Just For The Hell Of It

By HateIsForHaters

475 28 5

It’s Bernadette Mitchell’s senior year of high school and she wants to end it with a bang, even though her nu... More

Chappy 2
Chappy 3
Chappy 4
Chappy 5

Chappy 1

212 9 3
By HateIsForHaters

 Chappy 1

You know how in those movies there’s that fierce music playing behind the main character while she’s walking down the hall feeling confident? Well, that’s the exact opposite of me; I’m more like the person standing by the lockers wishing I was that confident girl. It’s my senior year and I haven’t had a boyfriend, been invited to a wild party, or even kissed a guy now that makes me feel pathetic.

“Things have to change.” I complained, dropping my books on the cement table outside of the cafeteria.

Emma and Jude looked up at me confused, “What?” Emma said putting lip gloss on her lips.

“This whole thing,” I flailed my arms around like a crazy person, “Like, me and you, Emma, we’ve never had boyfriends,” She opened her glossy lips to say something but I stopped her, “Mason Lane, in the third grade, doesn’t count.” I stopped feeling like they didn’t get what I was saying.

Emma asked, a little offended, “What, you don’t like hanging with us?”

“It’s not that, I just want to be noticed or something…I don’t know but things just have to change.” I plopped down on the matching cement bench and looked at them both for help.

Jude laughed and pulled himself onto the top of the table, “So, you want to be like them?” He pointed to the table full of blondes and jocks.

“Yeah, well sort of, just a more real less blonde one of them.”

Jude and Emma looked at each other before completely bursting out laughing, “Yeah right,” Emma said  almost choking, “Remember freshman year when,”

Stopping her with wide eyes, I said, “Please don’t bring that up,”


“What I want to know.” Jude said clearly clueless and hasn’t heard of the incident.

“No, no, no, no, no this conversation is over.” I said.

Readjusting my plaid scarf, I couldn’t help but catch a glimpse at Dylan, he’s so…perfect, I mean the way his perfect tan skin matched his perfect light brown hair, the perfect curve of his nose to the perfect line of his jaw, the way he unknowingly ran his fingers through his messy hair. A shiver ran up my spine. But my view ways blocked by the mean, ugly, Katherine Wilkerson, trying to flirt with him.

“Arg, I hate that bitch.” I said turning away from Dylan I saw that my ride, Jude, left.

“Where’d he go?” I asked partially ready to go home.

She shrugged her arms and said, “I don’t know, but if I didn’t live like an hour away I would so drop you off but you’re lucky because Jude and you live literally right next to each other.”

Yes he does live right to me, ever since I moved here in the first grade, “Still he always ditches me for that whore of a girlfriend and makes me wait until they’re don’t fucking or something.”

“Whoa, whoa if I didn’t know better, I think there’s a hint of jealousy.” She wiggled her eye brows.

Defensively I said, “No way, I just miss the old days, where he didn’t ditch me for whores.”

She shrugged and said gathering her stuff, “I really do wish I could stay but we’re having auditions, you want to watch or something.”

“No, I’ll just wait here.”

“Okay, Bernie, I’ll call you.”

Waiting until she was out of view, I pulled out my note book and a pen and titled my paper,


-Remember to go to Emma's play.

 I felt eyes peering over my shoulder as I jumped crumpling up the paper looking behind me at a smiling Jude, “What…the…Hell.”

“So, ya ready?” He asked, overly happy, adjusting his black back pack on his shoulder.

Getting up I said, “Uh, yeah.”

Hey guys since this was the first one I didn’t want to make it too long so this was a short one, I just wanted to introduce you to the main characters and stuff buttttt tell me if you like it…what you think of the story and I will be setting up character page so you can see what I’m seeing but feel free to just see what you want to see…I feel like I’m rambling sooo…




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