Two Is Better Than One [ASR F...

By ilovesujugrawr

3.6K 47 28

A recovering Aaron Lemaiy meets a doctor named Johnson in the hospital. Johnson is not only a 26-year old doc... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two: Edited
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

293 5 3
By ilovesujugrawr

This chapter is going to be completely crazy for everyone. I really hope you enjoy it! Share your thoughts through commenting and voting! I want to believe that people are still reading but I'm not sure!!!


Aaron ran down the stairs, checking his phone once again. It had been almost two hours since Johnson had left and he hadn’t called.

“Hey, is everything okay? Johnson left…” asked Lexi, biting her lip, cautiously. “I hope I didn’t mess anything up.”

Aaron took a deep breath. “It’s cool, okay? It was nothing.”

“I called Holly but she was out of town”, she said cautiously. He shrugged his shoulders. “Doesn’t matter.”

Aaron made his way to the kitchen sans Lexi. He made a beeline to the refrigerator and searched for a can of root beer.

“Aaron, its for you”, said Lexi.

He popped the tab on his soda and turned to the door. A tall, muscular guy strolled in and laughed.

“You’re Aaron Lemaiy”, he asked, unbelievingly.

“Yeah, why?” Aaron said, challengingly, setting the soda down.

“It’s hilarious. You’ve got your paws all over my boyfriend from what I hear plus you betrayed my boss. I am in my perfect right to punch you in the face. Thankfully for you, I have my orders.”

“What are you talking about?” asked Aaron, rolling his eyes.

“Let’s talk a walk, Aaron”, said the guy pulling out a black metal thing. It was not a water gun, that was for sure.

Aaron backed up but the guy just continued pointing it at him. “Let’s go, Lemaiy. We’re going for a walk.”

“Or me and your pretty sister can have a visit?” he suggested. Aaron immediately looked behind him to his sister who was being held by another guy.

Aaron walked to the guy, slowly and unsurely. The gun was pressed to his back and he was pushed forward. He walked past his sister and Lance. The person holding a struggling Lance was familiar.

“Mikey, you bastard”, Aaron hissed, lunging for him. A reminder of the gun was immediately present.

Mikey laughed and said, “Jacob, take him to the car. We’ll take care of this here.”

As he was pushed out the door, Aaron heard a scream. He winced. It sounded a lot like Lance’s scream. He then heard, “Lance, stop being such a baby.” That sounded like his sister.

Jacob pushed him towards a big SUV with dark tinted windows. Of course. He opened the door and Aaron got in. His hands were tied tightly with a rope and the door was shut.

Aaron took that moment to gather his thoughts. His hands were tied together and he was in a darkened car. He had been kidnapped by one of Mikey’s cronies which meant this probably had something to do with Shawn. But, what Jacob meant by, ‘his boyfriend’.

Mikey got into the passenger seat and Jacob started the car. The ride there was silent. There were none of the usual taunts and jabs from Mikey.

“Can someone please explain to me what’s going on?” he asked. Mikey looked back at him and then turned around again.

“Stay silent”, he warned, after a couple minutes of imposed silence.

Aaron made a face and then settled back into the seat. His phone began ringing and buzzing violently in his shorts pockets.

“Answer it and don’t do anything stupid”, warned Mikey.

Aaron fumbled with his pockets until he had gotten the phone out. He pressed a button and then put the phone on speaker.

“Aaron, its me. I just came by your house and your sister said you’d been kidnapped by someone named Mikey. What is she talking about?”

It was Johnson.

“She’s crazy. I’m with some friends. They kind of imposed themselves on me, though.”

“Well, Lance said he was calling Holly and Heywood because it was dangerous for you to be anywhere with Mikey because Mikey tried to kill you and him.”

“Uh, nope. Never heard of such a thing”, lied Aaron.

“Well, I think you’re lying. Because, Lance said some other guy had a gun. Why would they lie about that?”

“It was a water gun.”

“I’m pretty sure you’re lying”, Johnson said.

“Would you shut up? I’m obviously in the car with them and you’re on speaker phone. I can’t tell you the truth”, Aaron snapped.

Mikey growled and shouted, “Hang up the phone, now.” He grabbed the phone from Aaron’s hand and threw it out the window. He put a blindfold over Aaron and tied it tightly.

“That’s a freaking iPhone 4. What is wrong with you?” Aaron screamed.

The car idled and Aaron heard a garage door go up. They eased into the garage slowly and when the door shut behind them, his blindfold was untied.

Mikey got out the car and pulled him out as well. He was pushed into the door that led into the house. He was very surprised to see Aaron’s sister and her roommates.

“Mikey, I thought I told you not to come back”, snapped Lillian. He remembered her. She’d taken the photos.

“We had to bring the kid somewhere.”

Lillian’s eyes widened when she spotted Aaron.

“What do you have Johnson’s boyfriend here for? Is he Shawn’s?”

Mikey nodded.

“It’s pretty crazy right? And Jacob about had a fit when he learned who he was.”

Jacob walked into the house after them. “Cars off”, he said. He turned to Aaron and smirked before striking him with a closed fist. Aaron’s head went back from the impact and he practically fell out of Mikey’s grasp.

“Oh my god”, exclaimed Emily, rushing towards him.

“Johnson’s gonna be so pissed, Jacob”, she whined. A flash of fear passed across Jacob’s face before he said, “He won’t know, will he?”

“I won’t know what?”

From the ground, Aaron turned towards the voice. Johnson stood there, leaning against the doorjamb. He examined the situation, his face calm.

“This makes me really upset”, he deadpanned. He walked slowly over to them. Aaron watched as the girls all scrambled away to leave Aaron, Emily, Mikey, and Jacob standing in the middle.

“Johnson, don’t do anything stupid”, pleaded Emily. He looked at her and she immediately backed off.

“Jacob, Jacob, Jacob”, murmured Johnson, trailing a finger seductively across the other man’s collarbone. Jacob weighed about 200 lbs of muscle and was tall and brawny. Johnson, on the other hand, was slender and weighed about 120 lbs.

Jacob shivered, partly from fear, and partly because of Johnson’s touch. In a flash, Johnson hit him in the stomach. Johnson punched him again in the head, in the face, until Jacob was doubled over in pain. Johnson took that opportunity to elbow him in the back. That sent Jacob to the floor.

A moan escaped Jacob’s lips. This made Johnson giggle like a schoolgirl.

“Get up, Jacob. The fun’s just beginning”, he cooed. He kicked him in the side.

“I said, get up.”

Johnson’s voice was cool and calm and sounded like Death.

Jacob struggled to his feet but Johnson kicked him again, sending him back to the ground. Jacob curled in a fetal position as Johnson kicked him over and over.

“Stop” shouted Aaron. He was immediately silenced by Mikey slapping a hand over his mouth.

“I really don’t think you want to get yourself killed so shut up.”

Aaron looked away but he heard the crunching and the moans and the giggles.

Finally, it stopped and Johnson sighed. Aaron turned to look. Jacob was curled in a bloody ball and Johnson was sipping a root beer.

“Oh, Jacob. You’ve hurt me for the last time. We’re really through.”

This made Jacob shoot up even through the pain. He scooted himself over to where Johnson was, trailing blood across the floor.

“No, Johnson. I promise I’ll do better. I won’t do anything for Shawn anymore. Don’t leave me. I love you.”

Aaron’s face took on a mask of disbelief. What the hell was this?

“Oh Jacob”, murmured Johnson, setting his rootbeer down. He dropped to his knees in front of Jacob and shook his head in pity. Jacob reached for him, placing his arm around the slender man, weakly.

Johnson kissed him, slowly. Watching them was partly disgusting and partly annoying for Aaron.

After a couple seconds, Johnson untangled himself and left Jacob on the floor. Sobs racked Jacob’s already broken body.

“Mikey, dear, tell Shawn not to touch what is mine, okay?” he said in a sing song voice. Mikey nodded violently. “I’ll let him know.”

Johnson held his hand out to Aaron who looked at it like it was poisonous.

“I don’t think so”, he muttered. He helped himself up. Johnson frowned and then shrugged. He walked over to the refrigerator and pulled out another root beer.

“Mine is probably all flat”, he explained to Emily. She nodded, silently.

“I’m gonna go watch some TV. We’ll leave in a half hour Aaron”, he called, walking to the telelvision room. A handful of the girls girls immediately rushed over to Jacob. They took him up the steps, probably to clean him up. Another handful began cleaning the blood off the floor.

Aaron just stood and watched. He still couldn’t quite comprehend what had just happened.

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