children in his arms.

"There's mommy!" Philip pointed out, wiggling to be put down.

He was looking at me, probably expecting me to say something, but I just let out a sigh.

"Well.." He started speaking, this time turning to the kids. "..who wants ice cream?"

"I do! I do!" They exclaimed.

I shook my head, "We just had ice cream three days ago.."

"Please mommy??" Darcy begged, doing that puppy face that made her look a lot like Harry especially with those tiny dimples showing.

"Yeah, please mommy?" Harry begs too, kneeling between the two so he can reach their height.

A weak smile formed on my face, "Fine. Go prep yourselves up. Wear your coats, it might be chilly outside." They ran back to their rooms, screaming and leaping with excitement.

I was now left with Harry in the living room. It felt awkward since just about an hour ago, we were having a serious fight. I had to do something. Turning my back, I walked to go back to our room, until a hand grabbed my arm tightly, but gently. "Baba.."

"Haz I'm sorry!" My arms reached to grab him for a hug and he quickly responded by hugging me tighter. "I'm so stupid and I'm sorry. I'm really really sorry.." Tears were starting to form in my eyes again.

His head buried deeper at the side of my neck, "Hush Baba. I should be the one who's sorry. I should have not done that. I should have kept my promise.."

"And I should have kept mine too.. That I won't give up.. we won't give up no matter what."

"We can work through this babe. We can and we will.."

There was silence for a moment and the only sound we can hear is the beating of our own hearts.

"I love you." We said in sync, giving me those butterflies in my stomach. "Always have, always will."

I released my embrace and continued to walk to the bedroom.

"Where are you going?" He asked, sounding really concerned. I gave him my cute little smirk and from the corner of my eye, I saw him follow me.

I bent forward and I can sense Harry tensing up, aside from the fact that I was wearing short shorts and a thin tank top.

"Uhh.. babe?" He mumbled, making me laugh.

"Calm down. I'm just picking this up." I showed him the pieces of crumpled papers in my hand. "We won't be needing this anymore."

"Correction. We are never going to need that anymore." He assured. Together, we ripped the pieces of paper and threw it in the trash can.

"Let's go?" He questions after seeing the children all ready and beginning to run around the pad. I shot him a death glare. "What?"

"Do you honestly think I'm going out in this?" I responded, my nose twitching.

He reached for my waist to make me move closer to him, emptying the distance between us. "But you look hot in them.."

I gave him a light slap on his arm, "Harry! Stop.. the children are watching!"

"No they're not.." He argued, leaning closer. "..just one ki.."

Two fleshy folds crashed into mine and it felt so warm and comfortable. It was perfect, and somehow became one of the best kisses we ever had.

"You got what you wanted, now go!" I exclaimed, pinching his butt as he turned around.

"Can't I stay while you change?" He asks, not wanting to leave the room.

I laughed, "Watch the kids! They might break something!"

He pouted as he crossed his arms infront of him, "But they're old enough. They are responsible just like their dad!"

"They're only 6!" I yelled, still laughing. He frowned and he looked so adorable that I just had to throw a pillow to his face.


It was around 8:30 when we got back home. 30 minutes passed the kids bedtime. I blamed Harry but he told me that there are times when people just needs to break rules.

Seriously? Our children hasn't even reached maturity yet and he's talking them about breaking rules and setting their own limitations.

I changed the twins in their peejays and lay them separately in their beds. The only thing lighting up the room now was that purple lava lamp on small table between them.

Harry tucked them in their sheets and kissed their foreheads. "Goodnight mates!"

"Wait dad-" Darcy calls out. "Can you tell us a story before we sleep?"

Harry looked at me, asking if it's okay. I nodded.

"What story do you want me to tell you this time?"

"How you and mommy fell in love!" Philip exclaimed, hiding his blushing face with his palms.

Harry tickled him a bit so he can stop hiding, "But I've told that to you a million times already!"

"We forgot it!" Darcy lied, giggling with her words.

I put an arm on Harry's shoulder, "Just tell them again."

He disapproved and whispered, "But aren't we supposed to do something else tonight? You know just the two of us.."

"Don't worry, I'll still be awake when you get back." I whispered back, not realizing I just made him blush.

I saw Harry take a stool and opened the drawer of the tiny table to get a book. Well no, it wasn't a book about how we fell in love. It was actually a Nicholas Sparks novel. He sat by the end of the two beds and faced our children who mostly looked a lot like him. Brown curly hairs, two adorable dimples, Darcy had green eyes while Philip had brown.

I slowly walked out their room, but before I could close the door completely, I took a peek to listen on how Harry would begin telling our story...

" A guy out there was meant to be the love of your life, your best friend, your soulmate, the one you can tell your dreams to. He'll brush the hair out of your eyes. Send you flowers when you least expect it. He'll stare at you during the movie even though he paid at least $8 to see it. He'll call to say goodnight or just 'cause he is missing you. He'll look you in the eyes and tell you that you're the most beautiful girl in the world, and for the first time in your life, you'll believe it.."


the end.

P.S. Currently editing my first chapters coz it seems so carrot-y -.-"

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