Dear Diary (SCManex)

By apollokun09

768 17 1

Now entering his junior year at a new town, Kevin just wants to get the rest of high school and get a better... More

Dear Diary (SCManex)
Chapter 1: An Explosive Tradition?

Chapter 2: A Familiar Face? (OVER 100 READS?! HOLY CRAP!)

104 8 1
By apollokun09

A/N: Hmmm......I haven't updated in more that three weeks....maybe I should go and update. First, let's check what's going on............*spits out water in a cartoonish fashion* WHAT?! HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!! You guys, I can't believe that there's over 100 reads with this story. You guys are awesome! I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in a long time...gomen............anyway, let's go on with the story! Yay!

Kevin POV

After my shower, I put on my usual clothing on, a graphic tee and dark blue jeans. I go downstairs to see that most of the mess Paolo made was cleaned up. There were still a bit of pancake mix on the ceiling. Hopefully, my parents won't notice anything. I grab a poptart out of the pantry for breakfast, and I go out of the house to explore a bit. Since, the school was close to my house and I have time before I need to get to school, I might as well look around the neighborhood.

All the houses around here were pretty huge, and there were bricks covered around the houses. They had some subtle differences, but these houses were pretty similar to me. Maybe that's just me. The air around was crisp, and the plants were green and luscious everywhere. The neighbors seemed nice when they waved at me and made small conversation with me. It seemed like the perfect little neighborhood. At least there will be peace and quiet around here for the next two years. That is, if I get to stay here for that long.

I walk around a little bit more before I head on home. Come to think about it, where is home? Oh, crap. I miight be lost...great. I look around for the school to try to see if I can get home so I could get my stuff for school. Good thing I had about an hour to do so. I have a feeling it might take a while for me to get home.

*30 Minutes Later*

Wow, I'm even more lost than I was before. I feel like I've been here before. The fact that all the houses were similar wasn't helping one bit. Sigh, looks like I might have to find help. I look around to see if there were any people around, and nothing. I walk around a bit more, and after a few minutes, I spot someone. He had brown, fluffy hair, a slightly tanned skin, and he was wearing a light grey shirt and white cargo pants. He look pretty cute from the back. Now let me have a look from the front to see how cute he really is. It's only been a few day, and I'm already checking someone out from the rear. I blame my hormones.

"Hey, do you know where to get to Heritage High School from here," I asked him. He turned around and...he's wearing a mask? What? It seems to be a grey wolf mask. How odd that he's wearing this during the day. Eh, whatever. I don't judge. Though I wonder why he is wearing the mask. Eh, I'll ask him later.

"Heritage? It's just around the corner," he replied. Wait, what?

I look to see the school right there. I facepalmed myself for being an idiot not realizing it was close by the entire time. Good job Kevin...good fucking job...

"Wow...don't I feel like an idiot," I mumbled.

"Don't worry about it man. We're all idiots at one point," he laughed. That laugh seems familiar. For some reason, I felt like I've known him from somewhere, but I can't put my finger on it. Who is he, and why does he feel familiar to me? Damn it, why can't I remember...

"Hey man, I gotta go," he muttered, "Maybe we can see each other at school." He ran towards his house and waved at me as he closes the door.

"Wait! What's your name," I shouted, but he was already gone. Oh well, I might as well get home and get ready too. I walk back home and think about the wolf mask guy. Have I met him somewhere before? Why does he feel familiar to me? Could it be? Nah, maybe I'm still tired from this morning...

A/N: Sorry it's kinda short. I'm just really tired for some reason. Also, I might be able to update frequently due to the fact that school's around the corner. Ugh, school. Anyway, thanks for reading and all that. Critiques, good or bad, are appriciated. :)

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