The Narrowest Days

بواسطة haylbaylz

851 59 0

I see you're awake finally. Let me explain, I'm the overseer, and my name is Hayley, I will guide you on your... المزيد

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 5 (night)
day 6
Day 7
Day 8 (1/2)
Day 8 (2/2)
Night 8
Day 9
Day 10
Day 11
Day 12
Day 13
Day 14
Day 16
Day 17
Day 18
Day 19

Day 15

35 2 0
بواسطة haylbaylz

Day 15

I woke up to nothing but darkness, it was night. The car was beginning to chug...

"Ace..." I gently shake him.

"Yeah?" He asks slowly waking up.

"The car... Something is wrong." I tell him concerned.

"Okay... I'm not exactly familiar with cars myself, but I do know it's not supposed to do that..." He says looking around outside to see nothing but the night surrounding us.

"It's night, we're just going to have to stay in the car till then." I say quietly to not attract any unwanted attention.

"Wait... Where is Jamie?" We ask in unison.

"Will? Where is Jamie?" I ask. He was laying on his side so I could see his face.

"Will?" Ace slowly gets up and turns him around. "Oh my god..."

Ace moves back up to the front to get away from him.

"What's wrong?" I ask. He says nothing. "Ace? What's wrong with him?"

Still nothing, I got up and slowly walked over to the sleeping will. Carefully I turned him around to reveal something I'd never seen. His was beginning to turn with blue veins coming to the surface, his hair was falling out leaving him to be bald, the mouth had black oozing out of it. Something is very wrong.

This isn't a thing, this is something else.

"We need to get out of here." Ace says grabbing his gear.

"Why don't we kill him and stay in here? It's safer in here then out there." I say.

"Okay, so you'd rather stay in here with something that we don't know how to deal with, what if we disconnect his head from his body and suddenly we start to feel sick because his corps decided it would be nice to let off the disease, but airborne, what would we do then? It's better if we know what we're dealing with then not." He says getting ready to open the door.

"Okay..." I then get up and follow him.

"Good." He opens the door slowly.

We got out of the now stopped car, it bugs me that we don't know where Jamie is.

"There." Ace whispers lowly to me.

He nodded to a large building maybe 3 floors at the most. It didn't look completely dark due to there being a dim light gleaming inside. Ace told me that some times out here, there will be people who put dim lights on so that people can know where the safe houses were.

"It's either someone is in or someone is dead." He says still whispering.


Walking into the building I began to get the feeling that something wasn't right... Why would we be stopping right in front of a place like this? It just seems a little too convenient for my liking. Looking around it seemed to be another hotel but of a smaller scale. Luckily, nothing about wanted to kill us.

"Well, I guess that no ones home. I'll check upstairs, you check this level." He tells me.

"Yes, sir." I reply laughing at his Sargent like attitude.

Without any other words exchanged, he left to check upstairs. I'm not sure exactly what got his panties in a twist, but I'm gonna find out.

The part of the house that I inspected was alright just a few rats and empty tins. I'm currently just waiting for asshat to get down here. What the hell is taking him so damn long? It's literally a 2 story house.

I walked up the creaking stairs to see no sign of ace.

"Ace? You little asshat where are you?" I whispered as loud as I could without attracting any attention.

"Lexi? Come here quickly." I see ace appear from a room at the end of the hallway.

"What's wrong?" I ask looking at him. He was looking out in the hall past me.

"Shhh." Slowly he closes the door not making a sound.

"Mind telling me now?" I ask extremely quietly.

"Someone is out there, not a friendly though." He whispers.

"Why don't we fight?"

"We'd never win. Not against a robot." He says putting his head in his hands.

"Jamie? I thought she was on our side?" I ask.

"Was, past tense. She changes her side whenever she feels like it. I never trusted her... Nor did Hayley." Ace goes even quieter at the last part.

"Hayley knew her?"

"Best friends actually. Then will popped up and Jamie took a turn on Hayley. Ignored her, didn't want to hang out or talk to her. I felt bad Hayley so of course I was on her side. Jamie went on to let her boyfriend be an asshole to Hayley." He says clenching his hands into fists. "He made her want to kill herself. But of course, Jamie didn't apologize, she thought herself above everyone and everything. Just because she's a robot."

"But... She seemed so nice..."

"People in this world deceive you, that's how it goes." He says grabbing his knife. "If she finds us, we're dead. Let's make sure we give her a fight."

"Where the hell are you guys?" I hear her screech down the hall. If she doesn't kill us, the horde of things she attracting will.

"You guys are wimps, where the hell are you? Did will really get to you both? I decided to come up with my own breed of the things, a little less human more... Zombie. I've looked through all the books, I know that the things are originally called zombies. They were a thing before Hayley could even talk. She stole the idea. My idea is straight out of the book. Can't talk, moves slowly, eats flesh, only thing different is that they can show love." She laughs. Why in the world would you want a zombie to love you? "I loved will, but I can find another boy within days, I can even make one. It's all about faking it. Will was a good catch, but he's also a good zombie."

I look to ace who was know signaling for me to shut up and not say a thing.

"Leave them." A familiar voice then showed up.

"Old friend." Jamie says laughing. "Oh how I've missed you."

"Haven't even thoughts about you to be perfectly honest." He laughs... Oh how I've missed that laugh.

"How mean... Shall I teach you some manners maybe?" After she says that I start hearing swords clash together. Wow, real old fashion fighting here.

"You know, you should have just left all the making the things and zombies to Hayley. At least she knows what's she's doing." Why would he be on her side?

"It's all about experimenting." She replies.

"Well, leave the experimenting to the smart people."

"Why you little! At least I know everything there is to know from the books!"

"Not all knowledge comes from books, it comes from experience."

"Who is that?" Ace asks me.

"Ryster." I reply frowning.

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