My Knight in Shining Armor ((...

By 83773R_0FF_D34D

8.2K 241 188

Karkat: "I, Karkat Vantas, have a fucked up home life. Sometimes I wonder why my life turned out the way it d... More

One: Rough Mornings
Two: New Neighbors
Three: Best Friend to the Rescue
Four: Rising Suspicions
Five: Late Warnings
Six: The Blabber Mouth's Return
Seven: A Week of Weird Happenings
Eight: Waking With a Start
Nine: A Day With Strider
Ten: Night At the Strider Household
Eleven: Bullies and Heroes
Twelve: Planning
Fourteen: Denial
Fifteen: A Not-So-Friendly Warning
Sixteen: Worth
Seventeen: Skipping School
Eighteen: School Mornings
Nineteen: Problems Arise
Twenty: The Knight Shows
Twenty-One: Visiting Hours Suck
Twenty-Two: Soft Love
Twenty-Three: Getting the Party Started
Twenty-Four: Christmas Eve Night
Twenty-Five: Christmas with Strider
Twenty-Six: Christmas Afternoon
Twenty-Seven: Christmas Night
Twenty-Eight: Happily Ever After

Thirteen: Double Date

394 9 6
By 83773R_0FF_D34D

I woke up by noon, waking to a pounding on my bedroom door, scaring the daylights out of me and causing me to fall out and of bed. I groaned as I had landed on my chest, catching my breath before I sat up. "What?" I asked irritably, pushing myself to a stand.

Silence... All I had gotten in return was silence. Curious, scared, and confused, I stepped towards my door, hand on the knob. Unlocking it, I went to open it before it was shoved open. Fearing the worse, I had fallen backwards on my ass, scrambling backwards, confused as all Hell when two female giggles rang in my ears. I look up to see Kanaya and Rose standing there, my father's voice booming from the living room seconds later.

"Keep it down!" He hollered, all of us looking in the general direction of his voice before their eyes found me, still on the ground.
"Sorry Karkat, we just couldn't resist. Your father said you were sleeping and.. Well.." Kanaya said, trailing off with a shrug and another giggle.
"Whatever," I grumble, sitting up, "what did you want anyways?"
"We wanted to help you get ready for today." Rose purred.

I stare at them confused as Rose pulled me up to sit on the bed while Kanaya had started to rummage through my closet and dresser, mumbling under her breath as she shook her head in disapproval.

"Really Karkat? After years of knowing you, I knew your fashion was bad, but this is just.. Awful!" Kanaya said, turning to face me and her girlfriend, arms crossed sternly over her chest.
"Geez, can you not complain when I literally JUST woke up?" I complain, not caring if it was childish.
"Come, we're taking you shopping, I am not going out with you in raggedy clothing."
"Kanaya!" I whine, "It's not like it's a double date or some shit." I say with a huff, eyes locked on her face, watching as her expression softened and she looked to the side with a small smile. "No.. Ka- It's not even like that!"
"Oh come on, a little experiment won't kill you, will it?"
"Yes, it will be the death of me, I will die the moment it begins, besides.. Porrim told me about how he saved you at the café." She smirked.
"Ooh~ I haven't heard." Rose said, "Care to tell, dear?" Rose asked with a matching smile.

And thus started Kanaya's tale that retold the events at the café that happened months ago, the whole while, I had slipped my shoes on and we were already in the car once it was finished. It honestly took only a few minutes and I was still waking up, not caring about anything on the way to whatever store the girls decide to drag me to, drowning out their conversation.

Once we had reached our destination, the mall, Kanaya and Rose both dragged me into the first clothing store they saw. I stood to the side as they started searching through the clothes that either hung on the silver poles or walls or the clothing that lay folded.

From the first store, we didn't get anything, but through the next five, I somehow ended up with my arms slowly were filled with bags, handles digging into my arms as the bags weighed them down, though I pulled through and kept them up... Somewhat.

Most of the items weren't even mine, the girls had decided to buy a few things for Kanaya to fix up and make new clothes out of. It was around one thirty by the time we had finished, drove me back home and had the girls shoving me back into my room to test and try on outfits.

I sigh as they pull out the first outfit, leaving me to change into the blue jeans, black T-shirt, and red jacket they got out for me before I let them back in, arms crossed. "This. Is. Stupid." I mutter.

"Hush. Now..."
"How about the other jeans?" Rose suggested.
"Which one, you got like.. Four!"
"Let us see..." She mumbled with a hum and dug through the bags.

I waited patiently and became the girls' model, thankful that they had listened when I had told them I'd only accept long clothes at the mall, though I had refused to answer why.

Eventually, we had settled on an outfit we could all agree on. It was a combination of an old pair of grey skinny jeans, a black band tee, and the red hoodie. Kanaya had tossed my black hightop convers at my feet.

"Put those on when you leave," She says with a nod, folding up the clothes I had tried on and pulling out the ones that remained. "We'll meet you two at the park." She says with another nod.
"This looks like something I'd wear any other day," I point out.
"Yes, but not together, and never have I seen you in a bright color in the last nine years, Karkat."
"Okay, true, but I have reasons."
"Everyday is not a funeral, dear, don't dress like you're always at one." Rose said, hands quickly working on my hair for a few seconds.
"It's always my mind's funeral, it dies every time I'm around a shithead." I shake my head.

We said our goodbyes and I pulled my phone out once they left, finding five missed calls and four texts from Kanaya and Rose, wondering how the Hell I had even slept as long as I had, I guess I was tired as fuck. Like, REALLY fucking tired.

I sigh and plug my phone into it's charger, eyes closing as I flop on to my back with a sigh, remembering that I hadn't asked what the girls had planned for us today and that was what had gotten my thoughts racing. Questions that started with 'What if's and 'Why's started to fill my mind with worry before I had sat up with a jolt, eyes wide as I wished and willed my head to clear.

I hunch forward and hold my head between my hands with a groan. "Calm the fuck down Vantas, it's going to be fine.." I tell myself, not meaning to sat it aloud, though it was quiet enough for me not to be too embarrassed.

It was another fifteen minutes of silence before I got up to get something to eat, thankful my father had left already as I pop leftovers into the microwave. I sat on the counter as I waited, looking down at the floor as I waited before there was a knock at the door.

I jumped, startled for the first few seconds before I hopped off the counter and moved to answer the impatient knocker as another, rapid knock came.

Flinging the door open, I look up to see Dave standing there, smirk soon forming on his face after several seconds.

" 'Sup Vantas?"
"The fuck do you want?" I asked with a scowl.
"Just stopping by to ask if I could get a ride to whatever park we're going to later." He shrugged.
I huff, silent for several seconds before nodding, "Fine. We have to leave in a little, so do you want me to just get your ass when we need to leave?"
"Actually, do you think I can wait here? I think Dirk and his British boyfriend are about to have cyber sex.." He says.

I shuddered, shaking my head, looking over as the microwave went off, sighing softly. "Fine, get your ass in here." I mutter before leaving to get my food.

I grab my food and a fork, hopping back on to the counter and began to eat, leaving Dave to his own devices, though that didn't seem like much of a problem as the television was heard in the other room.

I was able to eat portion of the food I had heated up before I was done, putting it away again. I hadn't heard a word from Dave the whole while, walking in to the living room after a moment. "Ready?" I asked with a sigh.

"Yeah, just give me a moment."
"Okay." I mumbled before quickly walking to my room to grab my phone.

Returning to the living room, I found Dave standing at the door, waiting for me.

"You want to walk or take the car? Either way we'll be there in like.. Twenty minutes to half an hour."
"And we'll be a bit early." He points out.
"Strider, trust me, they're probably there already." I counter with a shrug.
"Yes, now walking or taking the fucking car?"
"Whatever you're up to man."

I glare at the other, arms crossing over my chest, confused and oddly offended as he started to chuckle at me, shaking his head before stepping forward and warm hands clasped on my shoulders. How I could feel the warmth through the layers of clothes I had on was beyond me, but his voice snapped me back to attention.

"Sorry dude, I just can't take you seriously when you're pissed." He laughed.
"And why the fuck not?" I snapped back, though I didn't move.
"You're just small and adorable, like someone can literally snatch you up without a problem."
"Well, good thing I stay the fuck indoors then, huh?"
"Maybe, but I'll protect you if it's needed."
"Yeah, sure you will, Strider." I roll my eyes.
"What? Don't believe me?"
"Can't say I fucking do."
"You wanna bet on it?" He asked mischievously.

I paused for a moment, shaking my head before nodding once. "Fine, what do you want to bet?"

"I bet you.. That if I can escort you throughout the day without any problems, like I had failed to do so months ago, you have to... You owe me a kiss." He says shamelessly, my eyes widening as a blush crept up.
"A-and if you fail to do so..?" I asked as I tried to will the blush down.
"I will do whatever you ask me to do the second I fail till midnight."
"You really expect to stick around me that long?"
"Yup, not a doubt neither."
"Either.." I correct him.
"Shut up. We're walking by the way, if this bet is happening."
"Great, glad you made your decision."

I shake my head and pull from Dave's hands finally, though I wasn't all too psyched for Dave's part of the deal that was determined that I'd kiss him if he won.

I grab my house key and we headed out, hands stuffed in my pockets as I walked alongside the blonde male, eyes down, looking up only once in a while to check where we were going.

There was only silence between us, the sound of footsteps and passing cars the only thing heard on our way to the park.

Like I had said earlier, out had only taken about half an hour's before we had reached the park. It took an extra five minutes to spot Kanaya and Rose who sat at a picnic table, idly chatting. We walked over, Dave sitting next to Rose as I had taken a seat on the table itself, sitting crossed legged and arms crossed.

"Karkat, get off the table." Kanaya demanded.
"Why? It's not like I'm hurting anything."
"C'mon Karkles, you can sit on my lap instead." Dave suggested with a smirk.
"I'd rather sit on something sharp and rusty nail." I growl.
"Hey, I was only offering."
"And I'm only saying to go fuck yours-"

I was cut off by a hand firmly covering my mouth, muffling the rest of my threat, though I tried to say something else, almost positive that my face had gone red with frustration. I eventually have up, slumping forward.

"There there, no need to work yourself up." Kanaya said, her hand leaving my face.
"Not. Fair." I grit out, arms crossed.
"But it is." She smirked, laughing quietly.
"One, no it is not. Two, what the Hell do you two have planned?" I ask with a hum.
"Oh, quite a few things, but don't worry, it'll all be on us for today." Kanaya explained. "But first, we'll start with going to see a movie." She stated with a grin.
"What is it?" Dave asked as they stood.
"Something scary." Rose said with an expression that mirrored Kanaya's.

I looked up at the females like it was the worst idea they could think of, and quite honestly, it was. Kanaya has known that I hate horror movies with a burning passion and has known since we were five when I saw my first horror film. Let's just say I cried like a bitch when it was time for bed and I was fearing Freddy Krueger. Of course, I haven't seen a horror film since I was ten, so maybe this won't be that bad.

We head to the theater that was only a few blocks away, so it really only took ten minutes, an extra fifteen to get tickets, sodas, and snacks before getting to the theater room.

The girls sat next to each other, the blondes sitting between me and Kanaya as we waited through the ads that were being played on the big screen in the meantime.

"If you get too scared, you can always hold my hand." Dave said with a smirk.
"Fuck. You."
"Whoa sweetheart, might wanna take me to dinner first." He teased.
"Fuck you. Fuck yourself with glass shards."

I cross my arms over my chest and slouched in the cushioned seat, earning a snigger from the blonde beside me. The rest of the time was silent until the film started, eyes locked on the big screen as the movie started.

••~Three Hours Later~••

Once the movie had ended, I was hiding my face in my knees, my arms holding my legs to my chest. I was shaken but not shaking, though I might as well have been.

I watch as the credits roll, jumping as someone pulled my hood up and over my eyes, uncurling myself from my position to sit straight up. Dave was snickering quietly, though I was the exact opposite of amused.

It wasn't long before we walked back to the lobby, throwing boxes of candy and our sodas away, though I'm sure most of the boxes were emptied out because of us jumping and it dropping everywhere.

"So, what did you all think about the movie?" Rose asked, looping her arm with Kanaya's.
"It was nice, definitely lived up to what it was said to be.." Kanaya notes.
"Yes, it did. What about you Dave?"
"I honestly thought it could have used more scares, but Kitkat here was scared shitless.." Dave said, nudging my arm with his elbow.
"Fuck off, Strider." I growl. "What's next on the agenda?" I asked wanting to move from this topic as soon as possible.
"Oh, well I was thinking we could grab a bite..? I'm starved." Kanaya suggested as we started out of the theater.

We all nod and agree to walk to the diner that was quite a bit away, though that wasn't much of a problem for us. When Kanaya and I were younger, we would walk around this town like we were now, early autumn nights when the sun slowly disappeared on the horizon, the sky being complexly painted with warm oranges, reds with blue surrounding them as the hours slowly ticked by.

We would walk to the park to meet up with ten other friends of ours, though few remained in town, everyone else had moved away over the years. Most of my old friends were now enemies, including Vriska and Equius, surprisingly.

We would "play pretend", though we now know is as LARPing. One day we would be superheroes, next we were playing house, a huge household to hold twelve people and their imaginary children and pets. It was actually quite humorous once I got into detail, but that was not a story that can be told at the moment.

I was pulled out of thought as the back of my jacket was grabbed and I was yanked back, regaining knowledge of my surroundings to see that I had been close to being roadkill as a bus drove pass, eyes wide.

Everything was being blocked out besides the part of my mind that was trying to comprehend what the Hell almost happened before I noticed another source of heat radiating off of the source and on to me as I realized I was standing with my back against what I assumed was a chest. I looked around finally to see the females shocked before slowly laughing the shock off. As I turned my gaze up, Dave was behind me, stoned face.

Shaking my head, I tried to pull away, a hand flying to hold on to mine, shocking me once more. I look at the hand's owner, glaring at the man before we were walking again. I was dragged along, Dave, Kanaya, and Rose all walking faster than my short legs could carry me, though I made an effort to try and not be completely dragged around like a ragdoll.

Eventually, we had reached the diner, my wrist being released from Dave's grasp once the sign was in our line of sight. It wasn't all that busy, about three or four tables being occupied at the moment, so it was all that complicated to get a table for the four of us.

We were seated before being left to look over the menus before the girls had excused themselves to go to the restroom.

There was silence between Dave and I for a moment before the male next to me had mumbled something, though I think I had caught some of it, though I couldn't be certain. "What did you say?" I asked noncommittally, looking down at the laminated choices of foods and beverages I had in front of me before glancing up as Dave answered.

"I said that I had the bet in the bag." He smirked.
"Yeah fucking right. You still got till whenever the fuck they planned ends, anything can happen you know, so you might want to hop off that high fucking horse you're on, Strider." I say, rolling my eyes.

He merely chuckled and shook his head, not saying anything else. I set my menu down several seconds later having an idea as to what the Hell I was getting.

I crossed my arms and slouched in my seat some, minutes passing before Rose came back, Kanaya following half a moment later. I sat up, not wanting a lecture on how slouching was not only indecent at the table, but also "bad for my posture". Yes, I had gotten this lecture from all Maryams at one point or another, though I really wasn't looking for one at the moment, so correcting myself before it happened was a better choice.

We sat in silence until everyone was certain about what they wanted, waiting until the waitress came back to place our orders in. I didn't pay attention to what the others had ordered, letting my mind wander off as I looked down at the table blankly.

"Alrighty, I'll put your order in and be back with your drinks in a moment." The girl said, her smile evident in her voice as it broke through my thoughts.
"Alright, thank you." Kanaya said before the girl walked off.

I took my phone out after a moment, Dave having done the same moments before, Kanaya and Rose both being caught up in their own conversation. I checked my messages, looking down at the screen with my full attention, finding a few messages from Gamzee that were simple greetings and attempts to get me to answer along with a few of his "honk faces" that he loved to put in.

Once again, I was dead to the world, tapping in a reply to the pestering Makara.


I sigh and shake my head, waiting for his response now, about to check one of the games that I had installed on my phone before glasses were set in front of us, each quietly thanking the waitress before she turned on her heel and walked back.

••~An Hour and a Half Later ~••

Dinner was rather uneventful, the night sky had gone to a dark blue finally, though the stars were barely showing through the clouds and I just hoped there wouldn't be a storm.

Gamzee had not replied yet, though I was fairly certain he was either out with someone, sleeping, his phone was dead. They were the three main possibilities, seeing as they were the main excuses he used.

Exciting the dinner, Rose has hooked her arm with Kanaya's again.

"Well, I think that's all for tonight. Do you two need a ride?" Rose offered.
"Y-" I was cut off before I could accept
"Thanks, but no thanks Rose, we'll walk." Dave said, speaking over me.
"Oh, okay. Be safe you two." Rose said with a nod.
"We will!" Dave called over his shoulder as he began to lead me away from them.

I waved back at them, getting cat-like grins from them and waves in return. Eventually, Dave had slowed down enough so I could walk beside him without much of a problem.

The blonde would not let go of my hand as we walked, my hand laying limp in his. It was another thirty minute walk back and I really hoped it wouldn't pass in silence, though I was too chicken to start a conversation on my own.

We were almost at our houses by the time either of us spoke up. Thankfully, it was Dave who started it.

"So, don't like scary movies, huh?" He asked with a hum.
"No, not at all." I shake my head.
"It wasn't all that scary though!"
"Yes, it fucking was. It was scary enough."
"You're just a wimp."
"Oh fuck off, Strider. I don't need that shit from you."

He chuckled, shaking his head and reached over with his free hand to ruffle my hair, earning a face from me.

"Holy shit, bro. Karkat. Karkles. Stop being adorable."
"I did, fifteen years ago when I was one."
"Nah man, it stayed. It totally did."
"You lie."
"Only sometimes, but not now," He laughed.

I look down and scowl as I try my best to stop the blush that threatened to bloom across my face, though I didn't make a move to pull my hand away just yet, glancing around once I finally lifted my head.

When I had, I noted that our houses were ahead, immediately checking for my father's car, frowning as I found it parked in front of the beat up house.

"So, are you taking the window or door this time?" Dave asked as we walked up in front of my house.
"Uh.. Window. Definitely the fucking window." I say, nodding once.
"Got it." He said as he started to tug me towards my window.

Once reaching our final destination, my hand was released finally, letting me push the window up before turning to the other male that still stood by, raising a brow in question. "What are you waiting for? You can go." I say, hoping he would have forgotten about the bet we made earlier.

"We had a deal."

He remembered.. Well fuck.

"You owe me a kiss, right?"
I groan, "Yes."
"Pay up mister." He smirked, leaning forward.

I grumble to myself, thankful for the darkness that enclosed us as the blush FINALLY covered my face, blooming across my cheeks to the tips of my ears. Yes, maybe I was overreacting to a simple kiss, but this shit was embarrassing, I mean, no one just casually KISSES their crush!

I stand on my toes after a moment and peck his cheek, hoping that would suffice before standing flat on my feet again and cross my arms across my chest. "There, you got your fucking kiss, no-"

"That was not a kiss, that was a peck."
"What the FUCK do you want from me?!" I asked, slightly more frustrated.

He hummed, silent for a moment. I looked away from him, embarrassed as I waited for some sort of response before freezing as hands were placed on my shoulders and nudged me back towards the wall.

"I was thinkin'.. More along the lines of.." He paused as I had my back up against the wall, my heart jumping to my throat as his face lowered until he was a few mere centimeters apart. "This." He finishes before soft lips were pressed against my chapped ones.

I go wide-eyed as I froze up for a second, staring at the blonde as he pulled away seconds after, smirking.

"Too cute.." He mumbled.
"F- fuck off.." I grumble, looking down as he chuckled.
"Aw, is the poor Kitkat upset over a li'l kiss?" He teased, poking my forehead.
"Do that again and I'm biting your fucking finger off." I growl, looking up to glare at him.
"Ooh, feisty little thing aren't ya?"
"You're really looking forward to piss me off aren't you?"
"Eh, maybe a little." He shrugged, taking a step back, hands moving from my shoulders.

I shake my head as he waves and turned to leave, turning myself to climb into the window, climbing in and turning to close it to find Dave standing on the other side. "What?"

"One more?"
"You're pushing it Strider."
"Only for you babe."
"Strider.." I growl.
"Hey, can't blame a guy for trying.."
"Goodnight Dave.."
"Alright, night Karkat."

I roll my eyes and shut the window finally, watching him leave before I turned around and let my thoughts panic.

I, Karkat Vantas, had just had my first fucking kiss.

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