Apocalypse (a twilight fanfic)

By blackdust

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Amelia has been alone virtually her whole life. One day she gets a letter from her mum saying to go to the Cu... More

Apocalypse (a twilight fanfic)
Chapter 1- past
Chapter 2- story
Chapter 3- hunt
chapter 4- smile
Chapter 5- game
chapter 6- deal
Chapter 7-shopping
Chapter 8- cliff
Chapter 9- wait
Chapter 10-return
Chapter 11-family
Chapter 12-time
chapter 13-sweet
Chapter 14- proposition
Chapter 15- rematch
Chapter 16-power
chapter 17- practice
Chapter 18-confession
Chapter 19-reaction
Chapter 20- soccer
chapter 21-plan
chapter 22- talk
Chapter 23- sisters
Chapter 24
Chapter 25- call
chapter 26- desicion
chapter 27- back to forks
chapter 28- Charlie and Sue
Chapter 29- we are vampires
chapter 30- la push
Author's note! MUST READ!
Chapter 31- plans for the big day
Chapter 32- shopping for the big day
Chapter 33- the big day
chapter 35
chapter 36- News
chapter 37- Baseball
Chapter 38- Max's birthday
Chapter 39- first date
Chapter 40- details
Chapter 41- First day
Chapter 42
Chapter 43- Choir
Chapter 44- Arcade
Chapter 45- Surprise
Chapter 46- note
Chapter 47- Hurt
Chapter 48- tears
Chapter 49- Gone
Chapter 50 - Comprehension
Chapter 51- Actions
Chapter 52-Fault
Chapter 53- Darkness
Chapter 54- Sense
Chapter 55- Revenge
Chapter 56- awake
Chapter 57
Chapter 58- apologies
Chapter 59- feelings
Chapter 60- Forever
Chapter 61- unexpected
Chapter 62- Answers
Chapter 63- complications
Chapter 64- Revelations
Chapter 65- Promise
Chapter 66- indecision
Chapter 67- Battle
Chapter 68- Victory
(FINAL CHAPTER) Chapter 69- Farewell

Chapter 34- home sweet home

17.8K 173 38
By blackdust

All rights are to Stephanie Meyer...

Chapter 34- home sweet home

***Amelia's POV***

Days have passed since the wedding nothing really eventful happened but I'll take that as a good thing. We are going back home today.

It feels so good to say that... Home...

Leah and Daniel called yesterday saying that they are having a fantasic honeymoon so far which is good.

I looked at my suitcase I had packed everthing hadn't I? Well Aunt Alice is going to check it so it is going to fine. I sat down on the bed on my and Max's room in Grandpa Charlie's house. Max is doing his suitcase. I would've helped him but there is only so much I could do. After he was done he sat himself next to me.

"Have you packed everyhting?" He asked.

"Yes- I think Aunt Alice is going to check anyway." I said. He smiled at me.

"I think so too but you can never be sure on what she packs." He said.

"I know what you mean I found some clothes in my suitcase I never knew I had." I said. He smiled at me again.

"Same... so did you enjoy yourself here?" He asked.

"Yes I did. There were loads of expieriences I never even dreamed about like a wedding, the reception, eating cake, going to La push, being evil to werewolves and taking loads of pictures too." I listed off.

"Don't forget being evil to Max." He said.

"I do that anyway." I said. He arched his brow at me.

"What I meant to say is... being with you everyday is a new expierience...?" I said. He rolled his eyes at me.

"I agree being wth you everyday is a new expierience." He said. I looked at the time and it was reaching to 4 o'clock.

"I think we should be heading downstairs now." I said. Max glanced at the clock and then nodded.

"I agree with that too." He said. I smiled at him and kissed him on the cheek. He grabbed my hand and we went downstairs. We went into the living room and Grandma Sue, Grandpa Charlie, Mum and Dad were in there. We sat down on the loveseat and waited for someone to talk.

"Amelia, Max have you packed?" Mum asked.

"More or less." I said. I turned to Max.

"What she said." He said.

"That's good but Alice wants to check it through ." Dad said

"I know." I said.

"So do you two want to anything to say to Charlie and Sue?" He said. I thought for a minute then I realized what it was.

"Thank you!" Me and Max said at the same time. I got up from my seat and so did Max and we gave them a hug. They laughed and hugged us back I'm going to miss them.

"I'm going to miss you two!" I said.

"I'll miss you too." Grandpa and Grandma said. We sat back down and the door bell rang. I could tell it was Aunt Alice. Mum got the door and Aunt Alice came in.

"Hey guys! I have come to check your bags!" She said. The room was filled with heys, hi's and hellos. She didn't sit down instead she went straight upstairs to check on our stuff she took a few minutes and then danced downstairs.

"All done!" She sang and perched herself on edge of the sofa. Dad and Mum gave each other a look. Which meant shall we go now? They nodded at each other and they got up.

"Dad, Sue it is time for us to go because we can't be back so late." Mum said to grandpa and Grandma. They frowned and lead us to the door. I got on my jacket as did Max and we gave them one last hug.

"I'm going to miss you two." I said truthfully.

"We'll miss you too Amelia come down again won't you?" grandpa said.

"Hopefully and let's hope that our next arrival wouldn't only be for a wedding so we have loads of free time too." I said. We waved goodbye after we got in to the volvo and headed home. We said goodbye to Seth and Cheryl earlier it was sad but we'll meet again. The journey home was as long as the journey here but I wasn't bored because I had Max.

I soon succumbed into unconsciousness in Max's arms before we finally got home. When I woke up my tummy started to ache. Okay that's weird that hasn't happened before... I decided not to think about it.

As we entered the house me and Max half asleep trotted upstairs after announcing our arrival to the rest of the family. I looked at the familiar surroundings of our home. Home sweet home I thought. I am so happy to have a place to call home. I walked into my bedroom it looked the same. I got changed into my nighties and then said good night to Max. It's going to be weird sleeping alone even through there wad one day we didn't. Which was the night before the wedding I slept in the old house and Max slept in Grandpa's. I'll see Max in the morning anyways.


I woke and my tummy was still hurting okay that's still weird. I looked around my room everything is still the same. I inhaled and I smelt blood.

Blood? Where did that come from and it seems quite strong... I took my blanket off me and was about to get up. But I didn't.

There was a big patch of red on my nightie bottoms and the bed.

What happpened? Why am I bleeding? I didn't cut myself did I?

Then Max came in he was just about to say something but he stopped in his tracks. He was string at the patch of blood that I had somehow produced.

"Amelia why are you in blood?" He asked.

"I don't know." I said my voice was as weak as a whisper. I looked at him and he had seem to have froze. His breathing became more sharp, his eyes grew darker and he looked as if he could kill.

Why is he reacting like that? Oh yeah vampire and blood. I could then tell he was going to pounce on me and well kill me.

Great my soulmate wants to kill me. He was just about to move and I froze him before anything bad happens. Then my mum and dad raced in. My dad held on to Max and took him out of the room. My mum looked at me and then shook her head. She then sat next to me before she said anything.

"Amelia do you know why you are bleeding?" She asked concerned. Does it look as if I know why? I wanted to snap. Why am I so on the edge?

"No mum tell me?" I said but voice was still weak. Before my mum carried on Aunt Alice, Aunt Rose, Ness and Grandma came in. They sat theirselves on the bed. If they are here it must be something big... I wonder what through...

"Amelia I never actually thought that this would happen to you but when a girl hits their teenage years they every month get a period." mum said. A period? What's that?

"What is that?" I asked dumbfounded. She explained to me what it was with the help of the others. It turns out vampires don't get period hybrids do. Ness has them and she said after a while you can't smell the blood but that is after a few months.

"You said that the blood at the end smells bad why did Max go... All blood crazed?" I asked.

"When you get it for the first time the blood smells like actual blood at the end of the period it smells bad." Ness explained. That makes sense. Mum also told me that, that is basically how babies are made. So now what Uncle Emmett says about Max knocking me up makes sense now. Before I was kind of confused. The pain in my stomach started to increase I clutched on to it hoping it will cease.

"Does you stomach ache?" mum asked. I nodded weakly. I hate being in pain. I really do I've been in too much of it.

"We'll have to call Carlisle for that." Aunt Rose said. Why? I wanted to ask but then realised that he is a doctor. We talked some more and then I had to shower, change and stuff. I put on a sanitary towel which aunt Alice gave me and got changed. I wore casual clothes and baggy trousers. By time I went downstairs my tummy was hurting even more. I clutched on to it as I walked into the kitchen. I sat myself down on a chair as I waited then Mum came in with dad.

"Are you alright has the tummy ache ceased?" Mum asked. I shook my head.

"It hurts more." I said. My voice was still weak.

"Carlisle is on his way back he should be here shortly. In the meanwhile you should eat something." she said. I shook my head again.

"I'm not hungry." I whispered.

"Amelia you need to eat something, you need to boost yourself." Dad said sternly. I pouted but I nodded. Why oh why did this have to happen to me?

"Where's Max?" I asked.

"He's in the family room he can't be by you let give him a while to control himself." Mum said apologetically.

"Do I smell that good?" I asked. My dad smiled at me and then said

"Yes you do." I tried to smile back but I couldn't the pain in my body increased by the second and started to move up to my chest. I groaned and clutched my torso with both of my hands. After a while I settled to eat some fruit. My mum cut me some and put the plate in front of me. I looked at her like do I have to? And she nodded. I ate it slowly, it was sweet and made me wince at it. I ate it and well the pain got even worse. So bad I felt like I was going to cry. I closed my eyes and opened them after a few minutes. My eyes were wet I wiped them. Then I heard the door open and the close. It was Grandpa. I wanted to jump up in joy but it wasn't in the state of that so I stayed seated. He came into the kitchen and walked up to me. He kneeled beside me and then opened his mouth to speak.

"Amelia I have been informed that your menstrual cycle has started." he said. I nodded.

"How do you feel sickness, a tummy ache...?" he asked.

"My whole torso hurts." I whispered.

"I see I'm going to have to give you medicine for that but I'm not sure if it is going to be very effective. Otherwise you are going to have to have lots of rest and you will have to eat regularly to keep your energy at a stable level if you feel anymore pain then you are in make sure to tell someone." he said. I nodded. He gave some medicine which was the most revolting thing I have ever tasted. Then I went into the family room because Max had calmed down. I sat down and I felt on the edge. Really, really annoyed I didn't know why. I started to tap my toe on the floor gently whilst getting the sudden urge to break something. Uncle Jasper started to give me looks and seemed on the edge too.

"Are you alright?" Max asked me as he slid himself next to me. He put an arm around me and held me close.

"My entire torso is literally murdering me and I am really agitated and I don't know why." I whispered to him. He looked at me like he wanted to help but he didn't know what to do.

***Max's POV***

Amelia looked as if she was in so much pain. I didn't know what to do. I only found out about the menstrual cycle less then an hour ago! I am only four! I held her close and she soon closed her eyes. At the moment she looked so weak and fragile and I couldn't do anything about it.

"So Max you can have kids now interesting..." my dad said. Great. He isn't going to drop it is he? I didn't say anything and kept my eyes on Amelia. She shifted a bit with his words but didn't wake up.

"You better not knock her now because she is sure to get pregnant and as I said I am.not ready for a little Max or Amelia to be running around." he said. Amelia's eyes shot open by his words. I turned to my dad annoyed he is just going to make this harder for her isn't he?

"Dad I am only four years old why on earth will I knock her up now?" I said annoyed.

"I dunno son and you said now? Does that mean you have plans to?" he asked. I began to feel tense he knew what I meant. Amelia sat up my arms and opened her mouth.

"Uncle Emmett how many times do I need to tell you to stop it with the whole don't knock her up thing? Clearly shutting your mouth doesn't do anything. But I am capable of much more so if you don't watch it I will feel very sorry for you." she said her voice was confident and full of disgust. She was tensed in my arms and had the attention of everybody.

"Wow Amelia is really pmsing more worse than Ness and I thought she was ba-" he said but was cut off by the shutting of his mouth. She glared at him and was on the total edge and looked to kill. She turned to me and her eyes soften she looked like she was going through because of the pain. I held her slightly tighter and then she clutched on to her stomach.

"Amelia are you alright you look as if you are going to puke." I said. She nodded which made me confused. And before I knew it she wad out of my arms out of the room. I heard her vomit less then second later. I got up alarmed and raced to where she was which was the bathroom. She was clutching on to her stomach and was leaning down her hair was a messed and had vomit on it. She wasn't only puking food up but blood too. I held her hair away from her face and she puked some more. She literally just vomited her inside out. When she was done she looked up at me with pained eyes as she stumbled and was about to fall to the floor. I held on to her. I hate to see her like this. She looked so ill and couldn't even support herself.

"I don't think breakfast was a good idea." she whispered. The rest of the family was in the bathroom. Shocked to see how much she had vomited.

"She is taking her menstrual cycle more worse then I thought. I think she has fainted she is going to have to stay in her room til it ends." grandpa said. I looked her she was really pale and looked... Peaceful? She must've fainted. I frowned and held her in a bridal way.

"Alice, Bella go clean her up she looks terrible I'm going to clear her vomit." Grandma said. I frowned more when they took her from my arms I wanted to keep her safe and close to but I know that she needs to be cleaned up.


Amelia's day has been terrible. Everytime she ate something she vomited ur out and once was on ne but I didn't mind that much. She instead had to take nutrient tablets to keep her energy. She woke up from her faint after an hour. After that I haven't left her side. She insisted that I should do my own thing. But I told that is and always be my first priority. We said little to each other but I rather just hold her and know that she is okay. To see her in such a state makes me guilty even through I didn't do anything. But I will always make sure she is safe as I would always love her.


Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter! I was so sick of fillers that I decided to make something happen but it's not a big deal. I wasn't supposed to update but I did anyways...

And sorry that there are so many gaps I am writing this on my phone so it happens automatically. It's annoying!

I'll dedicate the next chapter to the person who comments on every chapter.

I'll upload after 17 votes and ten comments okay?



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