
By saddepressing

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In which Luke was dating a girl named Daisy who had depression, he couldn't take it until he broke up with he... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 > currently editing
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 > currently editing
Chapter 13 > currently editing
Chapter 14 > currently editing
Chapter 15 > currently editing
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 > currently editing
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 > currently editing
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Important !!
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 24

194 13 29
By saddepressing

Daisys pov.

a week later...

"Make me another soup of Top Ramon." I groaned, as Alexa delegated, giving me this disgusted expression.

"What are you staring at?" I bolstered, snatching the bag of cookies she had in her hand.

"Hey those are mine fat big!" She accelerated, me sticking my tongue out at her.

"Wow, period does make you a bitch." She declared, making me throw a soft punch at her shoulder, her releasing a small laugh.

So it has been 3 weeks since I talked or seen Calum, well I have seen him around school but all he does is glance and hastily looks away like a bitch as -pickle....

He is totally ignoring the part where he almost leaned in to fucking kiss my luscious lips! He is so gross! That moment was horrible, we hate each other, he's ugly and rude I would never ever have feelings for that dude. Maybe he is a little good looking with his broad shoulders, that sharp ass jawline, cute chocolate brown eyes, with his six pack chest and tanned skin- okay anyways that's not the point!

We talked a few weeks ago, doing our project at the park but he was still ignoring the whole thing that happened at the fair. He was literally just talking about science,

Calum Hood talking about science..

I tried talking him out like wow your actually paying attention to this trying to make him laugh but all he could do is change the subject to science again or reply with a 'cool' and that's all.

He is making it so awkward for him and I, just cause of that almost kissing part. If he ever does it again, I'm punching him in the face.

When I saw his pumped pink lips, lean into mine, I just felt like a lot of adrenaline, the gravity of our lips seemed inescapable, but at the same time I felt like attacking I don't even fucking know! Nervousness came to my stomach, making me wanted to puke, and uncertainly didn't know who was leaning in first.

It's like silence, you want too but you don't want too, you don't know if the other person wants too and so you kind of just have to take a leap of faith. There's a lot of fear in that moment.

Hesitant and anxiousness was coming too me, afraid I was going to mess up big time, I mean it was supposed to be Zander and I!

So back too what I was saying, Calum and I have finished our projects finally! It is due in a week so we have nothing to worry about and he has it.

I still have Calum's number, we had little conversations, but not really important. We just got to know each other a little more about what was our favorite things we liked, and we liked doing.

Also about the camp, I'm still not ready. I mean it's starts tomorrow, I have too get my clothes and things ready too go, random students I don't even know are going, well except Calum.

But I heard there is going to be 3 more girls in the cabin, so including me it's 4 girls in each cabin. I heard in the Internet it is called the Fun Club Camp

Retarded right? Anyways there is 15 girls going, and 15 boys going this year.

Not a lot, but it doesn't really matter it's going to be along week since it's filled with girls who hate the boy that's going also.

There's going to be so many fights, arguments, and maybe some pulling pranks in the middle of the night.

And too admit, that does seem fun to do to Calum,

I always seemed to wonder why Calum, Ashton, and Michael hated me for all this year. It's like there holding some kind of bad secret they know about me and so they hate me. Including Luke, damn I haven't thought about Luke for a while.

I've seen him staring at me in lunch before, and pass by me in the hallways a little, but that's all. No words coming out of his mouth.

The last boy out of the 4 who talked to me was Ashton, since there was a family reunion at my dads place Friday.

Even Halloween is almost coming, wow oh wow home much I love Halloween. The sweet creepiness of teenagers costumes, and all the yummy candy at night too eat while watching pretty little liars.

Dressing up is just fun! You get too be a different person for a night! You can tackle things that your afraid of, and getting scared is half the fun.

Knock knock

I popped out of my thoughts in my head by the loud knock on my door, quickly glancing Alexa's way as she headed too the door.

"Hey can I- What are you doing here Josh?!" Alexa groaned, me running too the door too see a blonde exhausted boy.

"Mind me crashing here for like 4 hours?" He said, lazily as Alexa and I stared at each other confused.

"No!" We said in unison, turning back too him.

"Please." He cried, grabbing onto Alexa's wrists, begging even louder.

"Why, you have your own home?" I asked confusingly, as he sighed.

"My family are having a party.."

"But it's morning?" I said confusingly,

"That's the point, they are fucking turnt every minute!" He cried,

Considering the fact I hate Josh all because that day he beat up my brother, but it is true that his parents are always partying. Like last night, I couldn't sleep since there music was pumping up so loud.

"Fine." I sighed, Alexa turning to me with a gasp.

"What?! Your letting him sleep here!" Alexa  cried, me crossing my hands across my chest.

"Just for a few hours, I mean it's not like he's going to live with us." I stated, as she lazily rolled her blue eyes.

And before I could let out a word, Joshua was already crashed out onto my couch, letting out large snores.

"Tell him too move." I asked Alexa, as she simply nodded pushing Joshua off the couch, onto the cold hearted brick wood floor.

"There." Alexa shrugged, pulling a happy grin.

"I said tell him too move, not push him off the couch!" I said frustratedly, but she ignored me still taking a seat on the couch.

I sighed, taking out the 2 slices of pizza out of my microwave for Alexa and I too eat.

"Can I get one?"

✿ ✿ ✿

"I can't believe we have too drive you too get mcdonalds!" Alexa moaned in anger,

Since Joshua said he was really hungry that he asked me if he can have a ride too McDonald's, and I said if he can but us some too and so he accepted, and so off to McDonald's we went.

"Aye, I'm buying you guys food too, right?" Joshua assured, leaning in front of the seat too face Alexa in the passenger.

"Right.." Alexa slowly said,

"Keep it that way or I'm only buying Daisy something." Joshua hissed, making Alexa cross her arms around her chest like a 3 year old.

"Fine." She muttered, turning on the radio making the song 'work' by Rihanna come on.

as I was focused on the road listening too the song in my head at the same time, I can see from the corner of my eye Joshua jamming to the song, and twerking at the same time.

"Work work work work!!" Joshua sang, raising his hands in the air, swinging his hips, making him hit his head.

"This is not a party Joshua." Alexa sighed, playfully rolling her eyes.

"Oh come on Lexi, cheer up. Your going to be dancing with me in the future soon." Joshua winked, putting his two fingers in between his tongue , wiggling it as Alexa cringed, making a giggle slip out of my mouth.

"Ooo Lexi, you got a lover." I hummed, making a flirty tone called Alexa 'Lexi' the nickname Joshua gave her.

"Mm mm..." Joshua sang, moving around slowly, as we arrived too the McDonald's, Alexa swiftly shutting off the radio.

"Finally lets get out before Joshua starts grinding on his seat and taking his pants off." Alexa chanted, Josh and I releasing laughs.

✿ ✿ ✿

It was 9:00 pm, tomorrow being Monday, which I had too pack up some things too get ready to arrive at the school at 7;30am

I walked upstairs into my room, too grab a mini suitcase too apply some of my clothes inside, along with my toothbrush, deodorant, makeup, and etc.

But before I could zip up my purple suitcase, a doorbell rang through my door.

Me confused on who would be knocking on my door on a school night,

I speed walked down the stairs, and didn't bother too look through the peek hole.


"Shh." Luke cut me off, harshly grabbing onto my waist, pushing his lips onto mine, swiveling his tongue into my mouth.

I could feel his alcohol breathe in my mouth, and through my nostrils making me push him back, as we were both taking deep breathes from the long kiss he gave me.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!" I yelled, slapping him on his soft cheek.

"What's wrong?" He asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

"You can't just shove into my house like that and kiss me!"

"But I just did?!" He composed, making  me grit my teeth.

What the fuck was Luke doing coming to my house so drunk? He just shoved me into a kiss like it was normal! I don't think so!!

"Look, Daisy.." Luke sighed, running his fingers through his blonde quiff .

"I'm really sorry about everything, I just hope you can forgive me by being friends." He continued, licking his lips, his fingers intertwining into mine, as he got closer, me facing up since he was very tall, I could feel his heart pump through his chest.

"Luke no- I can't- your just drunk." I mumbled, pushing him softly away from me.

"Why not?" He questioned, "It doesn't mean I can't apologize?"

"Because.." I began, biting my lip too think.

"Because I can't! Get out! Your drunk, just leave!! You hurt me Luke-" I yelled my voice getting higher, him cutting me off.

"I hurt you? Your the one who hurt me." He said, getting a little annoyed.

"You broke my heart.." We both said in unison, staring into each others eyes.

"Give me one more chance.." He whispered into my ear, me feeling his hands running down my arm softly.

I was trying to resist my feels I had for him, I didn't want too let go, but I had too. He hurt me. He hurt me too much, he says he loves me and all but it's not true. He's drunk, all the things he's saying are lies. Everything he said too me was a lie, all he ever did was hurt me. I couldn't help it anymore.

"Leave." I pushed in control before he could trail his hand down any lower, as he raised his eyebrows.


"Just Leave Luke, we can't be nothing except strangers..." I said harshly, his eyes watering up as I shoved him out my door shutting it behind.

I locked it, hitting my head against the door with sobs and sighs, thinking.

I just felt hopeless, despondent, desperate. It was the worst emotional pain I have been through my life, by far in my breakup.

I would not wish the pain I felt having after having my heart broken on my worst enemy. Truly. Not a person in the world deserves that pain. It feels like you would never be okay again. It feels like they were the only person in the world that truly knew you, and no one will ever replace them or make you happy again which isn't even true a all.

It feels like everything is meaningless without them. Your friends and family are there for you and try to make you laugh and be okay again, but the only person that can make you feel better is the only person that won't be there for you. At this stage in my life currently, I have coping mechanisms. I am more in touch with reality.

Kind of.

I never saw the break-up coming, and was so naive I NEVER even entertained the thought that this relationship would ever end. It just wasn't an option.

My phone rang, making me pop out of my sorry thoughts as I turned too my kitchen counter seeing the caller ID 'Calum'

Great, another boy who enjoys making me sad, I wonder what he wants on a school night.

"Hello?" I answered the call, sitting on the kitchen chair, trying too wipe my tears off my cheeks.

"Daisy?" Calum's voice softly rang through the other side,

"Yeah, it's me." I sobbed, trying too sound normal.

"Why are you crying..." He questioned, his voice sounding quite worried, but it must be my phone since it's fucked up.

"I'm not crying." I tried wiping my tears with my gray sweater, as a sigh came out of the other line.

"Daisy, I know your crying. What's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing." I said, sounding like I had a stuffed nose.

"Is it cause your pretty little liar seasons are over?" He cooed, me letting out a small giggle.

"Okay fine maybe." I said with a small grin, my tears drying onto my cheeks, as I heard a chuckle from Calum on the line.

"Anyways, why are you calling?" I changed the subject, realizing he was the one who called me.

"I just wanted too let you know, that we still have a sheet too do for the science thing." He sighed, me lazily groaning.

Fucking shit .

"Really? How many questions?!"

"75... It's talking about how you decided too make your project and stuff." He stated, me rolling my eyes at nothing.

"Okay, so want to finish it tomorrow right after school??" I declared, as I didn't receive an answer.


But before I could repeat, my doorbell rang making me jump a little.

"Hold on Calum, there's someone at my door." I sighed, opening my door widely seeing Calum with a clipboard, and a pencil on his hand.

"Hey.." He grinned, making my eyes widened.

"I was close too your house, so I thought why not finish the sheet right now." He said, walking into my house into the kitchen.

"Really Calum." I giggled, a smirk plastering onto his face.

"Yeah." He muttered, I walked too the kitchen too grab a plate of lays.

I can see the corner of my eye Calum staring at me, as when I finally contacted back, he hastily turned away too the clipboard.

"I got some lays." I simply added, ignoring what Calum did, as I set the plate onto the counter as he licked his lips already grabbing a hand full.

"Okay so let's begin with-

"Wait I have too use the bathroom." Calum blurted out awkwardly, me nodding as I worked on some questions alone.

After finishing a few 3 questions, I just decided to wait for Calum and go on my phone.

But before I did, I looked around the counter too see where it was, but it was no where too be found.

"Where the fuck is my phone." I muttered, looking around my couch and under the pillows, still no signal of my phone.

"Ugh don't tell me I lost my phone again!!" I groaned, then suddenly began hearing giggles and photo flashing noises, in the bathroom.

Then I noticed, Calum took my fucking phone.

"Calum give me my phone!" I yelled, running too the bathroom door as he began letting his laughs out louder, hearing my camera noise 'click' 4 times, me thinking Calum was taking multiple pictures on my phone.

( the picture on top it shows how he was taking pictures)

"Might wanna check your storage." Calum busted out laughing, opening the door as he threw my phone into the couch.

"You bitch!" I chanted, him letting out my chants while chewing on more lays.

"Your so funny Daisy.." He sarcastically said, me playfully rolling my eyes.

"You know what's not funny? You swallowing my foot down your dry throat bitch!" I yelled, running after Calum, who kept running around my house.

"That's kinda funny since I thought of doing the same thing but with my tongue." I heard a whisper from Calum.

My eyes widened as my jaw dropped.

"What was that?" I tried having control, Did Calum just thought about having a make up session with me??

"I-I said that's kinda funny since I thought of doing the same thing but with a cactus." He stated, making my jaw drop even more.

Phew, I'm just hearing shit

"Oh." I sighed in relief, my hand over my chest.

"Hey!" I finally realized he said he wanted me too swallow a cactus, as I swiftly tackled him, keeping his arms too the floor as I sat on top of him, a smirk plastering onto his face.

"You better say sorry!" I grumbled,

"Okay fine.." He began, sighing, me still holding him onto the floor.

"So- sike bitch!" He shouted excitedly, spitting on my face, as I jumped with a gasp.

"Ew!!" I said disgustedly, slapping him on his arm as he let out snickers.

✿ ✿ ✿

Hey guys so that was chapter 24, it was very short I know sorry, but did you guys like it anyways? Of course not I suck );

So do you ship #Dalum ?? Lol or #Duke ??? Feel free to comment ily guys!

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