Hot n Cold

By mahimasakalle24

3.1K 152 19

1st story she never had a first kiss...he never tried to give her.. she loved him. He loved her but... More

I'm Back
He's Such a Jerk
The tradition
Oh God! Why Do I Blush
finally i met cel
he's kinda cute
once again
the announcement
finding someone
The Fresher's Party
The Birthday Blast
author's note
East or west food is the best
he's my hangover cure
I really care for you
Nervous wreck
That girl's in for a surprise
Does that mean a yes
The Magical Night
Angry confessions are quite hot
The worst boyfriend in the world
Best first date in the world
Happy Holi
I will let her go
The Twist
The Heartbreak Time
Hate to Love
Son of a...nevermind
Dumbass Boyfriend
Wrong Womanly Intuition
"Don't call your dad an ass"
Possessive Landon
The Only Constants
Angry Rambling
I Just Wish....
One kiss is All it Takes
Request To Readers
Thanks to all

Just a Little more

45 3 0
By mahimasakalle24

1 week earlier from the last chapter

Celena's POV

I entered the campus and made my  way directly to the football field to meet Austin cuz we don't get much time to spend with each other ... sure we text regularly but it still isn't enough and quite frankly I'm disappointed in our relationship.

From the startof our relationship  i was sure that he genuinely likes me but the amount of time we spent together suggested otherwise. For the first 2 months everything was alright but then he started spending lesser and lesser time with me. the closer came the date of the final match the farther our relationship went.

I would like to say that i always knew that relationships were difficult but i never knew that it could be this difficult that it will suck the life out of me.

It has become a routine for me to check my phone thousands of times a day waiting for him to message i also have become accustomed to unanswered texts. I am happy to be with him i just want him to spend time with me a little more...look at me a little more, tease me a little more  ,like me a little more, just a little more.

The time i spend with Austin is always magical, every time i notice in him something different sometimes i get hypnotized with his beautiful eyes ,sometime i get mesmerized by his gorgeous smile.

I made my way to the bleachers and sat down on one of the front benches and  continued watching the game. Trying to spot familiar faces i immediately spotted Austin giving instructions to others looking hot as hell and i think that he felt someone staring at him that he turned and his eyes locked on mine. we stared for a few minutes and i was the first one to smile which he returned back with his gorgeous one. He again started playing the game and i waited patiently and i was able to feel his irritation because nobody was paying attention to the game as everyone was annoyed at Austin for making them practice so much. 

Everyone knew that Austin was hell bent on winning this match. I was a little annoyed with Austin for making me and everyone suffer but i know that i can't do anything.

After the match which went alright but not quite satisfactory for Austin, my grumpy boyfriend made his way to me.

"Hey",he said with a small smile but i can feel that my presence didn't change the fact that he was annoyed.

"hey, come on shower and lets make our way to the classes"

"you go ahead i have a few things to discuss with the coach",Austin said which made me disappointed if he noticed it he let it pass.

Now i was particularly angry but like i always do i simply walked away because i never showed my anger to anyone.

The moment i entered everyone looked at me with horrified faces i tried not to mind and was about to walk to my first class when i heard the thing i never ever wanted to hear.

"i still can't believe that Austin and Renessme had a past that too of Renessme losing her virginity to him and now he is dating her best friend"

Well like an understanding person that i am i will not believe their words but that doesn't mean that i will not clarify it with my oh-so-lovely boyfriend who is already on my bad side and he doesn't even know it.

I made my way back to Austin and saw him leaving the coach's cabin in a very distressed mood which i knew concerned football which made me more angry because for him this game was more important then exchanging a few words to his  girlfriend.

"Austin what's the rumor going around here... is it true?",i asked  straightforwardly.

"what is the rumor?",he asked tiredly

"That...that you and Ren have a past and that she lost her virginity to you?",i aked solemnly.

He gulped and replied with a nervous chuckle.

"you are believing them?"

"no i'm not that's why i want your explanation that why is Kiara spreading these rumors"

"listen Cel don't get angry but whatever everyone is saying is true yes i was the guy Ren lost her virginity to"

I won't lie and say that it's in the past and it doesn't matter to me because it does it hurts so much knowing that my first boyfriend the guy who i like very much has also been associated with my best friend.

"why didn't you tell me?",i asked and cursed myself for the crack in my voice.

"it's just that i thought that its in the past and that its not necessary for you to know because i knew that it would hurt you",it made me happy that he cared for my feelings but there was still a little bit of pain in my heart imagining them together.

"I also want to talk to you about something else",i said surprisingly my voice came out firm.

"so that means you forgive me for hiding this"

"Austin it's not easy for me to forgive you not because you had a past with my best friend but because you hid something from i wanted to talk to you about the match you are taking a lot of stress and also giving a lot of stress to your team mates"

"it is not your place to tell me what to do,you know nothing about football", he scowled, his tone was cold and hostile which was very unfamiliar to me.

"Austin all i'm saying is that give yourself a break and relax, you know that i believe in you and i know that you will win but we haven't spend much time together in like forever you have to give a little time to our relationship as well"

"oh so you want me to forget football and give all my damn time to you".he shouted making me wince.

"i'm not saying you spend all your time with me but you can at least reply to my texts and we can hangout sometime",i said in a whisper by now tears were in my eyes.

"and now you sound like a clingy girlfriend or there's a better name for you and that is attention seeking bitch "

His words made me cry i had tears rolling down my cheeks and i am sure that there was hurt clearly visible in my eyes. I knew that he was looking for something ,anything that will start a fight between us maybe he really thought me as a bitch and now he finally said it.

The amount of hurt i felt will never compare to anything in the world. How can he say this to me . what did i do to hear such things from him.

"Austin i'm also hurt you haven't been the best boyfriend either but that doesn't mean that i will leave you just because your trying to deliberately start a fight with me"

"listen to me Cel and listen clearly you have already stated that i'm not the best boyfriend in the world and now you are also becoming all dramatic, thinking yourself to be all high and mighty to give me advice so i think its best if we end this before you become even more clingy"

Even in this situation i can't help but notice that he called me Cel and not princess...its been a long time since he called me that i missed it but now i know that i will never hear it again.

"just because i gave a little advice you will break up with me", i tried to shout but came out as weak as ever.

"Cel you are serving as a distraction for me and i do not want any distractions in my life"

"so this football match is so important to you that you will break up with me. am i this little piece of your life that you can so easily throw away"

"nothing is more important to me than football, and your not even close to that",i closed my eyes hoping that this all is a dream ,hoping that the guy i like so much is not saying these hurtful things to me. But my hopes and dreams comes crashing down when i open my eyes and everything is still the same, dreadful.

I looked at him trying to find at least a hint of sadness but got none and what hurt even more was that he was smirking at me like he has done the best thing by breaking my heart. God what happened to the guy that i like so much where is he gone and why is he replaced by someone so heartless.

I got no answers from god and i wasn't waiting for them either but there was only one thought in my mind

and here i was thinking of a little more.

Thanks for reading

hope you liked it

love you all

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